Number of People

Chapter 2036: The security of the Guizi scroll is uneasy, and the road is difficult

  Chapter 2036 The security of the Guizi scroll is uneasy, and the road is difficult

"Qiusheng, look at this Jiming Mountain. It is said that it was named by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. It is a beautiful peak that pierces the clouds, and thousands of horses crush the green hibiscus. You come here and see such a beautiful scenery. Don't you have the urge to write a poem?" With both hands, looking at the Jiming Mountain in the distance, he asked with a smile.

   "Your Excellency is really broad-minded. You still have such leisure and elegance at this time. The subordinates are not so interested. Now that you have come to Baoanzhou, all the clues are like a mess, which makes me burnt out."

  Fu Shi sighed and supported his forehead, but Feng Ziying could see that although the other party was exhausted, the spirit between his brows was particularly excited, obviously very proud of being able to palm one for the first time.

   "You have to face it calmly. The big Baoan Prefecture cannot be settled overnight. You have to have a correct attitude." Feng Ziying said cheerfully.

  Which person didn't make mistakes when he first took over? Everyone has come this way.

  Fu Shi has never been in charge of a party before, but now he has suddenly become the master of the house, so he naturally understands that the job of being the master is also difficult to do, and he has to take responsibility for making decisions.

  The area of ​​Baoanzhou is neither big nor small. It is roughly equivalent to the area southward between Zhuolu and Huailai, including the area of ​​Guanting Reservoir. It is mainly mountainous, but its geographical location is particularly important.

   "I understand it in my heart, but I'm still busy." Fu Shi smiled wryly, "Only sitting in this position can I understand that it's not easy, my lord, now I understand how you survived in Shuntian Mansion."

"Hehe, it's not that exaggerated. You will get used to it over time. There is a process of familiarization." Feng Ziying waved her hand, "The relationship between the Xuanfu army must be handled properly. The three guard stations in Baoan Prefecture are all For those who are closely watched by the Ministry of War, the affairs of the military house in the state are the top priority, and everything else has to be ranked behind.”

  Fu Shi knew that Feng Ziying was reminding him of himself. He was new here and had never worked in a state or county before, so he had a clear understanding of priorities.

"The other thing is taxation. In a mountainous state like Baoan Prefecture, the imperial court doesn't care too much. You can find ways to complain to the higher authorities. You can find reasons for yourself, such as severe drought, frequent locust plagues, and unreasonable tax resistance. In short, you remember The Department of Taxation and Households of Baoan Prefecture doesn’t like this, as long as the reason is right, the reduction or postponement is not a big problem, so take care of yourself.”

  Fu Shi understood by heart that Baoan Prefecture is an important military area, and civil affairs are not important, so there is room for maneuver here.

"But remember, the law and order of the post road must be ensured. In this area, you can mobilize the people in the state and use the state tax to support them. In this way, the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Punishment will speak for you, and the Ministry of Households will speak for you. You can pass."

  Fu Shi nodded again and again, but still couldn't help being a little worried, and asked hesitantly, "Where is Master Huang..."

"Don't worry, I will write to Mr. Huang to explain. I am still the right-handed censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. The Seventh Ministry of the Cabinet also told me to go west and take a look at the military, political and people's livelihood along the route. I will 'truthfully' report on the situation in Baoan Prefecture."

  The two talked while walking in the station.

  Fu Shi took office only three days before Feng Ziying left Beijing, so it was through Feng Ziying's route, and Fu Shi really didn't bother to come for other officials.

"The business tax of Jiming Station is considerable, but I don't think the state has managed it well..." Feng Ziying also reminded Fu Shi, "Maybe this is also left over from the predecessor or even the previous predecessor. These shops in and out of the city are row upon row. There is an endless stream of business travelers, there is no reason to turn a blind eye to it, there may be some ways here, you can take it easy in the future."

   To be a good Zhizhou, you have to take care of everything. The land tax in Baoanzhou can’t support the state at all. That’s not to say which part needs to be handed over. If you don’t make a fuss about commercial taxes and tariffs, Fu Shi, the Zhizhou, will be sad.

   "I've also noticed this. I heard that it might have something to do with the Xuanfu army..." Fu Shi hesitated before saying.

"I guess so." Feng Ziying chuckled, "But Niu Jizong had such a big mess, wouldn't it involve the contacts of these officials in Xuanfu Town? You might as well arrange the relationship well in advance for the new general soldier, so that you The business tax along the post road is in your hands, and you will be able to relax a lot in Baoan Prefecture in the future."

  Fu Shi heard it, and immediately asked: "The imperial court has confirmed the new general?"

Feng Ziying shook her head: "Not yet, Ma Gui is too old, and his nephews either feel that the court thinks they are too ambitious or not mature enough. Ma Chengxun is now serving as a general in Yulin, and Ma Chengzhao is a general in Jizhen. People have heard that soldiers and horses are skilled, but I am not very familiar with them. In addition, there are Zhao Lijiao and Liu Ting, but now the situation in Liaodong is also getting tense, and the imperial court is unwilling to move Liaodong,..."

