Number of People

Chapter 2029: Guizi scroll with mandarin ducks crossing their necks, the past, the present and the

  Chapter 2029 Guizi scroll mandarin ducks cross necks, past and present

  After inquiring carefully about Feng Ziying's current situation, Daoist was a little relieved.

  That is to say, during this period of time, I was a little intemperate. I met such a talented woman, and I was so hungry and thirsty.

After all, Feng Ziying is young, and her body capital has been very solid since she was eight years old, and Feng Ziying only broke her body after she was sixteen years old, which is far better than those rich people who started to act recklessly before they were fourteen years old. There are more women around her, but these days the children of rich families are not surrounded by a lot of women, Feng Ziying is still relatively restrained, not masculine.

   "Ziying, do you still persist in the art of breathing and breathing that I taught you?" the Taoist asked.

   "Master Zhang, I'm usually busy, so sometimes I will be negligent, but basically I can last more than 20 days a month." Feng Ziying thought for a while, and answered honestly.

  There are more women, and the women around are looking forward to getting pregnant as soon as possible, so this hard work will inevitably require a "morning exercise". This delay will inevitably delay the morning breathing practice.

The Taoist nodded. It is not bad to have twenty times a month. It is commendable that the children of a rich family can persist like this. Frequent loss is too large.

   "What about the health-preserving five-animal show after waking up?" the Taoist asked again.

  Feng Ziying was ashamed. Before she got married, she could still insist on this health-preserving five-animal play, but after she got married, she slowly discarded it. Now it seems that she really dare not throw it away.

   "Back to Master Zhang, this disciple of Wu Qin Xi is a bit lazy. He only does it three or five times a month." Feng Ziying grimaced, maybe it's less than three or five times, once or twice is almost enough.

"That won't work." The Taoist said in a deep voice, "Even if you and those two wives are completely separated, you probably won't be able to part with your two concubines. Can you restrain yourself from having **** with these two concubines every month? Three times?"

  Feng Ziying opened her mouth to speak, but finally shook her head.

  Wang Xifeng, Yuan Chun, and Guo Qinyun are easy to talk about. They will cut it off when they go to Shaanxi, but Miaoyu will go to Shaanxi with her. They will have **** three times a month. I'm afraid I can't help it, unless Miaoyu is pregnant.

   And he will come back in a year or two, let alone Guo Qinyun, how can Wang Xifeng and Yuan Chun break up?

"Since this is the case, you have to pick up the health-preserving five-animal play. You must practice it at least ten times a month. It can be done in the morning or evening. It doesn't take too long to do it once. It's enough to sweat, absorb energy, consolidate essence and nourish the kidney. More than 20 times a month, so that your basic elements will not be depleted too much. As for intercourse, at your age, if a teacher asks you to restrain yourself, it will be a bit difficult for you. You should control it yourself. If you feel If your head is heavy and you are short of breath, you should take a short rest and take a nourishing diet."

  The Taoist paused: "I have two prescriptions here. I originally planned to wait until you were 30 years old and then slowly make up for it. But seeing you like this, it might be safer to use it earlier."

  Feng Ziying breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. After looking forward and looking forward, she finally found a piece of comforting news. If he really wanted to let him break up the intercourse, how regretful it would be for her to come here so hard?

   But let yourself insist on breathing and five-animal play every day, once you get busy, how can you persist?

However, this prescription medicine is a great thing. No matter how much money it costs, it is not a problem. I told Qingwen and Hepinger that I should take reasonable supplements in my three meals a day, at least it can make up for the loss in bed. Lost vitality.

"Master Zhang understands the difficulties of the disciples. This prescription..." Feng Ziying smiled happily, but the Taoist shook his head: "This prescription is not a mysterious panacea, it can only make up for the damage. The key is to keep exercising. And moderate temperance, now you are still young, of course you can afford it, but what about ten or twenty years later? If you blindly ignore the serious wear and tear, I am afraid that you will not be able to make up for it when you are over forty. ..."

Master Zhang didn't go on, Feng Ziying suddenly remembered the sentence in the previous life on the Internet, young people don't know how valuable they are, and when they are old, they don't have time to cry, so don't take this road, I am a concubine of three or four phases A bunch of women, you have to hold on anyway.

Seeing Feng Ziying's nervous face and looking at him eagerly, the Taoist sighed again, "Don't be too nervous, you are still young and have a solid foundation, just follow what I said, keep exercising, and take appropriate medicine , reasonable restraint, don't be a man, it shouldn't be a serious problem."

Feng Ziying knew that he was a Taoist master, and he never boasted. He said he could do it, and he couldn't do it. Being able to talk about this also showed that he knew what he was doing, so he immediately put his mind at ease. Come on, "Master Zhang, don't worry, this disciple will definitely follow the instruction carefully, and will not get carried away."

  Resolving the biggest worry in her heart, Feng Ziying relaxed a lot, and chatted with Master Zhang about various situations in recent years.

