Number of People

Chapter 2011: Guizijuan controls the front line and cultivates the heart

  Chapter 2011 Guizi Juan controls the front line and cultivates the heart

  Mao Wenlong initially served as a guerrilla in the Golden State Guard, stationed on the line from the Jinzhou Center Left Institute to the Fuzhou Guard.

It is far away from the Liaoxi Corridor facing the Chahar people, and it is also far away from the Liaohetao area bordering Jianzhou Jurchen and the line of Liaohaiwei, Fushun Pass and Dingliao Youwei (Phoenix City), so the chances of being promoted by virtue of military exploits are very high. There are few, so I have been eager to go to the front line of the side wall to defend, so that I can have more opportunities to fight.

   Feng Ziying asked Cao Wenzhao to transfer Mao Wenlong to the front line of Yizhou Wei through his father's relationship.

   This is adjacent to the intersection of Jianzhou Jurchen, Horqin people and Yehe tribe. The situation is complicated, and it is also a key node area where wars are most likely to break out. It is also an opportunity for Mao Wenlong.

  If it weren't for the knowledge of Mao Wenlong's ability in the history of the previous life, Feng Ziying would not dare to say this, and Feng Tang only greeted Cao Wenzhao after investigating Mao Wenlong.

This is also Feng Ziying's confidence in agreeing to Busia Mara. Without Mao Wenlong's thousands of troops stationed on the Yizhou Guard line, from Dading Fort-Dakang Fort-Taiping Fort-Dajing Fort-Zhenyi Fort, outside the side wall The entire Dalinghe-Jianmenshan area is Mao Wenlong's line of defense. Mao Wenlong is familiar with this area very quickly, and Feng Ziying really dare not take on this hot job.

Of course, it is not enough to be close to Mao Wenlong. Once Nurhachi gathers the elite Jurchens of Jianzhou, Mao Wenlong's troops will not be enough at all. superior.

However, the Nekhka people's activity area is a little far away from the Yehe tribe. They are in the northwest of the Yehe tribe, and the shortest distance to the pastureland is three or four hundred miles away. They can't catch up every two or three days, so this In the middle, we have to rely on the support of Ye Hebu's own family and Mao Wenlong.

  Mao Wenlong’s letter to Feng Ziying not only talked about the situation in the army, but also talked about some specific problems he is facing now, the most important thing is the lack of firearms.

He is a relatively junior general in Liaodong Town, with 7,000 elite soldiers under his command, but only 5,000 spearmen and shield soldiers, 800 cavalry, and only 1,000 gunfire soldiers, and they were still old-fashioned The three-eyed firecracker was replaced with an arquebus four months ago.

  After being transferred to Yizhou Guard, Mao Wenlong recruited two thousand people from Fuzhou Guard to take them there, and trained them according to the regulations of the firecrackers, hoping to replenish the firecrackers as soon as possible.

However, the number of firecrackers allocated by the Ministry of War to Liaodong Town has been greatly reduced since the beginning of this year, and more supplies are needed to fight the Northwest Army, Jizhen Army, and Jingying. In addition, the newly reorganized Datong Town and Xuanfu Town also received some, Liaodong Town was left behind.

  Liaodong Town only received 3,000 firecrackers this year, and it was not for Mao Wenlong's department at all.

Although there are a thousand firecrackers that can be borrowed to practice with these two thousand people, but in the actual battle, the two thousand people can only be used as supplementary soldiers to fill up, but this is too wasteful. Special civilians are used as supplementary soldiers, and these two thousand people can be used in battle, as long as they can equip the firecrackers in place.

  This problem is not difficult for Feng Ziying to solve.

The output of the manufacturing workshops of the Gyeonggi Military-Industrial Complex is now increasing rapidly. After half a year of training and practice, skilled workers can basically pass the training. With the improvement, the number of ordinary firearms produced in Japan can already exceed one hundred and twenty, and there is still room for improvement.

This means that 3,600 firecrackers can be supplied to the Ministry of War every month, but now the Ministry of War is focusing on ensuring the Northwest Army, Jizhen Army and Jingying Army, and then the Datong Army, Xuanfu Army, and Shanxi Township Army. , the last is Liaodong Town, so this year Liaodong Town got less than the output of the Gyeonggi Military-Industrial Complex in less than a month.

  In addition, Mao Wenlong also hopes to obtain some heavy firecrackers, that is, turtledove blunderbusses.

This kind of firecracker is no longer a technical problem for the Gyeonggi military-industrial complex. The key is that the yield rate is still relatively low, and there are many cases of returning to the factory for remanufacturing, so this affects the delivery. According to the current production capacity, the production capacity of the turtledove gun is about There are about 20 pieces per day, but the good product rate is only 70%, that is, only 15 pieces can be shipped smoothly.

  Liaodong Town got less than 200 heavy firecrackers this year, and basically all of them were taken away by Cao Wenzhao's personal troops, and the other ministries could not return.

  In addition to these two types of firecrackers, self-generating firecrackers have also been successfully trial-produced and mass-produced. This is the biggest breakthrough made by the Gyeonggi Military-Industrial Complex this year, but the same problem is the yield rate.

  Currently, the output of self-generated firecrackers is about 30 per day, but the good product rate is frighteningly low, only about 40%.

   This also means that the cost of self-generated firecrackers is very high. Even the Ministry of War feels that the price is too expensive and is unwilling to order too many.

