Number of People

Chapter 1995: The flowers of the guizi scroll bloom in bursts, which can prosper or perish

  Chapter 1995 The decyl-shaped scroll blossoms in bursts, can flourish or perish

  If it is said that the recovery of Linqing brought more psychological influence to the people in the capital city, then in the north of Shandong, it will be a real benefit.

  The entire section to the north of Linqing City, from Linqing via Wucheng and Gucheng to Dezhou, immediately became lively, with ships and goods flowing, and it was full of joy.

  Dongchang Mansion in the south of Linqing was in turmoil, and the feeling of precarity immediately permeated the entire Shandong Nanjun Army.

Although the imperial army has not yet launched an attack on Dongchang Mansion, but looking at the distance from Linqing to Dongchang Mansion, and looking at the approaching footsteps of the imperial army in Guan County and Shen County to the west, everyone predicts that Dongchang The recovery of the government is also a matter of time.

  The Southern Army has been unable to hold the line from Dongchang Mansion to Jinan Mansion, and it is inevitable to withdraw to the south of Anshan Lake and Dongping Prefecture.

Of course, He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji also knew the great significance of Linqing's battle. It can be seen from the fact that the Datong Army quickly abandoned Wucheng in fear of being attacked by the north and the south, and the Dezhou Datong Army voluntarily withdrew after hesitating for a while. The key points of the entire Datong army also made the Datong army suspicious of the inside of the city where they were stationed.

  This greatly shook their determination to continue to defend, and even had a huge impact on the morale of Niu Jizong's Xuanfu army in Jining.

This group of commandos led by Busia Mara played a special role in the siege of Linqing. Although both Yang Zhaoji and He Huchen firmly believed that without this commando, they could still take Linqing, because Luo Dingbiao decided to surrender. At that time, the fate of Linqing City was decided, nothing more than how much sacrifice was made.

  He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji were also full of curiosity about the female general who came with Feng Ziying's handwritten letter.

This woman who is said to be the number one general of Haixi Jurchen usually wears an iron mask that covers above the bridge of her nose. Only Yang Zhaoji, He Huchen and others have seen her true face. Has the unique charm of a foreign woman.

This woman is a head taller than ordinary men. Although she usually hides her figure with a cloak and cloak, after wearing the helmet and armor, it can still be seen that this woman is full of strength from head to toe. The uniquely shaped full moon The scimitar is a bloodthirsty weapon for buying human life in close combat.

  Several officers in the army who thought they were good at martial arts all wanted to compete with this female general, but without exception, they were defeated in three or five moves.

  Both He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji could see that he still kept his hand, otherwise, in such a life-threatening scene on the battlefield, he might be able to kill you with one or two moves.

  However, He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji still felt that this woman didn't seem to care so much about her own martial arts. After the war, she was more interested in the firecracker team and artillery team under her command.

  During this period of time, we have been in contact with each other a lot. Both He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji are very sympathetic to each other's bold and generous personality. In addition, she brought Feng Ziying's personal letter, so they have nothing to hide from each other, and they basically know everything.

"The three-stage shooting technique of the firecracker team was drafted by Mr. Feng himself and then determined after several revisions and perfections. The main consideration is the burning speed of the firestring of the firecracker and the proficiency of the soldiers' drills. Compared with training to become a qualified archer, it is not worth mentioning. Three months of training, as long as you are not too stupid and the amount of training is enough, you can basically pass. If you can supplement it with enough live ammunition training , then basically you can go to battle, for Da Zhou, the most indispensable thing is soldiers, so..."

  He Huchen is still discussing with Busia Mara the deployment and tactics of the firearms team.

"...The eagle-billed gun, also known as the turtledove gun, is in a special situation. It is too heavy, it is inconvenient to operate, and it has higher requirements on soldiers, but its range is far stronger than that of ordinary fire guns, so my opinion and that of Tai Chu are the same. The number does not require too much, but it must have the ability to strike with a single blow, especially in a head-on confrontation, a fierce blow can severely damage or even destroy the enemy's confidence, which also requires a certain number and high efficiency,..."

Busia Mara had seen the power of firecrackers when she fought against the Nekhalkas in Yongping Mansion, but it was not until the Battle of Linqing that she really experienced this large-scale frontal battle with ordinary firearms at close range. How powerful the army combined with guns, eagle-billed guns, and artillery has.

Especially when Da Zhou has an endless reserve of soldiers, if the production capacity of firecrackers and artillery is not restricted, then she does not believe that Jianzhou Jurchen can win Da Zhou, and even wants to gain the upper hand in Liaodong It is also impossible.

  Even the Jianzhou Jurchens are also equipped with this kind of firecracker artillery, but compared with the endless strategic resources of the Great Zhou Dynasty, even ten for one can make the Jianzhou Jurchens extinct.

