Number of People

Chapter 1998: Guizi scroll governor's mentality, peace in the back house

  Chapter 1998 The Governor's Mentality of the Guizi Scroll, Peace of the Back House

  Feng Ziying dare not imagine what kind of changes will be brought to the whole situation once these rogue troops leave Henan.

  He can only think of the upheavals caused by the rebels such as Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng in the late Ming Dynasty in Shaanxi and Henan. The Ming Dynasty finally ended in this turmoil.

  If Da Zhou also steps into such a trajectory, it will undoubtedly be too sad. With himself, a person with the aura of a leading role standing at a bifurcation point in history, of course this situation will not be allowed to happen.

Now that he has given himself a chance to be the governor of Shaanxi, he has to perform the duties of the governor of Shaanxi. Whether it's rogues, local gentry, or local officials, he has to follow his own routine. Whoever refuses to If he obeys the order, he will deal with him, and use all kinds of tricks to hang and beat them, he has this confidence.

Both Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing had gone to Shaanxi so long in advance, so naturally they wouldn't just sit and eat there. The merchants from Shanxi and Shaanxi had already patted their chests to show their "loyalty" to themselves. The subordinates, coupled with the power of Daitian Xunhun, Feng Ziying did not believe that Shaanxi could not be ruled.

   Now that the cabinet has agreed, it is a matter of procedure, and there is no need to worry about it yourself, but there are some things that can be done first, such as contacting the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Punishment, and Long Jinwei.

Needless to say, the household department is related to money and food. Now that the disasters caused by the drought are everywhere in Shaanxi, it is unreasonable for the household department to not provide money and food relief, and the efforts should not be small. There is also a bit of love, and Huang Ruliang has to give some support.

  The Ministry of War has actually added the rank of minister of the Ministry of War, which is the greatest support, which means that I can mobilize the troops left behind by the Northwest Army, especially Yulin Town.

   This is Feng Ziying's greatest confidence in daring to govern Shaanxi. It can be said that the biggest problem that other people will face when going to Shaanxi is coordinating the border troops in Yulin Town, but it is the least problem for Feng Ziying.

The Criminal Ministry and Long Jinwei are also indispensable. Shaanxi is a border area, and the public security has always been unstable. Both Long Jinwei and the Criminal Ministry have a huge informant network layout. From now on, under the situation of rogue bandits, all available resources must be mobilized and utilized, and the people from the Ministry of Punishment and Long Jinwei are no exception.

Although Liu Yixiu didn't get along well with him, he could be regarded as a person who took care of the overall situation. In this respect, he would not be too self-conscious, not to mention Lu Song. Will be happy to see the results, at least I can be regarded as a potential ally of him.

  When I was the governor of Shuntian Mansion, I was not qualified to talk about allies with the governor of Long Jinwei, but now I am the governor of Shaanxi, so I have this qualification.

   After sitting in the mansion for less than an hour, five or six greeting cards were handed in.

   It is not necessary to meet immediately, but this is an attitude of others. Take the initiative to visit, express your willingness, and then according to your own situation, you can see it or not, or you can reply, depending on the situation.

  Feng Ziying estimated that at least dozens of greeting cards would come in tonight, but he didn't want to see any guests today.

   It's not that he wants to be careful, but he hasn't considered facing these people with the mentality of a Shaanxi governor.

   These people are definitely not just old and familiar friends, but more new friends who have inextricably linked with Shaanxi, or they just came to the door with various connections.

I am afraid that the Shanshan merchants are the most well-informed. Their eyeliner can infiltrate the cabinet and princes' mansions, and can also reach deep into the palace. Olympic aid.

Up to now, this group has basically kept the same interests as her own, so Feng Ziying does not need to worry too much for the time being, but Feng Ziying also knows that if such an interest group is not balanced by other forces, it will be very dangerous. Once the interests are no longer consistent, If there is not enough power balance, then it will backfire on itself.

  All kinds of thoughts floated in her heart, and Feng Ziying was a little irritable for a while.

   Stepping out, Feng Ziying came to Yingchun Yard.

The past few days are too busy, and I haven't come to see this pregnant woman with a growing belly, but Yingchun's temperament is honest and honest, and she doesn't complain at all, only the chess player who comes over from time to time to force Feng Ziying to clean up. This rascal.

It is also true that in the past few days, I have more energy than I want, and I do the math. From Miaoyu to Yuanchun, and then to Li Wan the day before yesterday, they are all like wolves and tigers. In addition, there are so many people who need to pay public rations for the second house of the long house. It made me a little bit overwhelmed, so I had to take it easy and not dare to act rashly.

  Hearing that Feng Ziying was coming, Yingchun and Siqi rushed out to greet her.

  Seeing Yingchun's happy face, Feng Ziying felt much more relaxed and happy.

