Number of People

Chapter 1996: Guizi Juan is brewing and calculating, and the candidate is determined

  Chapter 1996 Guizi Juan is brewing and calculating, and the candidate is determined

  Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe walked out of Wenyuan Pavilion with their hands behind their backs, and nodded with Li Sancai who came in.

   "Go away with the wind?" Ye Xianggao rubbed his forehead and asked a little tiredly.

"Let's go, he talked to me about Feng Keng." Li Sancai pondered for a moment, then stood still, "The situation in Shaanxi is not optimistic, or it is still getting worse. There are also many cases of swarms, which is particularly dangerous. In addition, the pimple plague is also spreading. I am a little worried that it will spread to Shanxi and Henan. As Brother Chengfeng said, it must be a strong one with enough wrists. People go to Shaanxi."

  Ye Xianggao said calmly: "Feng Keng is the only suitable candidate, what about the others? This is a bit ridiculous."

Fang Congzhe asked hesitantly: "Now that Gao Jiande has resigned due to illness, he went back to his hometown before the court approved it. Lu Chuan, Lu Zijian and Sun Yijie were at odds. The two wrote to the court to criticize and evade each other. It is no secret in Shaanxi. The situation cannot be dragged on any longer, and the candidate must be finalized as soon as possible. Even if Feng Ziying does not go, then the candidate must be confirmed immediately. Lu Chuan is not a suitable candidate for the left chief minister, let alone take over as governor. Sun Yijie is not bad, but his ability Insufficient, unable to hold back,..."

  Ye Xianggao also had a headache when he heard it. Lu Chuan is from Jiangxi, and he can be regarded as a member of his own Fujian-Jiangyou system.

He also knows that Lu Chuan is very happy but has high-sightedness and low-sightedness, and his personality is also a bit crazy, so he is incompatible with Sun Yijie, a silent but stubborn procurator. This virtue has a lot to do with the discord between the two of them to a large extent.

   "How is Li Banghua going? He and Zijian are from the same hometown, so they have this relationship..." Ye Xianggao asked.

"No, Meng An (Li Banghua's character) is also arrogant and lofty. Although he and Zijian are from the same hometown, they have no friendship. They even fell out because his teacher Erzhan (Zou Yuanbiao) once criticized Zijian. Meng An is going to If not, it will only get worse." Fang Congzhe shook his head again and again.

In fact, it's not just this reason, Fang Congzhe is not optimistic about Li Banghua's ability to shoulder this burden. Li Banghua is more similar to Wu Daonan in essence, he is not good at handling local administrative affairs, and he is too upright in his life. , Can't eat locally.

  Li Sancai is also not optimistic about Li Banghua, but seeing that Fang Congzhe has clearly denied it, he will not add anything, but if Fang Congzhe does not say anything, he will come out and become this villain.

In the final analysis, the Shaanxi issue still has to be resolved in the fight against chaos. He is the elder in charge of the military department, and his hometown is also Lintong, Shaanxi. However, he later moved to Shuntian Prefecture, and the scientific examinations he participated in Shuntian Prefecture still have a deep connection with his hometown. Feelings, naturally dare not slack off.

   "How about Mingqing (Zhou Jiamo)?" Zhou Jiamo is also an old man in the court, and now he is the young minister of Honghe Temple in Honghe Temple.

  Li Sancai shook his head quickly, "Ming Qing's body can't bear such a bumpy and tired man, Brother Jin Qing should choose another talented person, something will happen, and the Huguang scholars won't scold us to death?"

   Zhou Jiamo is a scholar from Huguang, not young, but resigned twice due to health reasons, and now serves as Shaoqing in Honglu Temple.

   "How about Changru (Ding Yuanjian)?" Fang Congzhe asked again.

  Ye Xianggao voluntarily vetoed it, "Changru has a stubborn temper and lacks skills. Such a tricky situation requires superb means. If he goes, I'm afraid he will mess things up."

  Fang Congzhe and Li Sancai also nodded silently, and Ye Xianggao was still very accurate in seeing people, and he hit the point.

During this election, several candidates were proposed. They were not good at local government affairs, they were too old and in poor health, or they lacked the courage to make impromptu decisions. Another very important reason was that most of these officials were in contact with the military. It doesn't matter much, this is the most worrying.

  If you want to go to Shaanxi, you will first face solving the civil unrest that is raging everywhere.

The rebellious troops that have already formed a climate are naturally handed over to the Northwest Army, which is mainly in Yulin Town, to deal with it. At least twenty or thirty stocks have emerged, and they are still growing.

These rebellious army bandits spread all over Shaanxi, especially Yan'an, Qingyang, and Pingliang, Weiduo, the northern area of ​​Xi'an Prefecture and the northern part of Fengxiang Prefecture, and even the Weizhen control area. The cabinet princes are worried.

  The three of them walked along the path outside Wenyuan Pavilion, and the atmosphere was a little stagnant for a while.

This matter cannot be delayed, and the three of them all understand that Li Sancai is not very opposed to Feng Ziying's going to Shaanxi. Qi Yongtai also came to exchange views with him before. Some hesitated, even a little bit reluctant to let Feng Ziying go to Shaanxi.

