Number of People

Chapter 1989: Gui Zi Juan nepotism, meritocracy

  Chapter 1989 Guizijuan nepotism, meritocracy

   The more she got into this situation, the more Feng Ziying realized the shortage of talents in her hands.

  I suddenly climbed to the position of a fourth-rank member, but it was only a few short years, and the disadvantage of shallow qualifications and experience appeared at this time.

  Even my classmates are still developing obscenely on the sixth and seventh rank officials, so it is difficult to be of great use for the time being.

As for my subordinates, I worked in Yongping Mansion and Shuntian Mansion. At that time, I was fledgling in Yongping Mansion, and no one was willing to approach me at all. I didn't have much energy to think about this issue. Put it on how to do things in hand to prove yourself, so there is no need to mention it.

It was only when I arrived in Shuntian Mansion that I began to consciously work on this aspect, but even so, in more than a year, I established a relatively close relationship with Fang Kezhuang, and Fu Shi largely It was only with the help of the Jia family line that he brought the other party under his command in a relatively short period of time.

Counting Song Xian is also a usable person, but this guy's initial ambiguous attitude made Feng Ziying a little uncomfortable, but in the follow-up, it is true that no one is available in his hands, and this guy also took the initiative to move closer, so Feng Ziying reluctantly accepted the other party, but to say How much trust, then it's out of the question.

  Besides, Song Xian is just a promoted official from the sixth rank, and the rank of Yi is also a little lower. In addition, he is only from a Juren background. Even if it is to be cultivated, it will take time.

Thinking of this, Feng Ziying couldn't help but smile wryly, and they all hoped that it would be accomplished overnight, but such a big Zhou Dynasty, like a slow-moving clumsy giant, every command transmitted from the nerves of the head to the limbs to form movements, would appear to be so laggy and inefficient. In fact, it is determined by the performance of everyone under this huge administrative structure.

I give advice to Qi Yongtai, that is, I hope that Qi Yongtai will stand at the height of the cabinet and be able to improve, improve and even innovate this long-standing disadvantage. Feng Ziying thinks that she does not have this ability, and Qi Yongtai does not have the courage to bring about a subversive revolution. , it is not bad to have an improved innovation.

   Without a large group of scholars or officials who support and obey you, don't even think about making a decision with one word.

In previous lives, Zhang Juzheng was able to make the test method into reality only after decades of hard work and a special relationship with the emperor. Even so, once he passed away, everything would be overturned. Feng Ziying did not have such a story. I thought about playing it on myself.

  In principle, he should not be in a hurry, there is still plenty of time, but at the same time he feels anxious, so step by step, slow accumulation, and makes it difficult for him, does it really have to wait until he is seventy or eighty to implement all this according to his wish? This is of course unacceptable. Even ten or twenty years, Feng Ziying thinks it is too long.

   This entangled mentality has always troubled Feng Ziying, making him sometimes feel that he seems to be going crazy, and he has to find other ways to resolve this emotion.

  In all fairness, I have done a good job, but I just underestimated the difficulty of promoting the development of the entire court society by one person.

I always think that I have a pair of insightful eyes to see the general trend, control the direction of history, and have a strong foundation of contacts, so I can do anything, but in fact, I seem so helpless under the influence of the general trend, at most Small fights can get what they want.

   You must have your own talents, which Feng Ziying has a deep understanding of in Shuntian Mansion.

When Fu Shi is completely for his own use, many things in the mansion only need to be handed over to him, and he can let go of his own thoughts and intentions if he explains clearly. If Mei Zhiye can do this to Fu Shi, then he will be more at ease. less than.

Also in Xianghe, in Dacheng, and in Dong'an, although a few classmates may have some ideas of their own, but in the relationship between the boss and classmates, the work I confessed has never been delayed. , If you change a state or county, there will be no such smoothness. This is the power of connections.

   "Go and get Jia Huan, Jia Lan, and Jia Cong, and I'll have a good talk with them too." Feng Ziying pondered for a while before ordering Ruixiang.

The Jia family is finished. Theoretically, even if Jia Huan, Jia Lan, and Jia Cong can read and read, it is impossible for this kind of scholar with a bad reputation to find a well-connected teacher. , no one is willing to accept such a disciple.

  In the Great Zhou Dynasty, if you didn't have a master with enough reputation and connections, then your starting point would be much lower than others.

Even if you pass the Jinshi exam, once the three-year political observation period expires, you may be able to work in the heart of Gyeonggi, Nanzhi, Shandong, Liangzhe, Huguang, etc. , you may be directly arranged to take Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou or prefectures and counties in remote areas of Shaanxi to fight. You can imagine how big the gap will be, and its development prospects are even more obvious.

