Number of People

Chapter 1986: The way to pass the exam, performance appraisal

  Chapter 1986 The way to pass the Kui character test, performance appraisal

  But Feng Ziying refused to give up.

"Taking the current chaos in Shaanxi as an example, the crisis brought about by the severe drought has long been expected by everyone. The imperial court also warned the localities, but what did the localities do? In addition to asking for help from the imperial court, the provinces, prefectures and counties have done What?" Feng Ziying said indifferently: "Even the imperial court has some arrangements, whether they have been implemented or not, they took the initiative to do it, pretended to be deaf and dumb, obeyed the law and violated the law, or shrink back when encountering difficulties, and are helpless when encountering conflicts? Lack of means and methods to do things ? Or lack of courage, afraid of accidents?"

  A series of words made it difficult for Qi Yongtai to answer.

  He was born in the Ministry of Officials, how could he not know what the officials below are like?

Especially at the provincial level, the three divisions are responsible for the announcement of the political envoy, the procuratorial envoy and the capital, and the three divisions are in charge of their own affairs in name, but the main powers and responsibilities are still the envoys for the announcement of the political envoy and the procuratorial envoy for the criminal punishment. The deputy envoys and ministers of the two divisions who participated in political affairs and council meetings performed their duties with the titles of military preparation, guarding and patrolling. However, it has become the best strategy for officials at this level to shirk upwards, assign downwards, and slip between the two ends, which also greatly weakens the administrative power at the provincial level.

In contrast, officials at the prefectural and county levels are more realistic, but officials at the prefectural and county levels have limited resources, and there are military equipment separated from the chief envoy and the procuratorial envoy in the middle. The efficiency will be affected if the roads are blocked by roads, roads guarded by roads, and roads patrolled by roads.

Moreover, because the relationship between military preparation, guarding, and patrolling is also overlapping, there are many situations where responsibilities overlap. When encountering troubles, they shirk each other, and when encountering benefits, they fight endlessly. In the end, it is the prefectures and counties below. I don't know what to do, so the administrative efficiency is low, and those who do things are often constrained and criticized by those who dawdle, and instead become an alternative.

"Ziying, I know what you said, even better than you. I have been the Minister of the Ministry of Officials for so many years. Is there any reason why I don't know the behavior of the people below?" Qi Yongtai also sighed. : "But this dynasty followed the regulations of the former Ming Dynasty, basically inheriting the good and the bad, and there were few changes in the mechanism. It’s still not enough, once you change it, it will affect the whole body, the current imperial court has many internal and external troubles, and still needs to seek stability,..."

"Master Qi, what you said has some truth, but I don't agree with it." Feng Ziying shook her head, "Seeking stability is for fear of accidents, but is there still less incidents in the court now? Can the situation in Shaanxi be changed without changing?" Is it alright? It’s all rotted like this, and you still care about what those broken pots and jars do? In my opinion, since those rebels can turn the place into ruins, it is both a bad thing and a good thing. This situation should be dealt with in Shaanxi. Those who are capable go up, those who are mediocre get out, and those who are mediocre go down. Those who do well will go up, and those who do not do well will be transferred from the important position to drink your green tea. , the incompetent should leave as soon as possible, so as not to be caught by the rebellious army with swords and axes,..."

  Qi Yongtai was overwhelmed by Feng Ziying's words. If the other party is right, Shaanxi is so rotten, so why do you care? At the very least, is it possible to try to do this in areas that have been looted and poisoned by the rebellious army and turned into a piece of white land? As long as it can help stabilize the situation in Shanxi and Shaanxi, then any attempt can be made.

Seeing that Qi Yongtai was silent, Feng Ziying further said: "The imperial court has serious problems in the evaluation of local officials. I don't know if you have considered these issues when you were the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. The party in charge, what should be done, what is the main, what is the auxiliary, how to compare and coordinate between the main and the auxiliary, I think there is room for discussion on many things, and there are still many things that need to be done for three months and half a year , It’s also done in a year, shouldn’t there be restrictions and comparisons, shouldn’t there be different considerations between what’s done in three months and what’s done in a year?”

  Feng Ziying calmly brought out some rules of the "examination method".

In fact, he wanted to advise Qi Yongtai on this matter for a long time. He mentioned it to Qi Yongtai last time, but firstly, Qi Yongtai didn't pay enough attention, and secondly, there was no suitable experimental field, but now he was about to go to Shaanxi, and It may also be Shaanxi, where many places have been turned into a wasteland, so you can have the opportunity to try according to your own model.

   Qi Yongtai heard Feng Ziying's intention, and he hesitated.

The governor of Shaanxi was won by him for Feng Ziying. He can only succeed and not fail. If this step is not done well, it will not only affect Feng Ziying's future, but also his own reputation and prestige. Well, Ye Fang and the two of them will definitely take the opportunity to embarrass themselves in the future, and it will be difficult to push forward anything.

