Number of People

Chapter 2020: Guizi scroll bed forced the palace, nonsense

  Chapter 2020 Guizi scroll bed forced the palace, full of nonsense

  One night fish and dragon dance.

  The singing of swallows and warblers in the inner courtyard gradually turned into an indescribable melody, which could not be heard in the outer courtyard, but Zhou Peisheng and Zhou Dehai couldn't hide it.

  The two of them had already been guarding the gate of the middle courtyard.

  Since accepting Guo Qinyun's one-fight plan, they have nowhere to go, they can only go one way to the dark.

   In a sense, the reason why they still had hope for Guo Qinyun was that apart from the fact that they really had no choice but to give it a try, they also had some luck with Guo Qinyun's extraordinary talent.

   You must know that Emperor Yonglong, who loved Meiyuexi to the core, couldn't resist Guo Qinyun's magic.

   You must know that Mei Yuexi was not only favored at that time, but also Guo Qinyun was far behind in terms of beauty, which was recognized by the palace.

  Even in terms of age, Mei Yuexi is only three years older than Guo Qinyun.

However, Emperor Yonglong was out of control after being fortunate to Guo Qinyun once. He tasted the marrow, abandoned Meiyuexi, and doted on Guo Qinyun in every possible way. Until Guo Qinyun became pregnant, Emperor Yonglong was already a little out of shape Pin Guli collapsed.

Later, the imperial doctor of the imperial hospital repeatedly issued warnings to Emperor Yonglong, and even the imperial concubine severely reprimanded Guo Qinyun not to pester Emperor Yonglong anymore. You must know that Emperor Yonglong, who was confirmed to be the prince at that time, was about to ascend the throne. In addition, Emperor Yonglong also began to worship Taoism at that time, and he paid attention to cultivating the mind and character, and he was able to walk out of the shadow of Mei Yuexi and Guo Qinyun for several years.

  In a sense, the fact that Emperor Yonglong became like this when he was only in his fifties may not be due to the "credit" of Mei Yuexi and Guo Qinyun, especially the latter.

You must know that Emperor Yonglong was already over forty when he fell in love with Guo Qinyun. From the perspective of Taoist health preservation, it is not suitable to get too close to women, and with a recognized stunner like Mei Yuexi by his side, everyone Still being charmed by Guo Qinyun for more than a year, he almost couldn't get away.

The reason why Guo Qinyun has such abilities, Zhou Peisheng and other servants who have followed Guo Qinyun since he entered the palace, only vaguely knew a few years later, that is Guo Qinyun's extraordinary talent, for men, As long as you get caught in it, it's hard to extricate yourself. As for the specific situation, Zhou Peisheng is an eunuch, so of course he doesn't understand.

Of course, in the end, Guo Qinyun would not hide from people like Zhou Peisheng who was already on the same boat with her, especially Zhou Peisheng was a eunuch, and he would not care, so although Zhou Peisheng did not agree with Guo Qinyun's adventure this time, but But there is no firm opposition, what if?

  Isn’t Feng Ziying sexually erotic, especially fond of things in the house? Guo Qinyun not only has the status of imperial concubine, but also has such a unique "advantage", maybe he can "surrender" him, if not, there is not much loss for the current side , nothing more than a good night's sleep.

  For other women, losing their virginity seems to be a big deal, but for the concubine Quan, especially the concubine Quan who is in such a situation, it is really not a big deal.

   As expected, Concubine Quan succeeded.

The male and female snow lotuses are dried and then mixed with several kinds of special medicinal powder to stimulate the blood of the men through the burning aroma. It's hard to restrain yourself, not to mention Feng Ziying, a normal young man with vigorous blood, can easily catch him if he falls into the trap.

It's just that the time the two spent on the bed in the inner courtyard exceeded Zhou's uncle and nephew's expectations. In Zhou Peisheng's impression, the emperor was just a mere stick of incense and would be defeated if he didn't work hard, but today the two are It was half an hour before Jin Ge paused.

  Even if the Snow Lotus Fragrance was a bit of a boost to the fun, it still made Zhou Peisheng frown with such vigor. He was really afraid that Feng Ziying would kill him suddenly and something would happen on the bed.

  It wasn't until he heard whispers coming from the room on the east side of the flower hall that he breathed a sigh of relief and was finally on the right track.

  Feng Ziying has entered the game, but this does not mean that the other party will just give in and obey Concubine Quan's orders.

  Even if you go to report these things to Long Jinwei, you probably won’t have an explanation.

  Other people may fall down, but Feng Ziying, now the governor who is about to be sent to Shaanxi by the imperial court to fight the fire, how could he be abolished because of such nonsense?

If you don’t know how to put your concubine under confinement, it’s most likely to dig deep and find out who ordered you to frame the important officials. In the end, the most likely thing is to reward you with a three-foot white silk so that you can commit suicide so as not to tarnish the reputation of the Tian family. That would be suicide.

