Number of People

Chapter 2023: Guizijuan sisters are deeply in love, and perfection is hard to achieve

  Chapter 2023 Guizijuan Sisters are deeply in love, and perfection is hard to achieve

  Bringing up this topic, Feng Ziying couldn't help scratching her head.

He also knew that this topic couldn't be avoided. Although Tanchun and Xichun were relatives of criminal officials, and they couldn't be said to be their future destinations now, Feng Ziying knew in her heart that since Shen Yixiu and Daiyu both had the same intention , then before I leave, I must explain my words, at least to make Tanchun and Xichun feel at ease.

   Just like Ping'er, if you don't call her to go to Shaanxi with you, how can you comfort the other party's heart?

It's the same with Tanchun and Xichun. I've been there for two or three years. Xichun is better and can last for two or three years, but Tanchun is different. She and Daiyu are both seventeen years old. When I come back, I will be in my twenties. How can I live without giving people a certain letter?

  In fact, both Shen Yixiu and Daiyu knew it well, but for me, Feng Ziying was still a little embarrassed to bring it up so bluntly, as if he had already planned it.

"My sister has already said that. If I pretend to be crazy and foolish again, it will appear that there is something wrong with my character." Feng Ziying thought about it for a while, and then said calmly: "I appreciate and like her temperament very much, and she and my sister also like her." I am quite relieved to be able to get along like this. Before the Jia family had an accident, I was still thinking about what to do, but I didn't expect that the Jia family had an accident.

Daiyu laughed out loud, "Don't let Tan girl hear what Xianggong said, the price of this fate is too high. Everyone knows Xianggong's character, who dares to say there is a problem? As for liking Tan girl, then It is also her blessing, a fair lady, a gentleman is so good, and speaking from the bottom of my heart, my little sister also hopes to be with the old sisters who can get along with each other for a lifetime, really,..."

  Daiyu's words were sincere, and the expression on her face also proved it.

She seems to be a lonely person, but she is afraid of loneliness in her heart. After finally meeting a few sisters who are compatible with each other, she wishes to be together in such a friendly and happy way for the rest of her life, so from the heart She doesn't dislike Tanchun, and the fate of the Jia family makes Daiyu feel more pity for Tanchun. How happy it is to be together, to be harmonious and beautiful, to laugh and play every day?

"My younger sister can understand like this, so I feel at ease as a husband." Feng Ziying breathed a sigh of relief, "As for the fourth sister, being a husband is mostly out of pity, but your sister Shen is very close to the fourth sister. Go, with the current situation of these four younger sisters, it may be very difficult to find a suitable family. If you don't give up and are willing to stay in our house, you are of course welcome as husbands."

Daiyu also pursed her lips and smiled, "The fourth younger sister is definitely willing. I am also very pleased that such a few sisters can stay in our house. In the future, I will have another place to walk around. I just don't know when my husband and I will meet you." The third girl and the fourth younger sister are going to pick it out? After counting the time, it will not be a few days, and I have to give them an explanation, so I can't make them wait so vaguely, right?..."

  Feng Ziying thinks that this is probably the most true thought in Daiyu's heart. Speaking of it, Daiyu is the simplest, without involving too many other distracting thoughts.

"Well, I'm thinking that it will be two days. Find a time to call Wan Jun and Baochai together with you, and then talk about it. When you have an explanation, go see the third and fourth sisters. That's it. But this matter." Feng Ziying murmured.

"That's good. Explaining this matter will also put everyone's minds at ease. They can live in peace and stability with Tan girl and Si girl." Daiyu clapped her hands in agreement, and then frowned sadly: "I think back then, I Sister Hebao, second sister, Yun girl, Tan girl, fourth girl, and sister-in-law Zhu and sister-in-law Lian are so comfortable in the garden. Now the second sister-in-law has gone to Tianjin Wei to make a living, and brother-in-law Lan of the sister-in-law has also come out. Everyone else has a home, but Yun girl is the only one who..."

This topic came back, but when it came to Shi Xiangyun, Daiyu's face was full of sadness. Feng Ziying also knew that Daiyu, Baochai, Tanchun, and Xiangyun were the most closely related. It is inevitable to have some unclear emotions when marrying one person, but for Tanchun and Xiangyun, when they are in the garden, they get along with each other sincerely and friendly.

It's just that at first Xiangyun and Daiyu were sick and sympathetic, but Baochai cared for Xiangyun in every possible way, so it's really hard to say who is closer and who is thicker in the relationship between Xiangyun, Baochai and Daiyu. Xiangyun himself may not have a certain idea in his heart.

A few days ago, Baochai quietly went to the prison to meet Xiangyun. This is what Feng Ziyi told himself later. Baochai didn't mention it to anyone after he came back. It seems that Baochai didn't even know about Baoqin, which is enough to explain that Baochai His feelings for Xiangyun are unusual.

  Now Daiyu expresses her feelings again, and mentioning Xiangyun, Feng Ziying also feels that if she doesn't answer the words, she will appear cold.

