Number of People

Chapter 2013: The crisis of the Guizi scroll is yet to be solved, and the wind in the palace is tur

  Chapter 2013 The crisis of the Guizi scroll is to be solved, and the wind in the palace turns

  Seeing that Feng Ziying's face was a little ugly, Wu Yaoqing certainly knew what the other party was worried about, but he couldn't do anything about it.

  The number of frontier troops in three sides and four towns is as high as 400,000, plus the guards of each guard as a reserve force, the number of troops in the entire Shaanxi Province and the Shaanxi Xingdu Division is at least 600,000.

  The imperial court simply couldn’t afford to support such a huge force, so it had to adopt various means to delay or even cut the food and pay, and even used this method to force the military town to reduce the number of troops.

  This directly led to a sharp decline in military discipline in the three sides and four towns, and the combat effectiveness was also greatly affected.

Or after Dad became the governor of the three sides, he organized the reorganization of Qingyang, judged the heroes by their combat effectiveness, and then brought most of the Northwest Army to the Central Plains to fight, or this is a way for foreign enemies to feed on them, which is barely enough to let the three Biansi towns survived.

  However, the impact of the drought was still underestimated. Only now did Feng Ziying realize that the direct consequence of the severe drought in northern Shaanxi was that countless people could not feed themselves and could only rebel.

Shaanxi is not as good as Shandong or Jiangnan. In times of disaster, refugees can still flee to Gyeonggi or places that have not been affected by the disaster. However, Shaanxi is located in the northwest corner. Once this kind of drought strikes, basically the whole of Shaanxi except the Guanzhong Plain and the Hanzhong Basin Except for a little bit, other areas can hardly afford it, and the people don't even have the chance to escape from the famine.

  Because there are disasters everywhere, you may need to escape for half a month to find a place to eat, and half a month is enough to starve you or your children to death several times.

The refugee Feng Ziying alone is still confident that after arriving in Shaanxi, as long as he can mobilize the Northwest Army, he can quickly control the situation, but if a large number of fugitives and soldiers who have been eliminated over the years are involved, and even become the main force and backbone, this is not so so. To put it simply, if you want to completely solve them, it will not be enough to calm down with one or two victories.

Once those absconded and eliminated soldiers from the four towns and the guards are included in these rebellious troops, they will soon become the backbone of them. With the advantages of numbers, with a little training, these rebellious troops can be farther away from the frontier troops. You can only rely on the guards as an area with weak defenses to gain an advantage, and you can quickly beat these guards to pieces.

   "How is the situation in Guyuan Town?" Feng Ziying calmed down. Ningxia Town is not the most dangerous, but Guyuan Town is.

  Wu Yaoqing licked his lips, as if he was considering his words, Feng Ziying looked at the other party suspiciously: "Why, is there anything hard to say?"

"No, my lord, this subordinate is thinking about what to say." Wu Yaoqing rubbed his temples with difficulty, and said hesitantly: "The situation in Guyuan Town is the most complicated. It itself is a border town, but its jurisdiction involves the Gongchang Mansion. , Pingliang Mansion, Qingyang Mansion, and Lintao Mansion, this border town is the most chaotic border town intertwined with local guards, and many town troops and guards alternate most frequently. Involved in civil unrest,…”

  Feng Ziying was startled, "Yaoqing, do you mean that the establishment is involved?"

  This is a big question of right and wrong.

  If it’s just fugitives or weeding soldiers involved, that’s acceptable. After all, the four towns in the northwest are not uncommon for sergeants to mutiny due to insufficient food and wages.

   But if the establishment was involved, it would be two different things. It meant that the internal chaos in Guyuan Town had reached a certain level, and the management of the local guard had also become rotten.

Wu Yaoqing's face was once again tangled, and after thinking for a while, he said: "I'm not sure, but I think that there are small groups of frontier troops and guard troops who are coerced by some local tyrants and involved in the chaotic army, but how many and how many are there? How big it is, it’s hard to be sure, because the drought in some places is too severe, and the dominant clans in some places may also be desperate, because they can’t support the livelihood of a large clan, so..."

  Feng Ziying's face was gloomy. If even the local rich peasants and even some small landlords cannot survive, it means that the disaster is extremely serious.

  However, this point was obviously not mentioned in the news sent back to the imperial court by the chief envoy of Shaanxi.

  The hidden crises in Pingliang and Qingyang may not have been truly exposed, and now everyone's main attention is still focused on Yan'an Prefecture.

   Standing up and walking around with her hands behind her back, Feng Ziying subconsciously rubbed her face again.

This is the situation that I may face in the next step. It is much worse than the situation when I went to Yongping Mansion. At least the basic situation of Yongping Mansion is still controllable, and most areas in Shaanxi have already shown signs of getting out of control. .

"I see, Yaoqing, I will work hard for you in the past two days. While I am setting up my personal army, my father sent a team from the Northwest Army, but they can only deal with daily situations. On the other hand, you may have to write down what you saw in Shaanxi and the possible problems and countermeasures, so that I can take a look and think about it on the road to Shaanxi.”

