Number of People

Chapter 2003: The cultivation of the wings of the Guizi scroll is based on the long-term

  Chapter 2003 Guizi scroll wing cultivation, based on the long-term

  The procedures of the Ministry of Officials went very smoothly, and the same was true for the Metropolitan Procuratorate. The review opinions were fed back to the Ministry of Officials, which basically came to an end.

  Then the Ministry of Officials issues an official document and sends it to the cabinet for final approval. If there is no objection, it is the last hurdle—the seal.

After the printing is completed, it means that the procedure is completed. Feng Ziying became the right servant of the Ministry of War and the right censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. This is an official appointment, and the duty is to governor Shaanxi. The seven ministries and the chief ministers of the provinces, the procuratorial commissioners for criminal punishment, and the three capital divisions are considered to be the completion of the appointment process.

  Feng Ziying learned through the redemption of the Secretary of the General Administration that the Secretary of the General Administration had issued documents to the provinces, which meant that after the official documents arrived at the destination through the post, then her status as governor was considered solid.

  With the drafting and submission by the Ministry of Officials, the seal of the cabinet, and the writing of the Department of General Administration, the news of Feng Ziying's appointment as the governor could no longer be kept secret, and it spread throughout the capital city within two or three days.

  The guests from all sides became more and more enthusiastic, including Feng Ziying's classmates and colleagues. Before the news was finalized, they had to restrain themselves a little, but once it was confirmed, they would naturally come to congratulate.

   "Forget it, Qiu Sheng." Feng Ziying wiped her tired cheeks, and motioned Fu Shi to take a seat.

   "Congratulations, my lord, I'm late..." Fu Shi smiled, bowed his hands, and then sent his own gift list.

If it were someone else, Feng Ziying would definitely not accept it. This rule is well known in the capital city, and even those who are closely related, and those who need to express some festivals or celebrations, all understand Feng Ziying's rules, and those who exceed sixty taels of silver No gifts will be accepted, Feng Ziying decided after several times of deliberation.

  Fu Shi delivered it himself, and knew the rules. It was just a pack of new tea. Before the Ming Dynasty, Longjing knew that Feng Ziying liked to drink tea. Although a pack of tea leaves was expensive, it did not exceed the rules set by Feng Ziying, so it was regarded as less polite and more respectful.

   "Okay, Qiu Sheng, you and I don't have to be polite, I'll accept the tea, thank you." Feng Ziying waved his hand, and Fu Shi took his seat.

"Your Excellency has been awarded an important position this time. It is gratifying to congratulate. The situation in Shaanxi is not good. For others, it can be described as a mountain of fire, but for Your Excellency, it is an excellent opportunity. The subordinates first wish you success and triumphant return." I'm back." Fu Shi was so eloquent.

  Feng Ziying was amused by Fu Shi, "Qiu Sheng, why are you a different person? I had the impression that you didn't like such flattery. This overturned my impression."

"The subordinates are all speaking from the bottom of their hearts, and there is no exaggeration. I heard that the original cabinet intended to let Li Banghua go, but Li Banghua took the initiative to shirk it. That is to say, thinking about the severe situation in Shaanxi, he was afraid of delaying the overall situation. You can only entrust the important task to the adults." Fu Shi said seriously: "The strong wind knows the strong grass, and the toughness knows the honest ministers. At this time, we will blow all the wild sand and start to gold."

Feng Ziying laughed, "Although it's a bit exaggerated, I like to listen to what is in my heart. If there is nothing challenging, I am really interested. But now the situation in Shaanxi is quite critical, and the court has not yet escaped. My father will go to the position of governor of the three borders, but it will be soon, my father has served in the three borders and four towns for several years, and I have some feelings, so when I go to Shaanxi, I have to do something for the people of Shaanxi, this can be regarded as a step forward."

  Fu Shi showed a look of admiration on his face, "If everyone in the court has the feelings of an adult, the state affairs will not be so difficult."

"Okay, don't put gold on my face anymore, eat the king's salary, and be loyal to the king. Since you have entrusted me with a heavy responsibility, I naturally have to do it well, but before I leave, I still have some leftovers." Things need to be done well, Qiu Sheng, I will not be polite, what are your plans?" Feng Ziying was not polite, and asked directly: "I have already said in advance on the side of the officials, Gao and Chai, what are your plans?" I'm a bit thin-skinned, and since I'm leaving, I have to arrange your affairs, so I want to ask for your opinion."

   Fu Shi felt a burst of excitement, and finally it was his turn. The two years of hard work and hard work have finally paid off. Of course, this is also thanks to the fact that he has chosen the right person.

  After calming down his inner excitement, Fu Shi got up and bowed respectfully: "Thank you for your love, my subordinate, but it's up to your arrangement."

Feng Ziying shook her head: "If it's other things, if you say so, I might make the decision, but this matter is related to your future, and you have to make up your own mind. Of course, I have two considerations. One is to go to the seven The Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Commerce, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice are also fine, but I think you are careful and steadfast in the general judgment, the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Commerce are more suitable, and you can take the post of Yuanwailang,..."

  Fu Shi was overjoyed, and went directly to the seventh department, that is, he would not be promoted to the first level, which is what countless people yearn for, and if he becomes Yuanwailang himself, he would be promoted to the first level, which can be described as ecstatic.

