Number of People

Chapter 2017: The Kui-character volume fueled the flames and finally entered the network

  Chapter 2017 Guizi Juan fueled the flames and finally entered the network

  Feng Ziying arrived slowly when it was getting dark.

   When it comes to meeting Guo Qinyun, Feng Ziying has an attitude that nothing is necessary.

Guo Qinyun's purpose is obvious, it is to let his son Gong Wang be squeezed into the prison country candidate, under the situation that Shou Wang Zhang Chi is now more and more doubtful, the possibility of being replaced is greatly increased, and It became a duel between Su Lingyao and Guo Qinyun who could take over as supervisor.

  In this case, wooing herself became the thing Guo Qinyun worked hardest on, even showing affection to Yuan Chun.

  Of course Feng Ziying would not refuse Guo Qinyun's offer, but it was impossible to expect him to do much for her.

Feng Ziying doesn't have so much energy to do this kind of thing that doesn't have much reward, and it is not only very difficult to push King Gong to the throne, but it is also easy to attract hostility from several other parties, which will only increase troubles, of course Feng Ziying will not go Do such a thankless thing.

  But there is no need to refuse, because the princes in the court have not yet reached a conclusion on who to choose for the position, and Prince Gong is not hopeless.

  In Feng Ziying's view, King Lu is too smart, and Mei Yuexi has a strong will to interfere in politics, so it is not a good choice. King Shou is too frivolous and immoral, and it is not suitable.

On the contrary, King Fu and Li Wang are both busy, and they can choose one to decide. Of course, Prince Gong also has some opportunities, that is, Prince Gong is still young, and if he really wants to ascend to the throne of God, he will only be a puppet for several years. For the princes in the court, it is also a good thing.

As far as the cabinet is concerned, in the long run, it is definitely better to choose King Fu and Li Wang. In the short term, it is definitely more convenient to choose King Gong. challenge.

Of course, it is not static here. The problem with King Fu and Li Wang is that if these two people are just mediocre, that’s all. Everything must be done arbitrarily, and mediocre people without self-knowledge will bring more problems. The cabinet ministers obviously don't want to see this happen, so this is one of the variables.

A prince with average talent and ability, but relatively weak and humble, the cabinet of talent and knowledge would like to see, but King Fu and Li Wang don't seem to fit well. It can only be said that before Prince Gong is not determined, these two are the closest to that position Candidates.

  Guo Qinyun's purpose is probably to change this trend and make Prince Gong a possibility.

  Yuan Chun and Guo Qinyun returned to Yuan Chun's small courtyard, drinking tea and chatting.

  When Yuan Chun realized that she seemed to have the qualifications and resources to talk to Guo Qinyun, she suddenly found that her mood seemed to be relaxed and happy.

She is not the kind of woman who knows nothing about court affairs. In fact, from Qiu Shi'an, from Baoqin out of the palace, she was in Jia's house, or through Wang's house, she can know some affairs in the court, so she can take the initiative to provoke Some topics to discuss.

It's just that in that situation, neither Su Lingyao, Guo Qinyun, nor Mei Yuexi had eyes for her. Even if they were intertwined with her, it was just perfunctory, and no one really liked her. Put her eyes on it.

It wasn't until today that Yuan Chun discovered that this Concubine Quan was nothing more than that, and her vision was not as good as her own. She had such capital simply because she gave birth to a son. He didn't take her seriously, and even looked down on her.

   Before entering the courtyard, Feng Ziying saw Zhou's uncle and nephew.

   "Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhou." Feng Ziying stopped, looked at the two uncles and nephews with a smile, and greeted them.

  Zhou Peisheng hurriedly returned the gift, while Zhou Dehai hurriedly bowed and replied: "Master Feng, a servant girl can't afford to say such a thing. If outsiders hear this, it will become a joke. You can just call me Dehai."

   "What's wrong with you?" Feng Ziying still smiled, "I think you will definitely be better than your uncle in the future, why don't we make a bet?"

  Both Zhou Peisheng and Zhou Dehai were shocked. Could it be that this one noticed something?

  Zhou Peisheng smirked, and asked tentatively: "Master Feng, why did you say that? De Hai has been honest and low-key during this time, and has never caused trouble."

"Hehe, Manager Zhou, why, do you still think I'm talking ironically?" Feng Ziying laughed, "Mr. Zhou is much better than Mr. Dai. I heard that Dai Zong is now ordering the three relatives Now, why, he should be considered as one of the ten servants of the late Han Dynasty, do you want to be Jian Shuo?"

   One sentence made both Zhou Peisheng and Zhou Dehai look pale.

  Who is the ten permanent servants? How can the servants not know? Although Jian Shuo is not the leader of the ten permanent servants, he is the captain of the military school who holds military power.

  Dai Zong got very close to the leaders and generals of the Shangsan Qin Army during this period of time. Zhou Peisheng and Zhou Dehai also heard about it, but he didn't expect it to have spread to the court, even the one in front of him knew about it.

