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Chapter 2025: Guizi scroll forced to go to Liangshan, punish evil with evil

  Chapter 2025 Guizi Juan is forced to go to Liangshan, punishing evil with evil

  Wang Qia glared at Feng Ziying, "Ziying, are you trying to make me deal with Wu Daonan like you did? Mr. Zou is no better than Wu Daonan."

"Brother Han Zhong must know exactly how to do it. I don't need to remind you. I just want to remind Brother Han Zhong that Shuntian Prefecture is located in the center of Gyeonggi, which is not comparable to other places. If something happens, the whole country will shake. Brother Han Zhong discarded the red tape and some unnecessary personal reputations, and everything was focused on the overall situation of the court."

  Feng Ziying's words were moderate, but with an unquestionable decisive meaning, Wang Qia couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

People in their early twenties can make their predecessors have no level at all. This kind of courage and domineering alone are not what ordinary scholars can have. Even the self-proclaimed tough-boned self is slightly inferior to the other party He was superior, and this guy was very skilled, allowing Wu Daonan to cooperate with each other willingly. The two had cooperated for more than a year, and there were not many incidents of discord, which made the court keep silent.

  This is Gyeonggi under the watchful eyes of the imperial court. Fu Yin Fu Cheng can do this, it is really a scorpion shit-the only one.

"Ziying, you gave me a good start." Wang Qia got a headache and said bitterly: "I was pinched by you this time, and I was thrown a lot of questions, and then I said it was wrong. To take the overall situation into consideration, this is pushing me on the road of confrontation with Duke Zou."

"Brother Han Zhong, everything is for the sake of the overall situation of the court. If Duke Zou can see the situation clearly, I believe that he will not be unhappy with Brother Han Zhong because of this. If he really has that ability, just let him do it. I'm afraid that if he does poorly, and Brother Han Zhong will come to clean up the mess in the future, wouldn't that be a hindrance to the overall situation? So if Brother Han Zhong really thinks it's safe, he can let the wind and test it first, and see what Zou Gong wants. Bar?"

  Feng Ziying put forward her suggestion with a smile, so Wang Qia could only give him a hard look and stopped talking.

  Two big things are clear, and the next thing is daily affairs. Feng Ziying also discussed with Wang that Fu Shi and Song Xian will be promoted, and with the arrival of Zou Yuanbiao and Wang Qia, the entire Shuntian government office will usher in a wave of major changes.

Wang Qia is also capable of doing things, and many questions have been asked to the point, but Feng Ziying can also feel that Wang Qia does not like to take care of the overall situation as much as he does, but is more willing to do the things that belong to the Fucheng. .

This may have a lot to do with his previous field of work, military preparation and division, and he is only a councilor, and the left and right political envoys above him can directly control him, so although he has a tough style of work, he is more Be polite, not as presumptuous as yourself.

Feng Ziying also gave a general introduction to the situation of the officials in the mansion, including the personnel in the sixth room, especially the official room and the criminal room. Quickly adapt and accept, and at the same time find a good new master for this group of people.

  The proper arrangement of these matters can also leave a good reputation for Feng Ziying. If there is any need in the future, this group of people will do their best to help when it does not harm their own interests.

The third class of yamen servants is the site that Feng Ziying and Wu Yaoqing made great efforts to rectify at the beginning, and now they are full of strength, but considering that they are going to go to Shaanxi, the personal soldiers and guards urgently need to be replenished, so it is necessary to choose some willing and reliable ones from among them Candidates.

Here, people from the local arena who were born in Shuntian Prefecture and Beizhili may not be willing to go, but those characters who have been wandering outside for a long time are eager to try, hoping to get greater opportunities, especially those who are very optimistic about Feng Ziying's future. People in the world who are responsible for the prosperity of the sect are even more willing to fight for it.

  Before leaving, Feng Ziying heard that the position of practicing state affairs might also change.

As the co-prefect who succeeded me in Yongping Mansion, theoretically he should be the leader of all scholars in the department in the fifth year of Yonglong, but he was overshadowed by himself who shined later, but in fact he practiced state affairs and did things. Calm and meticulous, he was deeply trusted by Wei Guangwei in Yongping Mansion, and he had a very good reputation among the princes in the court.

  Feng Ziying knew very well that if she continued to stay in Yongping Mansion, it would be difficult for her to be valued as much by Wei Guangwei. She has completely different temperaments from Lian Guoshi, and she doesn't like Wei Guangwei.

The next place to practice state affairs may be Shanxi Chengxuan's political envoy and secretary right counselor. Of course, he will definitely serve as a military guard or a branch guard. Shen Yu is said to be transferred to Henan.

  Feng Ziying estimated that most of the practice of state affairs was to be stationed in Puzhou to guard the way and prepare the way for soldiers, in order to deal with the possibility that once the situation in Shaanxi deteriorated, it might spread to Shanxi.


