Number of People

Chapter 2024: The successor of Guizi Juan has a beginning and an end

  Chapter 2024 The successor of the Guizijuan has a beginning and an end

   After counting the promotions of the three officials I intend to promote, two are basically finalized, and one is still hopeful. Feng Ziying is proud enough.

  If you give yourself more time to dig or win over more officials who can be used by you, the situation will be much better.

Especially some of my classmates, He Fengsheng, Wu Wei, Fan Jingwen, Jinshi background, and from court officials to local officials, as long as the three-year assessment period expires, with the level of the three of them and my strong recommendation, it is easy to be promoted to a higher level If there is a relatively outstanding performance, or catch up with a good opportunity, it is not impossible to even be promoted to two levels.

  However, the position of commander of Dongcheng Bingmasi is very important. If possible, Feng Ziying still hopes to be finalized, but Zhang Jingqiu still needs to work hard.

   There is no need for Concubine Quan to say hello, but to let Zhang Jingqiu know that he has some kind of interactive connection with Concubine Quan, so that Zhang Jingqiu can hear the string song and know the elegant meaning, and he can handle this matter well.

   This point can be done, Feng Ziying thought, maybe Zhou's uncle and nephew can give Zhang Jingqiu a hint and reminder.

   Coming out of the mansion, Feng Ziying went straight to the Yamen.

   It was Wang Qia, a fellow villager, who came to take over as his prime minister.

  Wang Qia is from Linyi. He was a Jinshi in the 27th year of Yuanxi, and he is considered a villager.

  Before, Wang Qia was Henan Chengxuan's political envoy, Si Zuo, and he was transferred to Beijing to serve as Shuntian Fucheng, which can be regarded as a high promotion.

   "Brother Han Zhong, I'm late." As soon as he entered the door, he saw a tall and bearded man standing in front of the hall with his hands behind his back, and Feng Ziying hurried to greet him.

"Hehe, Ziying doesn't need to be so polite. Brother Yu is not a rigid person. You are about to leave Beijing soon. You have a family and three bedrooms. You have to settle down. Don't worry, don't worry." Hehe authentic.

  The bearded man is Wang Qia, whose style name is Hanzhong.

Starting from the county magistrate, step by step, I have worked as a county magistrate for six years, and then as a co-prefect for six years. In the middle, because someone reported and waited for investigation, because of my stubborn and upright personality, I offended the local gentry. Fortunately, after the Metropolitan Procuratorate found out, it did not affect his official career.

  But because he has been in the place for a long time, the speed of promotion is naturally not as smooth as in Beijing.

After more than ten years of ups and downs, Wang Qia was also very excited to finally be able to work in Beijing this time. However, he also knew that the pond in Shuntian Mansion was not easy to navigate. A lot more cautious.

Wang Qia is not familiar with his predecessor and fellow villager, because he has been working in Henan, and he doesn't know much about the situation in Beijing. Han Yu appreciated his good performance on the Internet, so he also gave him a strong recommendation.

On the contrary, Feng Ziying, a real fellow, although he didn't know much before, was no stranger to Wang Qia, because Geng Ruqi had written to him before, introducing Wang Qia's situation, and also talked about Wang Qia's hatred and stubbornness. He is tough, and is very familiar with the matter of criminal names, so he is very suitable to take over the position of Shuntian Fu Cheng.

   Moreover, Geng Ruqi also sent a letter to Wang Qia, specifically talking about Feng Ziying's situation, which made Wang Qia know more about Feng Ziying.

  Wang Qia came to see Feng Ziying the very day he entered Beijing. The two of them had such a relationship, so they naturally became familiar with each other. After a few days, they could even joke a few words.

"Hehe, my younger brother also wants to stay for a few more days, but this time does not wait for anyone. Once the court officially announces the decision, my younger brother will have to leave. You can't be reluctant to leave just because you have a beautiful wife at home." After getting acquainted with Wang Qia, Feng Ziying spoke casually, "I have a pity that I still have a concubine who is pregnant with Liujia, but I have to go to Shaanxi, how desolate."

Wang Qia laughed loudly, "Ziying, you are in the midst of blessings and don't know how to be blessed. Countless people want to sit in your position but you can't, but now you are hypocritical here. This capital city is as solid as gold, and your concubine is in Beijing. Isn't it safer for Zhongan to have a stable childbirth than to go to Shaanxi with you?" Wang Qia Xiao said.

  Feng Ziying nodded slightly, "It seems that you are also a little worried about my going to Shaanxi?"

Wang Qia pondered for a while, then shook his head, "Ziying, I don't want to say those vain words, the situation in Shaanxi is indeed very bad now, and you also know that although I am a councilor in Henan, I am stationed in the Henan government , the station is in Luoyang,..."

  Feng Ziying raised her eyebrows, "Is the situation in Yan Township bad?"

The Great Zhou Dynasty followed the pre-Ming Dynasty, and the participation in the political affairs of the Minister of Procurement and the Deputy Commissioner of the Procuratorate and the Procuratorate were basically assigned according to the situation and the seniority of the officials. Officials of the first category sometimes directly hold two positions. For example, Wang Qia is the counselor of the Minister of Political Affairs and Envoys, who is assigned to guard the way and prepare the way. If it is shallower, it will be rated as Shou Dao or Bing Bei Dao.