  Perhaps Jurchen's only advantage in Liaodong is adaptation to the climate and familiarity with geography, but this is not the decisive factor.

Busia Mara is no longer the immature girl who just watched the sky in the one-acre land of Haixi Jurchen a few years ago. In the past few years, in Yongping Mansion and Shuntian Mansion, all kinds of things she has seen , and even because of that man, she was exposed to all kinds of things that she had never seen or even imagined before, which made her wake up like a dream.

As a general, Busia Mara is naturally most interested in all elements involved in war, so in Yongping Mansion she saw the power of firecrackers and the training of firecrackers, and then saw the regular army's dependence on logistics .

  She also saw the establishment of a huge military industrial system, especially the giant steel workshop and the complicated processes of beneficiation, calcination, and purification, which made her feel an irresistible sense of powerlessness.

Seeing that Busia Mara was absent-minded, He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji exchanged glances, "Busia Mara, in fact, your Yehe tribe is not suitable for our kind of equipment. The innate habit of using bows and arrows is actually more suitable for the existing system,..."

"I know, it's just that if we face Jianzhou Jurchens who are also good at riding and shooting, and they also get a large number of Liaodong Han people, and then they can be equipped with firecrackers or even artillery, we have almost no chance of winning or even protecting ourselves." Busia Mara said indifferently: "But you in Liaodong Town only know how to protect yourself blindly, guarding the long side wall, hiding behind the side wall, although you keep saying that you will support us, but when the Jianzhou Jurchen really wants to attack us, Your little support is still useful, is there still time?"

  He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji looked at each other in dismay. This topic was too big for them to answer.

Both of them are only military generals at the level of participating generals in the Northern Front Army, not to mention them, even a general at the level of You Shilu, who is at a higher level, is not qualified to dictate the strategic deployment of the entire Great Zhou in Liaodong. It's just a private conversation with the colleagues you have made friends with.

In the entire Northern Front Army, probably only Sun Chengzong, who has already been assigned the title of Minister of the Ministry of War, is barely qualified to make suggestions, but he is not the real Minister of the Ministry of War, but only added to command the army, so his identity cannot express opinions at will. Whether it is a private discussion, or the ministers and ministers of the Ministry of War specifically solicit opinions, that is another story.

It was Yang Zhaoji who pondered for a while and continued: "Busia Mara, we understand what you said, but we can't answer it. Liaodong Town is an important town on the nine borders of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and its military strength is sufficient to deal with all challenges. I remember Mr. Feng As I said, the retreat of the Great Zhou at the Six Forts of Kuandian was the biggest mistake Li Chengliang made, which gave Nurhachi a wrong impression. Before Governor Feng took office as the Governor of Jiliao, many military officers in Liaodong Town had already lost their role as the Great Zhou. The basic literacy of a warrior is what led to the fall of Fushun Pass, Liaodong Town needs an adjustment period,..."

  Busia Mara snorted and laughed, "Master Yang, how long will this adjustment period take? Is it after all the Haixi Jurchens fall into Nurhachi's hands?"

Yang Zhaoji smiled awkwardly, "I'm joking, but Busia Mara, you have also seen that the main focus of the imperial court is to take down Shandong as soon as possible, and then calm down Jiangnan. I believe that as long as Jiangnan is resolved, the imperial court will be free to deal with it." The Jianzhou Jurchens are gone."

Busia Mara shook her head desolately, "I know this is not something you can solve, but I hope to get some firecrackers and artillery, especially artillery, so that when we face the Jianzhou Jurchen attack, It can also play a role in defending the city.”

He Huchen frowned, "Busia Mara, you should know that our firecrackers and artillery are dispatched by the Ministry of War, they are all registered, and the number is limited, and the firecracker artillery also needs projectiles, gunpowder and some related parts, otherwise Even if I give you a few, it won't be effective if you take them back. If you really want it, you should go to Mr. Feng. As far as I know, the output of the Gyeonggi Military Industry Factory is still increasing. Five hundred firecrackers and eight cannons out of ten may be their output in a few days, as long as Mr. Feng can make an agreement with the Ministry of War, it will not be a problem at all."

After all, I still want to find him, Busia Mara nodded silently, and stroked her stomach subconsciously, Tiangui has not come yet, it seems that more than ten days have passed, but her own Tiangui is not very accurate It happened a few days earlier and a few days later, but this time it was a bit different. It was more than ten days late. Busia Mara felt that her chest was also a little swollen, and she was still a little bit **** when she saw blood in the battle that day. Feeling disgusted, which made her a little worried if she had it?

   Counting the days, the first night when I left the capital city and went south, I just had a good night with him. If it was that night, the days would be almost the same.

Busia Mara was a little irritable. According to the news from Liaodong, Jianzhou Nuzhen was preparing for a large-scale war, and it seemed that they were going to attack Liaodong Town. I'm afraid it will be difficult.

  (end of this chapter)

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