Number of People

Chapter 2033: Celebrities in the rivers and lakes can't escape the secular world

  Chapter 2033 Guizi Scroll Celebrities in the Jianghu, Cannot Escape the World

"Just this one across the courtyard?" The two thin figures lurking on the ridge of the roof are carefully observing, "It's too far away, so I can't see clearly, but this place is well chosen. It’s very tight, it’s full, can they stay as soon as they come?”

"How is it possible? It must have been booked in advance, but there are so many inns and hostels in Qinghe store, and there are so many wealthy businessmen and tycoons in the past. There are countless people who have come to the front to make reservations. It is impossible to check." Another voice was soft, obviously a female voice.

"Well, we didn't intend to do anything here, but we just came to investigate the daily defenses of this Feng. The young master is very afraid of this person. I always think that this person will become our Bailian's confidant. I am thinking about this guy. Aren't we going to Shaanxi?" Another man with a thicker voice whispered, "Is it possible that the young master is worried that it will be bad for the brothers in Shaanxi? I don't have the energy to think about our brothers over there, and the rebel army over there is not led by us, Bai Lian,..."

"That's not something we're thinking about. Since the superiors have ordered us, let's try it out. The road is still long. After Huailai, from Tumubao to Dongbalibao, and then to Baoanzhou. In the mountains, if the young master wants to make a move, this section is the most suitable place, it depends on how hot these people with the surname Feng are."

  The woman has a petite and lovely figure, but is exquisite and embossed. She is wrapped in night clothes, which is very attractive, but the man beside her has long been used to it and turned a blind eye.

   "Well, how do you try?" The two have been partners for many years, and the man is also good at it.

"Don't be busy, take a look. You can barely see the situation in the front yard. This should be the focus of defense. The inner and outer courtyards are covered by them on both sides. It is difficult to pass. The back is facing the water, so you can see it at a glance. Wu Yu, I think as long as the other party is not Chu'er, there must be hidden stakes behind to watch, and there may be people in ambush, waiting for someone to take the bait..."

  The man laughed, "You've thought of everything for others, just this first place to rest, they are so serious about it?"

"Old Tan, don't underestimate these people. There are great talents in the government. You and I have both been in the rivers and lakes. The White Lotus Sect is just our temporary shelter. Now it looks a bit like when the Ming Taizu started his family. However, who can tell clearly, "the birth of Maitreya and the birth of King Ming" really made Taizu succeed, but so many families did not succeed, so don't worry too much It's not up to us Jiang Hu people to do things like Long Zhichen..." The woman's tone was full of cynicism.

"Bai Niangzi, with your mouth, I don't know how you got into Hengshan back then. According to the Quanzhen lineage, it is very important to be pure and inaction. With your temperament, you should be found and kicked out as soon as you enter. How can you let it go?" Have you been hiding inside for several years?" The man's words also had a hint of ridicule.

"Hmph, **** you, when I entered Hengshan, I was still a little girl who didn't understand anything. The Quanzhen sect was a mess, fighting for power and profit, and I was just a few sips of wine. Isn't the art of inner flattery listed in those classics? Self-taught, how did you become a treason to deceive your teacher and destroy your ancestors? Hehe, if you don’t leave me here, I have my own place to stay here. It’s okay, my old lady is almost suffocated by all kinds of rules and regulations, and it’s just right for me to come out and wander around meaning,…"

"Hehe, doesn't this Feng guy say he's sexually attractive? Then the young master should let you have a **** lure, and I'm sure you'll be able to take the bait." Old Tan grinned, but his voice was well controlled. .

"Not to mention, it is said that this little Feng Xiuzhuan of the capital is suave and suave. If it is arranged by the superiors, I am really willing to give it a try to see if he is worthy of his name. Don't be a silver-like pewter. If you don't kill with your gun, then it's boring." The woman giggled coquettishly.

"Why, are you tempted? You really want to." Old Tan is really curious. This woman has been with him for several years. Although she looks very coquettish on the surface, everyone knows that she is good at the art of inner seduction. Even the young masters are coveted, but they are strictly prohibited from being provoked by the leader, because they are afraid of hurting their vitality, and ordinary disciples dare not provoke them.

"Hee hee, Lao Tan, do you really believe it? It's just a talk. I don't like this kind of frail scholar, so what if I can recite poems and compose poems? How can I withstand my mother's torture with my little ability on the bed?" Woman Tsundere tight, dismissive.

   "No, Mrs. Bai, this man is not a frail scholar. You have had so many women in Hengshan. You should know Datong and Feng Duan, right?" Old Tan shook his head.

"Well, I know. The Feng family is a dragon crossing the river, and the Duan family is a tiger. One is a foreign dragon, but it has taken root in Datong for decades. The other is a tiger, a local tycoon in Datong. Ba, later this branch moved from Hunyuan to East Canhe City, Datong Prefecture, you know Canhe City? Emperor Yan Murongbao was beaten here by the Northern Wei Dynasty, killing and wounding Ying Ye, and he can still listen to it in thunderstorm nights. To Ghost Cry, the Duan family has flourished after moving here,..."

