Number of People

Chapter 2028: The arrival of Master Zhang of the Guizi Juan, nourishing the deficiencies and consol

  Chapter 2028 The arrival of Master Zhang of the Guizi scroll, nourishing the deficiency and strengthening the foundation

  As soon as the document from the Ministry of Officials was issued, Feng Ziying officially became the right minister of the Ministry of War and the right censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the matter of governor of Shaanxi was officially made public.

  According to the court practice, you need to set off on the road within five days, even if you only walk ten miles out of the city on the first day, it is still on the road.

Although this news has been spread in the capital city for a long time, it was circulated by well-informed people in the court and the city after all, and now, "Today's News" has published this news, which also means that the position of Shuntian Mansion's prime minister has happened. Yiwei, Wang Qia replaced Feng Ziying as the governor of Shuntian Prefecture. This news is even more eye-catching than Zou Yuanbiao's appointment as the governor of Shuntian Prefecture who has been vacant for a long time.

   After accepting the appointment in the Ministry of Officials, Feng Ziying went to the Cabinet, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. This is also a formality.

  Although it is a cliché to talk collectively among the ministers of the cabinet, Feng Ziying has visited separately before and accepted the intention, but it still needs to go through the formalities.

  As for the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Household Affairs, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, this is related to whether the task of going to Shaanxi can be completed. No matter how good the talks were before, they still need to be finalized one by one.

  There were not many accidents at the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Household Affairs, and the promises should have been given long ago, but when they met Zhang Jingqiu at the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Zhang Jingqiu gave some hints.

  Song Xian can be approved to serve as the commander of Dongcheng Bingma Division.

   It seems that Zhou Peisheng has conveyed his willingness to cooperate to Zhang Jingqiu, and Zhang Jingqiu responded positively.

  No matter what Zhang Jingqiu thinks in his heart, he was born with the stigma of the imperial party, and the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River, the northern regions, and even the scholars in Huguang did not accept him very much.

  In this court, one is him, and the other is Gu Bingqian, the minister of the Ministry of Rites.

  The approaching of himself and Guo Qinyun probably surprised Zhang Jingqiu.

  Although Guo Qinyun is related to him, it is estimated that he is not optimistic about Prince Gong's success, so he has been ignoring Guo Qinyun's request.

But now he can't ignore this unexpected appearance. His own action may have made him aware of some subtle changes in the situation in the court. If he is not to be completely marginalized, then he also needs to prove his existence. The commander of Dongcheng Bingma Division may be the first non-cooperative without showing his whereabouts.

  The commander of the Dongcheng Army and Horses is nothing to the big bosses, but it is really important to Feng Ziying.

   On the one hand, he proved his strength to Song Xian and fulfilled his promise, enough to win the loyalty of many parties.

  On the other hand, the most important thing is that I can continue to maintain my influence and control over Jingzhong to a certain extent. It can ensure that there will be no interruption period after I return to Beijing Normal University in the future.

   Feng Ziying’s mood improved a lot with the unexpected harvest in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and it also meant that she could get the collective endorsement of Zhang Jingqiu and Qiao Yingjia from the Metropolitan Procuratorate for her governance in Shaanxi.

Don't underestimate this point. For the local officials in Shaanxi, my identity as the Youqian Capital Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate is far more deterrent than the Right Minister of the Ministry of War. With the support of Zhang Jingqiu and Qiao Yingjia, almost no one in the Shaanxi officialdom If he dared to wrestle with himself, even Lu Chuan and Sun Yijie couldn't do it.

However, to reflect this point, you still need to use means to prove it after you go to Shaanxi. Only when your decision is questioned and opposed by some officials and passed on to the court, the reaction of the Metropolitan Procuratorate will wake them up. At that time, you will understand the court's determination.

  Back at home, before entering the yard, I saw Ruixiang running out: "Master Zhang Xianshi has arrived."

  Feng Ziying was overjoyed.

  Master Zhang has been away for many years, how many years has he not seen him?

  Really surrounded by too many women, Feng Ziying felt the heavy pressure.

   Originally, relying on his young and strong body, and more or less learned some means of recharging energy from Master Zhang, he thought he could cope with it, but he didn't expect it to be too long, and he felt a little overwhelmed.

   When did you feel some potential pressure? It should be on Wang Xifeng, right?

Feng Ziying recalled that although she and Wang Xifeng did not get along very often, the feeling of eating meat made her so happy that she couldn't stop, but at that time there was only Wang Xifeng alone, and she couldn't go there often, so more I'm still secretly happy to have such a stunner.

Although married several times, there are many concubines and maidservants, but Feng Ziying thinks that she can subdue herself, even if she is always bluffing like chess, in fact, people who are addicted to food are also surrounded by themselves in the bed. Make it docile.

  But starting from Miaoyu, followed by Yuanchun, Feng Ziying suddenly felt that she was a little bit overwhelmed.

Especially thinking that Miaoyu is going to Shaanxi with her, plus Baoqin who is determined to take advantage of this opportunity to conceive and have a child in Shaanxi. , My own trip has really become a "long way to go".

