Number of People

Chapter 2004: The Guizi scroll is compiled in a romantic manner, and the mandarin ducks advise

  Chapter 2004 Guizi Scroll Merry Compilation, Mandarin Duck Admonishment

  Fu Shi finally left satisfied, and accepted Feng Ziying's opinion to let him go to Baoan Prefecture as the magistrate.

In Feng Ziying's view, the opportunity in Baoan Prefecture should be greater than that of being a foreign minister in one of the seven ministries. Under special circumstances, if you choose some key areas to serve as chief officials, as long as you dare to take responsibility and do things bravely, you will definitely be able to be seen by the court. With a little support, you can go to the next level.

  Now Fu Shi is the sixth rank, and he goes to Baoan Prefecture to serve as the fifth rank magistrate. If he does a good job, it is not impossible to be promoted to the rank of the fifth rank in a year.

There is a big difference in the degree of attention gained by being a deputy and being a chief official. Although it seems to be close to the central bosses among the seven ministries, under the current circumstances, the Yuanwailang of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households may be okay, and of course the Ministry of Officials Needless to say, if it is Yuanwailang from the other films, it may not be so.

That's why Feng Ziying strongly recommends Fu Shi to go to Bao'an Prefecture to be the prefect. This will also be of great benefit to your own system in the future.

Now that Feng Ziying wants to build his own system, what he lacks most is someone with a certain level of official rank. Fu Shi is the most suitable group, and Fang Kezhuang is also counted, but his relationship with himself is far less than that of Fu Shi and himself. level, so he must set an example, that is, to get Fu Shi to a higher position quickly.

In fact, Song Xian can also consider it, but Song Xian's title is lower, and because he hesitated for a while before making up his mind to join his own command, Feng Ziying was a little upset before, but considering that there are too few talents available for his own subordinates, Feng Ziying still intends to give the other party a chance , also considering how to arrange it.

From the Shuntian Mansion of the sixth rank, if you are promoted to the first rank, you can go to the sixth rank. It is reasonable to say that Song Xian can take over as the general judge of Fu Shi, but Song Xian is in the judicial department, and it is difficult to take advantage of the success of the general judge. If it is released, Feng Ziying feels that her influence in the capital will be greatly weakened, which is a bit inappropriate.

But if it is placed in Gyeonggi, after all the calculations, there is only the commander of the Wucheng Bingmasi. This is a position of the sixth rank, but it is not comparable to other positions of the sixth rank. In a sense, this position of the sixth rank The rank is not worse than many from the fifth rank, or even better, so this is also a very tight position.

The commander of the Wucheng Bingmasi is not considered a military post, but because he controls the emergency security force, he is actually a dual leader. The direct supervisor is the Xuncheng Yushi, who belongs to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but the mobilization of troops is also subject to the Ministry of War. Therefore, the Ministry of War must be consulted on the appointment and dismissal.

  There is a vacancy at the moment for the commander of the Dongcheng Army and Horse Division. Feng Ziying has taken a fancy to this position and wants to plan for Song Xian, but there are many joints to be opened up here.

The Ministry of War is simple, Zhang Huaichang can do it just by saying hello, but on the side of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, because its direct supervisor is the Xuncheng Censor of the Xuncheng Procuratorate, and the Xuncheng Procuratorate is not in charge of Qiao Yingjia, but Zuodu. The censor Zhang Jingqiu is in charge, and he has to talk to Zhang Jingqiu.

As for the relationship, Zhang Jingqiu and Feng Ziying are also doing well, but now Zhang Jingqiu is in an embarrassing situation because of Emperor Yonglong's coma, so he has been keeping a low profile. It takes a little effort to get Zhang Jingqiu to nod in order to be selected.

  Fu Shi ran into Yuanyang when he went out, greeted Yuanyang with a smile, and left excitedly.

  Yuanyang entered the door, saw Feng Ziying was still resting his forehead in thought, and asked in a low voice: "Master, just now this servant met Mr. Fu and went out. He seems to be in a good mood."

"Well, he also needs to move before I leave. I have arranged for him. After talking about it, he is quite satisfied." Feng Ziying looked tired, seeing Yuanyang in her eyes, feeling a little distressed, she moved over, gently Gently massaged Feng Ziying's shoulders, "Master will leave Beijing soon, so it's time to take a good rest. This trip is thousands of miles away, and the weather is very heavy..."

"I think so too, but when I leave suddenly, there are still a lot of things in my hands that have not been finished, so I have to hurry up and implement them first, otherwise there are too many things that will be cold as soon as this person leaves the tea, and many things will not be done." It's easy." Feng Ziying shook her head, "There can be no delay."

Yuanyang also sighed. Being an official is also hard work. Not to mention traveling thousands of miles, you have to worry about various things. Even if you want to leave, you have to deal with related matters first. This is going to go, can't we arrange a good position for others?

   "What's the matter?" Yuanyang has nothing important to do, so she wouldn't come into the study at this time.

   "Master, Second Mistress has come to Beijing, Ping'er will go first, let me talk to Master." Yuanyang glanced at Feng Ziying with a complex expression, and spoke concisely.

