Number of People

Chapter 2019: The dark fragrance of the decane roll is floating, and the pomegranate is under the s

  Chapter 2019 Guizi scroll with dark fragrance floating, under the pomegranate skirt

Feng Ziying was taken aback by Guo Qinyun's words, looked him up and down playfully, and then said flatly: "Miss Quan Concubine, since you are so frank, it will be a bit awkward for me to make false claims with you again." It's humiliating to you. If you want to say that, you're right, even Mr. Jing Qiu and Mr. Jingxuan refuse to mix in. Why do you ask outsiders to mix in this muddy water? Isn't it a fire?"

  Guo Qinyun's face turned from red to white, and he hit the point.

  If it turns out that Guo Qinyun always felt that Prince Gong had some hope, it was due to the relative relationship between Zhang Jingqiu and Chen Jingxuan, one is the minister of the Ministry of War, and the other is the governor of the three sides, which can be regarded as having both civil and military skills.

  But who would have thought that when Zhang Jingqiu was transferred from Minister of the Ministry of War to Zuodu Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the situation would change drastically.

  Theoretically, Zuodu Censor's position is not bad, but because he is regarded as an imperial party, he has nothing to do with Jiangnan Party, Beidi Party, and Huguang Party, so he loses power as soon as the emperor faints.

   Moreover, the water in the Inspector's Court was much deeper than that in the Ministry of War. Not to mention Qiao Yingjia, even the vice-capital envoys and Qiandu Yushi were not good at it, and he couldn't control the situation at all.

  When you can't take care of yourself, how can you take care of others? Moreover, Zhang Jingqiu's temperament itself does not like to participate in these things, which is also the main reason.

As for Chen Jingxuan, if he was still sitting in the position of governor of the three sides, he might still be able to play a little role. The chief soldier of the Xuan Mansion also gave Yang Yuan, so Chen Jingxuan could only stay behind closed doors to avoid being humiliated after being disappointed.

  Even Zhang and Chen, whom she relies on most as the Great Wall, can no longer play a role. Why should she let Feng Ziying work for her?

   Just relying on that illusory promise, it would be too ridiculous.

  That's why she took aim at Feng Ziying's weakness of good sex, and wanted to take the edge of the sword, so she gave it a go.

   Isn't this guy the most feminine? With her status as an imperial concubine and her unusual body, Guo Qinyun felt that she still had a chance.

  Even if the man really refused to admit it when he lifted his trousers in the end, then she would also admit it. Finally, she fought **** her own, and she has no regrets.

   What if this man can really be caught? Some men like this one, maybe I can take this opportunity to win a chance for Prince Gong?

"Master Feng, as you said, they are unwilling to meddle because they are incapable of meddling. I just want to ask you, you think that Prince Gong and I don't have enough things worthy of your help, not because you don't have the ability Help us?" Guo Qinyun asked word by word, there was a strange taste in this tone.

Feng Ziying was taken aback for a moment, and after careful savoring, she finally understood the meaning of the other party's words, and smiled: "Is there any difference? It doesn't matter if I don't want to or I don't have the ability, it's all about Prince Gong. I have already done what I can do, and if I do it again, it will be beyond my bottom line, it doesn’t matter whether I don’t have the ability, or if I do it again, it may cause harm to myself, it doesn’t matter.”

  Guo Qinyun took a deep look at Feng Ziying, "No, I don't think so. I think there are still many things to discuss here. Mr. Feng, you should underestimate the price we can pay."

  Feng Ziying blinked, not quite understanding what the other party meant, but Guo Qinyun took a deep breath and strode towards the inner courtyard with her head held high.

  Feng Ziying was a little at a loss, and glanced at Zhou Peisheng and Zhou Dehai, who were talking on the corner of the wall, and saw that they seemed indifferent, while the other two court ladies stood in a corner, bowing their heads and waiting.

Seeing that Guo Qinyun walked in and went straight into the flower hall of the inner courtyard, the figure swayed, as if standing and waiting in the flower hall, Feng Ziying tilted her head in doubt and thought for a while, could this woman have some killer tricks that could make her willingly support her? service? What conditions can she offer?

  The situation of King Gong is actually there. It is not clear whether it is good or bad.

He also vaguely tested Qi Yongtai, Qiao Yingjia, Cui Jingrong, Wang Yongguang and Han Yu's opinions on the candidates for the future emperor, and discussed the pros and cons of several princes with Guan Yingzhen and Chai Ke, but the conclusions he got were all vague of.

Everyone has no clear clue as to who will inherit the position of Great Treasure in the future. Except for King Shou who is not favored, King Lu attracts more attention from the officials, but is more controversial. King Fu, King Li, and even King Gong are all in everyone Within the scope of acceptance, it is not as bad and hopeless as Guo Qinyun himself feels.

   In other words, the officials in the DPRK did not pay much attention to who would ascend to the position of great treasure.

  Especially King Lu, whom the outside world is very optimistic about, actually has contradictory views in the minds of the officials.

Some people think that he is smart and wise, and may be a wise master, but some people think that he is too smart, a bit like the Supreme Emperor, which is not conducive to the government, just like the arbitrary actions of the Supreme Emperor in the middle and late stages of his administration, ignoring the opinions of his ministers, The current embarrassment of the imperial court is largely due to the holes made by the Supreme Emperor back then.

