Number of People

Chapter 2032: It is difficult to distinguish between friends and foes in the Guizi scroll, and fort

  Chapter 2032 Guizi Juan

"My lord is so afraid of this little Feng Xiuzhuan?" Another man standing a little behind couldn't help but said: "You are a brat, you brat, you just relied on your father to fight the Mongols in Yongping Mansion." It’s just a battle, but when we actually arrived in Shaanxi, let him see that the governance of poor mountains and bad waters is not as simple as he imagined, and he thought it would be as easy to manage as the most benevolent place like Shuntian Mansion?"

"Hmph, what kind of person is your lord, he treats this matter so cautiously, which shows that this person is not simple." The person standing in front shook his head, "I think it might be difficult to live up to the reputation, but I don't think so, he was born in the military. Xun, but defeated Qi Ge as a teacher, the strategy of opening the sea, a blockbuster, and the ability to straighten out the bandits in Yongping Mansion, and then secure a position in Shuntian Mansion, can't be judged by his age."

   There was a silence in the room, and after a while, the person in the back said: "If it's really what you said, this person really can't be allowed to come to Shaanxi, I can only hate Lu Chuan..."

"Although Lu Chuan is at odds with the Lord, he is also extremely dissatisfied with Feng Keng's coming to Shaanxi. He thought he could take over as the governor himself, and he didn't look at his own abilities. He owes a lot to making this huge Shaanxi like this! "The man in front sneered, "Now that the situation is so chaotic, my lord has some ideas. It's fine that Feng Keng is a mediocre person, but if Feng Keng really has some means, especially when the Feng family is in the three sides and four towns, With wings, the adults may be in trouble."

  The person in the back took a deep breath, "Then deal with him on the way!"

"It's easier said than done. You have also seen the group of people escorting Feng Keng. Not only are they all well-born, but they are also quite law-abiding. They obviously have been in the yamen, and there is also a group of cavalry behind. It is known that they fought and killed in the border town for a long time, and most of them were Feng Tang's personal guards, who came to **** his son."

  The man in front sighed.

   "No matter how difficult it is, we have to do it. We can't let it arrive in Xi'an, otherwise all the years of painstaking preparations, my lord, will be in vain." The man at the back gritted his teeth and said, "It's worth the price."

"Of course, otherwise what are we doing here?" The man in front said coldly: "But we have to think carefully and make sure we hit every hit. It is difficult to succeed.”

   "Then today..." The man behind hesitated for a moment.

They came with a group of more than twenty people, all of them came here as businessmen. They have been lingering in Qinghedian for several days, and all preparations have been made, but they didn't expect that the other party would not live in the inn, but in the inn. Next to the Anju Inn.

And the owner of this Anju inn is a man who can eat well in the land. The Anju inn is not small, and the site selection is also quite elegant. It's not easy to get close to the back.

  Inns range from separate courtyards to conjoined courtyards to ordinary kangs, but the courtyards are separate from ordinary guest houses.

   I didn't expect that the other party had booked here early, but my own side didn't find out.

They also thought about the possibility that the other party would not live in the inn, and they also chose one or two places where the other party might stay, but they did not expect to choose Anju Inn, because there were many people from the world who came and went to stay in this inn. According to common sense, Feng Ziying's People who walk around in an official position shouldn't choose this place, but the other party just chose this place.

"No action today, but we can arrange people to live in the Anju Inn to investigate and see how the guards around the surname Feng are guarding and defending, so that we can know ourselves and the enemy. The next time we want to do something , and can also make targeted preparations.”

  The man in the front thought for a while, "Of course, if there is a chance,... Forget it, let's not take the risk, otherwise the loss outweighs the gain, and it will scare the snake away..."

   But in the end he still shook his head, the preparations were so meticulous, how could he let himself catch the leak?

   It’s okay to try to check the opponent’s vigilance, but if you want to take the risk to fight, the risk is too high, so it’s better not to take such chances.

  Feng Ziying naturally didn't know that she was being watched as soon as she went out.

  In his opinion, whether it is the White Lotus Sect, or the Jiangnan side, or the local Shaanxi, if it is really bad for him, he should wait until he leaves the territory of Shuntian Prefecture.

   After all, it is within the territory of Shuntian Prefecture, and it is still under its jurisdiction in the past. It would be too arrogant to do something to him.

  But he underestimated the psychology of these people who wanted to get rid of them quickly. It took only a few years to become an official and he was able to accumulate such a full amount of hatred. I have to say that Feng Ziying is capable enough.

Fortunately, both Wu Yaoqing and Feng You are cautious people, and they have never taken Feng Ziying's safety lightly. From the moment they left the capital city, Wu Yaoqing and Feng You have entered a state of fighting. Wu Yaoqing's people are responsible for the long distance in the field. It was Feng You's bodyguards who had to shoulder the heavy responsibilities, and when it came to hand-to-hand combat, it was Wu Yaoqing's men who were in charge.

