Number of People

Chapter 2034: Guizi scrolls have their own destiny, so you can't force it

  Chapter 2034 Guizi scrolls have their own destiny, so you can’t force it

"That's right, although the Zhao family's children are not from officials and gentry, they are still famous figures in Jinan Prefecture, and Li Guibao is one of the best figures in Beizhili Road, but if they really have a chance, they will not just behave like dogs and horses. Lao Tan sneered, "Feng is not as particular about us Jianghu people as other people in the government. I heard that he likes to appoint Jianghu people in Shuntian Mansion."

   "Old Tan, what do you want to say?" The white lady gave Lao Tan a look.

"I didn't want to say anything, but I just felt that we Jianghu people are not inferior to anyone else. Feng is a governor of the imperial court, and the imperial envoys can all look up to Jianghu people. Why should we belittle ourselves?" Old Tan looked sternly, "This Bailian lineage , if it really works out, we are of course willing to follow suit, but if it doesn't work out, it's no big deal for us to switch to another family."

   "According to what you say, we have voted for the White Lotus Sect, and we are still a bit at a loss?" The white lady smiled.

"You can't say that. People are poor and short-sighted, and horses are thin and long-haired. We are down and out. The White Lotus Sect has a lot of power in the local area. Let's invest in it. They can protect us a little or two. Everyone gets what they need. We can also help them do things. Son, no one is sorry for anyone." Old Tan said flatly: "But if we say that we will sell our whole life to them, it depends on whether they have the ability and whether it is worth it."

   "Looking at your attitude, it seems that you are a little uncertain?" The white lady said casually.

"From the current point of view, the Bailian lineage still has some foundations in the north, but now the situation in Shandong is turning to benefit the imperial court. Whether Jiangnan can hold on, and when the Bailian sect will make trouble, it is hard to say. " Old Tan twitched his lips, "We Jianghu people will never be as good as those authentic white lotus children, so let's take a step and see."

"It's true, why do you want to go so far?" The white lady laughed self-mockingly, "It's better to do the current thing well, the young master attaches so much importance to the surname Feng, so he must get rid of it quickly, maybe it will happen soon. We have to do it ourselves one step at a time.”

"Hmph, it depends on the situation. Li Guibao and his gang are not vegetarians, so they are not sure. Let us go to die in vain, so I will not accompany you." Old Tan narrowed his eyes, "Bai Niangzi, you We've been partners for a few years, not to mention heart-to-heart, but it's passable, we have to take it easy on the job of licking blood, there's no need to risk life and death, and if there are other ways, don't forget about our old Tan."

  Bai Niangzi knew that the old Tan had seen some of her expressions before, but this guy probably thought that he had other skills, so he thought too highly of himself.

   This relationship is so far away, the Xu family is also a big and wealthy family in a small area of ​​Yingzhou, I am afraid it is not worth mentioning in his eyes, let alone a marginal person like himself.

  While Lao Tan and Bai Niangzi were crouching to observe, Wu Yaoqing also stood quietly in black at the foot of the wall of the outer courtyard, with Li Guibao beside him.

   "I didn't expect so many ghosts and snakes to come out on the first day that the big man came out of Beijing. Gui Bao, how many people are there?" Wu Yaoqing was really a little frightened.

  Knowing that this road will not be safe, he tried his best to take the northern line, the line of Jingshi-Huailai-Baanzhou-Xuanfu Town, because he felt relatively safe.

There are quite a lot of guards in Huailai. In Baoan Prefecture, Mr. Fu just took office, so at least some extra government manpower can be used. Needless to say, Xuanfu Town has a large army, and then Wanquan Zuowei enters Yongjia Fort in Datong Town, and then goes to Datong Ping'an Prefecture in the northeast corner of the town.

This road is under the jurisdiction of border towns, and there are densely stationed troops along the route. With the latent power of the Feng family here, there is no problem in taking care of them, but I didn't expect to be targeted by people as soon as I left the city. do what?

   It is still not sure whether my group is too sensitive, or these people are here for other things, but there is no doubt that the severity of the situation is beyond Wu Yaoqing's imagination.

   "My lord, now we initially suspect that at least three groups of people are quite suspicious. One group of people has already lived in. Judging from the road signs, they came from Shaanxi. There is no other problem, but it just feels wrong."

  Li Guibao was a broad-faced, red-faced man, and when he stood there, he had an aura of power without anger, but he seemed very respectful in front of Wu Yaoqing.

"The other two groups of people, one group came to the lobby of the guest house and left after a spin. I have already arranged for people to go up to check, and the other group of people did not show up, but they should be hiding on the roof of the Guangji Building over there. , but there are so many buildings over there that it's hard to find, and the place is crowded with people, which can easily cause restlessness, so..."

"Well, it's not appropriate to act rashly now. My lord has gone out of Beijing to know that there are a lot of people, and there will be troubles. I'm afraid the Metropolitan Procuratorate will continue to criticize me, so I should try to avoid it." Wu Yaoqing waved his hand, "But we have to take precautions. Make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Don't worry about this, my lord. They are all old brothers who have experienced many battles. They just can't let go of their hands and feet. Everyone feels a little suffocated." Li Guibao laughed, "It seems that many people don't want to see you go to Shaanxi. .”