Especially after experiencing the one-night happiness with Guo Qinyun, Feng Ziying deeply realized that if she wants to be a master, if she wants to truly appreciate the beautiful life of this era without any scruples, then she must take precautions in this regard. "Consolidating the foundation and strengthening the foundation" is the kingly way.

Looking at Master Zhang sitting upright in the flower hall, he still had a fairy-like posture. The passage of time for several years has hardly brought any changes to him. The eyes and the shiny black Taoist bun seemed to be full of vitality from the inside out.

   "Master Zhang!" Feng Ziying walked in quickly, bowing deeply.

"Well, get up, I came from Henan and met your father." The Taoist looked Feng Ziying up and down, and the corners of his eyes were a little more gratified, "Now I am going to inspect Shaanxi. , the situation there is very bad, I'm afraid this is also the intentional arrangement of the imperial court, let you go to sharpen it."

  Feng Ziying finished saluting, sat down in the hands of the Taoist, and replied with a smile: "It's not easy anywhere, the situation in Shaanxi is not good, and it's not like I haven't experienced such hardships, so I'm more willing to try it,..."

  The Taoist nodded in satisfaction, "It's good to have this confidence. The pimple plague is spreading over there, and it needs to be prevented by the workshop. It should not be underestimated."

  Finally got such a disciple, although he only taught the art of medicine, but he taught each other, he is also a teacher, he is outstanding, and his face is as good as a teacher himself.

   "The disciples are not afraid of pimple plague. Master Zhang must have made arrangements, and the disciple is healthy and strong. The pimple plague mainly attacks the weak and weak..." Feng Ziying continued.

"Not necessarily, the pathology of pimple plague has not been explored and understood by the teacher, but it is true that the weak are prone to be infected, but there are also strong people who are infected, so it cannot be generalized. Don't be careless." The Taoist looked up and down again. Feng Ziying frowned slightly, "I'm looking at your face for the teacher, why is your complexion so bad? Could it be that you have been intemperate recently and indulged too much in sex? That's not right,..."

The Taoist was a little puzzled. Feng Ziying got his own teachings, including the Dongxuanzi Thirteen Sutras and Zhang's Annotations, which were also the result of his own targeted and intensive research. He knew that his disciple's life was tied to peach blossoms, and Feng Ziying had also practiced it for some years. How could there be such a thing? scene? In theory, Feng Ziying's three wives and four concubines would not affect her.

  After he got married to the eldest and second wife, he didn't seem to see anything unusual. Could it be that the third wife is still weird? But that Lin Gong's daughter has seen it herself, she doesn't look like that kind of person with special characteristics, of course people can't be judged by their appearance, some people can't tell just by their appearance.

Feng Ziying didn't expect that she would be seen by Master Zhang at a glance, and she scratched her head in embarrassment. Fortunately, there were only two masters and apprentices in the flower hall, and they both knew the basics, so Feng Ziying didn't shy away from it, and said with a wry smile: "My disciple recently In terms of busy work, and this **** is a bit intemperate,..."

The Taoist interrupted Feng Ziying and shook his head: "It's not because of indulging in intercourse. Your body is known to the teacher. You have a family of three, and your father and your father hope that you will have a male heir earlier. It is normal for the Feng family to continue the incense, but Your Yintang is blue and dark, and your cheeks are white, which is obviously a sign of the depletion of kidney water in your thin body, what is going on?"

  Feng Ziying was stunned by the Taoist's words, and she was speechless. Although this kind of insidiousness does not need to be taboo against Master Zhang, it is not something glorious.

Seeing Feng Ziying's embarrassing appearance, the Taoist also knew that most of them were some unspeakable secrets, which were indispensable in this big family, and he had seen it a lot, so he didn't care, and said to himself: "A teacher should not ask questions about reasoning." Things like yours, but as a teacher, you need to know the root cause and manifestations of the disease, you just tell it, and the teacher will naturally keep your mouth shut, and will not tell your parents."

Feng Ziying thought about it for a while and then explained the situation, but he only mentioned two wives and his two concubines. Wang Xifeng and Guo Qinyun were two wives, while Jia Yuanchun and Miaoyu were both virgins. It makes sense to use the concubine's room as a hidden substitute.

The Taoist doesn't care about these things. This woman has her own characteristics. It's just that my disciple had many women before, but he didn't meet any of them. Now he meets four at once, and two of them are women. He seemed a bit strange, could it be that he had fallen into someone else's trap, how could there be such a coincidence in this world?

  Feng Ziying couldn't argue, how can this be explained?

  Yuan Chun and Guo Qinyun, can you say this about their identities? Wang Xifeng can say, anyway, she is just a divorced woman, Miaoyu doesn't care, anyway, she is a real concubine.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally explained the general situation clearly. The Taoist also felt that it was rare for Feng Ziying to encounter such a miracle. An ordinary woman might not be able to encounter one of them for three to five thousand years, but Feng Ziying could encounter one in a year or two. Four, no wonder he was suspicious.

  (end of this chapter)

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