  Feng Ziying actually advocated that Zhao Ledjiao and Liu Ting be transferred out of Liaodong, or Cao Wenzhao should be allowed to leave.

Now the relationship between the foreign faction headed by Cao Wenzhao and the native faction headed by Zhao Liaojiao, Liu Ting, Juniper, and the Zu brothers is tense. The group of local generals who came down.

The Zu brothers are better, because of their father and because of their junior qualifications, they can be more polite to Cao Wenzhao, but Zhao Shujiao, Liu Ting, and Juniper are not very fond of Cao Wenzhao .

This is why Feng Ziying is most worried that something will happen in Liaodong. If the generals are at odds, it will definitely be a major event. If it fails, Nurhachi will be given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, especially Li Yongfang, an insider who knows the inside story of Liaodong Town. Traitor.

At the beginning, Feng Ziying actually wanted to suggest to his father that Zhao Ledjiao should be the commander-in-chief of Liaodong. You Shigong has become the commander-in-chief of Ji Town. If he doesn't give Cao Wenzhao an explanation, it will be difficult for him to let those gangs follow him out to kill his old brothers. That's why he recommended Cao Wenzhao. Who would have thought that There was also a curse left.

Zhao Ratejiao is actually a good candidate. Whether he stays in Liaodong or comes to Xuanfu, it is very suitable. Obtain the consent of the court.

   "The candidate for the new general is still uncertain, so it's not easy for me." Fu Shi worried.

"Qiu Sheng, you're wrong. If I were you, I'd do it swiftly and resolutely. The current deputy commander-in-chiefs don't know the details and dare not move. But the new commander-in-chief is here, and the raw rice is cooked. You It will be easier to make friends again." Feng Ziying suggested to the other party that Fu Shi lacked some courage, but who can be as unscrupulous as himself?

  Fu Shi was thoughtful, but finally nodded, obviously accepting Feng Ziying's suggestion.

  As the magistrate of a state, Fu Shi is also very busy, and it is very rare to meet Feng Ziying in the midst of his busy schedule.

  Feng Ziying did not stay with Fu Shi either, so Fu Shi only stayed for less than an hour on this trip, and left in a hurry before the night fell.

   Although the night at Jiming Station is not as lively as Qinghe Store, it is more orderly.

  Because unlike Qinghedian, which uses roads as its city, Jimingyi lives in the city, with hundreds of troops stationed, so the social security is good. At night, the two city gates are closed, and no one wants to go out.

After passing the Jiming Station, it is considered to be the site of Xuanfu Town. The line is the post road not far from the north wall and goes west, from Yongjiabao to the boundary of Datong Town—Pingan Prefecture, which is the old nest of Sun Shaozu , the place where Jia Amnesty committed a crime.

  The line is full of mountain roads, so sometimes you have to camp, so Jimingyi is the last comfortable and safe resting place between the west and Datong.

  From tomorrow onwards, I am afraid that we will be tense along the way, so Wu Yaoqing also urged everyone except the night watchman to take a good rest, so as to prepare for the following period of time and cheer up.

  Feng Ziying also planned to take a quick bath.

  In the past two days, I either stayed at the small post station or rested in the guard, and traveled for tens of miles every day. Not to mention the female family members were a bit overwhelmed, even Feng Ziying felt a little tired.

  Pinger came to wait for Feng Ziying to take a bath, and Feng Ziying also enjoyed the woman wiping herself outside the barrel, her eyelids slowly drooped, and she even fell asleep.

It wasn't until Ping'er whispered in his ears that Feng Ziying climbed out of the bucket sleepily and walked naked to the outside of the bathroom. Then Ping'er and Yu Chuan'er, who was blushing and spat, wiped Feng Ziying's body up and down. Cleaned up and began to comb Feng Ziying's hair and dress her clothes.

  Looking at Yu Chuan'er's blushing face and Ping'er with a smile on her mouth, Feng Ziying was in a happy mood with a beautiful woman by her side, and the dim light from the lanterns in the room gave off a poetic feeling for a while.

  Inadvertently, there was a "boom", Feng Ziying almost subconsciously pulled Ping'er and Yu Chuan'er to roll on the ground.

   There was no delay at all, and Ping'er and Yu Chuan'er, who were caught off guard, both turned into rolling gourds.

  Amidst the screams, Feng Ziying touched the water ladle from the ground without hesitation and threw it suddenly, breaking the lantern hanging by the window of the room and falling down, the whole room was suddenly darkened.

   "Master, what's the matter?" Ping'er and Yu Chuan'er panicked almost at the same time, almost crying.

   "It's okay, with my master here, I can't turn the sky." Feng Ziying was also afraid for a while, and put her hands on the second daughter's body, but at this moment, she couldn't control much, and her naked body just rode on the second daughter.

  Before Feng Ziying could shout, there was already a sound of gold and iron clashing outside the door, "Good thief, how dare you do that?!"

  Hearing the voice of her own guard, Feng Ziying felt a little relieved, but she was annoyed for no reason.

  Wu Yaoqing and the others, what are they doing to eat, that they didn't even notice that they were touched by their side to assassinate them?

  (end of this chapter)

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