  Feng Ziying is indeed a little bit unable to stop.

  He thought that Guo Qinyun had a hot temper, but he didn't expect that the other party was so bold that he dared to use such methods to frame him, and he did not hesitate to use her own body as a bait to drag himself into the water.

Feng Ziying knew that if she liked female sex, she would not be so uncontrollable. The green smoke and fragrance in the chilong cauldron must be problematic. This is something I have only heard of in martial arts novels in my previous life. It was the first time I saw it, and I got the Tao as soon as I saw it, and I was so embarrassed.

However, he also has to admit that today's glamorous love affair can be said to be the most hearty time he has experienced in a long time, and that kind of carefree and joyful feeling has never been experienced in Wang Xifeng, Miaoyu and even Yuanchun. passed.

  The petite and exquisite woman under her body is like a vortex sucking herself deeply into it, making herself unable to extricate herself, and even enjoys it from the bottom of her heart and is unwilling to pull it out.

If there was still the provocative effect of the unknown fragrance mist before, but now that effect has been released, but I still have a desire to continue to wreak havoc on this woman until I am exhausted, it shouldn't be The urge to run out of energy.

  This is not eating the marrow to know the taste, but really scraping the bones and sucking the marrow.

  Only at this time can he truly observe and even figure out every inch of this woman's body seriously. This woman is petite and exquisite, and her figure is much shorter than Yuan Chun's, but every part of her body has a unique sense of delicacy.

Not to mention the face, the chest, abdomen, shoulders, arms, legs, and feet are all as delicate and smooth as a newborn baby, especially the lotus feet with the toes smeared with impatiens juice, which has a thrilling feeling. Magic power, especially when swaying rhythmically in the air, always makes people feel a sense of expansion and immortality.

  In the shark gauze tent, the breath of the two people who were still clinging tightly to each other gradually calmed down.

  Feng Ziying's palm was still rubbing on Guo Qinyun's shoulder. This ghost woman's skin was smoother than a baby's, and she still couldn't put it down, but at this time Feng Ziying could barely hold her mind.

   "Why, Zhou Peisheng and Zhou Dehai haven't come in to catch the rape?"

   There was some teasing tone, but Feng Ziying still looked very indifferent.

The woman twisted her body to make her body more comfortable, and also sneered: "Why, you think we will use this method to deal with you? You think I am so stupid, you think this method can Threatening you?"

  Feng Ziying was slightly startled, turned her face to the side, and glanced at the woman who was slightly away from her, "Hehe, if Captain Long barges in at this time, I will punish the Jiu Clan."

   "If you punish the Nine Clans, what benefits can we get?" The woman asked back: "I can only get a cup of poisoned wine from Sanchi Bailing? Am I so stupid? Zhou Peisheng is so stupid? Is this the result we want?"

   "You can use this to blackmail me and make me do what you ask of me." Feng Ziying smiled.

   "But why don't you do it? How can I blackmail you? Make public what you insulted, and report it to Captain Long? What's the result?" The woman looked extremely calm at this time.

"Yeah, I'm a little confused now. This kind of thing is certainly a big disaster, but how can you use it to blackmail me? If you spread it out, you will lose both. This is definitely what you don't want, but If you don't spread it out, what threat is there to me?" Feng Ziying was also a little curious.

"I never thought of using this kind of thing to blackmail you, because it is meaningless." Guo Qinyun took a deep breath, "Even if Pei Sheng and De Hai knew about it, they thought I would want to use it." They think it's useless to threaten you with this method, why should I do this,..."

  Feng Ziying nodded.

   "Actually, it's easy for you to help Prince Gong, but you don't want to help him, right?" The woman separated her legs and put Feng Ziying's body on her again.

  Feng Ziying only felt that her heart was shaken for a while, and her mouth was dry. How long has it been?

After calming down, Feng Ziying thought for a while before shaking her head and said: "It can't be said that it is easy to do, but if it can be helped, it can probably help a little, or to a certain extent, but maybe the gain outweighs the loss, or for me. It doesn’t make much sense to say,…”

The woman laughed, with a bit of seductiveness in her purity, like a flower bud blooming in the early spring morning, especially the small face covered by half of her temple hair. She is a six-year-old woman, but she looks like an independent girl in the empty valley, which makes Feng Ziying's heart skip a beat.

"What about now?" The woman puffed up her chest, crossed Feng Ziying's waist in this way, sat in Feng Ziying's arms with open chest and bare chest, smiled, and asked: "I don't ask much, you can do it with a little effort, and you can't help me." There will be no hindrance, and it will even benefit you in the future, why do you refuse to agree?"

  Feng Ziying only felt a fishy smell in her mouth, biting the tip of her tongue to calm herself down a bit, but her mouth was full of nonsense, "There are too many involved and too many variables. If I fail to make a promise, it will damage my reputation."

  (end of this chapter)

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