Number of People

Chapter 1999: The wind and cloud in the back house of the Guizi scroll, with different thoughts

  Chapter 1999 Guizi Scroll Back House Situation, Different Minds

   Seeing Siqi get off the bed with his legs crossed, holding his apron to cover his chest, and went out in a hurry to wash his body, Feng Ziying lay down next to Yingchun with a sideways body.

  Siqi should know how to start, Yingchun is only pregnant now, no matter how thoughtful Siqi is, she would not dare to make a mess at this time, if it is not a safe period, she would not dare to do so.

Yingchun's face was hot, and she could feel the heat when she was next to Feng Ziying's shoulders, which made Feng Ziying a little worried that the previous love would not hurt the other party's body, and she had tried her best to control it. According to modern sayings, this time is not suitable for pregnant women. Physical and mental, Feng Ziying firmly believes.

He can't stay here tonight. These three rooms are arranged for days, one forty-seven long rooms, two, five, eight, two, three, six, and nine. there.

   Soon two servant girls came in with hot water.

Feng Ziying frowned slightly when she saw that it was not a chess player or embroidered orange, but Fang Guan and a girl who looked familiar but couldn't name her, but this was a matter in Yingchun House, and he didn't want to talk too much about it. ask.

  The faces of the two girls were flushed, obviously it was the first time they came to serve this kind of thing. In the past, they were either playing chess or embroidering oranges. Even lotus flowers would not come in, but today they are a bit weird.

  Yingchun didn't feel anything, she stretched herself up and took off her clothes. She had been in love before and sweated a little, so that Fang Guan was busy wiping Yingchun's body.

  Watching Yingchun take off her clothes, her slightly protruding belly, swollen breasts, and round face, Feng Ziying felt that Yingchun's whole body, from face to legs, had a strange and thrilling charm.

  Another servant girl also tiptoed down, undressed Feng Ziying, and then wiped it with a hot towel. It was probably the first time she did this kind of thing, her body and hands were shaking, and she seemed a little clumsy.

   "What's your name? Are you from the Rongguo Mansion too?" Feng Ziying looked up and down this very delicate girl and asked in a rambling voice.

   "The maidservant's name is Si'er. It was originally called Yunxiang. Later, Second Master Bao changed the name of the maidservant to Si'er." The little girl trembled, but she didn't stop, and wiped Feng Ziying's body on her own.

   "Oh, the one in Baoyu's house, why are you here again?" Feng Ziying tilted her head and glanced at Yingchun, who had finished wiping her body and was changing into a sleeping dress.

"Master, when Baoyu got married, the people in Yihong Courtyard were about to disband, and they didn't have a good place to go, so they each found acquaintances. Siqi wanted to come with me, but it took a while. , the concubine followed me when she passed the door."

  Fang Guan dressed Yingchun, Yingchun lazily raised her hand, moved her body, and let Fang Guan fasten her belt, then glanced at her husband.

  She felt that her husband didn't seem to like this Sier very much, and she felt a little strange. She had never seen her husband take care of these people in her house.

  Feng Ziying was in a daze. The maids in Baoyu's house, except for Xiren, seemed to have been dismissed one after another after marrying Niu's daughter.

The daughter of the Niu family heard that the Lion Roars in the River East, and Baoyu was also under tight supervision. Fortunately, something happened to the Jia family not long ago, and the Niu family's side was the same, so everyone's thoughts were on the family's survival, such trivial matters Things no one cares about.

   "Well, did this official Fang come in at that time?" Feng Ziying nodded and asked casually.

   Naturally, he didn't have any opinion on these little maids, it was just that the little girl Si'er brought back some memories for a while.

"That's not true. Fangguan and the others came in when the troupe was disbanded. Sister Bao and other houses also came in, a little earlier than Si'er and the others." Yingchun didn't expect her husband to be interested in such trivial matters. , this is a rare thing.

  Feng Ziying raised her eyes and lingered on Si'er and Fangguan.

In "A Dream of Red Mansions", Si'er was born on the same day as Jia Baoyu's birthday. Because of this, Jia Baoyu was a little special to her, and because he was angry with the attacker, he changed the girl whose real name was Yunxiang to Si'er at will. She is also smart and transparent. Seeing that Baoyu took her differently, she naturally wanted someone who wanted to make progress. In addition, she also had a bit of beauty, which can be called a beauty. Not to mention looking forward to being like an attacker, but she can also cast a good look .

   According to the historical development in the book "Dream of Red Mansions", these four children would also be kicked out by Mrs. Wang on the grounds that she and Baoyu had the same birthday, so they were a little arrogant, but in this life, they turned around because of the ups and downs of the Jia family's fate.

Before Baoyu valued it, he was already engaged to Niu's family, and the next thing was to get rid of the ten maids in Yihongyuan as soon as possible, so the tree fell and the monkeys scattered, each of them looked for a home, and this girl was born He found a way to play chess, entered the Zhuijin Building, and followed Yingchun.