   "Everything is arranged properly?" Qi Yongtai put his hands behind his back and looked out the window, his tone was flat.

"It's almost the same, and this is the only way to do it." Feng Ziying stood respectfully inside the door, "In the past two days, the disciples have negotiated with the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of Punishment. Brother Han Zhong has entered the role. Soon, with a little help, he was already on the road, and I also handed over a few important things to him, so it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

"Well, I'm not worried about Shuntian Mansion. I also know that you have arrangements. Fu Shi went to Baoan Prefecture, and Fang Kezhuang went to Guangping Mansion. I know you must have deep intentions. Erzhan (Zou Yuanbiao) is not Huifu ( Wu Daonan) is comparable, even though he is a little unfamiliar with general affairs, he can do things, don't underestimate him, with Han Zhong's assistance, there will be no big troubles in Shuntian Mansion."

  Qi Yongtai sighed, "I am more worried about Shaanxi. The feedback from various parties is very bad, especially the news these days is all bad news."

  Feng Ziying did not make a sound.

  He had expected these situations.

  The imperial court's energy is all on Shandong, and now it really doesn't have time to intervene in Shaanxi.

After all, Shaanxi is still separated from Shaanxi and Henan, and the Yellow River is blocked by the natural moat. At any rate, there is a chance to turn around. Even if it is really out of control, it can still be contained within the encirclement of Shaanxi and Henan, and wait until the situation in Shandong and Jiangnan After calming down, the Northwest Army and Jizhen Army were freed up. Everything was not a problem.

Now the imperial court came up with this idea, exchanging space for time, so Feng Ziying only needs to pay a mere 300,000 taels of silver from the household department as the cost of leaving Shaanxi. This made Feng Ziying dumbfounded.

  What can three hundred thousand taels of silver do?

According to Feng Ziying's continuous news from Wang Wenyan, if the whole of Shaanxi does not have three million taels of silver to buy food relief, there is no need to let these disorderly troops lay down their weapons. The mobilization of the Lord's troops from three sides and four towns is not enough.

  Even the Jia family needs 400,000 taels of silver to build a grand view garden. This solves the huge Shaanxi problem, and only 300,000 taels of silver is given. Feng Ziying doesn't know what the court's household department thinks.

  Perhaps the imperial court didn’t intend to use relief at all. It just wanted to use the guards to drag down the rebellious army, or to strangle them completely.

"This is all second. I believe that your father has connections and influence in the three-sided army, and you can also use it. The three hundred thousand taels of silver is just for emergency use. It would be ridiculous for you to rely on it for support." Qi Qi Yongtai continued: "What I am most worried about are the local gentry and officials in Shaanxi. Yunguang caused a catastrophe when he was the governor. I don't want you to go back to the old way after you go."

  Yun Guang is from Shanxi. When he served as the governor of Shaanxi, he did not get along well with local officials and gentry at first, so he was constrained everywhere in his work.

  The Metropolitan Procuratorate also often received reports from Shaanxi, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate also checked it twice, but fortunately, Yunguang had the support of scholars in the North, so nothing happened.

  Later, Yunguang also realized that if he wanted to be promoted, he could not do without the support of these colleagues and local gentry, so he began to consciously join forces with these people.

With the support of these people, Yunguang became more courageous, smuggled, smuggled, bent the law, embezzled and embezzled, and colluded with local tyrants in Shaanxi. on the issue.

"Master Qi, this disciple has also been thinking about this issue. Now that the chaotic army is in the ascendant and turning into a prairie fire, it is different from when Yun Guang was here. It will be difficult to calm down. If you want to rely on the gentry as usual , because the rebellious army has basically swept away the chairman of the small and medium-sized gentry in the countryside, and the rest are either merchants and gentry hiding in the city, or tyrants who have a certain ability to protect themselves, but they have no ability to solve the problem. Trouble issue."

  Feng Ziying's words made Qi Yongtai a little surprised, but he was more relieved, "Well, you are sure, but if this happens, how do you plan to deal with it?"

   "If the imperial court gave me enough money and food, I originally planned to recruit security, but now..." Feng Ziying smiled wryly.

"I'm afraid the imperial court will find it difficult to satisfy. Three hundred thousand is indeed too little, but even if you are given one million to two million, can you recruit all these disorderly troops? The source of the disaster, the refugees and the victims, cannot be solved. , so you have to find another way." Qi Yongtai stared at Feng Ziying, "I want to hear a feasible strategy from you, a clever woman can't cook without rice, but now I want you to use local materials, don't expect the court, to solve this problem It’s over, Ziying, are you sure about it?”

  Feng Ziying secretly sighed in her heart, after all, she still had to use this kind of routine that she didn't want to use all the time. Master Qi had actually hinted, or acquiesced, to this somewhat violent and dark method.

  (end of this chapter)

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