Number of People

Chapter 2016: In the seventy-third section of the Guizi volume, those who do great things all have

  Chapter 2016 Guizi Juan, Section 73

   "Dehai, it seems that you are very optimistic about Concubine Quan." Zhou Peisheng sighed, "But this is against the public opinion. Once it explodes, it will be an unheard of scandal."

"Uncle, what's unheard of? Is there such a thing as the royal family? How different is it from the big family?" Zhou Dehai smiled contemptuously, "History is written by people, so who is the person who wrote it?" ? Of course, the successful one has to write according to his intentions, otherwise he will lose his head, and the barbarian officials and unofficial history can only use their own fantasies based on those rumors."

Seeing that his uncle was still sighing, Zhou Dehai couldn't help but said again: "Uncle, you have to think this way, you all know that Prince Gong has little hope, but once other princes come to the throne, such as King Lu, will Prince Gong be the trouble? At the beginning, Mei Yuexi hated Concubine Quan for stealing her favor the most, and the outside world also said that King Gong was more like the emperor than King Lu. Do you think that under such circumstances, King Lu can let Prince Gong go? Poisoned wine and a cup of white silk Three feet, I guess it will be a matter of time, since it is difficult to save her life, the concubine Quan still cares about these things, anyway, if she fails, she will be stabbed, and the pink powder will turn into a skeleton, so what do you care about these things? She is not a little girl , how can it be so expensive, in my opinion, it depends on whether Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan will take the bait."

   Zhou Dehai's blunt words directly pierced all the veils, making Zhou Peisheng a little embarrassed.

  But he also had to admit that his nephew was right.

   Compared with the lives of the whole family, what is seducing the minister?

   Besides, Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan is famous for being suave and suave in the world, maybe this Concubine Quan has taken a fancy to Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, and she is eager to hook up with her.

   It's really hard to say whether this is a disadvantage or an advantage.

   "Forget it, let's see how Concubine Quan and Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan talk this time." Zhou Peisheng turned his mind, "Dehai, do you think this Xiande Concubine and Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan also have some..."

Zhou Dehai laughed, "How can I explain such things clearly? After the emperor fell into a coma, there was no one in the palace, and they all went to the position of supervising the country. The palace has long been in chaos. The princes came in and out like no one else." No matter how disorderly the concubines come and go, Xu Junru can approve it, Su Lingyao can approve it, Mei Yuexi can also approve it, and Concubine Quan can also approve it. Everyone can agree that whoever enters and exits the palace at will is banned, and it is okay to spend the night outside. In my opinion, as long as the new emperor doesn't take the throne and the battle between each other doesn't end, the rules in the palace can't be re-established, no one can control it, not even Dai Quan!"

  Zhou Peisheng frowned, "I mean Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan and Concubine Xiande..."

"Uncle, I know what you want to say, isn't it just that there is no record of Concubine Xiande's living in the palace?" Zhou Dehai saw it clearly, "But even if this kind of thing is true, as you guessed, she and Xiao Fengxiu wrote about it." Secret affairs, dirty court, you really want to investigate, what can you find out? There are more than ten million concubines in the palaces of all dynasties who have never been lucky? Didn’t they hook up with the guards here? How can I say this? I really want to investigate, but I don’t know how many ugly things will happen, and it’s self-defeating. What really needs to be investigated are all targeted, like Concubine Xiande Such useless, who will target her?"

Zhou Peisheng felt that his nephew seemed to have grown up and matured a lot in this period of time, and he could see many problems very clearly, which made him very relieved, and nodded with satisfaction: "Dehai, your opinion is very pertinent, but I am somewhat limited by my prejudices and have become narrow-minded, if someone targets Concubine Xiande,..."

"Someone wants to target Concubine Xiande, that is, Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is aimed at Peigong, and it is aimed at Xiao Feng's revision, and it is aimed at Feng's family, but now Mei Yuexi and Xu Junru will not be so unwise, even if Concubine Xiande To be honest, so what? It's nothing more than Concubine Xiande's disobedience to women's morality, and punish her, uncle, you don't think anyone else can hold Concubine Xiande and Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan in bed, do you? "

  Zhou Dehai had an incredulous look on his face, "If Concubine Xiande just broke her body, she can explain it with a hundred reasons..."

Zhou Peisheng shook his head and nodded again. He had to admit that his nephew was right. It would be too unrealistic to bring down Feng Ziying on the grounds of catching wind of the wind or breaking his body. Completely tear your face and become an enemy. Without absolute certainty, no one will do this, and you will have to suffer the consequences of being backlashed by the opponent.

  The carriage finally arrived at Chongxuan Temple.

  Guo Qinyun Baiwei Chen Za got out of the car and looked at this magnificent Taoist temple again.

  Although it is located in a remote corner, and the incense is not prosperous, the layout of the palace and the location of the buildings are not bad, and the plants are lush, dense with pines and cypresses, and it has a somewhat solemn and solemn momentum.

