Number of People

Chapter 2012: Guizi scroll grows up Daiyu, early intervention

  Chapter 2012 Guizi scroll grows up Daiyu, early intervention

   I have to say that people’s natural constitutions are still different. Daiyu is weak and sensitive, completely different from her half-brother Miaoyu.

   Fortunately, Feng Ziying has been used to eating big fish and big meat in the past few days, so she tasted something light and refreshing, which was exactly what she wanted.

  Just as Daiyu was snuggling in Feng Ziying's arms and whispering about the trivial matters in the house, Zijuan outside the house was sighing endlessly.

  My girl is still expecting to be able to conceive before the grandfather leaves, so it seems that I don't want to think about it.

   After three times, five divisions and two, he was defeated, and the master was so sympathetic to the girl's body, how could he be willing to work hard?

   But just casually love like this, not to mention letting the uncle have a good time, the question is how can the girl get it right away, and how can she conceive and give birth?

  Zijuan has been thinking about this situation for a long time, and even talked to Yuanyang because of her inner worries. It is hard to say whether Yuanyang is inspired by Zijuan's anxiety today.

  If it is said that in the future both the eldest and the second house will have male heirs, but the third house will not, or Lin Daiyu will not, even if Miaoyu or Xing Xiuyan can bear children, it will still not be as safe as the girl's own birth.

Zijuan is also very clear that she and Daiyu cannot be separated. In Daiyu's situation, it is definitely not possible. It is not uncommon for this rich family to have a personal servant girl to help out. He vaguely mentioned this situation, implying that the girl may be too young to understand these things, and she should help remind and share the burden as a maid herself.

  Although Zijuan was extremely ashamed, she also understood that his wife had good intentions. After all, if a mistress could give birth to a son, she would not be stronger than a concubine.

  But she is still an innocent girl, this kind of thoughtful wife can mention it to me secretly, but how can I tell the girl?

  Besides, the girl is close to me, if such words cause the girl to misunderstand, it will be bad.

Counting the days, Zijuan also knows that the uncle will only stay in the mansion for three to five days, that is to say, he can rest in the girl's room at most, and then he will have to leave for Shaanxi for a night or two. If I can't conceive after two nights, I can only wait until the uncle returns from Shaanxi in two or three years to find a way, which makes Zijuan a little reconciled.

  Second room Xue Baoqin followed, and Miss Miaoyu and Xiuyan **** her side also followed. In the past two or three years, as long as there is no problem with the body, most of them can be conceived.

But if my girl's body can't be conceived in these two days, when the uncle comes back two or three years later, he will have to face Grandma Shen, Miss Bao, Miss Second, and Miss Fourth who has been vaguely rumored now. The "competition" of the three girls who let her get started, whether she can conceive or not, Zijuan has no idea.

   But don't end up, Grandma Shen and Miss Bao can both have a boy and a half girl to raise, but the girl from home doesn't, then this situation is too embarrassing.

   Zijuan is worried here, but Daiyu is not so pessimistic.

In her opinion, as long as the husband likes to take pity on her, it will be a matter of time before she gets pregnant, especially the husband often says that he is still young and his body is a little thin. If he can grow up slowly after two or three years of marriage When you get pregnant again, it will be much less difficult and safer to give birth.

For Feng Ziying's words, Lin Daiyu trusts 100%. The sympathy and liking when she and her husband are in love come from the heart and heart. It is a kind of love to the bone. Lin Daiyu naturally understands it. This is by no means something that other people can replace. Whether it is Sister Shen or Sister Bao, Daiyu is confident in this point.

Daiyu also knew that her body was too thin and weak, and Brother Feng also told her veiledly that after getting married, she broke up and had a married life, and a woman's body will undergo some changes. If she pays more attention to nourishment and exercise, then her In fact, the body can become better and easier to conceive and give birth. Once I get pregnant in my current situation, the risk of dystocia is relatively high, so Brother Feng tends to wait two years before getting pregnant and giving birth.

"My little girl originally wanted Zijuan to go with Xiuyan to serve her husband, but I didn't expect that sister Miaoyu would also go with her, so it would be hard for me to let Zijuan go with her. Sister and Sister Bao may not care about anything, but people below will inevitably gossip." Daiyu put her face on Feng Ziying's chest, and said in a tired voice: "That's it, I guess Baoqin is not happy with Sister Miaoyu Are you tight?"

Feng Ziying stroked Daiyu's disheveled hair, and said insincerely, "What do you want to do so much? Miaoyu is going, so let her go, and Baoqin doesn't care so much. I am going to Shaanxi to do something, and I have to use my ideas. , it doesn't matter if you go more or less,..."

   Didn't expect Daiyu to care about this so much. He originally thought that Daiyu would not care about these things because of her lonely and aloof personality. He didn't expect that after getting married and becoming a mistress, she would have to consider these things now.

