Number of People

Chapter 2010: Guizi Juan, Sister Feng and Brother Dong, help each other

  Chapter 2010 Guizi Juan

"It's not that exaggerated. When I went to Shaanxi, I was on the governor's side, hunting on behalf of the sky. My status is different from now. Let alone myself, even the imperial court will require me to protect myself, otherwise something will happen to me. , That is to slap the court in the face, and it is the prestige of the court that will be damaged, so there are rules." Feng Ziying shook her head: "Yaoqing and the others will also arrange it."

  Wu Yaoqing has returned to the capital specifically to make various preparations for Feng Ziying's westward journey, leaving only Wang Wenyan to start setting up the governor's office in Xi'an.

The Governor’s Yamen and Feng Ziying are different in Yongping Mansion and Shuntian Mansion. In Yongping Mansion and Shuntian Mansion, they are the same magistrate’s prime minister, the second in command, and the magistrate’s governor is above him. Moreover, Yongping Mansion and Shuntian Mansion are mansions, while Shaanxi is a province. And it is also a super big province, which is equivalent to part of Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai and Xinjiang.

  Of course, this part of Xinjiang mainly refers to the recovered Hamiwei area. In fact, this part cannot be regarded as the territory of Shaanxi Province, but belongs to the jurisdiction of Shaanxi Xingdusi.

  However, because Feng Ziying was assigned the title of right servant of the Ministry of War to be the governor of Shaanxi, the governor's Shaanxi is not only limited to Shaanxi Province, but actually includes the entire territory of the Xingdu Division of Shaanxi.

That is to say, this land boundary has surpassed the farthest Suzhou Wei, and is as far as Hami Wei, Chijin Mongolian Wei, Handong Wei, Handong Zuowei, Qu Xianwei, Andingwei, Aduanwei and other guards. territory.

Of course, most of these guards exist in theory, because this area legally inherited the former Ming Dynasty, but in fact it lost control in the years of war with Yili. Belongs to the big week.

Before the reign of Yonglong, the Great Zhou actually had no control over the area west of Jiayuguan. It was not until Ningxia quelled the rebellion that Emperor Yonglong forced the four towns in the northwest to send troops to Shazhou and Hami in order to strengthen his orthodoxy. He also tried his best to fight against the internal strife among the people in the village, and recovered Hami and Shazhou.

  However, as the strength of Dazhou was difficult to support, Gansu Town had given up Hami in the later period and retreated to Shazhou.

  If it weren’t for the imperial court’s strict order not to allow Shazhou to be abandoned, Gansu Town would actually have given up on Shazhou.

Even the father Feng Tang mentioned in the letter with Feng Ziying that the supply to the west of Jiayuguan is difficult and consumes a lot, and even the logistics support of Gansu Town is much more difficult than the second town of Yulin and Guyuan to the east. From an economic point of view From a political and military point of view, the guards in these places are not worth the loss, but from a political and military point of view, these areas must not be lost.

  Because of Feng Ziying's status as governor and the special situation in Shaanxi, Feng Ziying now has a very wide area to worry about.

As the right servant of the Ministry of War, he has the right to intervene in the military affairs of the three sides and four towns, and the civil affairs of Shaanxi Province and the border guards are even more within his scope of authority. Officials below the fourth rank can be directly removed from office, and reported to the Ministry of Officials and the Metropolitan Procuratorate afterwards, and officials above the fourth rank are also entitled to be directly impeached and let them temporarily avoid their posts.

  In addition, the situation in Shaanxi where he was going to was chaotic. It can be said that there were many people of all kinds who wanted Feng Ziying to go and those who did not want to see Feng Ziying.

"Then I'm staying in the capital right now?" Busia Mara asked hesitantly: "I just think I have nothing to do staying in the capital, so I might as well go to Shaanxi with you. Why do you say you're afraid of your house?" Those women here know me?"

"Hehe, that's not the case. They won't go either. Those who accompany me to Shaanxi are all concubines, and the third sister will go. But if you really want to go, it's not impossible, even if you are pregnant now. It is not suitable for long-distance travel." Feng Ziying thought for a while before saying: "If you are willing to come to Shaanxi after you give birth to a child, of course I will be happy."

   Seeing what Feng Ziying said, Busia Mara felt a little better.

  Although she didn't intend to argue with those women, but she did it on her own initiative, and Busia Mara couldn't accept it if she was forced not to meet people.

  Finally, she shook her head, and Busia Mara sighed: "I'm fine, but I can't help you if I go to Shaanxi. Maybe it will be a drag, so I'd better stay in Beijing."

  Feng Ziying thought for a while, then hesitated and said: "Why don't you go to Tianjin Wei? Well, Sister Feng lives there, and she is doing her own business..."

  Busia Mara raised her beautiful eyes, "Why, let me be your companion? She didn't seem to live in Baodafang last year, and went to Tianjin Wei?"

  Busia Mara has never met Wang Xifeng, but she knows Wang Xifeng.

  At that time, Feng Ziying chose a house for the two of them. For the sake of convenience, the distance between them was not too far away.

