Number of People

Chapter 1977: Guizi Juanxu and Snake, a match made in heaven

  Chapter 1977 Guizi Juanxu and Snake, a match made in heaven

Zhou Peisheng smiled all over his face, and cupped his hands, "Hehe, a sage has something to say, but a woman and a villain are difficult to raise. Why should Master Feng have the same knowledge as the Concubine Quan? She is just showing off her tongue. Come, I want to make friends with adults,..."

  Feng Ziying did not expect Zhou Peisheng to dare to talk about Guo Qinyun behind his back like this. It seems that Zhou Peisheng and Guo Qinyun have a strong bond this week.

   Spreading out her hands, Feng Ziying stepped forward and walked around the small garden behind, "It's no wonder that I think Prince Gong is also considered smart. Why did he give birth to such a mother and concubine, so there is a reason why no one cares about him in the court."

Zhou Peisheng could only smile wryly. This little Feng Xiuzhuan really dared to say it. He said so himself, but he still dared to add a sentence, "Your words are serious, Mrs. Feng is too serious, the concubine Quan is just young and energetic. , in fact, she is quite smart when she calms down."

   "I'm afraid that if she often fails to calm down, the world will be in chaos." Feng Ziying added lightly.

Zhou Peisheng stopped talking about it. It seems that this person has a very bad impression of Concubine Quan. It will take time for this to change. Fortunately, the other party did not stop talking. It seems that there is still room for it. Have the opportunity.

Here Zhou Peisheng accompanied Feng Ziying in the small garden looking for topics to ease the atmosphere, and tried to resume the line, but Guo Qinyun had already stepped into the inner courtyard door angrily, and Jia Yuanchun had already heard the outside The sound came out, resisting the discomfort.

   "I've seen Concubine Quan." Looking at Guo Qinyun approaching aggressively, Jia Yuanchun was blessed.

Although Jia Yuanchun had been ordered by Feng Ziying before to not worry and just deal with it calmly, Yuanchun was still a woman after all, and a moment ago she was still entangled with her lover and affectionate in bed, but at this moment her opponent in the palace had already rushed to her door. It is impossible to say that there is no fear in the heart.

  Guo Qinyun looked Jia Yuanchun up and down in front of him, his face was frosty, "Concubine Xiande, you are very interested, this Chongxuan Temple is so quiet and elegant, it makes you linger?"

Hearing that although the other party's words were a questioning attitude, but the words did not point to the side he was most worried about, Yuan Chun felt relieved, and said in a gentle voice: "Miss Concubine Quan, this place is not far from the palace, the incense is not strong, Guhuai Towering, quiet amidst the hustle and bustle, my little sister came here for a short stay last time, and felt that the environment was very good, so she chose to come here again because of her restlessness."

Guo Qinyun keenly noticed that Yuan Chun's body seemed to be a little unwell, that he staggered a little, and his every move was a little stiff, and looked at the other party suspiciously: "Looking at you, it doesn't look like you are restless, but it looks like your body has been injured. Normal, but where is the injury?"

The sentence "body was injured" almost made Yuan Chun's mind flustered, and it was hard to stabilize his mood, but Yuan Chun's face still changed a little, "It's just that I accidentally twisted my waist this day, so I feel a little uncomfortable, but it's not a serious problem. "

"Oh, is that so?" Guo Qinyun always felt that the virtuous concubine in front of him was a bit weird, but he couldn't see what was wrong. The posture of standing there was always a bit unnatural, more like It's a fake, but it needs to be explored carefully, and he said: "Could it be that my sister just let me stand here and talk?"

  Yuan Chun was shocked, and could only bow his head: "It's my younger sister who is dull, please come here."

   Entering the flower hall, the two sat down, but Guo Qinyun couldn't think of a suitable topic.

   Having had an unpleasant quarrel with Feng Ziying before, and now she is about to turn around abruptly, Guo Qinyun feels embarrassing for a while.

  Yuan Chun was also thinking about Guo Qinyun's intentions.

Although Feng Ziying also mentioned before that she had him as her backer, the attitudes of the noble concubines in the palace may change, they may be relaxed, close or even wooed, and Su Lingyao's attitude towards herself can be glimpsed, and Mei Yuexi's attitude has changed a lot. Now it seems that this Concubine Quan is still a little hypocritical, as if she can't let go of her face, which is a bit ridiculous.

"My sister is not feeling well. I still have some prescriptions and medicinal materials. If you need it, just ask..." Guo Qinyun opened the topic a little bluntly, but this is also an attitude, just this kind of gesture. Well, no matter how you look at it, I feel a little awkward. Before, I was still flirting with Feng Ziying, but now I have to get close to Yuan Chun. Even Yuan Chun himself feels embarrassed.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but there's nothing serious about it. I'll just rest for two days, but why does my sister want to come to Chongxuan Temple? I remember that my sister prefers to go to the Red Willow Villa in the Cormorant Valley of Erweng Mountain to the west to recuperate." Yuan Chun said calmly.

"Hehe, I was tired of going to one place all the time, so I wanted to change to another place. It must be good to see Chongxuan Temple in my sister's eyes, so I came here to have a look. It's also a pleasure to meet Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan." Guo Qinyun replied with a half-smile.

