Number of People

Chapter 1990: The old farmer with rice fragrance in the decile roll turns around gorgeously

  Chapter 1990 The old farmer with the fragrance of rice in the decile roll turns around gorgeously

One sentence made Tanchun almost jump up, but the blushing cheeks and slightly relieved expression made Li Wan immediately understand that his guess should be right, and most of them should have had contact with Lin Daiyu, or Lin Daiyu It also has meaning in this regard.

   "Why did sister-in-law say that?" But under these circumstances, Tanchun couldn't easily pick up the topic, "What does this have to do with Brother Huan and Brother Lan's future?"

"Three girls, in fact, there is nothing shameful about this. Countless women in the capital city dream of marrying into the Feng family as concubines. Xiao Feng's reputation is worth real gold and silver. If our Jia family has not fallen, you want Being Ziying's concubine, maybe everyone will feel a little wronged, but now the Jia family has fallen, no, it can't even be considered a defeat, it should be destroyed, and even the servants wish they could be with our Jia family. Draw a clear line, as for Ziying, not to mention being a fourth-rank official, she will soon be inspecting Shaanxi, Tanchun, do you know what it means to inspect Shaanxi?"

Li Wan's father, Li Shouzhong, was a priest of the Imperial College in Nanjing. If one were to consider his status to be more noble than the Jia family, he was no stranger to the rules of the Da Zhou officialdom, and Tan Chun was also ambitious. Compared with other sisters, She is also the one who cares most about Feng Ziying's official career, so she also has some understanding of Da Zhou's official promotion path.

   Tanchun nodded silently, "Brother Feng has a great future, and the governor's side is often a precursor to reuse."

"Yes, although there may not be any changes in the taste of the governor's side, but for Ziying, the governor of Shuntianfu is completely different from the governor of Shaanxi." Li Wan obviously worked **** this, "The former Shaanxi governor Who is the governor, Yun Guang, one of the most famous scholars in the Northland, if he hadn't been investigated and prosecuted for being implicated in the Ningxia rebellion, it is said that he should be the third grade right now. Or someone at the level of the Deputy Imperial Envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate!"

  Tanchun couldn't help taking a good look at this sister-in-law Zhu who had never shown herself in the Rongguo Mansion before, with a haggard heart and only stared at Jialan.

  Suddenly, Tanchun seemed to feel that this sister-in-law had changed a lot.

Look at her outfit today, although she is still dressed in plain white, but her sleeves are edged with purple gold embroidered silk thread, the pearl hairpin on her temples seems to be a little more enchanting, and the fragrance powder on her body Breath, as if I have never felt it before.

  This pair of embroidered shoes, um, should be produced by Jingzhong Zhilanfang. It is a small embroidery workshop that specializes in customizing embroidered shoes for the wealthy and famous families in Beijing. Tanchun has only heard of it, and he has never used it.

But she knew that Baochai, Daiyu, and even Baoqin used this embroidery workshop every day, and Yingchun also had them, but they didn't wear them often. Focusing on comfort, I feel that Zhilanfang's things are too particular, which makes it more restrictive to wear.

   I didn't expect my sister-in-law to use such an extremely expensive, even luxurious item, which is incredible.

After the Jia family was confiscated, all the property in the family was confiscated. It can be said that the Jia family is poor and white now, and there are still a lot of debts outside. The famine debts left behind by the construction of the Grand View Garden, they will not be arrested because of your family. Let's stop there after the inspection, but will intensify the demands because you are finished now.

After they were bailed out by Feng Ziying, they were penniless and only had one or two sets of clothes. Although they lived in Feng's residence without worrying about food and clothing, Feng Ziying never treated them badly. He paid two hundred taels of silver for daily pocket money, which was worth the pocket money he had spent in Rongguo Mansion for several years.

   This made Tanchun both sweet and sour, but he was more happy in his heart. Brother Feng still treats himself differently after all.

   It's just that Tanchun didn't expect that his sister-in-law could still wear Zhilanfang's embroidered shoes, and then subconsciously looked at Li Wan's silk trousers that showed a corner of her skirt.

  In a blink of an eye, the hem of the silk trousers is also embroidered with patterns. At first glance, it looks like lake silk or Hangzhou silk. The underwear is made of lake silk or Hangzhou silk.

Even in this Feng residence, I am afraid that only the sisters of the Shen family, Baochai and Daiyu have this kind of treatment. Well, maybe Baoqin can also be used. I guess even the second sister would not be so ostentatious, but the elegant and thrifty Li Why did Wan become uncharacteristically extravagant when he came out of prison? This contrast is also too big.

Li Wan looked at Baochai's eyes and lingered at his feet, his heart trembled, and he secretly yelled "Oops". The girl didn't notice or couldn't see what it meant.

  But Li Wan also knew that it might be impossible. With Sanya's fineness, and who was also in charge of housekeeping, how could she not recognize these things?