Wu Yaoqing stood up and cupped his hands, "I'll do it now. I have a suggestion. Maybe you have to write to the governor. Please write to the commanders of the four towns in the northwest, asking them to strengthen their control, especially in Guyuan. Here in the town, if the governor has someone you can trust, you might as well give him a list, so that he can contact you quickly when he takes office in the future, which will come in handy."

  Feng Ziying nodded, "Well, I know it well."

  Wu Yaoqing went down, but Feng Ziying felt the pressure.

  He has already imagined the situation is very bad, but the situation is still beyond imagination. I wonder if the situation will deteriorate further after he takes office? it's very likely

   It will be at least a month before I take up this post. God knows what will happen in a month.


   "Baoqin, you mean that Guo Qinyun approached the eldest girl and asked to meet her, and it was at Chongxuan Temple?"

  Feng Ziying became a little impatient. Although she admired Yuan Chun's body and hoped to relive her old dreams before leaving, Feng Ziying was not happy when she heard that this was a fight for Guo Qinyun.

"Yes, Your Majesty specially asked your servants to tell your lord that Concubine Quan has visited your mother twice and wants to meet before your lord leaves. Your Majesty is probably doing the business of His Highness Prince Gong, and your mother can't be the master, so she sent your servants here. Said, if it is possible, then it will be in Chongxuan Temple tomorrow, if the adults do not allow, then the servants can go back and answer."

  Hold the piano and dare not look up.

  Feng Ziying snorted softly, "Didn't Prince Gong already entered Qingtan Academy? I promised them, and I did it. What else do you want? If you want to reach the sky in one step, do you have the strength and ability?"

  Hold the piano and make no sound.

   "Then the eldest girl is inclined to see Concubine Guo?"

  Feng Ziying is of course willing to meet Yuan Chun, but if he wants to see Guo Qinyun, it means that the meeting with Yuan Chun tomorrow will not be very interesting, and he will lose interest. To put it bluntly, he is just greedy for Yuan Chun's body.

   "Your Majesty must listen to the adults' opinions, but the Empress said that it's okay to see her, anyway, the adults will not promise her anything easily, just listen to it." Baoqin said in a low voice.

  Feng Ziying hesitated, but finally nodded. It would be good to see Yuan Chun again before leaving. As for Concubine Guo, he didn't care too much.

  As long as I leave, everything in the capital city will be far away from me, and my influence will gradually weaken until I return to the capital. This is an indisputable reality, and Guo Qinyun should also understand this.

Seeing Feng Ziying nodding her head in agreement, she felt relieved while hugging the piano, and then said: "The empress will arrive at Chongxuan Temple early tomorrow morning, and the empress Quanfei may not arrive at Chongxuan Temple until you. The other empresses and the princes went to Longfu Temple first to pray for His Majesty."

  Feng Ziying's heart moved slightly, "Don't you go to Longfu Temple to pray for the eldest girl?"

   "Women who have princes will go, and others who have no children will not go." Baoqin explained.

"I see, I'll be there in the morning." Feng Ziying nodded, "Baoqin, when I'm leaving, you take good care of the eldest girl, and also let the eldest girl settle down a bit, don't get too close to the people in the palace, Qiu Shi'an and Zhou Peisheng are not good people, if Dai Quan returns to the palace, I'm afraid there will be some troubles in the palace, Xia Bingzhong will definitely let it go, be careful not to suffer disaster."

   Baoqin glanced at Feng Ziying, and said softly: "Then why don't you make it clear to your empress face to face?"

  Feng Ziying laughed, "Why, do you think it's not easy for me to talk to her? I'm worried that she won't listen, and when it comes to the critical moment, she will get hotheaded. If you remind her by her side, she can accept it."

  Baoqin kept silent.

After all, it's Yuan Chun's temperament. Theoretically, it should be a calm and generous character, but Feng Ziying never thought that Yuan Chun would give him a feeling of impetuosity. Everything is promising, and I don’t even think about how there are so many good things in the world that it’s your turn?

"Master, in fact, your mother's temperament is not like this,..." Baoqin was about to go out, then stopped again, turned his head and said: "The people in the palace are all those who follow the power and push down, my mother It was also caused by Concubine Su and Concubine Mei,..."

  Feng Ziying's heart moved, "Mei Yuexi also came to seduce the eldest girl?"

Baoqin hesitated for a moment, but still nodded, "But the empress also knows that Concubine Mei just doesn't want others to help the other concubines, so she is very arrogant now. I heard that the court also intends to make King Lu the governor of the left , Concubine Mei Gui is very powerful now, and everyone in the palace gives way to her."

It seems that Dai Quan's return really gave Mei Yuexi confidence, and Dai Quan did have enough old capital to run the business for Mei Yuexi. At least Dai Quan still has some influence like the Shang Sanqin Army and the Beijing Camp. However, if Dai Quan thinks that he can still dictate to the court as he did during Yuanxi's reign, he may be in trouble.

  (end of this chapter)

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