Number of People

Chapter 1976: Inside and outside the guizi scroll door, **** for tat

  Chapter 1976 Guizi scroll inside and outside the door, **** for tat

  When Kang Biao saw that group of people coming back, he knew that he couldn't be kind.

Especially in the center there is an overbearing woman wearing a veiled hat and curtains, and beside her is a fat middle-aged man with big ears. The smell of that man is very unique. Knowing that this is the servant of the palace, and the identity of this woman is self-evident.

  Although I am not sure which noble concubine this woman is in the palace, it can be seen that she is probably of a higher status than the noble concubine Jia who the adults came to meet.

Kang Biao also followed Feng Ziying for some time. He was the first batch of people recruited by Wu Yaoqing, and there were only four people recruited in the first batch. It can be said that there are thousands of choices. Of course martial arts need to be excellent, but more importantly, they have to be born And loyalty, and vision.

Kang Biao was born in the Golden Knife Sect, which is a well-known Baidao sect in Datong. Kang Biao can also be regarded as the direct disciple of Wu Zun, the head of the sect, because the Golden Knife Sect has always been the successor of the sect master, and outsiders have no chance to take over. So even though Kang Biao's martial arts skills are outstanding, if he has such an opportunity, he will naturally come out on his own initiative.

Of course, the master of the head of the sect attaches great importance to him, and basically all the special skills of pressing the bottom of the box have been passed on to him, so he is also very grateful to the sect, so if he walks out like this, if he can get a half-time job in the army or in the yamen in the future , Naturally, it is also of great benefit to the Golden Knife Gate.

For more than a year, he has experienced various situations with Wu Yaoqing, and he is no stranger to the officialdom. After Wu Yaoqing went to Shaanxi, he was basically responsible for the security affairs here, so he He is also very dedicated, not daring to be negligent or slack.

Mr. Feng's meeting with Concubine Jia in this small courtyard must not be seen in the light, but Kang Biao also felt that Feng Ziying was not too afraid of being known about such things. Of course, as the leader of the guards, he must fulfill his duties. He had warned the situation before, but Mr. Feng didn't say anything else, so he could only continue to follow the rules.

   "Why, are you here again?" Kang Biao walked forward with a smile and asked proactively.

  Guo Qinyun glanced at the other party coldly, while Zhou Peisheng took a step forward: "The imperial concubine is here, and the idlers are still waiting?"

Kang Biao's heart moved, he really is a noble concubine, but he is also a servant of the third class. He has been with Feng Ziying for so long, and he is not too afraid of the role that he used to think was unattainable. Please forgive me for the responsibility.”

Zhou Peisheng saw this posture, and the other party didn't want to reveal his identity, and he didn't even bother to ask. He made it clear that he refused to let the person in, and if he continued to argue, he would have to humiliate himself, so he just pointed it out directly. Purpose of visit: "The imperial concubine heard that the environment of Chongxuan Temple is quiet and is a treasure place for health preservation, so she came here specially for a visit, and heard that Concubine Xiande is also recuperating here, so I came to see you, and please go and tell Concubine Xiande immediately. Said that Concubine Quan is here,..."

  Hearing the other party reveal their identity, Kang Biao knew that it might not be possible to procrastinate like this, and was thinking about how to deal with it, when the voice of holding the piano came from behind: "This servant has seen Concubine Quan."

   "Oh, it really is Concubine Xiande resting here, I thought it was a rumor." Guo Qinyun looked very arrogant in front of Baoqin, "Why didn't you see Concubine Xiande?"

   "The empress is not feeling well, she is resting in bed, and the slaves also came out to take a look after hearing the noise outside, but I didn't expect that it was the empress concubine Quan who came." Baoqin was neither humble nor overbearing.

   "Concubine Xiande is really unwell?" Guo Qinyun was a little surprised, she thought that the other party just found an excuse to sneak out of the palace to rest, why is she still bedridden? Or is Tuo Da deliberately trying to save face?

   "Go back to Concubine Tsuen, Your Majesty has been feeling uncomfortable all this time, that's why she came out of the palace to rest for a while, so please forgive me, I don't want to see guests..." Baoqin explained.

"Then I'll go and visit Concubine Xiande, is that okay?" Guo Qinyun showed a thoughtful look on his face, "Could it be that Concubine Xiande has some shady things in her yard that even I can't see?" ?”

Hugging the piano is still a little tender, being so forced by Guo Qinyun, I don’t know how to respond, it seems that I can’t do it, Guo Fei is not a good person, but if she doesn’t refuse, does she really want to make the sick lady get up? Meeting guests? If you want to refuse, what should you do if the other party wants to force your way?

  Feng Ziying had already put on her clothes, except for the quiet room, and came to the side of the courtyard, listening to the conversation between Baoqin and Guo Qinyun on the door.

  He didn't expect it to be Guo Qinyun and Zhou Peisheng.

Hearing that the environment of Chongxuan Temple is quiet and quiet, he came to Chongxuan Temple for a visit and visited Yuanchun by the way. Such words are only suitable to coax fools. Of course he didn't believe it. Looking at Yuan Chun's purpose, he still didn't understand it.

