Number of People

Chapter 2021: The meaning of the Guizi scroll is still unfinished, and the problem is difficult to

  Chapter 2021 Guizi Juan is still full of meaning and difficult to solve

   Facing this reckless man, Guo Qinyun felt angry again.

  Clearly felt this man's eager desire, but this guy just refused to let go, and kept saying various reasons to evade, but she didn't believe it at all.

"I don't care about what you said. As long as you really put your heart and effort into it, it won't work, and I don't blame you." Suppressing the anger in her heart, Guo Qinyun said every word: "I just want to help Prince Gong work hard and win a chance to supervise the country. Isn't this request too much? Let's not talk about the future, it's on my side. If you have any requests, I will grant them all. "

After saying this, Guo Qinyun lightly clamped the legs wrapped around Feng Ziying's waist, and shook her hips slightly. Feng Ziying immediately felt the power and magic of this woman, and involuntarily wanted to stand up and breathe. This monster!

  Master Zhang will arrive in Beijing before he leaves Beijing. Feng Ziying has been deeply aware of all the troubles and problems caused by too many women around him, but he has no complaints or regrets.

I have come to this time and space so inexplicably, if I still can't fulfill the desire that I dreamed of in the previous life, then this life will be too boring, money can be ignored, and power can be slow, but only that Beauty in the book is absolutely indispensable, this is what Feng Ziying wishes in this life.

  That's why he knew that having **** with Wang Xifeng would bring a lot of trouble, but he still accepted it as a taboo without hesitation. The feeling of monopolizing it is unmatched by others.

As for Daichai Sichun, Xiangyun Xiuyan, Li Wan Eryou, Yuanyang Ping'er, Qingwen Zijuan, these women, he is reluctant to let go of any of them, and even his own status is rising step by step, the biggest driving force is I can take these women as my own more confidently.

  In another era, even if you have the power to defy the sky, there is no such possibility, but in this era, you can really do whatever you want, and this is the charm of this era.

  But no matter how imaginative, Feng Ziying didn't expect that she would get involved with such a woman, and it turned out to be such a weird relationship.

Frankly facing each other, contacting at zero distance or even negative distance, and thinking about the identity of this woman, it is safe to punish the nine clans, but Feng Ziying found that she was not so nervous, and even felt a little reckless, doing whatever she wanted What else?

  Now this woman actually wants to negotiate terms with him, and he understands the meaning behind the words, that is, as long as she contributes for her son, she will let herself do whatever she wants.

   I have to say that this woman is ruthless enough, or that she has been forced to the point of nowhere. More importantly, Zhou Peisheng and Zhou Dehai are outside, and they are silent. There is no doubt that they agree and support this woman's behavior.

   Zhou Peisheng is an old thief in the palace, and he actually supports such disorderly behavior, I am afraid that it is really a desperate move.

   This is really convinced that he can't move his legs when he sees a woman, and because of the extraordinary talent of this woman, is it true that he knows how to feel and is reluctant to let go?

  Feng Ziying didn't think that he was that unbearable anymore. Although he also reminisced about the intoxicated joy before, he still didn't forget the business.

"Miss Concubine Quan, are you seducing me?" Feng Ziying said slowly: "One time is not enough, do you want to continue? You are not worried that I will just promise and then muddle through? I have said it all, There are too many variables here, and I just agree. I don’t know how many things can be done. You don’t understand. Zhou Peisheng should also know the depth of this. can be done or changed.”

  I don't want to pick up on this, but this woman is still sitting on her in such an indescribable posture, Feng Ziying feels that she is really sorry for her if she doesn't say a few words.

  Guo Qinyun finally let go, no matter what, this man finally let go.

  In her opinion, as long as the other party lets go, there is a chance. As for how far she can do it, she has her own reasons.

  The reason why Zhang Jingqiu refused to speak out was because he was worried about being criticized? As long as Feng Ziying can help out a little or two, and say a few words, he can drive the wind direction, Zhang Jingqiu can take advantage of the trend, and the situation can be changed.

   And Chen Jingxuan can also take advantage of this momentum to find opportunities. After all, Zhang Jingqiu has also served as Minister of the Ministry of War for so many years, so he still has some influence.

  The key now is that no one speaks for King Gong at all, or if there is, they are all insignificant and small characters, and no one is interested in it.

"Didn't I also say that? As long as you do it and work hard, I know what the result will be. Whether you are perfunctory or not, you can understand it in your heart." Guo Qinyun laughed, and the smile became more and more seductive , "I just want you to make a promise, as for how you do it yourself, I don't care."

Damn, this is really dependent, but I am not the kind of master who waits to eat up and wipe it off, puts on his pants and refuses to admit it, even if it is clearly a trap set by the other party to lure him into the trap, he still can't do it, especially It was the last moment, I was completely addicted to it, and it wasn't entirely because of the fragrance mist, I knew this in my heart, and Guo Qinyun knew it too.

