Number of People

Chapter 1988: Guizijuan layout outlook, training team

  Chapter 1988 The layout of the Guizi scroll for the future market, training the team

Fang Youdu scoffed, cast a sidelong glance at Feng Ziying, and then said in a flat-faced way: "There are so many people in the Jia family, you can persuade the Shangshu and the servants to release them all, how can a woman just let you go?" Are you stumped?"

  Feng Ziying said angrily: "Is that the same?"

"Why is it different?" Fang Youdu sneered and said, "What is your purpose? Isn't it because you fell in love with this woman? As long as you prevent her from being put into the Jiaofang Division, everything else doesn't matter, right? Since you can't get rid of the status of a criminal woman, then don't waste your connections, it's better to make a fuss about the execution..."

  Feng Ziying's eyes lit up, and she suddenly understood, "Uncle Fang, you mean..."

"Since she can't get rid of her as a convict, she can go through the Dali Temple and get a sentence earlier. Sentencing to exile on the frontier will make life worse than death in the eyes of others. As long as you take care of it, it's not a problem. You don't want Going to Shaanxi? Let Dali Temple sentence someone to be exiled to Guyuan or Gansu. I am afraid that for ordinary people, it is better to go to the Jiaofang Division. Borderlands, then there is only old and dead borderlands."

   After all, he was from the Ministry of Criminal Justice, so Fang Youdu easily came up with a countermeasure.

"If it's not easy for you to come forward here, just find someone to go to Dali Temple to say hello, and the sentence will be passed earlier, and I will handle the rest for you, and arrange the escorts along the way. It is hard work for thousands of miles. When it comes to your territory in Shaanxi, don’t you just arrange and deal with it? I don’t believe that if you say hello to the procuratorate or the government, you can’t buy it? These things don’t need you to come forward at all. Your staff can handle it properly for you."

Feng Ziying sighed inwardly, even someone like Fang Youdu, who has only been an official for a few years, is well aware of the operation methods in the following criminal affairs, which shows how far the situation of the official administration in the Great Zhou Dynasty has come. But they still have to rely on the other party to make suggestions for themselves and use power for personal gain.

It’s a bit funny to say, I was still advising Master Qi yesterday on how to clean up the bureaucracy, and I even planned to try it in Shaanxi. Maybe it's a sideline.

  So everyone knows how to be lenient and discipline oneself and be strict with others. It is difficult to reverse it, but can I not save Shi Xiangyun?

   Or you think it’s the court’s implicated policy that’s unfair, and that’s why you have to make such a bad move, and you’re forced to do so?

  Feng Ziying subconsciously shook her head, such words were far-fetched.

"Why, Ziying, my opinion is not good?" Fang Youdu asked in surprise seeing Feng Ziying shaking his head and sighing in disbelief. This was the best countermeasure he could come up with. After all, the identity of Shi's daughter is too sensitive. Impossible to get away with it completely.

   "It's not that you can't, but I think that you, Uncle Fang, have only been in the Ministry of Punishment for a few years, and now you can learn all the tricks of the subordinate officials." Feng Ziying said with emotion, "This is quite different from our original intention."

Fang Youdu was also taken aback, hesitated for a moment before sighing: "Who is not like this? A few days ago, I had a small gathering with Lu You and Ke Yao, and when we talked about our respective situations at the banquet, I felt that they also felt that the longer they worked below , the more I feel how unrealistic all the things I imagined before, and how difficult it is to do something practical, the colleagues around me, the gentry in the county, and the common people all bring various problems, which also make them feel a little confused ,..."

   "Confused?" Feng Ziying asked in surprise, "How to say?"

"That is to say, there are too many things. There are thorny things everywhere. Many of them are problems left over from many years. To do things, you need the support of the superiors, the cooperation of colleagues, and the support of the gentry. , The understanding of the common people, this is too difficult, but there are so many things, it is difficult to prioritize, and there are also deviations in everyone's cognition. It is difficult to coordinate who is light and who is heavy,..."

  Probably because he was deeply impressed by the complaints of Wu Xuan and He Fengsheng that day, so Fang Youdu also gave a rough overview of the conversation between the three of them that day.

   "They also complain about you, they only care about doing things according to the requirements of the court, and don't care about the actual difficulties and life and death below. It is easier said than done to obey the overall situation, but they also admit that you are forced to do things. Many things are beyond your control..."

  Feng Ziying laughed, this is a problem that every student who goes to work in the prefectures and counties has to face, just as if he just came to Yongping Mansion, doesn’t he have to face all kinds of problems?

  In a sense, I am even better. After all, I am a co-prefect, and they will be the prefect when they go. That is to deal with one side alone, and the challenge is even greater.

   But they all survived.

Whether it's He Fengsheng, Fan Jingwen or Wu Tong, although every time they meet each other, they complain to the sky, but no one procrastinates on the things they explain. Quietly competing, this kind of healthy competition also prompts them to do things with more enthusiasm.

