Number of People

Chapter 1978: Guizi scrolls are hot and daring

  Chapter 1978 Guizi scroll is hot and bold

  Feng Ziying let out a chuckle, and cast a sidelong glance at Zhou Peisheng, who advised himself to place more bets, but it seemed that he himself was hanged by a rope on Guo Qinyun and Prince Gong.

However, there is really no comparison between himself and the other party. Zhou Peisheng was originally the weakest servant in the book "Dream of Red Mansions". The general manager who was promoted just before him has the lowest qualifications and the weakest foundation. If he still wants to learn from Qiu Shi'an and eat fish at both ends, then even Guo Qinyun will not like him.

Since there is no choice, of course he has to cling to Guo Qinyun and think about Guo Qinyun and Prince Gong. This approach is correct, or he cares more about the future of Prince Gong. As for the others, including this Concubine Quan , may be far inferior to himself, a noble person who can bring great help to Prince Gong, in his mind.

It's just that Prince Gong is too young now, and still needs to rely on the support of his mother, Concubine Quan, so Zhou Peisheng is actually very dissatisfied with Concubine Quan's some brainless operations and willful arrogance, but due to affection and the current situation, he can only find ways Wipe the buttocks of Concubine Quan.

  Feng Ziying saw Zhou Peisheng's mentality very accurately.

  Zhou Peisheng knew very well that his fate had already been tied to Prince Gong. Only when Prince Gong came forward could he have hope, but now it seemed that Prince Gong's strength and influence were the weakest.

Zhang Jingqiu's faint decline, Chen Jingxuan's fall, and Prince Gong's inability to study in Qingtan Academy because of his age, made Prince Gong, who seemed to be somewhat popular in the court because of his cleverness since childhood, quickly Zhou Peisheng was even more anxious than Guo Qinyun and Prince Gong's mother and son being excluded from being a candidate for the position of supervisor.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Concubine Quan-Prince Gong's family is a little sick and goes to the doctor indiscriminately. Guo Qinyun even went to Zhang Jingqiu to cry several times, but Zhang Jingqiu is helpless now. The position of censor made him feel that he was insecure, so how dare he act rashly?

   Finding a virtuous concubine to take the route of the Feng family-the northern scholars was also the path that Zhou Peisheng found out after painstaking thinking.

In Zhou Peisheng's view, the Feng family is too powerful now, especially the influence of the Feng family in the army has made the cabinet ministers a little jealous. After Jiangnan is pacified, Feng Tang is bound to be relieved of his military power, and he will continue to be the governor of Jiliao. It’s not bad to no longer serve as the commander-in-chief of Liaodong. It’s not bad to put you back in the five-army governor’s mansion, any governor or a fellow governor of the commander-in-chief, so that you appear to be an extremely human minister, but in fact you have no military power. possible.

  So in this case, the Feng family must also need to find allies.

  Although Feng Ziying is a civil servant, her master is still a cabinet elder, but her father Feng Tang is a military commander, and the Feng family is a wealthy border town, so they are definitely unwilling to lose their military power.

  Even being the commander-in-chief of a town is better than the commander-in-chief of the five armies. Zhou Peisheng believes that the Feng family should also consider how to balance the micro-management here.

However, the natural antagonism between warriors and civil servants makes it difficult for Feng Ziying to get support on issues like Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia who support him, but it is impossible to support Feng Tang, so maybe Feng Ziying will seek arbitration between civil and military affairs This is also Zhou Peisheng's optimism about the opportunity of this alliance.

  Of course, Feng Ziying can also choose such as Concubine Xi Meiyuexi-King Lu or Concubine Xu Huang-King Shou, and Su Lingyao-King Fu and King Li.

   However, due to the bad relationship between Feng Ziying and Shou Wang, this party gave up first.

  In Zhou Peisheng's opinion, Su Lingyao's side, Fu Wang Li Wang is not the appearance of an emperor, I believe Feng Ziying can also see it.

The only one is Meiyuexi and King Lu, but many people are optimistic about Meiyuexi now, even Qiu Shian is flirting with Meiyuexi, Dai Quan also came back to cheer for Meiyuexi, it is said that Chao Zhongye and Fang are also very happy. Appreciating King Lu, so Mei Yuexi may not value the Feng family so much.

Since it is a bet, of course, the biggest benefit will be gained by betting on the unpopular. Prince Gong has good morals and talents, and being younger may mean more plasticity for the princes in the court, so it is not a good idea to win the support of the princes in the court. Impossible, it may not be impossible to grab some opportunities from King Lu.

And the situation of the Feng family is undoubtedly the most worthy of our side's wooing. With the power in the army, it has a deep connection with the scholars of the Northland. Maybe you can have a fight.

   "Boss Zhou, you have really worked hard for Concubine Quan, but does Prince Gong really have a chance?" Feng Ziying smiled lightly, "The dispute between King Lu and King Shou may not necessarily give Prince Gong a chance."

"If you don't fight, how do you know you don't have a chance?" Zhou Peisheng replied with a smile, "Let's not talk about King Shou, King Lu is indeed very popular, but is it really appropriate to be popular? I'm afraid not necessarily, The minds of the princes in the court will also change."

