Number of People

Chapter 1991: Guizijuan's aunts and sisters-in-law are fighting for the top, what's the h

  Chapter 1991 Guizijuan sister-in-law fights for the top, why is it urgent?

  Li Wan's words were somewhat provocative and provocative, and her utilitarian attitude towards Brother Feng also made her a little uncomfortable.

  This is the first time that Tanchun feels that the sister-in-law, who used to be harmless to humans and animals, is now a bit scheming, which makes her very, very uncomfortable.

Tanchun calmed down, and smiled lightly: "Of course it's okay to go to Brother Feng, you can go anytime, but if you go with too many thoughts and hopes, it's beyond Brother Feng's ability, sister-in-law will never consider letting you go." Brother Feng is embarrassed, and we will be disappointed too?"

  Being stabbed by Tan Chun's soft yet hard words, Li Wan's heart trembled a little.

My sister-in-law is not of the easy-going type. Looking around, Wang Xifeng is probably the only one in Yuanlai Rongguo Mansion who can play tricks with her. My own morality is not enough in front of her, so don't show it. It's not good to be caught by the other party with some excuses.

"It's also what the third sister said. If it's something else, I naturally wouldn't dare to ask Ziying, but I have the audacity to ask for this matter about Brother Lang. I also recognize the notoriety of getting ahead, and in the future, I will be a cow and a horse in my next life to repay it, or let Lang Geer remember Ziying's kindness, and I will never forget it."

  Li Wan's expression was solemn, and his words were correct. For a while, even Tanchun was a little difficult to answer, and even wondered if his previous thoughts were a little bit of a villain's heart.

After all, Li Wan is just such a son and a widow. It turns out that the heads of the Jia family, including the ancestors and the old lady, have somewhat ignored the eldest grandson, and put their minds on the second brother Bao. It is no wonder that Li Wan has a different mind. , not caring about the Jia family at all.

"Sister-in-law, what my younger sister said may be a bit straightforward, but Brother Feng has done his best to our Jia family, and even accepted Lan Geer as his disciple. How can Uncle Feng do his best to help his disciples?" Tan Chun After brewing some words, "It's okay for my sister-in-law to go. As for my younger sister, I will go too, but my younger sister still feels that I need to do what I can. If it is bound by morality, it is beyond his ability to let Brother Feng do it." If you do something within the family, or if you do something that will hinder Brother Feng's future, that little girl doesn't approve of it."

As soon as Tanchun finished speaking, Li Wan laughed softly, "Hey, third girl, you have not yet passed the door, so you are thinking about Ziying? Who is Ziying? Who can force him to do it?" What to do? Don’t worry, my sister-in-law is not someone who doesn’t know the current affairs, and she will explain her words to Ziying.

Li Wan's words made Tanchun always feel as if there was something indescribable. It seemed that the relationship between her and Brother Feng was also very close, but it seemed that it should not be the case just because Jialan worshiped Brother Feng as his teacher. , but if there is something wrong here, Tanchun can't tell, anyway, it's not a good feeling.

Li Wan didn't know that the scent she inadvertently exuded had already aroused Tanchun's vigilance. If you added the Zhilanfang shoes and hang silk embroidered underwear on her feet, it was enough to make people suspicious. Chun really connected Feng Ziying and Li Wan in some matter.

   "Sister-in-law wants to do well, and my younger sister will choose the opportunity to talk to Brother Feng." Tanchun nodded.

"By the way, Miss San, you still haven't answered my question. Did Miss Lin tell you that she would let her into her room?" .

Tanchun's cheeks were slightly hot, and he wiped the hair on his forehead to hide his inner anxiety, "Well, Sister Lin did say that, and Sister Bao also asked from the side, but the ancestors and wives were still talking about this kind of thing at that time. In prison, how can my little sister answer? After the old ancestor and his wife came out, they were also busy settling down, so naturally they didn't have the heart to talk about such things,..."

Tanchun is actually half-truth, not only Lin Daiyu mentioned it to her, but also Ziying has already told her, but this kind of thing is not something that Tanchun can decide to agree to, so he can only hide his face in embarrassment. .

   But Feng Ziying is also busy these days, and the place is still settling down, so I didn't talk about this kind of thing in detail.

  The biggest problem here is that Tanchun and the others are still family members of criminal officials, and now it is impossible to marry into the Feng family, even as a concubine, otherwise Feng Ziying will first be impeached by the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

   Tanchun and Xichun both understand this point, and what they want is nothing more than Feng Ziying's attitude, which is enough to make them feel at ease and wait forever.

"Then my sister is willing to say so. It seems that our Jia family really has a relationship with the Feng family and Feng Ziying. Baochai, Daiyu, even Baoqin and Xiuyan are all relatives of the Jia family, and the second girl needless to say , Now the third girl also has her own heart, and Ziying must like you too..." Li Wan sighed with emotion, "The girls of our Jia family are also really lucky. For Feng Ziying, the same is true. It was also his chance that our Jia and Feng families became such a close relationship..."

