Number of People

Chapter 2035: The rooster crows in all directions, and the old man goes out to the west

  Chapter 2035 Guizi scroll **** crows in all directions, leaving old friends in the west

  Feng Ziying and Qingwen were awakened from their sleep by a series of scolding and roaring.

  Because of his deep sleep, Feng Ziying was even a little confused, thinking that he was dreaming, but he soon realized that it was not a dream.

  Woke up from the fright, Qingwen hugged Feng Ziying tightly, her heart was pounding and her face was pale.

  After they were happy, they fell asleep naked with their arms around each other. They didn't pay much attention when they were out, and didn't even have time to wipe their bodies.

Seeing that Qingwen was frightened, Feng Ziying didn't really care. If there was any danger, Wu Yaoqing and the others would have rushed in, not caring about embarrassment and embarrassment. Life is the most important thing, but they could only hear scolding and trampling outside. It is not a big problem if there is a crunching sound of tiles being stepped on the courtyard wall and the roof ridge across the courtyard next door.

   "Master, what's the matter?" Seeing that Feng Ziying just sat up, Qingwen didn't feel very panicked. She felt relieved, put one hand on her chest, propped herself up, and started looking for clothes to put on.

   "It's nothing serious." Feng Ziying didn't take it seriously, but she didn't stop the other party from getting dressed, "If something really happened, it's time to make a fuss."

  Qingwen hastily put on her bellyband and coat before dressing Feng Ziying.

I got up and looked at the chime clock on the desk. The pointer pointed to the direction of two o'clock. It was three o'clock, which was the time when people were sleeping soundly. It was a good time to take a sip of the herbal tea handed over by Qingwen. , Feng Ziying's head was cleared.

  There was no word coming from outside, so Feng Ziying stayed in the room. When his martial arts met nighttime assassination, if he wanted to go out to expose the target, it would add chaos, and it would easily affect Wu Yaoqing and his actions.

Seeing Qingwen sitting anxiously on the head of the bed, without her usual sharp and shrewd appearance, Feng Ziying laughed dumbly, "Follow me, everything will happen to me, but if you are here, don't worry, take your turn." Not on you."

  Qingwen shook her head, "Slaves are certainly afraid, but they are even more worried that this trip is so dangerous that the grandmas will not be able to sleep well if they find out."

  Feng Ziying was stunned for a moment, shook her head and said with a smile, "You think too far, and you actually think about it for your family."

   Not long after, the inner courtyard door opened, and Wu Yaoqing's voice came: "My lord."

   "Well, are you okay?" Feng Ziying put on her clothes and pushed the door, beckoning Wu Yaoqing to come in.

  Wu Yaoqing hesitated for a moment. There are female relatives in the inner courtyard, so he should avoid it, but the adults greeted him like this, so he could only bite the bullet and come in.

  In the flower hall, Feng Ziying sat down and motioned for Wu Yaoqing to take a seat, and Qingwen came out with tea.

Wu Yaoqing was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Qingwen to be serving the bed, and the two spies who are still in the mansion are Qingwen's "parents" in name, and the two groups of people who made noise today, one of them might be the same as It is related to the White Lotus Sect.

  However, Wu Yaoqing also knew that Qingwen was the personal maid of Grandma Shen, the eldest housewife, and also a housemaid, and it was normal for her to serve her bed, and it was said that Lord Feng loved this maid very much.

   "Tell me, what's the situation?"

   "Two groups of people infiltrated, or tried to infiltrate, we discovered and took action, but the other party was very vigilant and retreated immediately when they saw the situation was not good. We failed to capture the other party..." Wu Yaoqing felt a little regretful.

  Qinghedian is a place where there are row upon row of buildings, many of which are stacked on top of each other, with ups and downs, so once the opponent suddenly lurks, it is easy to lose the opponent's whereabouts at night, and Wu Yaoqing has no hope of capturing the opponent.

   "Two groups of people?" Feng Ziying was a little surprised that he was so hated?

"Well, the first group tried to climb in from the wall of the wing room in the front yard. We found out, and after a fight, the other party was a master of hidden weapons, so we couldn't stop the other party..." Wu Yaoqing explained: "The other group basically They acted at the same time and sneaked in from behind the water, but we discovered it before they got close to the wall, and the other party disappeared after diving, and it was difficult to find at night."

   "How can you be sure it's not a group of people?" Feng Ziying asked rhetorically.

   "The two sides did not have a tacit understanding. We discovered the diver as soon as he landed. He was lurking on a two-story roof on the side for a long time. We have been staring at it,..."

  Wu Yaoqing briefly explained the situation.

   "Can you tell which side it belongs to?" Feng Ziying also knew that this question was a bit difficult for her.

As expected, Wu Yaoqing shook his head: "I can't judge, there are still a few suspicious people living in the inn, but the other party has not moved, and they should not even be with these two groups, and we have not touched them. They have no other actions, we plan to hang along, maybe we can gain something."

Feng Ziying thought for a while and nodded: "Well, if I can dig out the history of long-term fishing, it may help me to do things after I go to Shaanxi in the future, so when it is safe, dig out some useful information as much as possible. Here comes the clue."