"Yun girl's matter is more complicated than others. Although I found someone to withdraw the engagement in the name of the old lady, Sun Shaozu's marriage is not so easy to withdraw. The court will easily think that this is to avoid guilt. It is difficult to admit that Shi Ding and Shi Nai are still very active in Nanjing, even if Yun Yatou and Sun Shaozu break off their engagement, the historian's involvement will not escape." Feng Ziying sighed.

"It's better to get rid of Sun Shaozu's sins. The situation on the Shi family's side is roughly the same as that on the Jia family's side. Even Brother Zhen and Brother Rong can come out. Could it be that Yun girl can't?" Dai Yu asked puzzled.

  Feng Ziying shook his head. Naturally, he would not talk to Daiyu about the tacit understanding between Jia Jing and the court. If Jia Zhen hadn't brought back Jia Jing's secret understanding with the court, how could Jia Zhen and Jia Rong come out? That's two different things from a useless person like Jia Zheng taking up an idle job in Nanjing.

"There is something hidden in the Ningguo Mansion. Brother Zhen is different from Brother Rong." Feng Ziying responded briefly, but didn't say much, and Daiyu understood, but couldn't help asking: "What about Brother Rong's daughter-in-law? Listen That she and Brother Rong also divorced?"

  Lin Daiyu's heart for gossip seemed to swell after she got married. In the past, Daiyu would never ask about such topics, which made Feng Ziying quite happy.

"The Qin family's situation is even more special. Perhaps my younger sister has heard about it, but I think she is an innocent person. It is too far-fetched to involve all kinds of things here." Feng Ziying sighed, "Let's see what the court says. "

  Qin Keqing's situation is the most complicated.

   All the bigwigs in the court vaguely knew that this was the evil seed born of the unethical love between Prince Yizhong and Concubine Ying.

But now Concubine Ying is still alive, and the relationship between Concubine Ying and Concubine Tai is also very complicated. Concubine Ying was the most favored concubine of the Supreme Emperor at the beginning, but Concubine Towa was unknown. It was Concubine Ying who sent the Concubine to the Supreme Emperor By her side, the concubine gradually became the person next to the Supreme Emperor.

Later, Concubine Ying was imprisoned in the cold palace because of the scandal with Prince Yizhong, but Concubine Tai gradually became the most valued person around the Supreme Emperor. Taking care of Concubine Ying on the premise of offending the Supreme Emperor.

  Of course she has no ability to reverse the abolition of Prince Yizhong, and she also hates Prince Yizhong, but she is very sympathetic to the Qin family.

Feng Ziying was indeed also thinking about Shi Xiangyun's issue, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice was also a little bit hard to get off. Agreeing to Mother Jia's request to divorce Sun Shaozu would ease Shi Xiangyun's shackles. Wife, actually want to come to exonerate her, this makes the Ministry of Criminal Affairs feel embarrassed, so it is not willing to make a decision for a while, so it is delayed, and Fang Youdu can only help and supervise the follow-up, but what is the result? Hard to say.

  Perhaps it is a good thing for Shi Xiangyun that he left the capital city, so that the Criminal Department will not be stared at by some people and said that it is the result of his own pressure operation.

  Delay for a while, find a reason to agree to Jia Mu's proposal, and dissolve the engagement, then Shi Xiangyun's problem will be much easier to handle.

  Sleeping until dawn with Daiyu in her arms, she opened her eyes and looked at the woman beside her with a smile on her mouth.

   Zijuan, Xueyan and the others have already come in to wash and change their clothes. All they need to do is stand there, gossip, stretch out their hands and open their mouths, and everything will be taken care of properly.

Going out of the door, Ruixiang Baoxiang was waiting outside, and then reminded himself of today's work schedule, which also includes some personal matters, such as Busia Mara is leaving Beijing for Tianjin Wei today, and he has to go see her off. .

  The letter to Wang Xifeng has gone long ago. Although there is no reply, Wang Xifeng should have received it long ago.

The work matter is close to the handover stage, and Fu Shi's Baoan Prefecture Zhizhou Officials Department has basically agreed, and official documents will be issued soon. The appointment and dismissal of officials below the fourth rank is much simpler in terms of procedures. The batches are submitted to the cabinet for approval, and it only needs to be communicated in advance, and basically they will not be agreed one by one at the cabinet meeting.

Fang Kezhuang's going to Guangping Mansion should not be a big problem for the Ministry of Officials, especially when the current situation in the Northland is not optimistic, and the situation in the Central Plains is even more important. From the perspective of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Punishment, it is more suitable.

I have to say that I still have a little background, and the time I have been working in Shuntian Mansion is too short. It is already the limit to be able to recommend Fang Kezhuang and Fu Shi. Pressed down.

  Zhang Jingqiu didn't say no, he didn't say yes, he just procrastinated. Feng Ziying probably couldn't handle this matter before he left Beijing, unless Concubine Quan greeted Zhang Jingqiu, but Feng Ziying didn't tell Concubine Quan about it.

  (end of this chapter)

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