   Speaking of this, the white lady glanced at Lao Tan suspiciously, "Why, this Feng is a child of Datong Feng's family?"

   "Bai Niangzi, what's your last name? I remember you are from Datong, right? How long have you been away from home?" Old Tan looked up and down the woman who had been with her for several years.

The white lady was stunned, and recalled, "I entered Hengshan at the age of eight, and it has been eighteen years now. Except for the one visit three years ago, there is no one in the family anymore. I guess people in the clan don't like people like me. So I stayed for a day and then left, don't you know that you have been at Hejian Zhending's side all these years?"

   "What's your last name?" Old Tan asked again.

"It doesn't matter what my surname is?" The white lady is not named Bai, but she is usually dressed in white during the daytime, and she has a taste of being pretty and filial, so everyone calls her the white lady over time. .

   "Your surname is Feng and Duan, right?" Old Tan laughed.

"The Feng family is a foreigner, not a native of Datong. The Duan family is a wealthy family. How could it be our turn to a small family like us? Even if my surname is Feng and Duan, so what? My surname is Xu." Glanced The white lady said helplessly about this partner who suddenly became more interested.

"Xu Xuan?" Old Tan's face was about to die of laughter. The story of Xu Xuan and the white lady has been widely circulated among the people, "No wonder you have to go to Hangzhou last year, maybe you just went to see the temple under the Leifeng Pagoda. hometown?"

  Bai Suzhen was too lazy to pay attention to the other party, and her eyes returned to the front, but her heart was a little flustered.

   Unexpectedly, Feng Keng belonged to Datong Feng's family.

  Of course she knew that the Feng and Duan families were related by marriage, and because of their marriage, the Feng and Duan families suddenly became the most prominent wealthy families in Datong Prefecture, even the Ma family was far inferior.

And Xu's family is also a big family in Yingzhou, Duan's family is in-laws, but his father died early, and he was accidentally seen by Quanzhen's head teacher when he was eight years old. Expelled from the Quanzhen sect.

The Quanzhen lineage is very powerful in northern Shanxi. The Xu family was also ashamed that they were expelled for violating the rules and regulations, so they kept silent. Although his father was also considered the first son of the Xu family, he died too early and he had no other brothers. Sister, naturally no one will ask me about myself.

But she later heard from her mother, who was not yet dead at the time, that when she was fourteen years old, her aunt came back home and asked about herself, because she was practicing in Hengshan at that time and never returned home, so she never saw her. Later, he had become a Quanzhen evildoer and went out of the mountain gate, so he naturally went back to Xu's house without shame.

  My aunt should be married to the younger brother of the current Patriarch of the Duan family. After this calculation, is he still related to this Feng man?

   For a while, the white lady became a little crazy.

   "What's the matter, White Snake?" Old Tan saw that although his partner was looking at the front of the courtyard, he was obviously a little out of his mind, and he was also a little confused, "Could it be that you know this Feng?"

"Know? Where should I meet?" The white lady withdrew her gaze and said calmly, "It's just that I didn't expect him to be the son of the former general of Datong. They are all general soldiers of Datong, spanning thirty years. No one in Datong knows, who doesn’t know? Even the Mongols outside the side wall pay tribute to the Feng family every year. Such a wealthy family, how can people from the world like me climb up? Get it?"

"That's not necessarily the case." Lao Tan tightened the flying fire meteor around his waist, and said enviously: "I didn't see that there are many people in the world around Feng, and I saw two acquaintances outside the store just now. ,..."

   "Oh?" The white lady was surprised, "You know him?"

"Hmph, then Li Guibao, who is known as the number one disciple of Shaolin lay disciples in Beizhili, has a Vajra Thirty-six-style Demon Subduing Knife, and even the head of the Peng family who is the Five Tigers Breaking Knife has to give up a little bit. Ten years ago, he A famous celebrity is on the list, and although she wears makeup, she can't hide it from my eyes." Old Tan curled his lips, "Did you notice another one, that is, the one who always wears a green paper umbrella. An eye-catching middle-aged man?"

   "Well, I have the impression that it seldom rains in this season, but this guy never leaves his umbrella. Could it be that he is sick?" The white lady nodded.

   "This guy is a son of the Zhao family in Wuding Prefecture, Jinan Prefecture..." As soon as the old Tan said, the white lady knew it and nodded: "A member of the Zhao family in Wuding, then I know, Zhao Chongyun's nephew..."

  Wuding Zhao family is known as the first in Jinan, of course, this is the respectful name of the Jianghu people.

  The Zhao family has made umbrellas for generations, and the green oil paper umbrellas have been sold well all over the country, but the Zhao family is also from the rivers and lakes, and their weapon is this green oil umbrella with steel wire surface. Of course, this is not a paper umbrella, but a weapon that really buys people's lives.

   It is said that this umbrella can protect against water, fire and hidden weapons, and it also hides organs, making it hard to defend.

  (end of this chapter)

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