  When there are only two people, it is neither necessary nor meaningful to deny those things. The other party has already said, everything is from the heart.

  Seeing that Guo Qinyun has said so much, what else can Feng Ziying say, simply turn over with a kite, press it down, and send it freely,...


When Feng Ziying left, she didn't even say hello to Zhou's uncle and nephew. The two of them were undoubtedly participants, and it's not embarrassing. This kind of **** is more open-minded about such things and values ​​​​interests more. Waiting outside the courtyard for so long is enough to explain everything.

  Feng Ziying also guessed correctly. Zhou's uncle and nephew watched Feng Ziying's disappearing back and waited for a while. Zhou Dehai stayed outside, but Zhou Peisheng entered the door cautiously.

Seeing that Guo Qinyun, who had already packed up and dressed, spun around the floor-to-ceiling mirror in front of the dressing table, adjusted her headgear, and then turned around with a sweet smile. ?”

  Guo Qinyun smiled proudly, "Is it possible?"

   Zhou Peisheng was a little overjoyed, but also a little unbelievable. Feng Ziying is not such an easy-going generation, so easy to admit defeat, or take the bait.

   "Ma'am, really?" Zhou Peisheng's voice trembled a little. If Feng Ziying really spared no effort to help Prince Gong, the situation would change drastically, even Zhang Jingqiu and Chen Jingxuan might follow suit.

"I think it will be true." Guo Qinyun responded softly, "But he agreed, but he also put down his words. The princes in the court are not thinking about this right now, they are all on it. The situation in Shanshan and after the pacification of the south of the Yangtze River has changed, even if Prince Gong can gain some momentum, or someone in the court is willing to speak for Prince Gong, it is still unknown whether he can supervise the country,..."

"As long as Mr. Feng agrees to lobby for King Gong, that's fine. As for the result, it is not possible to see results in a day or two. The only thing that is worrying is that Mr. Feng is about to leave Beijing..." Zhou Peisheng said in a deep voice: "The distance from Shaanxi Thousands of miles away from Beijing, I'm afraid it will be difficult..."

  Guo Qinyun also had a look of worry on his face. This is probably the most realistic problem.

"However, if he can return to Beijing after he has been in Shaanxi for a short time, that would be a great thing. When the governor returns to Beijing, he will definitely be able to rise to the next level. He will be a first-level official of the minister, or the governor of Shuntian Prefecture." Zhou Peisheng Caressing the rich, round and beardless chin, thoughtfully, "But if he is willing to help sincerely, he has a lot of years in Beijing, and it will be useful, but I don't know how much the empress can control his thoughts?"

   Zhou Peisheng's last sentence is somewhat intriguing.

Rao Guo Qinyun had no intention of shy away from Zhou Peisheng, but when it came to this topic, he was still a little shy, he hesitated for a while before whispering: "It's not bad after all, and people like him are even more happy in this respect. Knowing the taste by eating the marrow, even before leaving, I still have something to say,..."

Zhou Peisheng was overjoyed and clapped his fists, "That's fine. As long as he is like this, this trip to Shaanxi may make him fond of it. When he comes back in the future, it will be even more difficult to let go... so this matter will be considered a success." , Your Majesty should feel more relieved,..."

Guo Qinyun shook his head slightly, straightened his body more and more, and looked out of the courtyard: "I always have a feeling that he doesn't care much about the supervisor or even the succession to the throne. Well, it seems that he doesn't care about everyone in his heart." Be optimistic, Pei Sheng, do you think that all the court officials have such an attitude?"

Zhou Peisheng was silent for a long time before he said slowly: "It is said that this dynasty is slightly different from the former Ming Dynasty, more like the former Song Dynasty, the emperor and the scholar-bureaucrats ruled the world. There are too many opinions about this co-governance and how to co-govern, but as far as I know, the princes in the current court are extremely opposed to the situation before Yuanxi thirty years ago, and they will not Tolerate the emergence of such a situation,..."

Guo Qinyun was silent. She had probably heard about the situation thirty years ago before Yuanxi. It was the middle and early stages of the reign of the Supreme Emperor. At that time, the Supreme Emperor had great prestige. It was used to the extreme, and all the cabinet ministers selected were his confidantes. Many scholars and leaders in the north and south of the Yangtze River were prepared to abandon or suppress them. As a result, only the emperor's will was heard in the court, and the voice of scholars could not be heard. After these cabinet ministers became official, they were unanimously cast aside by scholars, thinking that they were not worthy of being scholars, but just emperor dogs and horses.

This situation did not change until the Mongols invaded the imperial court in the 30th year of Yuanxi. At that time, Emperor Yuanxi was ill and lacked energy. people, and the scholars began to regain their power from that time on.

  (end of this chapter)

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