Busia Mara is a person who doesn't like to ask others about things. Although she knows it, she has never asked about Wang Xifeng's situation in detail, but she vaguely knows that Wang Xifeng is a woman who divorced. She followed Feng Ziying, and later Busia Mara Pulling his mind is more on the affairs of his own tribe, so he doesn't care about it.

"Well, she gave birth to a child, and she has a lot of acquaintances in Beijing, so it's not convenient, so she went to Tianjin Wei." Feng Ziying had nothing to hide from Busia Mara, and directly stated, "You are also pregnant now. , she also has a few experienced hands around her, waiting for her to give birth, and there are no other people around you. People in your clan are either clumsy and unable to take care of others, or they are not very happy to see you and I have children, so Why don't you go to Tianjin Wei, there are still people to take care of you, don't look at you can still jump now, wait a few more months, your belly will grow, it will be inconvenient for you, let you stay in my house, you must I'm not happy either, why not just go to Tianjin Wei and have a company with Sister Feng."

Feng Ziying's whimsical suggestion really moved Busia Mara a little bit. Even Feng Ziying felt that her sudden idea was really suitable. Wang Xifeng could just write the letter by herself. Those women are bitter and jealous, but Busia Mara and her are two completely different types of people, maybe they can really hit it off.

  Busia Mara hesitated for a moment, but remained silent.

  She also knows that as the child in her womb grows up, she will face childbirth sooner or later. Finding someone to help with the childbirth temporarily in this capital city is better than having a skilled hand to wait on her? She is definitely not happy in Feng's residence, but a woman like Wang Xifeng can be regarded as sympathetic to her, and it is a bit close to the outside room, which is quite appropriate.

Seeing that Busia Mara was a little moved, but she couldn't let it go, Feng Ziying still didn't understand, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about it, I will arrange it, and let someone over there pick you up when the time comes, Just tidy up and go along, there is a big house over there in Tianjin, and now she has a small child, so she takes care of it with her own hands, and you also learn how to take care of the child and raise the child, so as not to be in a hurry in the future."

  Thoughts on and off, Busia Mara finally nodded in agreement.

  Busia Mara still had the straight-forward temperament, and she refused to stay in the mansion after finishing her business, so she went straight away, leaving Feng Ziying with no time to give a few more instructions.

   Fortunately, although she is gone, Feng Ziying also knows where she is staying, so she can also arrange for servants like Ruixiang, who she knows and is familiar with, to help her. Now her stomach is not showing yet, and she can handle ordinary things.

  Watching Busia Mara's tall and strong figure disappearing outside the door, Feng Ziying was also a little absent-minded for a while.

This woman's trust in her is unconditional, she just said "I know", she didn't ask any more questions, and decided that she could help her, but Ye Hebu's survival is not so easy to help ?

  Feng Ziying rubbed her chin. If she was still in the capital, next to the center, and not too far from Liaodong, she would be able to get news in time anyway.

  Backing to the study, Feng Ziying flipped through the letters on the case, found one, and reopened it for a closer look.

  The letter is from Mao Wenlong.

   As for Mao Wenlong and Feng Ziying, of course he has heard of his name for a long time.

One is that in the history of the previous life, he was beheaded by Yuan Chonghuan, which led to the collapse of Dongjiang Town, and the situation in the Liaodong War of the Ming Dynasty was out of control. As for whether Yuan Chonghuan should kill him, there were many disputes, which directly led to Yuan Chonghuan being executed by Emperor Chongzhen later. The time of killing was equally controversial.

  Second is in this world.

In this world, Mao Wenlong is not considered an outstanding character, but because he is stationed as a guerrilla in the Jinzhou Guard, and Shen Yourong's Denglai Navy is now actively infiltrating into southern Liaoning, striving to establish a base in southern Liaoning, the first choice is Jinzhou Zhong Zuosuo, that is, Lushun of later generations.

Of course, Mao Wenlong also welcomes the Denglai Navy to gain a foothold in southern Liaoning. In this way, the sea route in southern Liaoning will be opened up, and merchant ships will be able to reach Jinzhou directly. In terms of logistics support, they will no longer be restricted by the land route from the Western Liaoning Corridor, and at least the loss will be saved. ten times.

   After going back and forth, Shen Youronghe became acquainted with Mao Wenlong, and Mao Wenlong had a tough style and bravery in battle, which Shen Yourong admired. He accidentally mentioned it in a letter with Feng Ziying. After Feng Ziying saw it, he naturally wanted to win him over.

Mao Wenlong naturally admired Feng Ziying very much. The son of the Governor of Jiliao and the Prime Minister of Shuntianfu, he was also a young leader among the scholars in the North, and his future was limitless. flattered.

  In a Liaodong town, there are twenty or thirty guerrillas participating in the battle. Mao Wenlong's qualifications are still inexperienced, and he is not very eye-catching at all, and he was not in the eyes of Feng Tang at all before.

  If he can climb up the line of Governor Ji Liao now, with court officials as backers, it is simply a harbinger of prosperity, so Mao Wenlong is almost on the verge of showing his loyalty to Feng Ziying.

  (end of this chapter)

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