Number of People

Chapter 2018: The picture of the Gui character scroll is poor, and I can't stop it

  Chapter 2018 Guizi scroll picture poorly seen, unable to stop

  Guo Qinyun always felt that Jia Yuanchun's words had a different taste, but she couldn't taste the difference, especially the calm and calm charm of the other party, which she had never seen before.

  In the past, this virtuous concubine didn't say she was submissive in front of her, but at least she was respectful and obedient. Even her answers were rigid, and she didn't dare to be out of line.

  But today, the words seemed so casual and natural, which made Guo Qinyun feel very uncomfortable, but at this moment, it was the time for employing people, and she could only endure temporarily.

   Smiling slightly, Guo Qinyun got up, and when Yuanchun came to support her, and walked a few steps forward, Guo Qinyun said: "Aren't you going to see her?"

"Your Majesty, although he and I should be relatives, there is a difference between men and women after all. It's okay to meet once in a while to discuss family matters, but it's not appropriate to meet frequently. Besides, Your Majesty is negotiating important matters with him, so it's even more inappropriate for me to participate." Already." Yuan Chun was polite.

  Guo Qinyun sneered in his heart, who knows what is the relationship between you and Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan? It's just that thinking that I already have bad intentions and schemes to do something wrong, it's hard to say what the other party did.

"Forget it, sister, just take a break. I envy my sister for being so leisurely and carefree. Looking at my sister's water-colored skin, it's simply enviable. I don't know when I will be able to be so leisurely and live here for a while. It can be regarded as a way of comforting life."

Guo Qinyun's words made Yuan Chun sneer in his heart, how can you yearn for leisure if you are so greedy for power? Comfort life.

  The sound of broken steps in the inner courtyard door, Feng Ziying raised her head slightly, and saw Guo Qinjun walking out with lotus steps lightly.

Yuan Chun didn't come out with her, Feng Ziying was a little surprised, but it was probably in the morning that En Hai had a good time, and she didn't want to meet again, Feng Ziying didn't care, since Guo Qinyun asked to meet, Yuan Chun was also a matchmaker, It doesn't matter whether you see it or not.

   "I've seen Concubine Tsuen." With a slight cup of her hands, Feng Ziying stood still.

  Guo Qinyun also nodded slightly, "Master Feng is here? Just right, Yu just has something to talk to Master Feng about. This is the place where Concubine Xiande is going to practice, so let's not bother, let's go to the west side of the courtyard."

  Zhou Peisheng and Zhou Dehai responded at the same time, and Zhou Dehai led the way, inviting Feng Ziying and his party.

  Feng Ziying was slightly taken aback. Seeing this, Guo Qinyun really planned to have a long talk with him, really wanted to pull himself into the car and shout for King Gong?

   Doesn't she know that this is impossible?

  How could I be **** with Prince Gong at this time?

  Whoever expresses his attitude now, and can give you a little expression, is considered to be interesting enough.

   But at this time, Feng Ziying is naturally not easy to pick, let's see what tricks the other party comes up with.

Zhou Dehai followed suit in front, Feng Ziying took half a step ahead, and Guo Qinyun strolled along accompanied by Zhou Peisheng, and the rest of the maids and guards were ten steps away, so they went west until they reached the end of Chongxuan Temple. The west side is near the corner of the wall.

  Here is a large courtyard with three overlapping courtyards, dense with ancient trees and shaded by trees, it should be specially opened for dignitaries.

Feng Ziying knew that this was specially created by Cao Jixiang, the great **** of the former Ming Dynasty. After Ming Yingzong was restored, Cao Jixiang asked Ming Yingzong to stay here, but Ming Yingzong didn't seem to be very interested in this place. Afterwards, Cao Jixiang shelved him.

   Until the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the incense here became even more sparse.

Although this courtyard is large, it was old and hadn't been repaired much. It was the last time Guo Qinyun said that he would come here for a short stay, and Zhou Peisheng sent someone to renovate and maintain it. Now it has been tidied up. Coupled with the ancient pines and cypresses behind, it is a little more cool and quiet, but also has a certain artistic conception.

  At the gate of the Kuayuan, Feng Ziying stopped slightly, and Guo Qinyun stepped in, and Feng Ziying could only follow in.

  The guards all stayed at the gate of the outer courtyard, and a few were patrolling around the outer courtyard. Only Zhou Peisheng, Zhou Dehai, and two maids accompanied Guo Qinyun and Feng Ziying into the middle courtyard.

  The courtyard is not small, but it is very elegant and clean, obviously cleaned specially.

  Guo Qinyun stopped, Zhou Peisheng and Zhou Dehai also stopped with interest, and then spread out to both sides with the two maids. Now it's time for Guo Qinyun and Feng Ziying to talk alone.

Zhou Peisheng and Zhou Dehai didn't have much hope for the deal, but Guo Qinyun wanted to seduce Feng Ziying into the water by seducing her into the water. Zhou Peisheng was worried, but Zhou Dehai felt that he could give it a try. Even if it didn't work, there was nothing to lose. When you wait, don't worry too much about it.