Jia Huan, Jia Cong, and Jia Lan are now in such a tragic situation. After experiencing this wave of imprisonment, they may be the most helpless and most in need of encouragement. Choose, give them a hope, and they will cherish and repay it with a hundredfold effort.

  Feng Ziying’s guess was right. Jia Huan, Jia Lan, and Jia Cong who came out of prison were particularly depressed and disappointed because Feng Ziying didn’t do it in person and couldn’t see Feng Ziying.

  As criminals released on bail, the three of Jia Huan are full of despair about their future fate.

Prisoners and family members are not eligible to participate in the Qiu Wei Chun Wei Grand Competition. No matter how well they study, they will be rejected by a question of qualifications. This makes the three feel deeply desperate, so that even though they are He was released, but his mood was completely different from that of Jia Mu, Wang Shi, Jia Zhen, and Jia Rong.

  Both Tanchun and Li Wan were helpless against this situation. One was a brother and the other was his own son, but now he had turned into such a decadent appearance. For his sister and mother, it was more uncomfortable than his own suffering.

"Third girl, what should I do? If this continues, Brother Huan, Brother Lan, and Brother Cong will all die." In just a few days, Li Wan almost lost a lot of weight. The sweat towel in his hand was twisted and crumpled.

Seeing her son being taciturn all day long, not leaving the room for half a step, besides sleeping, just sitting by the desk and dazed in a daze, Li Wan's heart was about to break, but this kind of thing was beyond her ability to solve, even her lover might be helpless as well , this is probably the reason why Feng Ziying has not been here during this period of time.

   Tanchun is not worried? The original arrogant Jia Huan was no longer seen, and replaced by the silent and preoccupied Jia Huan. After returning from prison, he refused to meet and talk to the rest of the family except himself.

Tanchun knew what Jia Huan was thinking. He hated the Jia family, hated his father, hated his uncle, hated everyone in the Jia family and everything in the Jia family. He passed the examination of Juren, passed the examination of Jinshi, and then embarked on a high-spirited official career, but now all these are ruined by the Jia family.

"Sister-in-law, I don't know what to do." Tanchun showed a look of sadness on his face, "Brother Huan has always pinned his hopes on studying, and he worked very hard in the academy. He has won the Juren examination, and the evaluation of him in the academy is also very optimistic, saying that he will definitely pass the Juren examination, and even next year's Jinshi in Chunwei is very promising, but now..."

Li Wan's eyes were also red, and he wiped away his tears, "Isn't it the same with Lan Geer? Now the county examination has also been delayed, and this delay will have to go to next year. Now Lan Geer has nothing to do but cover his head all day long. If you fall asleep and do nothing, how can you go on like this?"

"Next year, the relatives of criminal officials are still eligible to take the exam?" Tanchun smiled wryly, "If only one subject is delayed, what about the future? If they are not allowed to take the exam for the rest of their lives, then Brother Huan and Brother Lang What should they do, do they all want to dawdle like Brother Bao?"

Li Wan subconsciously said: "Then how can we do that? It's fine if Baoyu is ineffective. After all, our Jia family has produced two seeds of reading. How can we waste it like this? Now the Jia family is no longer the Jia family of the past. If you don't study, you will rely on it in the future What life?"

"But this is not something we can change. The court regulations are like this, even Brother Feng can't change it." Tanchun sighed, "I don't know how to tell Brother Huan, if Brother Huan had been in the past I made a fuss about going to Brother Feng, but now Brother Huan doesn't say a word, and he also knows that Brother Feng can't change this matter."

"Should we just watch Brother Huan and Brother Lan become more and more depressed, and sit and watch their whole life be ruined like this?" Li Wan clenched his fists, his eyes were red, "No, no matter what, I won't let If Brother Lang continues like this, I will only rely on him, Sangirl, Brother Huan is also your only younger brother, don't you want to work hard for him?"

   Tanchun was surprised: "Sister-in-law, of course I want to work hard for Brother Huan, but can we do this kind of thing with hard work?"

Li Wan took a deep breath, and his gaze became firmer: "We were rescued, and then our ancestors and his wife and Jia Zhen and Jia Rong were released. Have you ever thought about it? Brother Zhen is the son of Master Jing, and Master Jing is now the imperial court." The top few imperial criminals, the Minister of the Household Department of the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty, and Ziying can make him exonerate. I don’t believe that Ziying really can’t help us, it’s just to see if he is willing to make great efforts. ,..."

   Tanchun was stunned, "Sister-in-law, what do you mean?"

   "Third girl, you don't have to hide it from me. Are you planning to be Ziying's concubine? Go into girl Lin's room?" Li Wan looked at Tanchun with burning eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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