Just like the twelve little opera singers, they were supposed to go or stay because of dismissal, but because of the change of time and space, they all stayed in Jia's house, so the twelve officials followed Baochai and Daiyu respectively. , Baoqin, and Yingchun.

  Seeing that Feng Ziying was in a daze, Yingchun was also a little surprised.

   It's not that I'm worried that my husband has taken a fancy to these two little maids. Yingchun still knows about her husband.

To say that the embroidered orange beside me is not bad, after so long, although I have served myself and my husband countless times, but I have never seen her husband do anything out of the ordinary. When I am inconvenient, I basically play chess Attending the bedtime made Xiuju very disappointed.

   And she also felt that her husband seemed to be caught in some kind of thought, maybe he was about to leave the capital city, so he felt a little hurt.

  Yingchun was silent, Feng Ziying was in a trance, and the inner room was extremely quiet, only the sound of the second daughter wiping and dressing Feng Ziying and Yingchun. It was not until the second daughter retreated that Feng Ziying woke up from some kind of contemplation.

   "Siqi's little hoof needs to be cleaned up?" Feng Ziying stood up, her tone a little displeased, "Why did you bring these two girls here?"

Yingchun's heart was slightly shocked. She didn't expect her husband to see through it at a glance. Siqi had come up with this idea before, and she didn't agree. up.

   "Master,..." Yingchun got up quickly, Feng Ziying waved her hand, "You are lying down, don't get up, I know you don't have such an idea, no one is so bold except chess,..."

Just as we were talking, Siqi had already come in, with an unhappy face: "Someone from this family followed the master to Shaanxi, and the girl couldn't serve the master when she was pregnant, and the slaves and Xiuju also had to serve the girl, so that Si'er or Fangguan What's wrong with doing chores and doing things with my master? Both of them are not young anymore, one has turned fifteen and the other has turned sixteen, so go out and see the world, can't you follow me for a while?"

Feng Ziying didn't expect that Siqi would dare to talk to her, so she laughed angrily, "Siqi, you are getting more and more presumptuous now, and you actually arranged someone for the master? This is something you should arrange Is it?"

  "I'm biased!" Si Qi said angrily, "Didn't it be said that the first room will go to You Sanyi and Qingwen, and the first room will go to Grandma Qin? The third room will go to Miss Xing? Why is Ms. Miaoyu going too?"

  Feng Ziying looked displeased, "You are making unreasonable words, what does Miaoyu's going have to do with what you are doing today?"

"Hmph, if there is one, there are two. Miss Miaoyu went, and there are two people in the third room. The maidservant heard that the third aunt You is mainly a guard, and the head room is said to..." Si Qi didn't continue. However, Feng Ziying heard the implication, and quickly asked: "What happened to the long room? Tell me!"

  Siqi was originally a reckless person. Seeing Feng Ziying's pressure, he became heartbroken and said loudly: "Grandma Shen wants to let the fourth girl enter the long house as a concubine, and let the fourth girl follow the master to Shaanxi,..."

"Fart!" Feng Ziying was so angry that she said foul language, "absurd, where did this rumor come from? Why did I ever want to take my fourth sister as my concubine? Besides, my fourth sister is still a member of a criminal official, how can I get married? Did these rumors spread at home without asking about the affairs of the family?"

"The fourth girl is at Grandma Shen's place all day long. Grandma Shen likes the fourth girl very much. Now that the Jia family is like this, if the master wants to accept the fourth girl, it is also the fourth girl's high ranking. Now the long house and the third house have to go to two, so our second room The girl here is too healthy to serve her, and the servants have to serve her, so it makes sense for Fang Guan and Si'er to follow her to serve her." Siqi said with a stiff neck.

  If it weren't for the thought that Yingchun would give birth, and it was the first child, and there would be no shortage of caring people to take care of her, Siqi would have volunteered to go with her long ago. Where would it be Fangguan and Si'er's turn?

  Feng Ziying was annoyed, "I told you, there is no shadow. Why did the fourth sister want to be my concubine? How old is she?"

"It's not too young anymore, it's almost sixteen, can't we allow people?" Siqi pouted and replied: "The third girl is only two years older than the fourth girl. If the third girl enters the third room, the fourth girl enters the elder Fang, then the third house of the Feng family has really become sisters."

  Feng Ziying was dumbfounded, looking at Siqi who didn't shy away from what he said, and said after a while: "Who told about the third sister?"

  Feng Ziying didn't dare to deny the matter of Tanchun, because he knew that Daiyu already had that intention, and he had already made a wish for Tanchun, just waiting for the right time.

"If you want people not to know, you have to do it yourself." Si Qi murmured, "Miss Lin's attitude towards Miss San, is there anyone who can't understand it? Maybe Grandma Shen has a crush on Miss Si For this reason, after calculating it like this, our second room is weak, and it would be great if Miss Shi came out of prison together, hey,..."

  Feng Ziying thinks that this chess game is really "to my liking". It is completely a little expert in assisting boxing. Do you really want to help yourself to catch all the red and colorful in one go?

   It's just that under such circumstances, he can only pretend to be angry and walk away.

  (end of this chapter)

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