"Oh, Feng Keng married my younger sister's cousin Lin a few days ago. Lin's body is weak, and my younger sister is very concerned about it. She specially gave some nourishing medicinal materials. Feng Keng is also here to thank you." Yuan Chun had already thought about it. Answering the words, he smiled sweetly.

"Oh?" Guo Qinyun didn't expect to frighten Jia Yuanchun with just a few words, "It's a bit out of etiquette and rules for my sister to do this. Feng Xiuzhuan is at a disadvantage."

"Walking among relatives, my little sister didn't think too much about it. If there are really those blind people who want to make noise, then I can only let them go. People are not afraid of shadows, so my little sister doesn't care. As for Feng Keng's side , he must have his own way to deal with it." Yuan Chun said lightly.

   Hearing that Jia Yuanchun had such a tough attitude, Guo Qinyun was also very annoyed.

  I originally just wanted to use this excuse to open up the topic, as long as the other party gave in a little bit, and showed a little willingness to cooperate in his words, I would use the excuse to get off the donkey.

   Didn't expect Jia Yuanchun to be so ignorant of flattery, she really thought she was a noble concubine, and with Feng Ziying supporting her, could she be arrogant?

"Hehe, sister, it's better to be more cautious. Those censors don't let go of their mouths. The Tian family's reputation cannot be damaged, and Xiao Feng's writing has a bright future. If it really affects it, that would be a pity." It's gone." Guo Qinyun's complexion was warm, and his smile was like pearls.

"Thank you for reminding me, my little sister will definitely be careful in the future, but there are not many people here in Chongxuan Temple, I believe no one will chew their tongues, and the gang of censors will not be so boring. It's time to make a fuss about things." Jia Yuanchun smiled sweetly, and there was a hint of reminder in these words.

Guo Qinyun snorted secretly in his heart, finally he knew the importance of right and wrong, and he had no intention of hurting her, but it was not impossible, it was just whether it was worth it and whether it was necessary, if everyone could work together, these things would be a big deal What?

The atmosphere finally eased a little bit, and Guo Qinyun chose some gossip in the palace and began to talk, Yuan Chun also wentssip along with him, but he refused to easily pick up the words of the other party's solicitation, which made Guo Qinyun And a little annoyed.

Outside, Feng Ziying and Zhou Peisheng also walked around the small garden. Zhou Peisheng also talked about the affairs of the current princes and the supervisor, and talked about the regulations that the position of the supervisor should be adjusted by rotation. Feng Ziying understood this. Guo Qinyun and Zhou Peisheng's intentions for coming.

Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe did not object to the rotation of the position of Supervisor, but they did not consider Prince Gong in the replacement. Firstly, King Gong was young, and secondly, there were two Kings of Fu and Li Wang above King Gong. They really wanted to rotate King Shou or King Lu, then King Fu and Li Wang should come first. In addition, the relationship behind Concubine Guo made Ye Fang and the two reluctant.

Feng Ziying didn't talk much to Zhou Peisheng's frequent mention of the rotation of the supervisory state. Later, Zhou Peisheng saw him and talked directly about the hope that Feng Ziying could help Prince Gong in the court, like asking Prince Gong to study in Qingtan Academy In front of the ministers in the cabinet, Prince Gong mentioned the matter of studying and supervising the country. It was so straightforward that Feng Ziying was speechless.

"Boss Zhou, I don't necessarily have to help Prince Gong beat the side drums for such things?" Feng Ziying smiled, "There is no one behind Concubine Quan, I know that, can Master Zhang not talk? Where is Mr. Chen?"

   Zhou Peisheng was a little embarrassed.

Zhang Jingqiu is indeed related to Concubine Guo, but the current Zuodu Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate is a little embarrassed, arguing that he belongs to the Jiangnan scholars. Ye Fang is a little distant, and he can't rely on the connections of the scholars in the North, so now he can only sit alone in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, impartial, and it's hard to say anything.

  As for Chen Jingxuan, it was even more embarrassing. After being appointed as the governor of the three sides, there were all kinds of rumors, but it turned out that they were just rumors and could not be realized.

  Because of this, Prince Gong suddenly no one cares about him, which also makes Guo Qinyun and Zhou Peisheng a little busy.

"Master Feng, we don't need to say more about some situations. Our family is just one sentence. King Shou is frivolous, King Fu is mediocre, and King Lu is smart, but being too popular may not be a good thing. King Gong is smart and knows how to guard himself." , given time, it may be more suitable to take on the big responsibility..." Zhou Peisheng said leisurely: "You know the situation of the Feng family, so do you have to bet on a certain family? Wouldn't it be good to have one more choice?"

  Feng Ziying took a deep look at Zhou Peisheng. This is to open the skylight and say something bright. He reminded himself that it is not necessary to bet on a family, and Prince Gong can also be included in the options.

   "Is this what Concubine Tsuen means? I don't think it looks like that." Feng Ziying smiled.

   "Your Excellency, you don't have to worry about this verbal dispute with Concubine Quan, she has that kind of temper, as long as you calm down, you will understand that this is a match made in heaven." Zhou Peisheng was also out of words, and such absurd words as a match made in heaven came out.

  (end of this chapter)

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