"That's different." Daiyu said in a deep voice: "My little sister doesn't like to gossip behind people's backs. My husband knows it, but Bao Qin always seems to like targeting my little sister. Of course, she didn't do anything too outrageous. Even if there is, the younger sister will not care, Xiuyan's temper is good, the younger sister probably won't have any quarrels with her when she goes to Shaanxi, but sister Miaoyu's temperament is also known to the husband, if the needle tip meets the wheat awn , it will inevitably make it difficult for Mr. Xiang."

Feng Ziying had some headaches. Before she left, Daiyu vaccinated herself again, but what Daiyu said was correct. With Miaoyu's temperament and identity like Baoqin, if Baoqin did anything to make her She doesn't like her, or if Miaoyu wants to say or do something to make Baoqin feel uncomfortable, the two of them are good at each other, and there will be disputes if they are not sure.

Seeing that Feng Ziying remained silent, Daiyu also laughed, "However, Baoqin must be aware of the general situation and take into account the overall situation. This time, she is traveling thousands of miles away, and Xianggong's thoughts are all on doing things, so she has to play her temper again." , I'm afraid it's inappropriate, I guess before leaving, Sister Bao probably wants to tell her."

   Daiyu laughed like a bead, but she concealed her cleverness in her words. If Baoqin is still ignorant this time, it is not Baoqin's problem alone, and Baochai will be implicated.

  Feng Ziying sighed inwardly, why did it take so long, even Sister Lin has these little thoughts now, no wonder this marriage can really make people grow, they are growing in all aspects.


"The situation is very bad. After Wen Yan and I entered Xi'an Mansion, he mainly stayed in Xi'an Mansion to help the adults organize the Governor's Yamen. The address was still the old Yamen of the former Governor Yunguang. After Yunguang was taken down, the Governor's Yamen It has been vacant all the time. This is the earliest chief envoy's yamen, because after Yun Guang became the governor of Shaanxi, the then chief envoy gave up this yamen to Yunguang. It's not small, the triple courtyard is more than enough to accommodate one or two hundred people,..."

Wu Yaoqing has lost a lot of weight and darker than when he left Beijing. "My subordinates only stayed in Xi'an Mansion for two days, then took people to Yan'an Mansion and Qingyang Mansion, and then went to Pingliang Mansion. , and finally took a trip to Yulin Town, met He Zongbing,..."

  Feng Ziying nodded. No wonder Wu Yaoqing lost so much weight. To run half of Shaanxi Province in such a short period of time, even if Wu Yaoqing had enough martial arts background, it would be too much for him.

   "Thank you, how did you see and hear this trip?" Feng Ziying was more concerned about this.

"It's very bad. The drought in Jiazhou, Mizhi, Suide, and Wubao in Yan'an Prefecture is unprecedented. The Wuding River, Xiaolishui, and Huaining River are almost dry. After crossing the Yellow River and arriving in Shanxi, the situation in Anding and Qingjian is slightly better, but it is only compared to other places, and it is much worse than in previous years. However, because these counties are adjacent to Yulin Town, small groups of rebels cannot go north. , I was even more worried that the Yulin army would go south to wipe out them, so they all went south, which also involved Luochuan and Yanzhou, which were originally in a slightly better disaster situation than the north, all of a sudden,..."

  Feng Ziying's heart trembled, "Has something happened in Fuzhou?"

  Wu Yaoqing hesitated for a while, and finally said: "When my subordinate left, Linzhou had not yet fallen, but my subordinate judged that Linzhou should not be able to keep it. Maybe it has already fallen by this time."

  Yunzhou is the most important prefecture and county in the upper reaches of the Luoshui River. It is known as "the confluence of three rivers, and the throat of five roads".

  Feng Ziying took a deep breath and nodded: "Go on."

"The situation in Qingyang Mansion is not good either. The rebel army is mainly concentrated in Ningzhou, the lower reaches of the Malian River. There is no sign of going north, but there are signs of going south to Binzhou and converging with the rebel army in Binzhou." Wu Yaoqing continued, "Pingliang The rebellious army in the government is mainly concentrated in Jingzhou and Lingtai, but the rebellious army is not strong, so the situation is still stable, but..."

   "But what?" Feng Ziying frowned and asked, he had a premonition that there was bad news.

"Before I left, I heard some rumors, because after Ningxia put down the rebellion, many of the defeated soldiers in Ningxia Town secretly ran back to the countryside. At the beginning, the imperial court wanted to reduce some of the frontier troops with poor military discipline and weak combat effectiveness, so it was very important to them. Some soldiers who had just been recruited from the guards ignored them. Most of these defeated soldiers came from these people. Now these people are increasingly becoming the backbone of the rebellion army. This is especially obvious in the rebellion army in Qingyang and Pingliang, because Yan'an Prefecture The guards here are mainly supplementing Yulin Town, so the impact is not too big,..."

  Feng Ziying's lips were a little dry. This was probably the worst news he had heard.

  The chaotic army formed by pure refugees is not terrible, even if there are Bailian disciples coerced into it, it is nothing, but the most dangerous thing is that the cut-off frontier soldiers will also join these chaotic troops.

  (end of this chapter)

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