  Yuanchun, what else should the other two pay attention to? The Jia family collapsed, who else? It seemed that there was nothing else but himself and the Feng family behind him.

   But rushing to Chongxuan Temple in such a hurry, is it too anxious?

However, Feng Ziying recalled that her first two overtures to Zhou Dehai were neither hot nor cold, and probably had something to do with this. Facing the competition of several princes, especially the position of supervisor, Guo Qinyun and Zhou Peisheng couldn't sit still.

Earlier I said that the position of supervisor is not fixed, but should be rotated regularly and irregularly to sharpen and inspect the princes, but there is no specific statement about how long the regular period is, and what is the condition and reason for the irregular rotation It is estimated that this should also be the reason why Guo Qinyun and Zhou Peisheng are a little bit anxious.

Just when Baoqin was hesitating, Guo Qinyun stepped directly into the courtyard, ignoring Baoqin's attitude, and Kang Biao, who followed in, also received Feng Ziying's signal, and did not stop Guo Qinyun, Zhou Peisheng and Guo Qinyun's accompanying maid stopped all the other guards outside.

   Originally, these guards had to reason, but Zhou Peisheng thought that since they had already let a few of them in, and it was the residence of Concubine Xiande, it was really inappropriate for other idlers to wait in, so he signaled to others not to go in.

   "Miss Concubine Quan, Concubine Quan!" Seeing Guo Qinyun go straight in, holding the piano was also startled, and ran in quickly.

Feng Ziying had already realized that the other party was coming for her, but how they knew they were here was probably because Kang Biao and the others exposed their whereabouts, but if there were no Kang Biao and the others, and Guo Qinyun and the others broke in directly, then It's really time to catch **** in bed.

   Now, even if you meet yourself, so what?

"I have seen Concubine Concubine Quan, Manager Zhou." Feng Ziying didn't hide anymore. The small courtyard is too small, especially since there is an outer courtyard and an inner courtyard at the front, and a small garden less than twenty steps wide and narrow at the back. There is no cover up at all, since people are coming for me, if you can't avoid it, then simply don't avoid it. Speaking of it, it's not a big deal to come to see the Xiande Concubine.

   "Master Feng?!" Guo Qinyun didn't expect that Feng Ziying would really dare to come out, and was taken aback, "Why are you here?"

Zhou Peisheng also did not expect Feng Ziying to be so bold that he dared to stay in the small courtyard where Concubine Xiande was resting. Although he hadn't thought of Feng Ziying's affair with Jia Yuanchun, it was obviously rude for Feng Ziying to do so. The court censor knew that it was definitely going to be a bullet.

"Oh, Xuanzhen is going to be the deputy Duji of the Daoist Disciplinary Department. The official came to discuss matters with the Taoist priest Xuanzhen. I heard that the concubine Xiande is resting here. Our two families are also considered relatives, so I also came to pay a visit. Fan, who would have thought that the empress is unwell and sees no outsiders, and I was about to leave when I met Empress Concubine Quan and Manager Zhou coming in." Feng Ziying replied nonchalantly.

How could Guo Qinyun believe Feng Ziying's nonsense? Of course, she didn't think about Feng Ziying's personal relationship with Jia Yuanchun for a while, but she also felt that Feng Ziying was sneaking in the inner courtyard like this, and even let people guard her. Outside the door, this is too strange, no matter how you look at it, it reveals a bit of weirdness inside.

   "Really? Then the person who blocked us from entering just now is Lord Feng's?" Guo Qinyun sneered, "Master Feng seems to regard this as your official residence."

"I didn't think about it, but the attitude of Concubine Quan looks more like you think that the whole world is ruled by you." Feng Ziying did not neglect, and replied forcefully: "It's a pity, Prince Gong Your Highness seems to be a little far away from being the supervisor of the country."

Guo Qinyun's chest rose and fell sharply, and her face was pale, but it was covered under the curtain of the hood, so that no one would notice it. It was Zhou Peisheng who reacted faster, and immediately interjected: "Master Feng was joking, and the empress of Quan Concubine is just a little unhappy about her coming. Visiting Concubine Xiande was blocked by someone, misunderstanding, misunderstanding,..."

   While explaining, Zhou Peisheng signaled to Guo Qinyun: "Isn't the empress going to visit the concubine Xiande? Then go in first. I will accompany Master Feng for a walk in the backyard garden and talk."

  Guo Qinyun finally realized that he was here to get on the line of the Feng family, but now he hates the other party because of some verbal disputes. Isn't it self-defeating? Fortunately, when Zhou Peisheng found the steps, she could only snort, turned her head and walked directly into the inner courtyard.

  Zhou Peisheng stretched out his hand with a smile on his face, "Master Feng, this way please."

Feng Ziying walked with a blank expression on her face, but her mouth was not idle: "Mr. Zhou, you asked my nephew to talk to me several times, do you want me to help His Highness Prince Gong? This is the concubine Quan's arrogant attitude." ?”

Zhou Peisheng complained secretly, how could he have thought that the concubine Quan would play such a petty temper, Feng Ziying said that he came to talk to Xuanzhen Daoist, and he said he came to pay a visit to Concubine Xiande, and you just listened and it was over, why bother to expose it, except out of thin air What's the point of offending someone?

  (end of this chapter)

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