Number of People

Chapter 2000: Gui Zijuan has a good wife, everything can be done

  Chapter 2000 Guizi Juan has a good wife at home, everything can be done

  When she arrived at Shen Yixiu's side, Tong Niang had already started to doze off, and the little girl could already call her parents. She was innocent and lively, really cute, and Feng Ziying loved her very much.

   After teasing for less than a moment, the little girl fell asleep in Feng Ziying's arms.

  Feng Ziying felt a little uncomfortable when she thought of going to Shaanxi and fearing that she might not see this little girl for many years.

  Seeing Feng Ziying hugging her daughter with a pensive look on her face, Shen Yixiu also understood her husband's thoughts.

Just when the wet nurse came in, Shen Yixiu signaled the wet nurse to take her daughter away, and then said softly: "The governor's rule has only been three years, and you don't have to worry too much about your family. There are concubines, younger sisters from the Xue family and younger sisters from the Lin family, and there are also mandarin ducks, golden sisters, and so on. Chuan'er helps us, and Mr. Xiang can work in Shaanxi with peace of mind."

"Well, I know that with you, Baochai and Daiyu at home, Yuanyang is a caring person. Jin Chuan'er is a bit cold-tempered, but he can still do things. I'm not worried, but I can't bear you, and Tongniang That's all." Feng Ziying sighed, "I'm afraid I won't be able to wait three years, at most two years, I will come back, whoever wants to stop me from doing things or miss my schedule, then I can only be gods and gods. Blocked and killed the Buddha."

  Shen Yixiu was surprised to see his husband showing a bit of murderous look, and he said quickly: "Don't worry too much, Mr. Xiang. You just went to Shaanxi, so you have to be more careful and careful."

"I know very well in my heart that both hardness and softness, and leniency and strictness are combined. I still understand these principles, but I must distinguish between priorities." Feng Ziying nodded slightly, "Severe illness requires strong medicine, and Shaanxi needs one dose or even more if it persists for a long time. A strong dose will do.”

  The husband has his own policy strategy, and Shen Yixiu knows it well, she is just reminding her.

"The third sister and concubine here have also reminded me that I must protect my husband's safety. In addition, my husband also needs to bring a few more guards. In fact, there is not much need at home. Beijing is safe and sound. And as long as my husband leaves, it will be natural here." So it became cold, and not many people came to pay attention to this place anymore." Shen Yixiu saw the situation at home very clearly, "Qingwen is a neat person, and she can feel at ease serving her concubine by her husband's side, plus there is still a Ping'er, right? I heard Qingwen say that she is also a mandarin duck, and she is careful and steady in doing things, so the concubine can feel relieved. By the way, there are also Baoqin and Miaoyuxiuyan. I almost forgot, Then there's no problem."

  Seeing that Shen Yixiu's words had a hint of ridicule at the end, Feng Ziying also laughed.

  My long-term wife rarely speaks like this, and she is obviously not too happy about Ping'er's joining and the third house's sudden change of mind.

"Qingwen is naturally easy to use, but she is a little irritable, and the relationship between Ping'er and Qingwen is also very good. You don't have to worry about this. It's not bad if you don't make trouble, she is also withdrawn, among these sisters, only Xiuyan is good, even Daiyu is lukewarm, so they want to follow,..."

In other words, Shen Yixiu just expressed her attitude. She naturally knew what kind of temperament that Miaoyu was. She couldn't even get along with her own sisters. If her husband hadn't promised Mr. Lin at the beginning, she wouldn't want such a woman. .

   "I don't have any objections to this concubine. One more person to take care of my husband will be helpful. If it weren't for the lack of people in the long house, would I also want to have one more person?" Shen Yixiu said plainly.

  Feng Ziying pondered for a while, but still asked: "Wan Jun has a good impression of Fourth Sister?"

  Shen Yixiu laughed, "My husband also heard some gossip?"

  Feng Ziying glanced at Shen Yixiu, "Is it really gossip?"

Shen Yixiu pursed his lips and rolled his eyes, "I don't think it counts. The fourth younger sister has a cold temper, but still loves painting, like a white wall in the snow. She and my concubine hit it off right away, and they hit it off very well, so we have a closer relationship, and there are all kinds of gossip outside. But for the concubine, it doesn't make much sense, if the concubine has a heart and the fourth younger sister does, as long as the husband doesn't object, the concubine can take care of it, then..."

  Feng Ziying didn't expect Shen Yixiu to become so aggressive all of a sudden, so she hurriedly waved her hand to stop: "Wan Jun, when did you become so radical? Why didn't you discuss this with your husband before..."

   "Aren't you discussing with my husband now? Could it be that my husband is not satisfied with the fourth sister?" Shen Yixiu raised his eyebrows.

   It is said that the Jia family has four springs, Yuan Ying Tanxi (should be sighing), each has his own merits and demeanor.