   "Ziying, it seems that you have some opinions on official assessment." Qi Yongtai said calmly.

"It is true that I have some ideas of my own, especially since the students have worked in Yongping and Shuntian for several years, and they still have some understanding of the daily affairs of the prefectures and counties. Some are outdated and need a lot of reform and adjustment. For example, a plan should be drawn up at the beginning of the year, the progress will be compared in the middle of the year, and the assessment and acceptance will be carried out at the end of the year. In terms of what local officials should do each year, there is a list of priorities and what must be done. Completed, what kind of punishment should be imposed if it is not completed, these must be detailed and implemented,..."

  Feng Ziying talked for more than an hour, which was far longer than the time Qi Yongtai left him to talk.

  After Feng Ziying went back, Qi Yongtai suffered from insomnia and didn't sleep well all night.

Many of what Feng Ziying said touched his heart, and even many of them were things he wanted to reform, but he was worried that it would cause too much shock. He was a little heartbroken.

Compared with Qi Yongtai's insomnia, Feng Ziying didn't have so many emotions. After brewing for so long, he finally found an opportunity to tell the whole story, and there was one thing missing in his heart. Whether Qi Yongtai supported it or not, he was going to try it in Shaanxi. give it a try.

As a senior member of the governor's side, he has this power. In contrast, whether it is the chief envoy or the procuratorate, the governor has absolute dominance, especially the performance of the Shaanxi Chengxuan political envoy and the chief envoy. The clumsiness made the court very dissatisfied, which gave him a chance.

  A chief envoy who is in constant fear of his own future, as the governor who controls his destiny, is more willing to cooperate with him than him, in order to win his own approval.

   Putting this matter aside, Feng Ziying felt that she was getting closer to Beijing, but there were still many things that had not been dealt with.

  For example, about the Jia family.

  Han Yu also helped me coordinate several times, and Feng Ziying also went to Liu Yixiu once, and basically had a plan.

   Still released on bail, but the method is slightly different, that is, instead of simply using money, it is both human and financial protection.

  In short, it is necessary to pay bail money, and a qualified person must issue a bond.

  The so-called qualified person is a person with a certain status, such as an in-service official, above the fourth rank, almost tailor-made for Feng Ziying.

  Although it is only a formality, this kind of guarantee can give an explanation to the outside world. It looks more like Feng Ziying used her black hat to guarantee these people, but in fact this is obviously impossible.

   Liu Yixuan sold himself a favor along the way. Feng Ziying knew it very well, but he had to admit the favor.

   Except for Jia She and Shi Xiangyun, everyone else can be released on bail, including Jia Zhen and Jia Rong, but certainly not Qin Keqing.

Even Feng Ziying did not expect that she would win such great gratitude and shock in the mansion by doing so. Whether it is Baochai or Daiyu, Yingchun or Tanchun, Li Wan and Xichun, the gratitude to Feng Ziying has reached the extreme. .

   "Why is this? My sisters, and sister-in-law Zhu, I seem to have done what I should and can do. How can I be so grateful to my sisters?"

   Seeing Baochai, Daiyu, Yingchun, Tanchun, Xichun, Xiuyan, and Li Wan coming hand in hand to wait for her, Feng Ziying felt a little guilty.

  He just came back from Chongxuan Temple, and his body is still a little tired.

In front of Yuan Chun, he showed off all that he had done for her, including Jia Mu, Wang Shi, Xing Shi, Bao Yu, Jia Huan and others, all of whom will go through the release procedures and be released from prison within a day or two. Naturally, Yuan Chun was overjoyed and grateful, and the best way to be grateful was naturally that the concubine concubine did her best.

Feng Ziying once again experienced the magic power of famous artifacts that can't be stopped by scraping the bones and sucking the marrow. Even if he was prepared, he could only barely gain the upper hand. This has never happened before, even with Wang Xifeng, Feng Ziying did not feel so passive But this is the second time for Yuanchun.

  He realized that he might have to ask Master Zhang for advice. There are more and more women around him, and the feeling of being unable to do what he wants will appear in the future.

"Xianggong doesn't need to explain too much. We all know it in our hearts. Xianggong has done the utmost for the Jia family. We sisters are only grateful in our hearts. We don't say thanks for the great kindness, but if we don't say it, we sisters may not even feel it." Couldn't sleep well,…”

Baochai represented a group of sisters with red eyes, Yingying stood up and knelt down, and the others followed suit, standing behind Baochai, wanting to bow down as soon as they followed, Feng Ziying waved her hands in panic and moved aside, "Sisters, If you want to do this, you will break me,..."

   The fourth one is delivered!



  (end of this chapter)

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