Number of People

Chapter 1997: Gui character volume on behalf of Tian Xun hunting, with special orders and full powe

  Chapter 1997 Guizi Juan on behalf of Tianxunhunting, Extraordinary and Full Powers

  Ye Xianggao pondered deeply. Both he and Fang Congzhe were reluctant to let Feng Ziying be the governor of Shaanxi. There were many reasons for this.

The first is that I really feel that Feng Ziying is too young to convince the public. Lu Chuan, Sun Yijie and others are scholars of the age of Feng Ziying's father. , It will definitely affect the governance and solve the problem, and will affect the overall situation. This is what they don't want to see.

  The second is that Lu Chuan's character is also arrogant and arrogant. Don't look at Feng Ziying smiling in front of the princes, but they all know that Feng Ziying is ruthless and tough in Yongping and Shuntian.

  Mei Zhiye was a bit uncooperative at first, so he tried to win over and marginalize Mei Zhiye, so that Mei Zhiye had no choice but to succumb.

   This is going to Shaanxi, and there will definitely be a conflict with Lu Chuan. At that time, Lu Chuan will probably suffer, and the court will not support Feng Ziying. If Lu Chuan leaves in disgrace, it will be even more embarrassing.

  The third is that everyone thinks that Feng Ziying has risen too fast. Of course, he does have skills and his performance is amazing, but no matter from which point of view, such a young man should be suppressed.

On the one hand, it is to balance the gap with his fellow scholars of the same period, and on the other hand, I still feel that if such an opportunity is seized by the other party, and the performance is excellent, then the imperial court is really difficult to deal with, and it is a bit of a promotion. It feels like he can be promoted, but he can't be promoted to a third-rank official just in his early twenties, right?

Originally, becoming a member of the fourth rank at the age of twenty is enough to shock the world. Don't be promoted to the third rank every two years. To be side by side with these people will undoubtedly cause some psychological gap.

   But what Li Sancai said is not wrong. The situation in Shaanxi is too bad. If there is no strong and skilled person, I am afraid it will not be able to control the situation.

Small groups of chaotic troops swarmed up. This is a very bad omen. It means that the local government's ability to govern is out of control, and the local gentry can hardly suppress these poor people who cannot survive. Once this situation becomes a prairie fire , that would burn down the entire infrastructure of the Great Zhou in Shaanxi, and then Shaanxi might become a lawless place.

If the situation in Shaanxi spreads to Shanxi and Henan, then even if the imperial court really pacifies Jiangnan, it cannot bear the consequences of turning half of the northern land into ruins, and the Mongols and Jurchens will take advantage of the situation. Scholars really want to completely turn against them.

  Fang Congzhe saw Ye Xianggao stroking his beard in deep thought, and asked tentatively: "Can Feng Tang be removed from the position of governor of the three sides first,..."

  Ye Xianggao shook his head resolutely: "Not for the time being, that's too obvious, and it shouldn't be connected with Feng Keng going to Shaanxi. Feng Keng is a civil servant, and Feng Tang is a general. Although they are father and son, they each go their own way."

   "Then..." Fang Congzhe still hesitated.

   "At least we have to wait until the whole Shandong is taken." Ye Xianggao raised his eyes, looked at the big locust tree at the end of the road, "Daofu, what's happening with Chen Jixian?"

"Well, I'm preparing to go south. This man is too indecisive, but his desires are hard to fill. No wonder Wang Ziteng and Niu Jizong look down on him, but he can be used by us at this time." If there is an attack here, it is estimated that Chen Jixian will go south."

   "He has a good idea. Is he planning to attack Niu Jizong with the Northwest Army, or is he planning to leave Xuzhou to Niu Jizong?" Ye Xianggao asked with a sneer.

Li Sancai smiled wryly, "This guy is old and cunning, and he is very good at this aspect. On the surface, he keeps saying that he will resolutely obey the orders of the court, but who knows what he thinks in his heart? And he is still expanding his force now, and he seems to be fighting with the salt merchants in Yangzhou. They are connected, so I can't see through what this person is up to, does he really think that his Huaiyang Town can fight against the overall situation of the imperial court?"

  Ye Xianggao shook his head, "For the time being, don't care about this guy, this guy won't be able to make too much trouble, Zhonghan, do you think Shaanxi can let Feng Keng go?"

Fang Congzhe was also a little entangled, and hesitated for a long time before saying: "What Daofu said is also reasonable. If we can't come up with a candidate who will convince the public, I'm afraid Chengfeng and the others won't let it go. It can be counted, and only Feng Keng is more suitable. Of course, this is also a challenge. If the situation in Shaanxi cannot be controlled, it will cause great troubles. If you want to clean it up, it will take several times the effort. Chengfeng should be clear about this. Also be responsible for this,…”

This is to agree with Qi Yongtai's opinion in disguise, but it is because Li Sancai's attitude was persuaded by Qi Yongtai to change, and he is a cabinet minister in charge of military affairs, so it's hard to say, Ye Xianggao is a little regretful, but since he decided He no longer hesitated: "Since that's the case, then reply to Chengfeng, agree with Feng Keng to be the governor of Shaanxi, and must control the situation in Shaanxi..."


