Number of People

Chapter 1987: Turning hands into clouds and turning hands into rain

  Chapter 1987 Guizi Scroll Turns Hands into Clouds, Covers Hands as Rain

  Feng Ziying was not interested in this release, but she also knew that Baochai and the others had to do this in order to show their gratitude to herself.

  Although I am their husband, they are now the Feng family, and everything should be based on the interests of the Feng family.

It's beyond their imagination to do this by themselves. In their view, it can even be said that they are risking their own future. When they are moved, they must also feel a little bit guilty, thinking that their husband died because of themselves. do it.

After finally persuading Baochai and Daiyu, Feng Ziying breathed a sigh of relief, "Sisters, don't worry, don't you think they won't trust the old lady? Although I guarantee it, it's just a guarantee that they won't evade the case." Don't you have any confidence in them?"

   Baochai and Daiyu naturally understood what their husband meant, but no matter how you say this kindness, it can be regarded as a rebirth of kindness.

  Who will vouch for you, a Wu Xun family that is clearly about to be driven into the abyss and never recover? Getting involved with your Jia family is a burden, let alone guaranteeing you?

   If there is any trouble, if something happens to any of you who don't have eyes, wouldn't it be a disaster for yourself? Why should I guarantee you and pay a large sum of money?

"My younger sisters all remember Xianggong's kindness in their hearts, and they all say that they don't thank you for their kindness, but they hide it in their hearts, but they feel panicked, so we came to thank Xianggong together." Baochai and Daiyu all said Calm has gradually returned, since the husband has decided to do this, even though they are still a little worried, they can only keep it in their hearts.

"Okay, okay, Baochai, Daiyu, and several younger sisters, including sister-in-law Zhu, we are all one family, so don't thank me any more." Feng Ziying smiled heartily, "You all know Brother Yu may be leaving Beijing soon, so before leaving, it is natural to make arrangements for things that can be arranged as much as possible. The Jia family is also something I have been thinking about. Now I finally have a relatively satisfactory result. It may be the only It's a pity that She Shibo, Sister Yun and Brother Rong's daughter-in-law can't solve it,..."

Feng Ziying paused for a moment, "The reason for pardoning Shibo is because of involvement in Ping'an Prefecture and Sun Shaozu's smuggling and reselling of embargoed materials to the Mongols. Yun girl is because of her engagement to Sun Shaozu, but I hope that if the old lady comes out, I can see if I can Contact Yun Yatou and Sun Shaozu's marriage contract, but because it also involves Yun Yatou's uncle Shi Ding Shi Nai is still an official in Nanjing, so there are still some obstacles, it may not be possible. As for Rong's daughter-in-law, it is said that Rong Er and the Qin family have reconciled, but the Qin family is still unable to guarantee protection, so I guess it may have nothing to do with the Jia family,..."

  Feng Ziying didn't explain Qin Keqing's question much.

  Although Qin Keqing's life experience seems to be very clear, many people in the Jia family know that Qin Keqing is the adopted daughter of Qin Ye, but no one knows the origin of her biological parents.

   It's just that people like Baochai, Daiyu, and Li Wan still vaguely feel that Qin Keqing's origin is a bit mysterious. You can figure out a thing or two by looking at the attitude of Jia Zhen, Jia Rong and his son towards Qin Keqin.

"Brother Feng, if he still blames himself so much, then the Jia family really can't afford it." Tanchun continued, "There is nothing perfect in the world, and the uncle's business is also done to the husband, even the aunt Both Brother Cong and Brother Cong were able to come out, and Second Brother Lian was not implicated. Brother Feng, you have done your best. The matter of Yun girl is too wide-ranging, and Brother Feng cannot solve it. As for the matter of Brother Rong's daughter-in-law, We also don't know, since the imperial court refused to release him on bail, there are naturally reasons."

Tanchun's words made sense and made sense, and a group of sisters nodded. Feng Ziying wanted to use her words to explain the matter thoroughly. Jia Amnesty, Shi Xiangyun, and Qin Keqing couldn't come out because of her own failure. Try your best, but the situation is such that the court does not allow it.

"I'll forget about this matter, but I have a wish. When the old lady and Baoyu come out tomorrow, you can also reunite with them, so I can talk about it." Feng Ziying pondered for a while, then turned to Baochai and Daiyu. : "After the old lady and the others come out, they still need to arrange a mansion, but they are not suitable to go back to Ningrong Street,..."

   Baochai, Daiyu, Yingchun, Tanchun and others all nodded repeatedly, "I can't go back there, the imperial court will definitely not allow it, and it's not suitable for them to go back there again..."

"I have already greeted Yuanyang and told her to find a suitable mansion as soon as possible, as far away from Ningrong Street as possible, and as far as possible, to avoid people's sight as much as possible, and to hide for a while in a low-key manner, so that this chatter Go there first, lest the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate have to stare at this matter,..."