  Master Zhang likes to travel. He has been traveling in the north for the past few years. The next step is to go to Huguang to collect scenery. It is estimated that this trip will take another year or two.

Although Master Zhang respects Taoism, he is not a monk. He also has a wife and two concubines in his family, both in the mountains of his hometown in Shaanxi. But he didn't become a monk, so he was leisurely in the mountains, and his daughter had already married and had children.

  For his children, Master Zhang felt that their aptitude was dull, so he didn't expect anything extravagantly, as long as they lived a peaceful and stable life, they would be happy. Feng Ziying admired this indifferent attitude.

   After Master Zhang was sent to rest, Feng Ziying took two prescriptions and began to ponder them carefully.

  I can’t see any mystery, but he also knows that these kinds of tonic prescriptions are mostly gentle and tonic, and they need long-term persistence to be effective. It is not realistic to say that there is any panacea in it.


  The fairy flowers are in full bloom, the cold buds are secret, and the ice musk is strong, so no one should ask.

  The red candle wakes up with tears, the brocade handkerchief blushes, the golden lotus shakes gently, and the drunken dream is colder in the middle of the night.

Enduring the tearing pain between her legs and the discomfort in her chest, Yuanyang got up from the brocade quilt. The sky was not yet pale, but she had already developed the habit of getting up early, so although last night was the most important in her life, One day and one night were happy, but the biological clock still made her wake up at this time.

Looking at the purple-red bruises on his chest, and recalling the wanton wildness of the man beside him last night, Yuanyang couldn't help but blush again. After twenty-one years of self-defense, now it finally blooms, and it can be regarded as letting go of a stone in my heart , I have relied on for a lifetime.

  Thinking that the man will soon go to Shaanxi, Yuanyang has another grudge in his heart.

She also knew that it was impossible for her to go to Shaanxi. There were too many miscellaneous chores in the three-bedroom house, and she had to help coordinate them. The wife and concubine had all let go, and the grandmothers of the three houses had to be housekeepers, but on the surface They are both the uncle's first wife and big wife. The three rooms can be separated in name, but there are many entanglements inside. It is inevitable that there will be all kinds of disputes, which requires her to help deal with it.

   "Are you awake?" Feng Ziying looked at the woman beside her who was in a daze, and asked in a gentle voice.

  Yuanyang was taken aback, not knowing when the man next to her woke up, she quickly covered her half-naked chest, pursed her lips and said, "I'm used to waking up at this time."

   "You worked so hard last night, so you didn't sleep much?" Feng Ziying laughed.

  Mandarin Duck's face was flushed red, and he reached down and twisted Feng Ziying's waist, "My lord laughs at my servants when I get the advantage, and my servants begged for mercy like that but they refused to show mercy..."

"Daughter's family, it's like this for the first time, not to mention the mandarin ducks, you are in full bloom, how can you bear it?" Feng Ziying said cheerfully: "After last night, you will know that sugar cane eats upside down—the more you eat, the more you eat." Sweet reason."

  Mandarin ducks also know about sugar cane. Sugar cane is abundant in Lingnan, and the brown sugar produced by squeezing sugar cane is extremely sweet.

  Just looking at Feng Ziying's half-smile expression, he felt that the other party seemed to have something to say, and the meaning of eating sugarcane seemed to be alluding to something. His face was terribly hot, and he twisted Feng Ziying's waist fiercely.

   Inevitably played on the bed for a while, until the mandarin duck cried out in pain, Feng Ziying let go. The jade melon was just broken, and it was the first time to bear the rain and dew, and the mandarin duck had a sensitive body, so it was really too much for her.

  Watching Yuanyang get up with the discomfort, Feng Ziying originally wanted to call a little maid to help take care of her last night, but Yuanyang resolutely refused.

   The appearance of Yuanyang limping out of the door made Feng Ziying feel a little distressed. This girl is also a stubborn temper, which is not inferior to Qingwen in this point, but this parting has been going on for many years, so it is inevitable that she will miss it.

However, the discomfort in her body did not affect Yuanyang's good mood at all. After crossing this hurdle, she also knew that her identity was completely cut off from the Jia family. It's the Feng family and the Feng family's wife.

Asking the little maid to change her hair into the bun after the common girl opened her face, Yuanyang looked at the flushed dimple on her cheeks in the bronze mirror, and there was a bit of a woman's style in her eyes that she had never seen before. .

The plain jade hairpin next to the bun was given by Lin Daiyu, and the jade hairpin with the black hair pulled up was given by Grandma Shen, the eldest housewife. As for the pair of earrings on the earlobe, it was given by Xue Baochai. It represents that the identity of the mandarin duck is unusual.

   Yuanyang was in a daze for a while, staring blankly at the face in the bronze mirror that stepped from a woman to a young woman, is that herself?

  (end of this chapter)

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