   Seeing that several people had dispersed and reached the walls on both sides, only Feng Ziying and himself were left in the inner courtyard of the middle courtyard, Guo Qinyun felt a little more at ease.

  Feng Ziying didn't take the initiative to speak up, of course Guo Qinyun wouldn't let it go, she had come to this point, she had nothing to hide.

   "Master Feng, you must know why I'm here to meet you today, so I won't go around in circles. I hope you can help Prince Gong." Guo Qinyun looked directly at the other party and said every word.

  The distance between the two was less than three feet, and Zhou Peisheng and the others, who were twenty or thirty steps away, could not hear their words.

Feng Ziying raised her eyebrows, and said unceremoniously: "Miss Concubine Quan, haven't I helped Prince Gong yet? Prince Gong is only a little old, maybe under eleven years old. According to the rules of Qingtan Academy, no matter who it is, it needs to be older. You can only enter Qingtan Academy when you are twelve years old, and even King Lu obeyed this rule, if not for me and Wang Zhou, the two principals, said that even if King Gong is twelve years old, he might not be able to enter,..."

"Besides, I promised that I would help Prince Gong to become famous, and "Moon Dan Tan" would choose the opportunity to publish articles by Prince Gong. At the age of eleven, being able to publish an article on "Moon Dan Tan" is enough to show Prince Gong's intelligence and wisdom. Is it not enough?"

"Not enough, not enough!" Guo Qinyun began to breathe rapidly, and his entire palm-sized cheeks became a little flushed, "The more important thing is that time is too late. Prince Gong is only eleven years old, and his reputation is not enough. Wait until you It will take a year and a half to make a name for yourself, and it won’t help if you only make a name for yourself in Qingtan Academy, I need to let Prince Gong make a name for himself in the government and the public.”

"Famous in the government and the public?" Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing angrily, "Concubine Quan, isn't your request a bit exaggerated? Even King Lu hasn't achieved fame in the government and the public, how can Prince Gong do it? He is really a genius in the sky, the position of supervising the country, and even the throne. Do you think it is possible? The cabinet lords will agree, will they believe it? The generals of the border town will believe it, and the local officials will they accept?"

  Feng Ziying's words were blocked, but Guo Qinyun still refused to back down.

The purpose of coming here today is to do the impossible. Otherwise, once King Lu really becomes famous in the government and the public and gains momentum, there will be no role for King Gong, and Guo Qinyun is very clear about the current situation. Mei Yuexi has already spared no effort to gather momentum through various parties.

   "There is nothing impossible in the world. A child can still ascend to the throne at a young age. Why can't Prince Gong?" Guo Qinyun insisted.

   "Hehe, Concubine Quan, do you mean Tang Xizong or Han Xiandi?" Feng Ziying asked bluntly, "Do you want Prince Gong to be that kind of emperor?"

  Guo Qinyun's expression changed, and he didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

"Miss Concubine Quan, Prince Gong is still young, so don't push the seedlings to encourage you..." Feng Ziying resumed the title of "Concubine Quan". Before, he called the other party Concubine Quan unceremoniously, but now seeing the other party's momentum, he has been beaten , Then he became more relaxed, "Although the emperor is unconscious, he is still in good health, so it is not like that. In addition, the piles are on the shore, and the current must be turbulent. King Lu and Shouwang seem to be beautiful now, but they may not be flowers blooming." When the oil is cooked over hot fire, the rafters will rot first, and it is unknown who will have the last laugh."

"Lord Feng, you speak lightly. It would be fine if the emperor only had two princes, Prince Lu and Prince Gong, but now there is King Fu and King Li watching over him. Prince Gong is young and lacks background. His Majesty's body is like this. Fengyun, in case..., then who will think of Prince Gong?" Guo Qinyun slowly regained his composure, "I don't ask much, I just want a chance to supervise the country, and King Shou is about to fall. Now, Prince Gong cannot miss this opportunity to supervise the country, he is already younger than King Fu and Li Wang, if he does not have this opportunity, it will be even more hopeless, this step, Prince Gong cannot miss!"

   Seeing Guo Qinyun speak so decisively, Feng Ziying also found it funny.

   This country of supervision was indeed proposed by myself at the time, including the establishment of the second country of supervision, which was also thought of by myself, but this does not mean that I can influence the arrangement of candidates for the second country of supervision.

  Besides, whether it is a decoration or a puppet, it has to be decided by the cabinet ministers and the seven big bosses.

  But for the princes, this is a great temptation. It seems that if you take this step, you will have the qualifications to be a great treasure. This Concubine Quan undoubtedly thinks so, which makes Feng Ziying very helpless.

"Mother, if you insist so much, you should go and tell the ministers in the cabinet that you think too highly of me when you come to me?" I can't help you, and I'm going to Shaanxi, especially..."

Guo Qinyun breathed, Fenglong's **** undulated slightly under a purple-red bijiaru skirt, the curves were really attractive, her cheeks were slightly red, and her eyes were shining brightly, "Master Feng, you really can't help, you still think Prince Gong and I can't give you what you want, so you don't bother to look at it?"




  (end of this chapter)

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