Shen Yixiu had never seen Yuanchun before, but he also heard that Qingwen and Yuanyang had been mentioned by Baochai and Daiyu. They were rich and noble flowers, like peonies, graceful and luxurious; It is recognized; Tanchun is heroic and heroic, strong and high-spirited, like a rose with thorns, which Shen Yixiu will also appreciate; Xichun is clear and indifferent, like a winter plum in the snow, if it is only about the face and appearance, it is the most beautiful among the four springs.

Feng Ziying shook her head, "How can I be dissatisfied with Fourth Sister? It's just that you, Wan Jun, really surprised many people in the mansion. Fourth Sister's temperament is the coldest, and it's Rongguo Mansion." My sisters and relatives are not close, but I didn't expect to be so close with you, so it's no wonder that such words are spread outside,..."

"It doesn't matter whether it's passed on or not. My husband should know my concubine's temperament, and I won't change it just because of outsiders' opinions..." Shen Yixiu's words reveal his disdain for outsiders, "This is my eldest wife's wife. As for the matter, as long as the husband has no objection, then it is up to the concubine to think about it, why should those irrelevant people gossiping?"

  Seeing that Shen Yixiu's attitude was so tough, Feng Ziying couldn't say anything, so she pondered for a while before saying: "Wan Jun, the fourth sister is still too young, she may not just..."

"Age is not a problem. The fourth younger sister is already fifteen years old. If you want to talk about it, she is not too young. Moreover, the concubine did not say that she is going to let her live now. It is just right to wait two years. As for the fourth younger sister, she herself I have also asked about her intentions, and she is very willing, and besides, she is still a convict, even if the husband wants to accept her, he still has to wait for a chance, but the husband should be clear, like the fourth sister This kind, if there is no chance, it can only be an old and dead boudoir, and no one cares about it, or it can only go to Jiaofangsi, and it is her chance and good fortune to be able to enter Feng's house."

  Shen Yixiu spoke in a calm and confident way, and even Feng Ziying couldn't refute it.

Seeing that her husband only moved his lips in the end, but didn't say anything more, Shen Yixiu said indifferently: "My husband is busy with important matters, so don't worry about such trivial matters. I just need to know that my husband doesn't dislike the fourth sister. Just like the younger sister of the Lin family, after entering the Feng family, she began to think about a longer-term plan. Speaking of which, the concubine is a little slower than the younger sister of the Lin family. I really underestimated the wisdom of the younger sister of the Lin family. .”

  These words were too sour, Feng Ziying shook her head, but didn't answer, she dragged Shen Yixiu to go to bed and have an early rest, only in this way can she keep her mouth shut.

At dawn the next day, before Feng Ziying got up, she heard voices outside the door. Yunshang came in and said that Fengcheng Hutong was somewhat blocked. It was a bit crowded in front of the door.

   To say that these are all hindsight and not well-informed, I learned the news too late last night, so I can only come here this morning to catch up early, so as not to be rude in front of Governor Feng.

   Master Feng may not remember you coming, but Master Feng will definitely remember you if you don’t come.

  In less than an hour, more than 60 invitations were received at the door, and the guests were from all walks of life.

   There are not only scholars and officials from Shaanxi who are working in Beijing, including some influential representatives of gentry in the local area, but also some wealthy businessmen from Shaanxi who are in Beijing. There are also many colleagues and contemporaries who had some contacts in the past.

  Feng Ziying did not expect that her appointment as the governor of Shaanxi would bring such a big shock. It stands to reason that when she was promoted from the Tongzhi of Yongping Prefecture to the Chancellor of Shuntian Prefecture, it was still a qualitative leap, but it was far from such a big impact.

  Perhaps this is the difference between a senior official who is in charge of one side and a leader in the second region of Gyeonggi, and more importantly, once he becomes the governor of Shaanxi, it means that he has stepped onto the stage of being promoted to a third-rank important official.

Officials who walked around the officialdom of the Great Zhou knew that the titles of Minister of the Ministry of War and Yushi of Qiandu were not added casually. You are allowed to hold a real position, so once you do well in this position, it basically means that you pass the trial and you can be promoted to the third rank.

  Yun Shang waited on Feng Ziying to get dressed, and said in a low voice: "These people have really good ears. I only found out last night. They also knew last night. They can be busy all night..."

"I don't have the ability at all, why are they messing around in Beijing?" Qingwen answered, "the servant heard Ruixiang say, in fact, many of them are officials in Shaanxi and sent to Beijing, and they came first when they heard the news Sending greeting cards, many of them are actually not in Beijing.”

  Feng Ziying smiled, "It's normal and understandable. I just sent a post to show that the etiquette is up, and it doesn't cost anything. Everyone is open-minded."

   "Then have you seen these people?" Qingwen asked curiously.

   "Depending on the situation, some are because I need to see them, and some are because they want to see me." Feng Ziying tidied up her clothes, "Priority is given to the people I need to see. When I go to Shaanxi in the future, I will inevitably need their support."

Shen Yixiu also got up, took Tongniang over, handed it to Qingwen, and finally adjusted Feng Ziying's clothes herself, and said in a warm voice: "Before we go, let's get acquainted with the situation first. This way, the concubine's understanding actually has a lot of meanings, and it may not be just benevolence and righteousness."

  (end of this chapter)

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