  The last sentence was very meaningful, but Feng Ziying nodded slightly in agreement.

The interests of the scholars represented by the princes in the court share the world with the scholars and bureaucrats. The conflict between the interests of the scholars and the emperor will always exist, and a balance needs to be struck in the middle. thought up.

  Feng Ziying and Zhou Peisheng got along very well.

  Although Feng Ziying did not make a clear statement, he was still very interested in what he expressed, which made Zhou Peisheng very happy.

As long as the other party is willing to contact, then there is room for discussion. It is nothing more than an exchange of interests. What can the Feng family get, what can Feng Ziying get, and what kind of support can he provide to Prince Gong? The first step should be to let Prince Gong Immediately enter Qingtan Academy, relying on the reputation of Qingtan Academy, let King Gong quickly open up the situation among scholars, and prevent King Lu from focusing on beauty.

  The conversation between Guo Qinyun and Yuan Chun was not very harmonious, and Yuan Chun's cautiousness made Guo Qinyun feel left out.

  In her opinion, she took the initiative to show affection to Jia Yuanchun, but the other party actually became hypocritical for herself, and put on a defense against her every step of the way, which made her very unhappy.

Moreover, she felt more and more that Yuan Chun's behavior was very strange. When she mentioned Feng Ziying intentionally or unintentionally, the strong spring feeling in the other's eyebrows was lingering. , with the emperor in a coma for so long, who would this man be? Needless to say.

Guo Qinyun was shocked by the boldness of Jia Yuanchun and Feng Ziying, but he couldn't help but have a thought in his heart, no matter whether the two people have an affair or not, just because they meet in private, it is an indisputable relationship. In fact, using this as an excuse to make the other party submit and use it for oneself seems to be much more useful than trying to make good friends with the other party by handing over every detail.

  When Zhou Peisheng and Feng Ziying came out after walking around in the small garden, Guo Qinyun also came out of the flower hall resentfully.

  Jia Yuanchun's ignorance made her very angry, and this anger also spread to Feng Ziying.

  Seeing Feng Ziying's calm and calm appearance in front of Zhou Peisheng, and Zhou Peisheng's flattering appearance on behalf of herself, she burst into anger for no reason.

   "Master Feng, I want to have a private talk with you..."

  Zhou Peisheng was taken aback, and immediately said: "Your Majesty,..."

"Peisheng, I would like to have a private conversation with Master Feng, right here in the back garden, isn't it a problem? Master Feng can come to this Chongxuan Temple to pay respects to Concubine Xiande. I want to have a chat with Master Feng by borrowing flowers to offer Buddha." , he can be regarded as our parent officer..." Guo Qinyun giggled, but was very cold.

Zhou Peisheng hadn't realized what the concubine Quan was going to do, but Feng Ziying had already figured it out. It seemed that the concubine Quan had really come to find fault with him, and he didn't know how Yuan Chun and the other party had a good talk. How about it, but looking at Yuan Chun's bewildered expression, it doesn't seem very good.

   "Since Your Majesty has ordered you, how dare I disobey your orders?" Feng Ziying laughed loudly, "My Majesty, please."

  Watching the two of them walking back slowly, Zhou Peisheng hesitated to speak, but in the end he could only let out a long sigh and stay where he was.

As soon as she stepped into the small garden, Feng Ziying glanced at the other party, and said coldly: "Concubine Quan, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. Manager Zhou told me before, but I'm curious, your attitude is different." It seems to be asking for help, more like giving orders, but it seems that it is not my turn to give orders, or it is not too late to wait until His Royal Highness Prince Gong ascends the throne?"

"Hehe, Mr. Feng, I have something to ask from others, but don't you have something to ask from me?" Guo Qinyun sneered, and his words became unceremonious, "Today, Concubine Xiande's performance is very It's puzzling, spring is blooming, cheeks are dizzy, this body is uncomfortable, is it because you have had an affair with a wild man too much?"

  Feng Ziying was startled, Yuan Chun Yugua had just broken, her thoughts were floating, was this woman saw through? Or is this woman deceiving herself?

   So what if you know? Feng Ziying became calmer in her heart, glanced at the other party indifferently, but her tone became a little serious: "Madam, don't you hear that it is ominous for those who see Yuanyu, and disaster for those who hide?"

  Guo Qinyun was startled, and stopped in shock: "Feng Keng, are you threatening me?"

"If you think this is a threat, then forget it." Feng Ziying stood still with eyes like a sword, seeing that there was no one around, she felt ruthless, and raised her hand frivolously to pinch the opponent's cheek, and her face suddenly approached the opponent's face, less than a moment away. Ruler, grinning brightly: "If you provoke me like this, there will be no consequences? Do I have anything to do with Concubine Xiande? Captain Long didn't say anything, so it's your turn to make noise? Oh?"

Guo Qinyun was horrified. She didn't expect the other party to be so presumptuous. She came to tease her, and even pinched her face. Except for the emperor, no man had touched her jaw before. This scare scared her enough. , I didn’t know what to do for a while, “Feng Keng, how bold are you?! Do you want to exterminate the Nine Races?”

  (end of this chapter)

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