  As for lodging in the hotel, Wu Yaoqing's people will take over all of them, especially the night guards and pit guards, which are what people in the rivers and lakes are best at.

More than ten horse-drawn carriages arrived at the store, and immediately filled the row and yard that had been booked in advance. Even if Wu Yaoqing and Feng You were not counted in this group, they were only Feng Ziying's family servants, and there were more than ten people, so Outside the Kuayuan, ordinary Kuayuan was also rented out to live in, which also served as a protective guard force.

   But even so, the Anju inn couldn’t accommodate them, so they had to disperse some people to live in another inn.

Although I only walked thirty or forty miles today, Feng Ziying didn't care about the bumps all the way and had no effect, but for Baoqin, Miaoyu, Xiuyan and other female relatives, it was a bit difficult. Besides, the post road is flat, but this carriage has neither shock absorption nor rubber tires, so it is stiff on the road, and after a day, the bones will be half brittle.

  The group of people also washed up early and went to bed to rest, but Feng Ziying sat down with He Fengsheng, Fan Jingwen, and Wu Sheng who came from the city to see him off, and then sent the three of them away before going back to the room to rest.

Baoqin also went to bed early, Xiuyan and Miaoyu shared a room, Ping'er and Yu Chuan'er crowded into a room, and only Qingwen was left waiting for Feng Ziying to wash her face and soak her feet , Serving Feng Ziying to bed.

  Seeing that Qingwen wanted to rest outside, Feng Ziying smiled with a half-smile: "Why, you're all away from home, and you still have such a relationship with me?"

  Qingwen gave Feng Ziying a white look, "You should be more polite outside, and you should be the third grandma today..."

"Okay, don't think about her. Just now Yaoqing said that there might be some movement outside. She heard that today she will go out with Yaoqing and the others to guard and will not come back tonight." Feng Ziying said cheerfully: "You also know Master is one who can't live without a woman, so I'll come to sleep with you today."

  Qingwen blushed slightly, and twisted her body a bit: "Your maidservant can attend to bed, but the master must abide by the rules, don't mess around, and said that there is movement outside, in case there is any accident,..."

Feng Ziying laughed, "There are so many people like Yaoqing and Uncle You, if something happens in this Qinghe store, which is only thirty or forty miles away from the capital city, I think I'd better not go to Shaanxi. On the way to death, Third Sister and Yaoqing are just taking this opportunity to familiarize themselves with the conditions of the journey in the next month or so, if anything happens, I believe they can handle it."

  Feng Ziying doesn’t think anyone would choose what to do here, even if they are really dissatisfied with what they want to do, they shouldn’t choose here, but since Wu Yaoqing said so, he must respect Wu Yaoqing’s opinion.

There are secret sentries ambushed on both sides of the cross courtyard. On another courtyard wall outside the cross courtyard, a high platform is specially set up, but it is hidden under the eaves there, so it can be hidden. From the shadow, you can observe the two courtyards of the entire row of cross courtyards. The wall, as long as someone intends to climb over the courtyard wall, they will be under the observation and strike range here.

  Because the backyard wall is directly facing the water, and next to the back wall is to remember the ancient locust tree, which happens to be the commanding height. By arranging two secret whistles, the entire backyard wall can be seen at a glance.

   As for the front yard, it was even simpler. A few guards lived directly in the rooms on both sides, and they could detect any movement.

  Feng Ziying doesn't care about how Wu Yaoqing's security is arranged. Professional matters are left to professionals. He believes that Wu Yaoqing can do a good job.

   Just as Feng Ziying fell asleep with Qingwen in her arms, Wu Yaoqing had Li Guibao lead someone to quietly lie down in a bush under a corner of the wall on the west side of the courtyard.

Wu Yaoqing's feeling is not unfounded. Although the guests of Anju Inn have complicated backgrounds, they are basically old customers. There are not no strangers from outside, but they can basically tell a general history, or the shopkeeper on the counter Both Xiao Er and Xiao Er have been immersed in this way for many years. They can basically smell what they do and what they do to make a living here.

  So when the four guests moved in at night, news immediately reached Wu Yaoqing.

The four of them should be from the west, and Shaanxi is the most likely. The key is that it is impossible to judge the origin. Coming here in disguise like this can't help but make people suspicious.

  Wu Yaoqing is also very clear that Feng Ziying's enemies may not be only the White Lotus Sect. There are probably many people in official circles in Shaanxi and Nanjing who are gnashing their teeth at Feng Ziying.

   Then it cannot be ruled out that these people will use such despicable means to achieve their goals, so if it is from the local government, the danger may be even greater.

  (end of this chapter)

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