Number of People

Chapter 2014: Guizi Scroll Yuanchun Crazy Devil, Concubine Quan into the net

  Chapter 2014 Guizi Juan Yuanchun Crazy Devil, Concubine Quan into the net

  Accompanied by the melodious hum that penetrated deep into the bone marrow, echoing in the room, the empress held her lotus feet like white jade and ivory high, swaying gracefully, and the gauze curtain swayed slowly,...

  Baoqin gritted her teeth and blushed secretly peeping through the window lattice, then retracted her head in horror, clamped her legs and clenched her fists, not knowing what to do.

  Baoqin feels that after breaking that layer of taboo, the empress has let herself go.

  The last time in the Chongxuan Temple, the taboo was broken between the empress and Uncle Feng, and she was worried when holding the piano.

Although she also believed that Uncle Feng would not betray and abandon the empress, but the empress was going back to the palace after all, and Uncle Feng was going west to Shaanxi soon, and it would take years to go west. What should I do?

   Baoqin is very clear, and the servants in charge of daily life in the palace are also very clear that His Majesty the Emperor has never visited Fengzao Palace, and the Empress has never been summoned by His Majesty to serve her bed.

   Not only the empress alone, but also the three concubines Zheng, Zhou, and Wu who entered the palace with the empress and were conferred concubines.

  Actually, most people in the palace knew that the emperor banned women from **** a few years ago and cultivated his mind and nature. This is no secret.

  The empress, like the three noble concubines of Zhou, Wu, and Zheng, was just a means used by the emperor to win over the meritorious deeds of foreign ministers. Baoqin did not know this until later, whether the empress understood or not, Baoqin didn't know.

   What should I do if someone takes the opportunity to test the empress' body at some point?

  Resist, can it work? Or a three-foot white silk? Baoqin didn't dare to think about it.

Being caught by someone, knowing that the empress has broken her body and had a man, it will really set off a huge wave in the palace. No one can bear the name of this dirty palace. .

   When the time comes, what should the empress do? I'm afraid he really can only die.

  Of course, the empress may have other reasons to explain it, but Baoqin doesn’t think it can be recognized by the people in the palace, especially those who were going to frame the empress to death.

   Various thoughts appeared in Baoqin's mind, lingering, making Baoqin upset but didn't know what to do.

  The empress seems to have her own ideas. She seems to trust Uncle Feng too much, but some things are often not as smooth and smooth as imagined. If something really happens, can Uncle Feng, who is far away in Shaanxi, be able to help?

   Concubine Quan is still coming in the afternoon. Why is the empress becoming like this now? She seizes every opportunity to have such a **** picture with Uncle Feng. Is it true that the relationship between men and women really makes people so intoxicated?

In the past, Baoqin only heard about these things mentioned by the maids in the palace. They were all pretending to be mysterious and mysterious. She also had a half-knowledge. It has become so hungry and thirsty.

Looking at the situation just now, it is even more exaggerated than the poses in the **** paintings. I don't know where Uncle Feng came from so many weird ways, so that the empress is willing to cooperate with her to humiliate herself like that. Think about the usual empress Such a graceful and aloof appearance, and then thinking about the unrestrained situation of the empress raising her legs and shaking her buttocks, she dared not think about it anymore while holding the piano.

  Yuan Chun was indeed addicted to the pleasure brought by Huan Ai and couldn't extricate himself.

  She didn't know why she had been thinking about this man like scratching her heart since that day.

  I miss all aspects, miss this man's every move, his breath and tone of voice, as well as his calm and composed manner in which everything is under control.

  Yuan Chun didn't understand why she suddenly seemed to be possessed, and became so obsessed with a man that she felt that she was a little dizzy.

  But rationality still failed to resist feelings after all, that's why today's meeting happened.

  Yuan Chun threw himself into each other's arms at the first moment, followed by crazy kisses, and in the end, it was a matter of course, with lingering love.

   The relationship between men and women has become so interesting that Yuan Chun enjoys it. This feeling makes her feel ashamed, but she can't suppress her enthusiasm and feelings.

   After several rounds of affection, Yuan Chun's enthusiasm was slowly released, and finally fell limp in Feng Ziying's arms.

"I don't know what's wrong with me, Ziying, do you think I'm a dissolute woman by nature?" Yuan Chun, who gradually calmed down while covering his face, said in a low voice, "I simply don't know how I became like this, It's like I can't control everything about myself, I just miss you, long to be with you,..."

Feng Ziying had to look at Yuan Chun with admiration for saying such words that are almost said between modern couples in love. It also shows that Yuan Chun, who has been suppressed for too long, finally erupted this time. Out.

