Number of People

Chapter 1985: The finishing touch of the Guizi scroll, the one-liner

  Chapter 1985, the finishing touch of the Guizi scroll, in one sentence

"Ziying, the key is not the Tumed people or the Ordos people, or even Fengzhou Bailian, I think it is the rebellion army in Shaanxi." Qi Yongtai said in a deep voice: "As long as the rebellion in Shaanxi can be calmed down, Fengzhou Bailian will not be able to rise." Datong Town and Shanxi Town are not so weak that they can be broken by Fengzhou Bailian, right?"

  In the last sentence, Qi Yongtai asked with a little confidence, and looked at Zhang Huaichang with the meaning of asking.

Everyone's eyes fell on Zhang Huaichang again, Zhang Huaichang had a bitter expression on his face, he rubbed the armrest of the chair subconsciously, and said after a while: "Most of Chai Guozhu's Shanxi Town was taken away by Su Shengdu, and it was completely lost in World War I, and now the remnants are incorporated into Ji Town The army was handed over to Sun Chengzong, and Chai Guozhu wrote several times for this, requesting to immediately supplement the recruitment and reorganize Shanxi Town; They are also complaining endlessly, if Fengzhou Bailian riots, they must cooperate internally and externally, I remember that when Ziying was in Yongping Mansion, she found out that there were also many Bailian followers in the Jizhen army, this is also a huge hidden danger,..."

  Everyone understands that if Bailian in Fengzhou really riots, and if there are also Bailian believers in the town here, then Shanxi Town or Datong Town may really be broken through.

  Zhang Huaichang's worry made everyone's hearts sink. He is the Minister of the Ministry of War, and he is naturally the most familiar with the situation in the army. Given such a judgment, I am afraid it is not optimistic.

Feng Ziying felt that the situation had become a bit ugly. She was happy to celebrate the recovery of Linqing, but now she was worried about the situation in Shanxi and Shaanxi. But she hadn't gone to Shaanxi yet, so everyone lost confidence. Then what's the point of going by yourself?

Moreover, there is no room for loss in Shanxi and Shaanxi. If the situation in Shanxi and Shaanxi really collapses, even if the imperial court quells Jiangnan, it will not be able to sustain it. Imagine the story of Li Zicheng in the late Ming Dynasty in the previous life. There was no chaos in Jiangnan and Huguang, but Li Zicheng still led the army. The northern land fought all over the world, and finally broke through the capital in one fell swoop.

Compared with the late Ming Dynasty, the current situation may be more controlled by the imperial court, but the situation in Jiangnan, Huguang is even worse. The Mongols and Jurchens outside the side wall, and the White Lotus believers inside the side wall are all in danger. That situation will definitely develop towards the chaotic situation at the end of Ming Dynasty.

"I agree with Master Qi's point of view. The key lies in Shanshan and Shanxi. The key to breaking the situation in Shanxi is still in Shaanxi. As long as the rebellion in Shaanxi is suppressed, Shanxi will not succeed. Even if Fengzhou Bailian breaks the border wall, it will not hinder the overall situation." Feng Ziying said. Put on a calm attitude.

   "Oh? Ziying, are you so sure?" Qiao Yingjia said in surprise, Zhang Huaichang also turned his gaze.

   "Toyosu Bailian, my father had a relationship when I was in college."

  As soon as Feng Ziying said this, everyone looked sideways, but then they took it for granted.

  The generals will be as particular about civil servants, as long as they can hold the frontier town and win the victory, what kind of things are they afraid to use? Even buying and assassinating opponents is just as straightforward.

   Outside the city walls of Datong is Fengzhou Bansheng, which is also the gathering place of Fengzhou Bailian. If Feng Tang wants to be the commander-in-chief of Datong, why doesn't he deal with these people?

"Fengzhou Bailian seems to have been increasing the number of people over the years, but Zhao Quan and Li Zixin died successively. The interior of Fengzhou Bailian has actually been divided into several parts. Zhao Quan's descendants and Li Zixin's descendants each have a group of people. In addition, these There is also a party of Bailian believers who have passed from inside in the past ten or twenty years, so they are not in harmony. In name, Zhao Chongwu, the grandson of Zhao Quan, is the leader, but Li Zixin's grandnephew Li Feiren is also quite powerful, plus Qiu Jian who followed up One group of people is actually three groups of forces, it is hard to say whether Zhao Chongwu can command the other two groups."

  Zhang Huaichang stroked his beard and pondered, "Are Bu Shitu and Su Nang each supporting a group of people?"

  Feng Ziying nodded, "Bu Shitu supports Li Feiren, Su Nang supports Zhao Chongwu, and Qiu Jian has close contacts with the Ordos people."

  Zhang Huaichang breathed a sigh of relief, "If this is the case, there is room for manipulation in this situation."

   "What Duke Huaichang said is true. Fengzhou Bailian is not so easy to get together. Even if we get together, we can find a wedge to drive in, making it difficult to get together. It is nothing more than taking advantage of the court's righteousness and interests to buy."

  Feng Ziying said it lightly, but all the princes nodded in satisfaction. The governor of the border area must have these means, otherwise it will be difficult to be competent.

  The princes are also pondering in their hearts. Although Yang Yuan and Chai Guozhu are considered veterans and may not be bad at fighting, they don't have the foundation of contacts accumulated by three generations like the Feng family.