"My lord, be careful. Your words may bring disaster to us. How can this Great Zhou compare with the end of the Han Dynasty? Internal servants are not allowed to interfere in politics. This is the iron law of heaven. Whoever breaks this rule, That is to punish the Nine Clans." Zhou Peisheng hurriedly said: "Xiao Dai may have done things a little too hard, but with Director Dai around, there must be nothing wrong. In addition, the title of Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhou, must never be used again. Called, Dehai can't afford it, if you don't dislike it, the lord can call him Dehai."

Zhou Dehai is also in his early thirties, ten years older than Feng Ziying. It is impolite to call him by his first name, but for Feng Ziying, he is already used to it. His older people are all subordinates in front of him, he doesn't address people by their names, it is impolite to call them official names.

"Okay, Manager Zhou, please bring a message to the people in the palace. Don't try to engage in those useless things. The cabinet ministers know well that playing those tricks will only invite disaster and bring about their own destruction." Feng Ziying said casually: "It's serious to do your part."

  Zhou Peisheng nodded repeatedly.

In fact, he also knew that it was impossible for Dai Zong to do such taboo things, but he felt that King Lu's status was becoming more and more stable, and the three relatives were just watchdogs. If he could win over, it would also help King Lu's influence to increase. One floor, who would have thought that it would be displeased for the princes in the court to see it.

  As for asking myself to remind Xiaodai, how is that possible? He also wished that Xiao Dai would continue to ostentatiously show off and attract princes and princes in the court to suppress him.

   "Your Excellency is right, we people in the palace should be cautious in our words and deeds, and there will never be such illegal things." Zhou Peisheng said quickly.

  Joke, can you compare with Han Mo these days?

  The little people who go up the mountain and pro-military, what can they do if they win over?

  Even the Beijing camp can be destroyed with a backhand, not to mention the Jizhen army and Xuanfu army around the capital.

   What's more, the current emperor doesn't only have one or two sons, how can you kill them all in one fell swoop?

  The emperor still has so many brothers and nephews, all of whom are watching eagerly. If you want to do this, it will really mean that they will fly in with joy and windfall.

"It's fine if you don't have one. I believe that Mr. Zhou is a sensible person, so you won't be so unwise." Feng Ziying nodded, "The current situation is very good, and the south of the Yangtze River can be fixed. Although the emperor is not in good health, the princes can also share the worries of the emperor. Everyone wants to show off, and all the princes in the court understand, but they have to follow the right path, don’t they?”

  Zhou Peisheng and Zhou Dehai began to murmur in their hearts again, could this one have really noticed something, isn't the arrangement of the concubine Quan...

  Both of them panicked and looked at each other, but they didn't dare to say more. At this time, they shouldn't show themselves.

   "My ladies, Master Feng is here." Cheng En's soft voice came from outside the door.

   "Oh, Master Feng is here?" Guo Qinyun squinted at Yuan Chun, "Your sister, do you want to go meet with me?"

   "Your Majesty, there's no need. I'll just bring the words for your Majesty. My brother-in-law is arrogant and rebellious. If you offend me, please forgive me."

  We only broke up in the morning, and we fought fiercely against Sanbaihe. Now Yuanchun is still a little weak in his feet, and his whole body is still a little weak. What's going on now?

"Hehe, my sister's words are too polite, I should be asking him for something at this moment, but if Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan is wise, he should understand that supporting Prince Gong is definitely more promising than supporting other people, Mei Yuexi That **** is domineering, if she becomes the empress dowager, I'm afraid there will be no peace in the court." Guo Qinyun gritted his teeth and said without any hesitation: "Shou Wang has no virtue and can't be used. The princes in the court will never look at it." Those who fall for him are nothing more than occupying the status of the eldest son, but this dynasty has never had the habit of establishing an elder, the right way is to choose the virtuous and establish,..."

   Seeing the woman in front of her chattering here, Yuan Chun laughed for no reason. At this moment, she felt that she was even superior to her.

This woman hasn't understood the situation until now, and she really thinks that the princes in the court choose a king to establish a virtuous person. Maybe some people hold it for such a long time, but most people are more inclined to establish a person to listen to them. And the mother clan has no fetters or even some weak princes, so that they can better "rule the world together".

  If such a foolish and paranoid woman becomes the queen mother, how different is it from Mei Yuexi?

"Your Majesty, if this is the case, then you should have a good talk with my brother-in-law. Although he can't be the master, he can still bring the word to the princes in the court, and he can also wave the flag for His Royal Highness King Gong. It's worth mentioning, but the two kings, Fu Wang and Li Wang, may not let it go, no one can say anything about this kind of thing until the last moment, and the situation in the court is constantly changing, so we must not let it fall by the wayside."

   Jia Yuanchun smiled authentically.

  (end of this chapter)

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