However, it is indeed time for a change in the assessment mechanism from provinces to prefectures. I hope that the dry suggestions I gave to Qi Yongtai this time can impress him. Even if it cannot be promoted immediately, it should be considered. How to do this.

  Receiving Fang Youdu's suggestion, Feng Ziying immediately went to find Zhou Chaorui, a fellow from Dali Temple.

  Zhou Chaorui has a somewhat upright personality, but no matter how upright he is, he can't match the friendship of his fellow countrymen. What's more, it seems that the punishment of exile is more severe. As for Feng Ziying's proposed exile to Gansu or Guyuan, it is also a reasonable move.

  The direction of exile in the Great Zhou is divided into three directions, one is the northeast, the other is the northwest, and the other is the southwest. It is difficult to live anywhere. In comparison, Liaodong may be the best.

  After Zhou Chaorui agreed, Feng Ziying handed over the matter to Fang Youdu to implement it, which will take some time.

As the news from Shaanxi began to ferment, it means that Qi Yongtai will soon discuss with Ye Fang and come up with specific countermeasures in the court. Feng Ziying is about to embark on the journey to Shaanxi.

  For Feng Ziying, these 20 days may be his last happy time, but he also needs to deal with all kinds of Shuntian Mansion and family affairs during this time.

It is still uncertain who will succeed Shuntianfu Yin and Shuntianfucheng. Feng Ziying once considered recommending Lian Guoshi, but it is clear that the imperial court can no longer be promoted like himself, jumping from the fifth rank to the fourth rank again, let alone Lian. The time for state affairs to Yongping Mansion is also relatively short, and the situation has just opened, so it is unlikely to make adjustments.

  There are many people who want to come to Shuntian Mansion to be Fu Yin and Fu Cheng, and the imperial court does not lack such officials, but whether they can do well as this official is another matter.

  Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe are interested in Li Banghua, but Feng Ziying is not optimistic about it. This is also a role that is more literary than practical. An important position like Shuntian Fu Yin is not suitable, but this cannot be left to him.

In addition, he also needs to think about it for Fu Shi. Fu Shi is now the general judge of Shuntian Mansion, and he is at the sixth rank. If he wants to be promoted to a higher level, there are two main places to go. The other is to go to a local state to serve as the chief official to know the state, which is also from the fifth rank.

Feng Ziying knew that Fu Shi was definitely willing to go to the seventh part. Everyone knew that after a little polishing in the seventh part, it would be too easy to get a place. To be promoted by two levels, that is to say, if he has served as Yuanwailang in the seventh department for several years and wants to go down, he usually starts from the fourth rank.

You can directly go to the provinces to serve as a councilor, or you can continue to be promoted to be a doctor in various ministries. The fifth rank in Beijing is actually not inferior to the fourth rank in the local area, and even more coveted. Of course, you can also go to the provinces. It is considered a relatively poor job to mention the punishment and the procuratorial envoy.

  Feng Ziying really hoped that Fu Shi could go to the prefecture to serve as the chief official of the prefecture, such as Yanqing Prefecture and Baoan Prefecture in Beizhi, which are very suitable.

But it still depends on Fu Shi himself. If Fu Shi wants to go to the Seventh Ministry, Feng Ziying is willing to help him, even if he can't go to the key departments such as the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Households, but the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of Commerce. , he is still somewhat sure.

Fang Kezhuang, the magistrate of Tongzhou, was also the first group of officials to approach Feng Ziying. In addition, he and Feng Ziying are also from Shandong. This year, Fang Kezhuang is also very supportive of Feng Ziying. It is from the sixth grade, and Feng Ziying intends to recommend him to replace Fu Shi, to be promoted to a higher level to take over the general judge, or to jump out and work in other slightly inferior mansions, such as smaller mansions further south, such as Shunde Mansion, Guangping Mansion and Daming Mansion went to serve as co-prefects.

This is equivalent to being promoted to two levels in a row, but Feng Ziying is very optimistic about Fang Kezhuang's strong character. Fang Kezhuang can quickly control the situation on the water and land wharf in Tongzhou, which is enough to show his courage and ability. If you go up to Ren Tongzhi, you can also have an explanation.

During the more than one year in Shuntian Mansion as Fucheng, these two officials were the only officials Feng Ziying admired. Fang Kezhuang had a stronger and more courageous personality than Fu Shi, and he also had rules in his work. Fu Shi was meticulous and rigorous in his work. Diligent, but inferior to Fang Kezhuang in terms of courage and responsibility, but Fang Kezhuang has a more frizzy personality. It can be said that both of them have obvious advantages and disadvantages, but Feng Ziying thinks that talents are hard to find, and these two are the only ones I can meet and admire up.

  (end of this chapter)

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