Grandfather Feng Ziying had friendship with Altan Khan and Dalaixun of Chahar, and this kind of friendship continued to Feng Ziying's uncle Feng Qinfeng Han and Altanhan's son Huang Taiji, his grandson Salik and Dalaixun's son Bu extend this generation.

  Perhaps this is the confidence of the Feng family to gain a foothold in Datong. It is no wonder that Feng Ziying dared to go deep into the grassland to negotiate with Bu Shitu, and he also dared to negotiate with the leader of the Nekalka people, Zaisai. Who will believe you when you go?

   "So I say that the key is the rebellious army in Shaanxi. If they are resolved, Shanshan will be safe. If they cannot be resolved, the chaos they bring may even spread to the north of Shanxi and even Henan. That is the real serious problem."

Maybe everyone here just thought that these rebellious troops would only disturb the mountains and Shaanxi, but they didn't expect that Li Zicheng's rebel army could sweep the entire northern region and reach the capital at the end of the Ming Dynasty. I can't imagine how strong the fighting power will be, especially what kind of power it will evolve into if it absorbs those frontier troops who were eliminated and dissatisfied with the court.

  The discussion about the current situation continued until the evening, but the celebration of Linqing's recovery was thrown aside.

Of course, inside and outside the government and the opposition must make a big publicity campaign. This is an important measure to boost the morale of the people. To make the entire Gyeonggi people full of hope for the future, even "Today's News" will use a long headline to analyze the major issues of recovering Linqing. significance.

  Feng Ziying was the last to leave.

   Qi Yongtai kept him for a while.

   "Sit down." Qi Yongtai looked a little tired, Feng Ziying hurriedly delivered the tea to Qi Yongtai himself.

"Ye Xiang and Fang Xiang don't have a big problem." Qi Yongtai said to himself: "It is definitely inappropriate to suddenly promote you to the position of Minister of the Ministry of War. The imperial censor of Qiandu is already very good, and this will definitely attract people. Criticism and criticism, but the two of them will support, this is not selfish, if you can't interfere in military affairs, no matter how well-connected you are, the general of the border town will not listen to you easily, and it will inevitably delay the opportunity of the war."

  Feng Ziying nodded silently.

  Qi Yongtai pondered for a while, "The imperial court is planning to remove your father from the position of governor of the three sides. Of course, this will have to wait until Shandong is recovered. You father and son should be mentally prepared for this."

  Feng Ziying's heart trembled, came so fast? What about the Northwest Army?

   "Governor of Jiliao will remain, but Liaodong Commander-in-Chief, if Cao Wenzhao does well in the war against the Jianzhou Jurchen, let him succeed."

  Qi Yongtai drooped his eyelids, as if he was thinking about other things, he didn't pay much attention to these, maybe he didn't think there was anything wrong.

  Feng Ziying can only keep silent, Cao Wenzhao is also considered as her father's direct descendant, and it is reasonable to succeed Liaodong General Soldier instead of letting her father concurrently serve, and her father has nothing to say.

   "Ziying, you are a civil servant. It is a good thing and an advantage for civil servants to understand military affairs, but if you are too indulged in it, like Sun Chengzong and Xiong Tingbi, it is not a good thing. Yang He is much smarter,..."

  If Feng Ziying realized something, could it be that Yang He stepped down as the governor of Yunyang and the commander-in-chief of Jingxiang Town on his own initiative? If so, this Yang He is really cunning.

   "Student understands." Feng Ziying replied respectfully.

"The chaos in the Northwest started with poor government officials and poor people. You have to be clear about this. Don't place too much hope on the officials below..." Qi Yongtai sighed, "Sometimes Ye Fang and I are discussing , How to solve the problem of combining local government and civil affairs? Those with a little talent are either greedy for ink and law, or harsh and cruel, or eager for quick success, while others are mediocre and muddling along. Trying to find a way to find leisure and wealth, how can such a scholar govern the country?"

Feng Ziying laughed, the court finally realized the impact of this issue of official management on the entire Great Zhou Dynasty, "Master Qi, it is not so unbearable, but these problems do exist to varying degrees in various places, but I think the root is still in the court. "

"Oh? In the imperial court? How do you say it?" Qi Yongtai was taken aback, slightly interested. He knew that his disciple was a thoughtful person, but the administration of officials was no different than other affairs. Enough background experience, speaking out will only make people laugh.

"It doesn't matter if you are greedy or harsh, in my opinion, this is a trivial matter. I only say this to you, Master Qi. I don't dare to admit it when I go out. I think the key lies in whether you dare to do things or not. Eagerness for quick success is a kind of compliment in a sense, at least they want to do things for the common people. On the contrary, I think those mediocre people are the biggest problem, especially the assessment mechanism of our Ministry of Officials and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. This type of people is the most generous, and they will not offend others if they don’t do things. Who doesn’t understand this truth? The local gentry praises, the subordinates flatter, and the boss can’t say anything. Hello, everyone, everyone, most of them can go smoothly Get a good review, or even a promotion, but what good do they do to the locality? The corpse is a vegetarian meal, and even hurts one party, and it will cause a catastrophe in the event of a disaster,..."

  Qi Yongtai remained silent. Once this topic was brought up, it would be a systemic problem, not even limited to the officials.

   Third update, Lao Rui is still working hard, brothers, can you stimulate Lao Rui with a monthly pass?



  (end of this chapter)

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