  Feng Ziying is unwilling to get involved, especially when she is about to leave Beijing, it is meaningless to get involved. When she returns to Beijing in a year or two, she still does not know what will happen.

   No matter what condition Guo Qinyun could offer, he could only deal with it indifferently, at most it was a perfunctory prevarication.

   Seeing Feng Ziying standing there without moving, Guo Qinyun was also a little anxious. If Feng Ziying slapped his **** and left, he really had nothing to do with the other party.

   "Why, Mr. Feng, are you so afraid that I want to say these few private words to you?" Guo Qinyun took a deep breath, stood at the entrance of the flower hall in the inner courtyard, and asked lightly.

  Feng Ziying laughed dumbfounded, what am I afraid of, can I eat myself?

It's just that he really can't think of any conditions that the other party can come up with to make him work for him. Even if Zhang Jingqiu and Chen Jingxuan are willing to join in at this moment, it is meaningless. They have too little influence on the officials in the court, and Prince Gong Even if you ascend the throne, what can you give yourself? I'm afraid it won't be his turn to express his opinion within ten years. After ten years, if he wants to make a statement, he may have to see whether he will give him a chance.

   Strolling in, Feng Ziying walked all the way to the flower hall in the inner courtyard, only to find that there is something strange here.

Compared with the simplicity and cleanliness of the outer courtyard and the middle courtyard, the inside is obviously carefully prepared. The chairs and stools in the flower hall are all palace styles, brocade cushions and pillows are all available, and there is a floor-standing chilong tripod in each corner of the two sides. The smoke is lingering and the aroma is fragrant.

  In the main room on the east side, Babu bed, gauze tent, vanity mirror, and brocade screen can be seen vaguely. It seems that this should be used for Guo Qinyun's small residence.

   Seeing Feng Ziying enter the threshold of the flower hall, Guo Qinyun calmed down a little, smiled sweetly, took two steps in, stood still, and then said: "Master Feng, don't tell me you won't help Prince Gong no matter what?"

  Feng Ziying frowned, does it make sense to repeat the old tune?

   "Concubine Tsuen, what else do you think I can do?"

"Old Qi Ge is your teacher, Qiao Yushi is your benefactor, and Guan Shangshu is also your master. Masters Zhang Huaichang and Chai Ke are full of praise for you. Master Cui Jingrong has the kindness to know you. , who doesn't know your status among the northern scholars, these courtiers of northern cadastral and Huguang nationality have a lot of trust in you, your opinions, they have always recognized and supported you, do you really think that I am looking for you today , did you not make any investigation preparations?"

Guo Qinyun's eyes were like twisting fingers, trying to tie Feng Ziying tightly, "Do you dare to say that if you spare no effort to lobby and persuade the princes on behalf of King Gong, you won't be able to let King Gong win a chance to supervise the country? I mean spare no effort, do whatever it takes!"

Feng Ziying narrowed her eyes and stared at the other party with a sneer: "Hehe, spare no effort, use any means, Concubine Quan, I am a scholar, a scholar from the Imperial Academy, and a civil servant. The future is limitless. Why should I do such a thing? How good is it? Why, Prince Gong will allow me to enter the cabinet or serve as an official in the frontier? It's a pity that I am now the governor, do you think it is necessary for me to do such a thing?"

Guo Qinyun took a sharp step forward, her chest was almost squeezed to Feng Ziying's chest, forcing Feng Ziying to take a step back, and then Guo Qinyun took another step forward, forcing Feng Ziying to the side of the chilong cauldron. Floating past the distance of less than one foot between their faces.

   "Concubine Quan! Please respect yourself!" Feng Ziying frowned, he didn't think the other party could do anything, although he admitted that the other party's face was indeed very attractive, but in this situation, he couldn't do anything.

A typical beauty with a small face, an extremely delicate face, eyes, eyebrows, nose, cheeks, mouth, jaw, every part looks so well-proportioned and natural, exquisite workmanship, a pure natural beauty can have such exquisite and delicate parts, it has to be It is said that Emperor Yonglong is still very appreciative.

   "Feng Keng, do you dare to say that you don't mean anything to me?" Guo Qinyun was a little anxious, why didn't he respond at all? I spent a lot of money to get the stuff in the Chilong Cauldron, and I also tested it in advance. Even the little **** couldn't stand it when he heard it, and he almost went crazy. Why didn't Feng Ziying react at all? Could it be that this guy is a heavenly eunuch, and all the wives and concubines married in the family are deceitful?

At this moment, Feng Ziying only felt a burst of heat rising from his dantian, and his whole body became hot. He was a little surprised by his own reaction, but he didn't realize what the problem was. He really thought that Guo Qinyun was so charming. , Such a close contact made me a little overwhelmed, and it shouldn't be like this, I just had a big battle with Yuan Chun in the morning, how come...

  He never thought that he would encounter the plots that he only had in martial arts novels or Lei dramas in his previous life, and he really has such a way.

Guo Qinyun's foxy dimple in front of her suddenly became more and more alluring. In a trance, Feng Ziying herself didn't understand why her hands clasped the other's waist like a willow, and ran straight down to the tight The upturned buttocks are gone,...

  (end of this chapter)

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