  The two were talking, but they heard Suyun and Cuilu running over in unison, "Grandma, girl,..."

   "What's the matter?" Li Wan and Tanchun both asked curiously seeing Suyun and Cuilu's excited faces.

   "Uncle Feng's Ruixiang is here, and he wants to take Brother Huan, Brother Lan and Brother Cong to the mansion to talk." Or Suyun replied.

She knew about the affair between Uncle Feng and her grandmother, and she also knew that what her grandmother was thinking about day and night was to let Uncle Feng help Lan Geer, get rid of the status of the prisoner's family member, so that Lan Geer could be eligible to participate in the competition in the future scientific research.

   "Really?" Both Li Wan and Tanchun were overjoyed, and exchanged surprise glances with each other.

  For Jia Huan, Jia Lan, and Jia Cong, this period of time can be described as like years. They are not young anymore, and they are not ignorant teenagers.

Jia Huan sixteen, Jia Lan fourteen, Jia Cong thirteen, according to the customs of this era, Jia Huan should be the normal age to marry a wife and have children, and should also bear the burden of the family, and Jia Lan can also consider getting engaged In terms of marriage, Jia Cong's thirteenth is not much different.

   But this year can be said to be more profound than what they felt in the previous ten years. For them, this year is undoubtedly a sharpening stone for them to mature quickly.

After going through the turmoil in the prison of Long Jinwei, it also made them realize the cruelty of this world and the impermanence of fate, and also made them realize that the family backing that they thought was rock-solid in the past disappeared overnight. It even became a disaster that caused me to suffer. Now that I don't even have the qualifications for the imperial examination, what should I do in the future? Who can I rely on?

   Especially Feng Ziying did not show up during this period, which made the three of them feel like a concubine, and the depression and despair troubled them, making the three of them extremely decadent and depressed, losing confidence and interest in everything.

  When they were summoned by Ruixiang and learned that Feng Ziying wanted to have a good talk with them, the feeling of being resurrected from the dead was something they had never experienced before.

Seeing the three young boys with flushed faces and hopeful eyes looking at her as if looking up to a god, Feng Ziying couldn't help but shook her head and smiled, "Why, how are you resting at home during this time? I was thinking You have been suffering in prison for so long, so that you are recuperating at home. It was only later that I heard that all of you locked yourself in the house, and didn’t think about food and drink. It was only later that I realized that what are you worrying about? Well, I also To tell you the truth, it is true that you are now the family members of prisoners, and you are no longer qualified to take the scientific examination, even I have no ability to change this reality,..."

  One sentence completely shattered the hopes of the three of them, and the faces of the three of them became gloomy, only Jia Huan was a little bit more stable.

  Feng Ziying ignored the changes in the mentality of the three of them, and he didn't have much thought to think about it. "But it doesn't mean you won't have another chance. If you can't do it now, it doesn't mean you won't do it in a year or two,..."

   "But Brother Feng, once the identities of our offenders' family members are confirmed, how can we change them? We won't be able to take the exam again for the rest of our lives." Jia Huan couldn't help but said.

"The theory is that if the pardon Shibozheng Shishu is convicted, you will not be eligible to take part in the scientific examination, but have you ever thought that pardon Shibozheng Shishu will be convicted, but the current emperor is not in good health, I expect the new The emperor's ascension to the throne will be within a year or two, and the new emperor's ascension to the throne will definitely amnesty the world, so if someone can promote the scope of amnesty, then this will not be a problem."

  Feng Ziying has long considered this issue thoroughly. It is customary for the new emperor to grant amnesty to the world, but the scope of amnesty has always been limited.

For example, the crime of treason is not pardoned. It is hard to say whether Jia amnesty smuggling and reselling counts. Jia Zheng is an official in Nanjing. Although there is a book to state his grievances, it is hard to say whether it counts. This requires specific analysis of specific issues. .

   And someone needs to operate and push it here, so now Feng Ziying can't guarantee it.

  But such a hope undoubtedly made the three of Jia Huan see the light. Brother Feng (Master) said so, it is undoubtedly possible to do it, and Jia Huan and the three of them are full of confidence in this.

  It was like a wheat field that had already dried up, poured into a clear spring, and the wheat seedlings that were on the verge of dying suddenly came back to life.

  Feng Ziying urged the three of them to continue studying seriously and not to fall behind, and at the same time encouraged them to take on important responsibilities at home and not let their family members look down on them.

  The three of Jia Huan also understood Feng Ziying's entrustment. Now that the Jia family is almost destroyed, I am afraid that in the future, they will have to fight for their own futures and shoulder the important responsibilities of the Jia family.

   While talking, Ruixiang said again that Li Wan is here.

  (end of this chapter)

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