   Li Wan finally left, walking with a lame foot and a limp, somewhat inconveniently.

   I was so happy that I got carried away.

  Perhaps it was because of the thought that there might be no more opportunities for **** in the next few years, so Li Wan was risking his life, no matter what, forcing Feng Ziying to make big moves in succession to subdue this pretty widow.

  However, until the end, Feng Ziying did not explicitly admit his relationship with Wang Xifeng, which made Li Wan very dissatisfied.

Feng Ziying's attitude is that this kind of thing must never be admitted clearly. Once it is clearly admitted, the gossip of these women will definitely cause trouble in the city. Now even if Li Wan doubts it again, she still refuses to admit it. Suspicious, this is the mentality of a woman.

Just like Yuanyang knows about her personal relationship with Wang Xifeng, no matter whether she finds out from Ping'er or makes her own reasoning and judgment, anyway, if she doesn't respond, it makes her feel itchy but can't get a positive answer. That curiosity is really true. To make her suffer all the time, Feng Ziying also finds it very interesting.

  Feng Ziying got the news in the evening. The cabinet agreed to agree to serve as the governor of Shaanxi, and to add the titles of Youshilang of the Ministry of War and Zuoqiandu Yushi.

It is routine for the Ministry of Officials to issue official documents, but according to the usual practice, after the Ministry of Officials agrees, it will be sent to the Metropolitan Procuratorate for approval, and finally the result of the review will be returned to the Ministry of Officials. According to the usual practice, the emperor should use the seal, but because the emperor is now in a coma, the left and right supervisors use the seal instead.

  However, the seals of the left and right supervisors are kept in the Secretary of General Administration. After the cabinet agrees, the seal can be directly used by the Secretary of General Administration.

This process takes ten days. The Ministry of Officials usually makes a decision within three days, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate takes a little longer to make a decision, usually five days. Finally, it takes two or three days to go through the process with the seal of the cabinet, which adds up to ten days. Eleven days, the longest not exceeding fifteen days.

This is the appointment process of officials above the fourth rank in the Great Zhou Dynasty. In fact, as long as the cabinet discusses and agrees to hand over to the Ministry of Officials, basically there will be no problems. The documents handed over, and when the cabinet is preparing for deliberations, they usually have an understanding with the Metropolitan Procuratorate in advance, and the later ones are more about procedural approval.

   Such a news will definitely not stay overnight, so after Feng Ziying learned of it in the evening, it quickly spread to the ears of well-informed people in the capital that night.

   I have to say that a governor who is only 22 years old is still too appalling. There has never been one in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it is also estimated that it did not appear in the Ming Dynasty or the Song Dynasty.

Feng Ziying's rank has not changed, it is still the fourth grade. In theory, his rank is lower than that of the chief envoy of Shaanxi and the chief envoy of the chief envoy of punishment, even like the chief envoy. He also participates in politics from the third rank, which is one level higher than his fourth rank, but this is not important. The key is that he is the governor of Shaanxi, and he has the titles of Minister of the Ministry of War and Qiandu Yushi of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which means It means that he is the hunting agent on behalf of the sky, and he will also be the imperial envoy in popular terms.

The governor is not a permanent position but a temporary position. In many cases, it is because the situation in a certain area is complicated, and the imperial court needs to send a minister with special and full powers who can comprehensively coordinate the military and political parties to unify the command and order to deal with the affairs of the area. Appointment, the general governor's term of office does not exceed three years, and it will be revoked when something happens.

  If this kind of affairs is dominated by military affairs and supplemented by civil affairs, then the imperial court will appoint a governor. If this kind of affairs is dominated by civil affairs and supplemented by military affairs, then a governor will be appointed.

However, with the increasing military pressure on the nine borders, it has become a common practice for border areas to face the pressure of foreign invasion. Therefore, the establishment of governors in the three borders, Xuanda, and Jiliao nine borders has become a permanent position. In contrast, the inland Instead, the governor is a temporary position.

The situation in Shaanxi is now very critical, with civil unrest everywhere, but the qualitative is still civil unrest, coupled with the combined effects of severe drought and plague, making the situation in Shaanxi increasingly severe, so the imperial court determined that Shaanxi still focuses on civil affairs, so it sent the governor of Shaanxi .

In fact, if the military is the mainstay, the governor of Shaanxi will not be established, but the scope of powers of the three governors should be appropriately expanded. However, Feng Tang, the governor of the three sides, is still on the expedition in Shandong, which is also a problem, so the governor of Shaanxi It couldn't be more suitable.

However, in Feng Ziying's view, the military issues in Shaanxi are probably no less serious than the civil affairs. The chaotic armies that have formed a climate may not be easily wiped out by the time he arrives in Shaanxi. Judging from the movements of the chaotic army, the signs of their development in Henan and Shanxi are very obvious, especially in Henan.

   This is quite dangerous.

  (end of this chapter)

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