   After all, this trip is risky, not only the risk of frustration in official career, but also the risk of life. The army is in chaos, the swords and guns have no eyes, and the epidemic of the plague.

   If you want to say that the court really can't find someone who can go to Shaanxi to be a governor? If it was normal, they would have broken their heads a long time ago, but in this situation, ninety percent of them backed down, and even if they came to the door, they had to make excuses for various reasons.

   Zhou Jiamo can't go? How big is the problem with the body? It's not that I'm afraid that if I go there, I won't be able to handle it well, which will affect my future prospects.

   After a long silence, Li Sancai finally opened his mouth: "If it doesn't work, I'm afraid I can only let Feng Keng go. To be honest, except for his inferior age and qualifications, he is indeed the most suitable candidate."

  Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe looked at Li Sancai.

Although Li Sancai is a scholar from the north, both Ye Fang and Ye Fang know that Li Sancai and Qi Yongtai are not from the same way, they are closer to the scholars from the south of the Yangtze River, and have a close relationship with the emperor, so they can maintain a detached position in the cabinet. The opinions of Ye Fang and Ye Fang are still willing to listen.

   "Daofu, Chengfeng convinced you?" Ye Xianggao laughed.

"It's not really persuasion, I've counted people who can be used in the court and the middle school, and there are only a handful of them, and they all have such and other shortcomings. Feng Keng's weakness is also obvious. , is too young, and has too little qualifications, but he was born as a second-class Jinshi and Shujishi, and he has the status of a scholar in the Imperial Academy, which is enough for him to gain a foothold in Shaanxi official circles..."

   Da Zhou’s officialdom is also about one’s background. Compared with the Jinshi’s background, one’s background is naturally weak. Even if one speaks as a boss, the persuasion is lacking.

Jinshi is a big threshold, but there is still a difference between second-class Jinshi and third-class Jinshi, but the difference is not big, but if you have the blessing of Shujishi, it has a different meaning. More than 90% of Jinshi are not eligible to become Shuji. Ji Shi, Shu Ji Shi is the basic threshold for being able to enter the cabinet to pay homage to a minister. hopeless.

  If Shujishi is the threshold for the three-rank important officials of the court, such as the seven ministers and the capital censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, then he has served in the Imperial Academy, that is the blessing of the golden body.

All senior members of the cabinet have experience in the Imperial Academy. Although this is not an iron rule, it is an unwritten rule in the official circles of the Great Zhou Dynasty. If you have no experience in the Imperial Academy, you have to pay He has worked harder than others, and since Zhou Liguo came, both the first and second assistants have served in the Imperial Academy, and there is no first and second assistant who has not served in the Imperial Academy.

This is why Feng Ziying took great pains to fight for the status of the Hanlin Academy, because only the first-class Jinshi can directly enter the Hanlin Academy, and the second-class Jinshi and the third-class Jinshi will depend on future opportunities. Feng Ziying is in Ningxia You can only get this opportunity to enter the Hanlin Academy if you get a special experience in suppressing the rebellion.

  While Feng Ziying has served in the Imperial Academy, the only one in Shaanxi officialdom who has served in the Imperial Academy is Gao Jiande, the right chief minister who has resigned due to illness, and even the left chief minister Lu Chuan has no such qualifications.

  Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe both nodded. Indeed, although Feng Ziying is young, his background is dazzling enough. No one dares to say a word about him.

"In addition, I also thought that in order to quell the chaos, you must have the means and courage to control the chaos. There are a few candidates in my mind, either have the means but not enough courage, or have enough courage, but the means are too rough and single, lacking enthusiasm, But I still recognize Feng Ziying's ability in Yongping Mansion and Shuntian Mansion. As for cowardice, this kid dared to swim out of Linqing Water Gate and come to me for help when he was only twelve years old. This is even stronger than his father. I couldn't believe it at the time, I thought Chen Jingxuan and Ru Jun were here to fool me..."

Li Sancai's words recalled a past event, the Linqing civil uprising, Feng Ziying also happened to encounter it at that time, Ye Fang and the two of them also heard about that incident back then, when Li Sancai was the governor of water transportation, I heard Li Sancai talk about it In the original situation, both of them were also slightly moved. This Feng Ziying is really a tiger with no sons, indeed he has enough courage and means.

"Also, I don't know if Ergong remembers that when Feng Ziying was still studying at Qingtan Academy, there was a plague after the flood in Beijing. Feng Ziying brought a group of students from Qingtan Academy to help the government prevent the epidemic. I was very impressed. It did a good job, and it did suppress the epidemic that year, and the total number of deaths in Jingshi City was less than a thousand. If it were different from previous years, three to five thousand deaths would be considered light."

Ye Fang and the two of them knew what Li Sancai meant by mentioning this. In addition to calming the chaos in Shaanxi, they also needed to solve the problem of the spread of the plague. Otherwise, if the plague spread to Shanxi and Henan, there would be a real mess, and Feng Ziying Chacha also has experience in this area.

  These add up, enough to offset his age disadvantage.

  (end of this chapter)

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