   What Feng Ziying can do is to go through the back door for Mao Wenlong from the Gyeonggi military-industrial complex, and arm Mao Wenlong's department by pre-borrowing 2,000 matchlock guns, 300 heavy-duty firecrackers and 100 self-generated firecrackers.

  Such a huge amount of expenses is nothing to the Ministry of War, but it has to be calculated carefully when it is distributed to various military towns.

  If you add related gunpowder and projectiles, this is an expense worth more than 40,000 taels, which is already quite impressive.

  If it falls on Mao Wenlong, according to the normal equipment progress, it is estimated that Mao Wenlong will not be able to achieve this kind of equipment in five years.

  In addition to guaranteeing the armaments for Mao Wenlong, Feng Ziying also needs to give some sweetness to the people of Nekhka, but this sweetness can only be resolved by the Shanxi Chamber of Commerce.

  Nakalka people are not short of silver now, what they lack are all kinds of materials they need.

  Zai Sai still has some vision and courage. The last ransom was basically used by him to buy various supplies, and it also attracted a large number of businessmen to trade in the five departments of Neikarka.

Feng Ziying even gave some hints to the merchants in Shanshan and Shanxi, letting go of some previously controlled goods, such as iron materials, ironware, armor, and even cold weapons such as arrow clusters and knife shields. The five Kabuya tribes, in a disguised form, helped Zaisai expand his army and enrich his force.

   This greatly enhanced the status and influence of the Nekhka people on the grassland, and also greatly increased the prestige of Zaisai among the five parts of Nekhka.

  The reason why the Horqin people who have been flirting with Jianzhou Jurchen, and even discussing marriage, have not completely turned to Jianzhou Jurchen is because they are afraid of the threat brought by the alliance between Neikha people and Liaodong Town who have expanded their power too much.

  Feng Ziying intends to write a letter to Zai Sai, reminding him of the truth of cold lips and teeth.

  The strength of the Yehe tribe is indeed not enough, but at any rate, the Yehe tribe has also annexed the remnants of the Ula tribe, and it can be regarded as the only seedling of the Haixi Jurchen.

  In the case that most of the savage Jurchens have voted for the Jianzhou Jurchens, the Jianzhou Jurchens have united the Jurchens, and the name of the founding of the country can indeed unite people's hearts and attract the Jurchens to vote.

  Feng Ziying was not worried about whether the Yehe tribe would fall to the Jianzhou Jurchen. The grievances between the two tribes could not be resolved by Nurhachi's drawing a few big cakes, but had to be resolved with knives and guns.

However, Nurhachi's obvious "destiny posture" will still have some impact on Ye Hebu's mentality, and subconsciously put himself in a weak position, which will weaken Ye Hebu's will to resist to a certain extent. In the situation of Hebu, some weak-minded people will wonder if this is the destiny.

  This requires some small victories and external support to consolidate and inspire Ye Hebu's confidence and fighting spirit.

  Feng Ziying thought for a long time before she considered the task "accounted" by Busia Mara. This can only be said to be a plan of her own. What kind of effect can be achieved after the specific implementation still needs to be verified.

   Neither Liaodong Town nor the Neikalkha people can be controlled single-handedly. Mao Wenlong's side is better to talk about it, but Zai Sai's side has too many unexpected factors.

  Back to Daiyu's room, it's almost midnight.

   Seeing Zijuan busy **** and washing her feet, Feng Ziying remembered what Yuanyang reminded her of.

   Logically speaking, it is not easy for him to mention this kind of thing. Although Daiyu will not misunderstand, she always feels as if she is coveting the beauty of Zijuan.

   In terms of beauty, Zijuan is not the most beautiful compared to Feng Ziying's other women, even Yuanyang, Qingwen, Jin Chuan'er, Ping'er, and Siqi.

Her appearance has a sweet word, and the dimples on her cheeks and a slight smile can make people feel pity, so this girl's affinity is the strongest in the entire Rongguo Mansion, which also helps Gu Leng The temperamental Daiyu has saved a lot in terms of popularity, at least so that Daiyu will not be too out of gregarious in the minds of the servants.

   There was a word of gossip, and Daiyu also noticed Feng Ziying's absent-mindedness, and asked with concern: "What's the matter today, Xianggong, he seems to be restless?"

   "It's nothing, I just feel that I have to leave. There are still many things that haven't been finalized. I have to think about it carefully. Don't find out that there are some things that I haven't done before I go out."

Feng Ziying stroked the hair on Daiyu's cheeks for Daiyu, and touched Daiyu's delicate pink dimple with her fingertips. The girl had only been married for less than a month, and she had already begun to fade her greenness. It's a bit of a different style.

Hearing Feng Ziying say that she was going to leave, Daiyu suddenly became a little emotional, and regardless of Zijuan who was beside her, holding Feng Ziying's arm, she became depressed: "I have only been married to my husband for more than ten days, and my husband is leaving soon. Knowing this, the concubine should have married earlier."

"Sister, you don't need to be so sad. If you are a husband, you can come back in a year or so if you are quick, and it will only be two years..." Feng Ziying was also a little reluctant, hugging Daiyu's willow slender waist, whispering: " Are you feeling well?"

Daiyu's face became hot, and all parting emotions were swept away by Feng Ziying's words, she shook her head charmingly, bit her cherry lips lightly with her white teeth, and whispered almost like a gnat: "It's over. "

  (end of this chapter)

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