"Actually, this is quite normal. You left home and entered the palace since you were young. Although you often came back when you were a female historian, Uncle Zheng Shi and your mother were all focused on Baoyu and didn't care much about you. Female history, to put it bluntly, you are a handyman in the palace, until you become a concubine, but after you become a concubine, you will not be so free to come out, and at that time you have grown up and have your own way of thinking and judgment, Uncle Zhengshi And your mother no longer has the ability to guide and intervene in your emotional thoughts, so many of your confusion, feelings, even resentment, depression, and lack of love for men and women have quietly suppressed your inner emotions and accumulated them for a long time, so Only after meeting me can you be released,..."

Feng Ziying tried to use a modern way to describe and explain Yuan Chun's worry about losing control of her emotions, but for Yuan Chun, it was obviously beyond her comprehension and imagination. Think about understanding.

   "All in all, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Love between a man and a woman is a great desire, not to mention being in love with the person you like and the person you love. This is just like the relationship between husband and wife. It is a matter of course."

  Feng Ziying leniently explained Yuan Chun's emotions. He felt that the other party was in a state of shame, confusion, confusion and even helplessness, which is why he behaved today.

Feng Ziying's words finally relieved Yuanchun's emotions a lot, and he leaned back in Feng Ziying's arms and calmed down, "I feel my whole body is tense, and every day feels like a year, and I am upset. Only when I am with you can I get a moment of peace ,..."

   "It should be much better now, right?" Feng Ziying smiled, and hugged Yuan Chun even tighter, "It will gradually get better in the future, I will find a chance to let you go out, and go out safely, without any future troubles,..."

   "But now Guo Qinyun seems to be following me and harassing me all day long. I wonder if she has noticed something..." Yuan Chun gradually calmed down, but his inner worries rose again.

"If it was just suspicion, she wouldn't ask you to set up a line to meet me." Feng Ziying sneered, "She can't sit still, King Lu's advantage is becoming more and more obvious, Mei Yuexi is getting more and more beautiful now, established The victory is getting stronger and stronger, of course Guo Qinyun can't sit still, and if you wait any longer, you will really be sitting still, so you can rest assured, there is no need to scare yourself."

"You have arranged for King Gong to enter Qingtan Academy, what else is she thinking? How can the position of supervisor be so good?" Yuan Chun asked in puzzlement: "King Lu is powerful, and King Shou is the eldest son. The rotation system mentioned doesn’t have a clear rule, if Concubine Quan finds you, it’s impossible for you to shout twice, and the court will really promote this rotation system, right?”

  Feng Ziying shook her head: "Of course it's impossible. I'm not that capable. Guo Qinyun is so eager and active, so he probably has something to do with Shou Wang..."

   "What happened to King Shou?" Yuan Chun asked in surprise.

"It is said that Lieutenant Long Jin has made some progress in the investigation of the assassination of Emperor Qiuxiu of Tiewang Mountain. Some clues have been found, which should be related to King Shou, but it has not been announced to the public. I guess King Shou is now like an ant on a hot pot. I'm restless." Feng Ziying looked like he had nothing to do with himself, "but no one knows the exact extent of the investigation, and I can't find out. Maybe this is the rumor against King Shou. It's unknown, but the current situation is definitely not good for King Shou,..."

   "No wonder!" Yuan Chun suddenly realized, "But why is Concubine Quan looking for you?"

"Once King Shou comes down, it depends on the recommendation of each family." Feng Ziying rubbed her nose, "Don't tell me, the more urgent you are, the more accidents are likely to happen. , and other things are involved, they will definitely be taken down from the supervisor, Su Lingyao is not willing to be lonely, Guo Qinyun will definitely not be able to sit still, no matter what, he will fight."

   "How to fight?" Yuan Chun breathed a sigh of relief, "Although King Fu and Li Wang are a little mediocre, they have a clear advantage in age. Is this more in line with the intention of the princes in the court?"

  Feng Ziying glanced at Yuan Chun in some surprise. This sentence shows that Yuan Chun's mind is not so simple, and he also knows that a mediocre prince is more in line with the ideas of the princes in the court.

However, the situation is far more complicated than imagined. Although the cabinet doesn't like emperors who are too tyrannical and arbitrary, they also don't want to see those kings who are too mediocre and weak. Instead, they hope to achieve a balance. In line with the cabinet's thinking.

"It's hard to say whether it is suitable for King Fu and Li Wang, but King Gong is definitely not suitable. Mei Yuexi is so ambitious, and now there are signs of interfering with the court. How can the princes in the court accept it?" Feng Ziying said lightly: "This point In fact, it is also suitable for Guo Qinyun, if this woman is smarter, I am willing to tell her this truth, if she continues to mess around, then she will only be beaten badly."

  (end of this chapter)

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