  In life, isn't it just to have a group of wives and concubines, harmonious and harmonious? I don't seem to value this money very much, this power is just a step forward, only this woman is absolutely indispensable and cannot be let go.

The beloved woman looked happy and sweet, and everyone felt at ease. Feng Ziying stepped forward to support Yingchun, touched Yingchun's bulging belly, and said cheerfully: "Sister, you should be more careful. But the daily activities are indispensable, so as not to make labor difficult, play chess, can you supervise this matter?"

Siqi curled his lips in dissatisfaction, "My lord still remembers my girl now, and I haven't seen a single person in the past few days. Does this mean that there are new people and forget the old one? My girl still has you in her belly." Do you want to continue the incense for the Feng family? The other day, my wife was still scolding you, saying that I haven't seen you here for a few days,..."

This little hoof can use strength to push, Feng Ziying knocked on Siqi's fat buttocks unceremoniously, and made a crisp sound, "Your little hoof really kicked your nose on your face. Master has been busy these days." Don’t you know what? Isn’t the master working hard for the family? Without the master running around outside, how would the whole family live?”

Siqi was slapped by Feng Ziying's slap, but his eyebrows were wry and he pouted and said, "I don't believe that I can't even spare a moment to see the girl? Is it okay to come to the girl to say a few words before going to bed? Then How can the Lord have time again today?"

  Yingchun, however, watched her husband bickering with her personal servant girl with eyes full of happiness, holding Feng Ziying's arm, and smiling, "My husband should be busy, and I will be satisfied if I know that my husband remembers me,..."

   "Then my sister doesn't want to be with you as a husband?" Feng Ziying teased.

Yingchun shook her head shyly, and said softly: "Of course I hope that my husband can accompany me, but I also know that I have to do big things, and the business is the most important thing, and there are other sisters. Very satisfied."

   Speaking of this, Yingchun subconsciously stroked her protruding belly, both proud and emotional.

In any case, there are eight or nine women who are husband-in-law in this entire family, and this is not counting the maids such as Qingwen and Jin Chuaner. A daughter, and now she is the only one who is pregnant. Based on this, Yingchun is satisfied.

Seeing her mother-in-law coming to her room every now and then to ask for warmth, this is a special encounter that even Baochai and Baoqin don't have, Yingchun feels that this life is worth it, no matter whether it is a boy or a girl, at least she has the confidence and peace in the mansion rely on.

  If he is really lucky to give birth to a son, he will be the eldest son of the Feng family, even if he is the eldest son of a concubine, he is also the eldest son, and the meaning and nature are quite different, Yingchun still understands this.

   This chess player chews his tongue every day, talking about the meaning of having a son so that Yingchun's ears are feverish, so it is inevitable that he has some expectations in his heart.

"Well, it's just that my husband is going to Shaanxi in a few days, so I can only work hard for my sister to wait in Beijing." Feng Ziying also lovingly helped Yingchun into the house, let Yingchun sit on the kang, and personally replaced Yingchun A cushion was placed on the back, "Fortunately, there is a chess player, so I feel more at ease."

  Siqi was happy to hear Feng Ziying's praise, but he still pouted on the surface: "It's good that the master has this kind of heart, and the servants have nothing to say here. Even the servants don't think about the girl, who else can there be?"

   "You say you are fat, but you are still out of breath?" Feng Ziying looked at Siqi with a delicate face, twisting her body to approach her, with watery eyes, how could she not understand what this girl was thinking? The probe got into the skirt of Siqi's clothes, grasped the fullness that could not be grasped with one hand, and kneaded it a few times.

  Siqi's body softened immediately, she hadn't tasted meat for three months.

There are too many women around Feng Ziying, and this time is busy, and Yingchun's pregnancy is the most critical time, and Siqi is waiting on the sidelines for fear that something will go wrong. It is the most important thing for her, so don't worry about it. Dare to slack off, Siqi almost guarded Yingchun's side with his clothes on, fearing that someone would hurt Yingchun's body, and finally survived the most dangerous period of time.

Yingchun raised her sleeves to cover her face, her face was flushed, she was good at everything, but she was not taboo in this aspect, she was too fierce, even the husband felt a little too much, but the husband also said that after three months, the fetus is stable , There can still be conjugal love.

"Master is leaving. I don't know how long it will be. Girls and servants are naturally worried about Master. Grandma Qin, Miaoyu, and Xiuyan are all going to follow Master. Qingwen and Ping'er are two cowards. I can also go to have a full meal, but I feel sorry for my girl and servants who can only stay in the house, looking forward to the early return of the master,..."

  Siqi's beautiful eyes were looking forward, his delicate face was like fire, his pretty face was almost dripping with honey, and when he looked at Yingchun over there, he was panting slightly, his cherry lips moved slightly, he hesitated to speak, Feng Ziying was a little fascinated for a while.

  (end of this chapter)

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