   "Oh? Entered Beijing?" Feng Ziying was a little surprised, and glanced at the mandarin duck with an ugly face, "It's fine for Ping'er to go, I know."

   "Master, are you..." Yuanyang hesitated to speak.

   "What do you want to ask? If you know that I don't want to answer questions that I can't answer, then don't open your mouth. You don't have any vision." Feng Ziying snorted softly.

   One sentence annoyed Yuanyang, her almond eyes opened wide, her lips pursed, and Yuanyang's hands massaged Feng Ziying's massage all of a sudden increased a lot, making Feng Ziying groan.

"What do you mean by this? Why can't you answer? Is it something shameful? Since the master has entrusted the servants with the miscellaneous affairs of the house, the servants will ask, not only to ask, but also to ask clearly. If there is something inappropriate, the servant will advise you, and fulfill your duty! If the master cannot trust the servant, then the servant will abdicate and let the virtuous, whether it is Ping'er, Jin Chuaner, or playing chess, whoever can do it Dry!"

   Seeing Yuanyang was really annoyed, Feng Ziying laughed instead, this girl is such a strong-tempered girl, she must have noticed something by herself, and spied some situation from Pinger, so she is going to question her.

It seems that she is very dissatisfied with this personal relationship between herself and Wang Xifeng, but Feng Ziying is still a little unclear. Yuanyang is worried about her reputation, and feels that having an affair with Wang Xifeng will affect her reputation and future , I am still simply disappointed and dissatisfied with the behavior of hooking up with the wife of a former friend.

  But whether it is the former or the latter, Feng Ziying still appreciates Yuanyang's straightforward nature.

"Well, it seems that if I don't 'confess' clearly today, I won't be able to pass the test? Forget it, Yuanyang, you can ask whatever you want, I know everything, as you said, since the master entrusted you with this courage, naturally I have to talk to you, not to mention that you are also the woman of the master, so there is nothing to say, but Yuanyang has also shaken these secrets to you, you have to weigh a little, whether you should tell it, who can tell , What can’t be said, you have to know it in your heart.”

  Feng Ziying simply held Yuanyang's massage hands on her shoulders, pulled her to stand in front of her, and looked at her with a smile: "Ask, what do you want to ask?"

   This suddenly caught Yuanyang a little off guard and hesitated.

  As Feng Ziying said, if he really told himself all the secrets, what should he do? For example, there are some secrets that even Grandma Shen, Miss Bao and Miss Lin don’t know, and few people in the whole house know, what should I do if I know?

   Just like the personal relationship between him and his second grandmother, so what if he knew about it, even if his son was born, even if he objected, could he still sever the relationship between the two?

  Since there is no way to intervene and stop it, what's the point of knowing it?

   "Why, I honestly wanted to 'confess', but you stopped asking?" Feng Ziying was a little amused.

  Yuanyang gritted her teeth, "Master, are you on good terms with Second Mistress Lian?"

  Feng Ziying shook her head: "I have no affair with Second Mistress Lian, I only have a close relationship with Sister Feng."

   Yuanyang was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what it meant.

Feng Ziying explained frankly: "I don't want to do anything wrong with my friend's wife. When Sister Feng and Second Brother Lian were husband and wife, I had nothing to do with them. But after Sister Feng and Second Brother Lian reconciled, that's another matter. , At that time, Sister Feng was lonely and a widow, Yuanyang, it wouldn't be a bad idea for me to be in love with her, right?"

  Yuanyang was tongue-tied: "You got married with Second Mistress after she reconciled?"

"Of course, I don't need to lie about this kind of thing. Sister Feng's status is embarrassing, so it's not appropriate to tell the outside world when she is close to me, so she concealed it, but I didn't hide it from your eyes, Yuanyang. Can't you see that I and Sister Feng are on good terms? You know the current situation of Sister Feng. It must be difficult for her to remarry. It is basically impossible to choose a suitable one. Lian's second brother has already remarried, and he has both children. Under such circumstances, if Sister Feng is looking for someone to rely on, I would say that rejecting people thousands of miles away seems a bit cold-blooded and ruthless, right?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile: "And I think Sister Feng was not mean to you in the past. It's a good relationship."

Feng Ziying's last sentence made Yuanyang feel a little uncomfortable when asked, Yuanyang groaned for a long time before saying: "Naturally, slaves respect and appreciate Second Mistress, but, I just feel that she and you two always feel a little uncomfortable. If other people outside What should you think if you know? Master, you never thought that this time will not affect your future future?"

"Outsiders know, as long as you don't talk about mandarin ducks, who else can be outsiders? Ping'er, Xiaohong, or Lin Zhixiao and his wife? Are they not outsiders?" Feng Ziying smiled confidently, "Besides, such things, At most, it’s just gossip, can it really hold me and Sister Feng on the bed? There are not enough people spreading rumors about me outside? I think this is quite in line with my romantic reputation.”

Yuanyang rolled her eyes at Feng Ziying's rascally words, but she didn't know how to answer. After a while, she sighed leisurely: "My master can see things like this, so what can I do with my slaves? It has affected my reputation and future."

  (end of this chapter)

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