Wu Yaoqing also smiled back, and said meaningfully: "Why are there so many people who don't want to see adults go to Shaanxi? It can only show that they are guilty, worried, and afraid. It seems that adults are really right to go to Shaanxi. "

The meaning of these words is quite complicated, and Li Guibao feels that it is difficult for him to understand, but there is no doubt that this is an opportunity for the Shaolin faction. As long as he can successfully protect Master Feng and governor of Shaanxi, and then let Master Feng be safe in the governorship of Shaanxi, then in the future Mr. Feng will never forget the Shaolin lineage when he is in general, this is the dream goal of the Shaolin lineage.

   "Hehe, don't worry, my lord, as long as Gui Bao is here, no one can endanger the safety of Lord Feng."

  Li Guibao stroked the iron sabers on his waist. He was so confident that few people in the Northland dared to be presumptuous in front of him, and no one could win over this pair of sabers.

   "Gui Bao, you bother. I'm afraid the journey to Datong will not be easy." Wu Yaoqing breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the dark sky.

   While all parties were spying on each other, Feng Ziying went to bed early with her arms around Qingwen.

  The conditions for the inter-hospital row are quite good. This is obviously prepared for the dignitaries and wealthy businessmen who travel to and from Beijing with their families.

  But to Feng Ziying, this is nothing. Safety comes first, comfort comes second, and nothing else matters.

This kind of cross-courtyard is built in a relatively secluded area at the end of the guest house, and it is also convenient for setting up guard posts. This is the way to the west. In the two provinces of Shanxi and Shaanxi, the three towns of Xuanda and the four towns on the four sides all go here. , the Western Regions and the Mongolian right wing also have to go this way, so there are many wealthy people with money in their pockets all year round, and there are also many people who can afford to live in this kind of cross-court.

  The weather is getting bigger and bigger. Wearing a single shirt is still a bit chilly in the morning and evening, but it is very suitable during the day.

Seeing Qingwen, who had only a bellyband on her upper body and a pair of underwear on her lower body, knelt on the head of the bed and carefully laid out the bed quilt she carried with her. Her bare back was covered by two red ties. Le, it looks extraordinarily delicate and soft under the candlelight, the water snake has a thin waist, the lotus feet are slightly raised, and the toes smeared with peach blossom juice are a little more gorgeous, making Feng Ziying's mouth dry for a while.

   After doing the math, I have not been happy with Qingwen for some days.

  Ever since she married Daiyu, Feng Ziying felt that she seemed to be busy day and night.

During the day, it is because of official business, knowing that he has to leave, he naturally has to deal with all aspects of things, but at night, there are suddenly a few more women, Daiyu, Miaoyu, Xiuyan, and this is not counting Zijuan, Xue Yan, these close-knit girls.

In addition, knowing that I was going to Shaanxi, Shen Yixiu, Second Sister You, and Baochai also "worked hard", it can be said that they were reluctant to give up, and they all hoped to find a man before they left Beijing. , we have to talk about fate.

In addition, Wang Xifeng came back, Yuanchun entered the game, and Li Wan who was desperate in every possible way, Guo Qinyun who scraped the bone and sucked the marrow, even took the mandarin ducks into the house before leaving, Siqi, Xiangling, and Yunshang were all looking for opportunities Have a good time, do the math, there is really no chance to breathe during this period of time.

   It's no wonder that Master Zhang felt that his complexion was not right when he came. After working so hard, how could he have a good complexion?

Fortunately, Busia Mara was pregnant, and Xiuyan was unlucky during this period of time before she could have a real husband and wife affair, and Ping'er could only be placed after going to Shaanxi, otherwise Feng Ziying felt that she was really afraid It was enough to climb into the carriage.

  A good day in the eyes of others is also good for oneself, but if it is too good, you have to pay attention to a degree.

  I rested in Baochai's house last night, hoping to get a chance on this last night.

   It's been so long, Qingwen has never been stunned once, maybe two or three months? It seems that there was one a month ago before Daiyu passed the door, and then it disappeared.

  Thinking about this violent and pretty girl who is most cherished and desired by countless people in the book "Dream of Red Mansions", she has been "idle" for several months. It really feels a bit violent.

As if feeling the scorching gaze from behind, Qingwen, who had made the bed, turned her head and took a look. Although she was considered an "old couple", it was really the first time she lived together in a single room in a separate courtyard. Once, this made Qingwen feel like a deer, and she cherished it very much.

   It was supposed to be a good day for Baoqin or Miaoyu, but both of them went to bed early because they were not used to the bumpy carriage, and they took advantage of it.

  A pair of big hands came over and hooked the waist that was as thin as willows, the belt was lightly parted, the sachet was untied, and accompanied by a gentle moan full of comfort and satisfaction, the big bed shook rhythmically,...

  (end of this chapter)

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