   Thinking that she was going to set a trap here and drag Feng Ziying into the water, Guo Qinyun was also a little apprehensive, but she had already reached this point, so she no longer had any scruples.

  Jia Yuanchun greeted him.

  Looking at this woman with a face as round as a morning glow pearl, Guo Qinyun also felt a little emotional.

  This woman is probably a few years younger than me, why is she looking so good?

  The white, rosy, moist and crystal-clear face, the rippling eyes, and the delicately combed bun made her look a little eager.

  His buttocks swayed slightly, lotus feet swayed lightly, and she walked over coquettishly, blessed with a blessing, swallowed a voice, and Jia Yuanchun's vermilion lips parted lightly: "I have seen Concubine Quan."

Guo Qinyun returned a salute, then raised his hand to hold Jia Yuanchun's hand, "Sister, why is her complexion so good? Could it be that this Chongxuan Temple really has the aura of heaven and earth? Then I have to stay here for a few days." .”

  Jia Yuanchun was startled, and then calmed down, "It's good for the lady to stay here for a few days. It's quiet and cool here, and it's a good place to escape the summer heat, but I'm afraid that the lady will not be able to relax."

Guo Qinyun sighed, she also knew that Yuan Chun's words were true, how could she calm down and have a good rest now, seeing that Mei Yuexi and Prince Lu were in high spirits, if this continues, Prince Gong will really have no chance Now, she is doing everything she can to keep hope for her son.

"It's true that I can't rest as leisurely as my sister, but I'm really envious of seeing her so free and easy." Guo Qinyun sighed from the bottom of his heart, "Master Feng has not yet arrived, so my sister will accompany me for a while." Circle it, I heard that the Songtao Garden behind Chongxuan Temple is worth seeing."

  Yuanchun had no objections, so he helped Guo Qinyun to walk to Songtao Garden behind.

Songtao Garden is a pine forest at the end of Chongxuan Temple. Because the pine forest has a long history, the oldest tree is hundreds of years old. It is said that it was preserved in the Song Dynasty. It has a history of 600 years so far. In summer It is particularly cool here, and even the front of the temple can feel the coolness brought by this shade.

   "Sister, do you know that Mr. Feng is about to go to Shaanxi?"

  Guo Qinyun casually raised the topic.

"I heard something. The maid next to me went to see my two cousins, the second and third wives of Mr. Feng the day before yesterday. After coming back, she said that the Feng family is preparing, and it is estimated that they will get up in the next few days. I'm heading west." Yuan Chun replied cautiously, fearing that something might be wrong.

  Guo Qinyun is not without regrets, "I have stayed in Beijing well, why do I suddenly want to go to Shaanxi? This is so far away, and it will be thousands of miles away. Wouldn't your two cousins ​​follow?"

  Yuan Chun shook his head, "The governor is not a regular, and he will come back in only two or three years. My two cousins ​​will not go, and I will just go to the house with two or three concubines to serve."

   "Yes, it is not a regular system, but this step is not easy for Mr. Feng." Guo Qinyun glanced at the other party meaningfully.

   There is one thing to say, when Guo Qinyun calms down, he is still quite intelligent, but once his temper comes up, he doesn't care much.

"Perhaps. He is still young, and even the people in the mansion support him to go out and make a fortune. When he returns to the court in the future, he will have a chance to be useful. I heard that this is also a special arrangement of the princes in the court." Yuan Chun also said Calmly: "And now that Shaanxi is facing a catastrophe and the situation is critical, he is going to face the difficulties. The imperial court must have considered it to let him go."

Guo Qinyun thinks seriously, what Jia Yuanchun said is reasonable, she still has some understanding of the situation in Shaanxi, the severe drought, the rebellion of the refugees, the spread of the plague, these situations are intertwined, I am afraid that no one in the court is willing to take care of this mess, otherwise Shaanxi It is not his turn to be a big official like the governor. If he is not careful, he may be in jail and ask for hardship. Of course, this is also an opportunity. Feng Ziying has the ability to turn Shaanxi back, and this credit is enough Let him go up another level, maybe he will be the Minister of the Seventh Division or the Governor of Shuntian, no wonder he is willing to fight for it.

   It's all about fighting, just like myself, knowing that this risk is very high, if it is not done well, it will become a scandal of ruin, but do I have a choice?

Theoretically speaking, Feng Ziying has not reached this point yet, so he does not have to fight. With his age advantage, he can continue to work in the Shuntian Prefecture, and get promoted in the seniority area, but he still has no hesitation. To choose to fight is much more difficult than to choose to fight with nowhere to go.

   It can be seen that to do great things, you must have the courage to fight. Thinking of this, Guo Qinyun, who was still a little hesitant, became firm again.

  Small size is not a gentleman, non-toxic and not a husband. For me, if I fight, my son may not be able to get the top position, but if I don't fight, my son will definitely have no chance, so she has no choice.

  (end of this chapter)

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