Feng Ziying glanced at Li Wan, Tanchun and Xichun again, "Sister-in-law Zhu, third sister and fourth sister will also join the old lady, but I welcome you, third sister, to come to the house more often." For those who live here, Baochai, Daiyu and even your elder sister Shen like you very much, so that the house can be more lively. Like your elder sister Shen, she often talks about the fourth younger sister, saying that she and you are very close, exchanging painting skills and complementing each other. .”

   What Feng Ziying said, not to mention Li Wan and Tanchun, even Baochai and Daiyu were slightly surprised.

They are all aware of Xichun's temperament, compared to Miaoyu, there are not many people who care about her in the mansion, even though the few sisters have contacts, they can all feel her cold temper, no To think of it, he and Shen Yixiu are so speculative.

   But considering that both Shen Yixiu and Xichun like to draw, and their attainments are not shallow, it seems that they get along well with each other, so it makes sense.

   went to pick up Jia Mu and waited for a group of people to be released from prison, but Feng Ziying did not go in person.

This is a bit out of line in itself, and if you want to do it in a clear way, you will deliberately put eye drops on the Ministry of Punishment and Long Jinwei, and there may not be those who want to show up after greetings from the Metropolitan Procuratorate. It's serious to do things quietly because you don't fear power.

   "Have you settled down?" Feng Ziying asked peacefully while sitting on a chair.

Yuanyang's face was full of excitement and joy, mixed with gratitude and admiration, "Master, everything is settled, the ancestor repeatedly said that he would thank you in person, and I have also conveyed your meaning. Now this matter should not be publicized, and it is better to be low-key and stable." Well, the old ancestors also understand this truth, so they just asked the servants to convey their gratitude."

"Is everything okay?" Feng Ziying signaled the other party to push him up. In the past, Yuanyang would definitely not agree, but today, she just shyly sat on Feng Ziying's lap and leaned her cheek On Feng Ziying's shoulders: "I didn't even expect my servants to think that the master would actually accomplish this. Even Master Zhen and Brother Rong couldn't help saying that it was impossible..."

   "Brother Zhen and Brother Rong have come out, I'm afraid Uncle She will scold and blame me again." Feng Ziying rubbed her fingers between the necks of the mandarin ducks, twirling the strands of hair, soft and delicate, with a faint fragrance.

Yuanyang shook his head, but his face was full of embarrassment, "Master guessed wrong, although this time the elder is cursing, but he just scolded the court for injustice, saying that Sun Shaozu did all of his things, and he didn't even think about it." I don’t know, why it was all blamed on him, but he didn’t say anything about you being wrong, and even told the slaves, please think of a way to help him out.”

Feng Ziying also shook her head, "There's nothing I can do to help. The Jia family can't be so big that no one will take care of it, right? Unless Jia Jing is caught, Xi Shibo can only become the representative of killing chickens and monkeys, and none of the Sun family will take it." No, so I'm worried about Yun girl's resignation, I'm afraid the court will not admit it easily, and the historians are also here, Shi Ding and Shi Nai are still provoking the court recklessly, and it is said that they are talking nonsense on Jinling, so I originally I still feel sure, but now I feel afraid it will be difficult.”

Yuanyang also couldn't bear it, and her eye circles were red: "My servant went to see Miss Yun today. Miss Yun was in a bad mood, her eyes were red and swollen, but her expression was normal. The servant also brought her the words that the master asked, and she also I understand the difficulty, but I am just grateful to the master for taking care of her, and the servant also said that the master still has the last card, if things really fail, she will not be dealt with,..."

Not to be dealt with means not to be sent to the Jiaofang Secretary. This is the ending of Shi Xiangyun in the book "Dream of Red Mansions", that is, being sent to the Jiaofang Secretary and then reduced to a boat prostitute, and Miaoyu was taken away by bandits and called thousands of reds. The two most tragic endings.

And Shi Xiangyun is Sun Shaozu's betrothed wife, and Shi Ding and Shi Nai are imperial court offenders, especially the fact that the two are still recruiting those neutral Weisuo generals on behalf of Nanjing, which makes the court very angry. It can be said that no matter what her identity is, the imperial court cannot easily let her go, even Feng Ziying is difficult to change.

  If Feng Ziying does not intervene, Shi Xiangyun can almost conclude that it will be the end of entering Jiaofang Division, and it will be very soon.

   On the contrary, people like Qin Keqing may have to take into account the face of the Tian family.

"Young girl Yun really has a hard life." Feng Ziying also found it difficult. From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to see Shi Xiangyun reduced to that level. I like the other party's hearty temperament, not to mention that he also has a soft spot for himself.

  But because of Shi Xiangyun, it is impossible for me to ask Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe in person. He has done work with Qi Yongtai and Liu Yixiu, so this is the only result, why?

Seeing Feng Ziying lost in thought, Yuanyang didn't dare to disturb her. Even when Feng Ziying's fingers got under her skirt and climbed up her soft waist, she could only turn around to avoid it with a blushing face, but how could she avoid it? ?

   The first update! Ask for votes!



  (end of this chapter)

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