  Li Wan glanced again, only to find that the bottom of his inner trousers was exposed outside the skirt, and he felt even more uncomfortable. This was really all exposed.

  Even though she came out of prison penniless, how could Feng Ziying treat her badly? Naturally, it was arranged for her, and Li Wan was already in a broken mood.

This Jia family is finished, and I can't say that I can't count anyone in the Jia family who can't be missing. Jia Amnesty and Jia Zheng are still there, and Baoyu is still in the next generation. The father-in-law valued it, so he didn't have so many scruples.

  I have nothing now, and the only thing I care about is Lang Geer's future. If my lover can be considerate and cherish me, why should I pick and choose as I used to, and enjoy it generously.

That's why she boldly went to Zhilanfang to order some clothes, shoes and socks. Although they were indeed expensive, they were comfortable and beautiful to wear. Even Suyun said that wearing these clothes made her feel like she was several years younger. Shen Yixiu, Bao Chai, Daiyu, and Baoqin usually wear these too, so they don't care too much, but they didn't expect that they would show their secrets in front of Tan Yatou.

  Although she felt a little flustered in her heart, the expression on Li Wan's face remained the same. She has also experienced big storms, stolen men, and spent time in prison. For a woman, what else can she not bear?

  Li Wan even thought maliciously, that is, I can't marry Ziying like you, but I had an affair with him early on, and his love for me may not necessarily be weaker than yours.

  Even if the third girl really suspects and guesses something, Li Wan is not afraid, as long as you don't hold your adultery in bed, then your guess can only be a guess.

Li Wan glanced at the thoughtful Tanchun, continued the previous topic, and said lightly: "The governor of Shaanxi can be said to be Ziying's best chance, especially now that the situation in Shaanxi is extremely bad. What has been achieved, will definitely go further after returning, and it is very possible to be promoted to the Minister of the Seven Departments, or to be promoted to the Governor of Shuntian Mansion, and it is worth a thousand dollars to get such a result after two years of hard work."

  Tanchun also glanced at Li Wan, but her inner judgment of Li Wan was a little different and complicated.

   Since when did the sister-in-law have these changes? Tanchun was recalling that there were changes in Rongguo Mansion, although not obvious, but they started after the big guy moved into the Grand View Garden.

  Tanchun carefully recalled that when the eldest sister-in-law first moved into Daoxiang Village, it seemed that nothing had changed. Didn’t she call herself a Daoxiang old farmer? Still so indifferent, when did the change start?

   Tanchun has no way of knowing this. When I was housekeeping with her, things seemed to have changed a bit.

The second sister-in-law took the initiative to resign, and the wife left it to herself and the elder sister-in-law to take care of it. It seemed a little different. Tanchun couldn't remember the specific changes, but the only thing I remember was that she preferred to use balm and face powder. Normally, the two of them sat next to each other on the kang, and Tanchun could smell it.

At first, it was still that kind of delicate fragrance, but later it became more intense. Tanchun thought that all women like this kind of smell, but I accidentally heard that the second sister-in-law also likes a similar strong fragrance powder, which can seduce men's hearts the most. Chun was a little puzzled at the time, maybe the second sister-in-law wanted to please Lian's second brother at the beginning, and the eldest sister-in-law also liked this kind of balm and powder, and she was not afraid of being laughed at by others?

  Thinking about it now, it seems that the sister-in-law changed at that time, but now that Jia's family is broken and has been reduced to the point where she has to rely on the Feng family's support for her living, why does the sister-in-law still have the mind to think about these fancy things?

   And these things are expensive, where does her money come from?

   Could it be that she still saved money for her own house outside, or did she put it away in advance?

This series of questions made it difficult for Tanchun to let go, but she also knew that it is not wise to talk to the wise. The sister-in-law may no longer be the sister-in-law of Rongguo Mansion. From the moment the Jia family was destroyed, everyone's identity has changed drastically. The change, just like myself, isn't it possible to become Feng's wife?

  And when the Jia family is unable to provide shelter and support for the sister-in-law and Lang Geer, perhaps it is understandable that the sister-in-law wants to find a better path and seek a new life.

"Sister-in-law, I understand what you said, but what does it have to do with Brother Huan and Brother Lan's future? Or, do you think Brother Feng has not or is not willing to do his best to help us? For Huan Brother Lan can go to Brother Feng, can there be a better solution?" Tanchun couldn't help but took a deep breath and asked slowly.

Li Wan also heard the doubts and dissatisfaction in Tanchun's words, she smiled gently: "What I want to say is not that Ziying refuses to help Brother Huan and Brother Lan, but I think it may be that Ziying's little Looking at his own ability, he is not only a Shuntian Fu Cheng, but a governor of Shaanxi Province, the next step may be a third-rank minister who can be called the Duke of Dagon, so let's ask, please If you beg, maybe there is a way? Could it be that the third sister can't lose this face because of Brother Huan? Then I will go."

   I had something to do last night, make up for it!



  (end of this chapter)

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