  However, Feng Ziying still had something to say, so Fu Shi calmed down and said calmly, "Do you have any other considerations, my lord?"

"Well, going to Qibu is certainly a way to go directly to the center. If it was in Taiping years, it would certainly be a good place for a steady promotion, but the current situation is unusual, and the court officials prefer to see those operators who can stand alone in the local area. This may be a subtle change in the court's employment orientation in the next few years. I don't know if the court is aware of this change. That is to say, if you can go to a place that can better reflect your ability to show yourself, it will be easier to get the court's attention. , and there will be more opportunities for promotion in the future.”

Fu Shi was a little surprised by Feng Ziying's words. Of course he believed that Feng Ziying would not lie to him, but such a change is very rare. It has always been the six divisions of the center that are the most popular. After all, in the center, they often encounter big bosses. If you have a familiar face, and if you do some actual performance, it will be easy to get into the eyes of the bosses. Now you are not considered unrecognized, and you will have a great opportunity to follow Feng Ziying, but it seems that Feng Ziying's words seem to be I hope to go somewhere, which makes it a little difficult for him.

  Being a bit more confident, Fu Shi gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency must be thinking this way for Qiu Sheng's benefit. If there is such an opportunity, Your Excellency also thinks that Qiu Sheng is competent, so Qiu Sheng is naturally willing to obey."

  Feng Ziying nodded with satisfaction. This Fu Shi is quite sensible, and he didn't go straight to the position of the Seventh Ministry. If the other party proposed it, he would be satisfied, but he would look down a bit.

"Baanan and Yanqing are located on the flanks of Gyeonggi, and their status is important. I predict that there will be some troubles in the north, including Gyeonggi, this winter. If you can make some achievements in these two states, you will have the opportunity to improve in the future. layer,..." Feng Ziying has always been worried about the activities of the Gyeonggi White Lotus Sect, but the time in Suncheon Mansion is too short, and the clues from the Criminal Ministry have not made much progress, so he is a little regretful. He has a premonition that some troubles will happen this winter, which can be regarded as Set up a move in advance.

Hearing that Feng Ziying said it was Yanqing Prefecture or Baoan Prefecture, Fu Shi felt relieved. It is very close to the capital city, and it is also considered to be in the hinterland of Gyeonggi. arrangement, so he decisively agreed.

   "If you go to Baoanzhou, I have something to tell you..."

  Feng Ziying briefly talked about the situation of the White Lotus Sect. Before the Fu Examination, Feng Ziying also talked with Fang Kezhuang, and planned to recommend Fang Kezhuang to Guangping Mansion as a co-prefect.

  Fang Kezhuang is also very satisfied. Although Guangping Mansion is a small mansion, the Tong Zhi of the small mansion is also a top five grade. For Fang Kezhuang, he has been promoted to the second level.

   This is also Feng Ziying's reward for Fang Kezhuang's strong support for him over the past year. At the same time, Fang Kezhuang's tough tactics are also very suitable for the prefectures in Beizhili where the White Lotus Sect is bred.

  According to the current investigation by the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the White Lotus Sect has a fairly deep foundation in the three prefectures of Zhending, Shunde, and Guangping, and most of them have contacts with the White Lotus Sect in Shanxi and Shandong.

The location of Guangping Mansion is particularly important. It communicates with Henan and Shandong at the same time. If this place is infiltrated by the White Lotus Sect, it means that the entire southern part of Beizhili will be corrupted. The government will become a powder keg in the border areas of Shandong, Beizhi, and Henan.

Feng Ziying is not sure when these Bailian churches were launched, and whether they are connected with Fengzhou Bailian and Shanxi Bailian sects, but this possibility is very high. It's hard to clean up.

  Based on this consideration, Feng Ziying also wanted to promote Fang Kezhuang to the position of Tongzhi of Guangping Prefecture. Even if it was consuming some of his own network resources and owed Gao Panlong a favor, he would still arrange this step.

  Fu Qian listened to Feng Ziying's introduction, and his face gradually became serious.

  At first, he thought that Feng Ziying was just going through the motions, but after hearing Feng Ziying's detailed information about the situation of the White Lotus Sect, Fu Shi realized that this is really not an easy job. No wonder Feng Ziying is so cautious.

But I have to admit that if this incident really happened as Feng Ziying guessed, and I could plan early and kill this kind of rebellion in Honshu in one fell swoop, it would really be a big deal that no one can take away. credit.

"My lord, what preparations should I make if my subordinate goes to Baoan Prefecture?" Fu Shi was a little nervous. After all, he used to be a general judge, which was mainly concerned with civil affairs and economic affairs. Investigating and arresting robbers and criminal prosecution are the main tasks.

"Well, this is what I want to tell you. As a colleague in a large border state, you must not relax your military equipment. The third class of yamen must be strengthened, and you must pay attention to early precautions against suspicious powerful gentry in the local area, especially those who are related to the White Lotus Sect. If there is a relationship, you must be more considerate, and if necessary, act suspiciously first,..." Feng Ziying naturally did not hesitate to advise her as the first direct colleague who was not a classmate after entering the officialdom.

  (end of this chapter)

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