"Don't worry, my lord, I will risk my life to keep my lord safe." Wu Yaoqing said calmly, "From tomorrow onwards, it is necessary for us to stay in a hotel and rest in accordance with the original plan, especially in those big towns. They will stay there, and sometimes they may even sleep in the wild,..."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying became interested, "Why do you think so?"

   "The main reason is that I can't let go of my hands and feet in Zhendian like this. If I pretend to show some flaws in the wild, it may still attract these people to the bait, and it is easier to take the opportunity to find out the real origin of this group of people."

  Wu Yaoqing said while observing Feng Ziying's face, some people are not willing to use themselves as bait, and this suggestion has this meaning.

   "Well, this is a good idea. Instead, take the initiative." Feng Ziying nodded, "You can do it at your own discretion. If you need my cooperation, just say hello to me."

   Seeing Feng Ziying being so forthright, Wu Yaoqing was a little worried. If something really went wrong, it would be too late for regret.

   It's just that the words have been spoken, and he can't immediately go back on his word. Now he can only consider all aspects as far as possible, and keep everything secret.

  In the middle of the night, she slept soundly. After Feng Ziying woke up, she first went to Baoqin, and then to Miaoyu and Xiuyan.

  They also heard the noise last night, but they stayed in the house without being greeted by outsiders, and then fell asleep slowly after they calmed down.

  Although I was a little worried, the news from the outside was that it was nothing serious and everything was fine, so I could only suppress my anxiety.

   It was just the first day they went out, and they encountered this kind of thing. Both Baoqin and Xiuyan were extremely intelligent people, so they naturally understood that there might be many disturbances along the way, and they were also a little worried about their husband-in-law.

  The road from Qinghedian to Baiyangkou is smooth and smooth.

This road is an important place for military aircraft, Hongqiao, Longhutai, Baiyangkou, there are garrisons along the road, the number varies, but it also makes it possible for anyone who wants to do anything here to face the military martial law and respond quickly .

   Those who rested in Baiyangkou that night lived directly in Baiyangkou.

   This is the guardhouse in the northwest of Ji Town. Feng Ziying's father, Feng Tang, still holds the post of governor of Jiliao.

  Go west from Baiyangkou and cross the Great Wall, which is the boundary of Huailaiwei in Xuanfu Town.

   Now the chief soldier of Xuanfu Town was once identified as Chen Jingxuan, and even Chen Jingxuan had already started receiving guests, but in the end he got stuck at the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

The censors were full of bullets and attacked Chen Jingxuan's poor performance as the governor of the three sides. In the end, neither Zhang Jingqiu nor Qiao Yingjia dared to go against the public opinion, so they could only veto the proposal of the cabinet and the Ministry of War, which made Chen Jingxuan an outcast in Beijing. The ugliness forced him to close the door and not sulk.

   This is what disappoints Guo Qinyun the most. If Chen Jingxuan can really be appointed as the general of Xuanfu, then it will undoubtedly be a great boost to Prince Gong's influence, but it is a pity that good things will not come true.

  Now there is a vacancy for the general of Xuanfu Town, and there are many candidates for the imperial court, but they are not very satisfactory, so they have been shelved.

However, although the commander-in-chief has been put on hold, several deputy commander-in-chiefs have their own directors. The reconstruction of the Xinxuanfu Army is still proceeding slowly, but without the commander-in-chief, the Ministry of War's reconstruction of it will definitely not be as good as that of Datong and the second town of Shanxi. Positively, all kinds of materials are given priority to guarantee these two towns, which makes Yang Yuan and Chai Guozhu happy.

  Feng Ziying and his party did not stay in Huailaiwei, but did not stay until Jimingyi in the northwest.

   This is the largest post station in the west of Beijing in the Great Zhou Dynasty, known as the first post station in the west of Beijing.

  The convoy entered Jiming Post to stay, and the Post Cheng had already got the news of such a big battle, and hurriedly waited at the door.

  Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's reputation in the Gyeonggi area is quite resounding, not to mention that he is now an imperial envoy and governor of Shaanxi.

  Yicheng's hospitality and early arrangements made the tension and exhaustion of walking for several days to relax immediately.

This can be said to be the safest place in the entire Baoan Prefecture. The post station is actually more like a military city, with towering walls and criss-cross directions. Post houses, post warehouses, schools, shops, temples, and even post schools are all available. Typical A small soldier city, stationed here to guard one side.

  Feng Ziying and his group immediately occupied the inn to the brim, and no one else could live in it. Fortunately, there are quite a few hotels in Jimingyi City, so they don't worry about others sleeping on the streets.

   After the group settled down, Feng Ziying breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the afterglow on the side of the mountain that had not yet set, Feng Ziying was interested in observing this famous Jiming Post in her previous life.

   This is a post station built in the era of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty. It has grown in size and gradually become the most important gateway post station in Northwest Beijing. There are many streets and shops in the post station, and there is an endless stream of business travelers coming and going.

  The safety here is safe, even Wu Yaoqing and others are quite relieved, and accompanied Feng Ziying to walk around the station until Fu Shi rushed over.

  (end of this chapter)

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