  Yan Township is the westernmost county in Henan Prefecture. It belongs to the west of Lingbao. It is next to Tongguanwei and the Yellow River in the north. From Tongguanwei to the east, it faces Yanxiang directly, and further east is Lingbao and Hongnongwei.

"It's not just bad. Although the drought in Henan is not as severe as that in Shaanxi, it is also a disaster-stricken place. The key is that the township is directly facing Tongguan, and the victims of the disaster in Shaanxi flow eastward. Tongguan guards turn a blind eye and close their eyes. So Henan Province is also under pressure. Every day in Luoyang, I send people to collect the situation in Yanxiang, Lingbao, Lushi, and Shanzhou. If there is a slight change in the situation of the refugees, I will let the guards of Hongnongwei forcefully disperse them. Let these refugees evacuate to Mianchi, Yiyang and Luoyang, because they are afraid that they will gather together and even bring together disaffected people from Henan Prefecture..."

Wang Qia seemed to be still in fear, "Fortunately, I investigated the White Lotus Sect here in Henan Province. From the year before last to last year, I arrested seventeen leaders of the White Lotus Sect, reported them all to the Ministry of Punishment, beheaded five, and exiled twelve in Guizhou. , can be regarded as stabilizing the situation, but the only regret is that we have not dug out the veins behind them. I am worried that as long as we relax a little, these White Lotus Sect bandits will resurface, and it will be difficult to eradicate them."

  Feng Ziying did not expect to meet a like-minded person in dealing with the issue of the White Lotus Sect. A few days ago, Wang Qia did not mention this situation.

  Especially because he had been worried that the situation of the White Lotus Sect in Shuntian Mansion might get out of control if he left. Now that Wang Qia, who has the same views as his own, and even tougher and violent methods, is just right.

"I didn't expect Brother Hanzhong to have such means in Luoyang, so I feel relieved." Feng Ziying smiled all over her face, "The two things I was most worried about before were the branches of the White Lotus Sect in Shuntian Mansion. Panlian is very complicated. The Fuli and the Ministry of Criminal Affairs spent a lot of effort together and found out a few lines, but I still feel that I haven't figured out the context of Beidi, and the White Lotus Sect in several prefectures here in Beizhi They are all very rampant, and they have close contacts with the White Lotus Sect in Shuntian Prefecture and even in Shandong, and the same is true in Shanxi,..."

  Wang Qia did not expect the White Lotus Sect to be so rampant here in Gyeonggi, and frowned: "There is also the White Lotus Sect in the capital city?"

"Yes, but the White Lotus Sect in the city is surreptitious. Most of their activities are outside the city, and most of them are their contact points in the city. The mansion and the Ministry of Criminal Affairs have also tracked and checked their clues, and there are also Shanxi and Yongping mansions. Gu Ge,..." Feng Ziying nodded, "If you want to eradicate the White Lotus Sect, it will not be achieved overnight. Brother Han Zhong, you are already familiar with it after you come here, and you can get started as soon as possible. In addition, Song Xian, the current pusher, is also very familiar with the situation of the White Lotus Sect. , then the two of you can have a good docking."

"I've made a note of this, and one of my staff members is very familiar with the White Lotus Sect, and it seems that it will come in handy again." Wang Qia nodded, "Apart from the White Lotus Sect, what else is Ziying worried about? "

"Brother Hanzhong, you have to worry about it when you come here, but Master Li came to serve as governor, and he should be the one who takes the lead in this matter. It is the logistics support for the two armies going south to recover Shandong. The summer grain has not yet been collected. But Shuntian Mansion also had a bad harvest this year, but I had some prefectures and counties plant some potatoes and sweet potatoes, and it is expected that there will be a small bumper harvest in some places where the drought is not too serious. These can also be used for logistics support in the army, so that it can Make room for it, otherwise Shuntian Mansion will not be able to complete the task entrusted by the court this year."

  Feng Ziying briefly introduced the planting of potatoes and sweet potatoes. Only then did Wang Qia know that Feng Ziying, the minister of the government, was actually in charge of planting grain and water conservancy, which should have been done by the general judge.

This is a bit beyond the scope of power, but before Wu Daonan, no matter whether there is no one, the duties of the governor must be fulfilled, Feng Ziying naturally has the duty, so he didn't care so much, but for Wang Qia, such matters He shouldn't be in charge of the government. If there is a governance process and a general judgment, he shouldn't intervene.

   Seeing Wang Qia's expression, Feng Ziying knew that the other party was somewhat disapproving, but he had to remind the other party that this was also related to the military supply of the Northwest Army.

   "Ziying, this should not be my business." Wang Qia flatly refused.

"Brother Hanzhong, the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion is different from the Tongzhi of other mansions. Since it is the first good place in Gyeonggi Province, it has its special features. If something out of the ordinary is done, it will be done. It is said that the governor of Shuntian Mansion is done by Mr. Zou, but Mr. Zou is a learned man, and he is a fair character, but can he handle the common affairs of the Shuntian Mansion?" Feng Ziying asked.

After many choices, Zou Yuanbiao was chosen to be the governor of Shuntian Prefecture, which made Feng Ziying very speechless, but Zou Yuanbiao is a model of Jiangyou scholars, with a loyal character, high attainments in classics, righteousness, poetry and prose, and being the governor of Shuntian Prefecture is nothing more than a It was an ordinary appointment, but Feng Ziying didn't think Mr. Zou could do it well.

  (end of this chapter)

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