Number of People

Chapter 2037: The gui character scroll sets bait to catch the turtle, and shoots the tiger with a b

  Chapter 2037 Guizi scroll sets bait to catch fish, shoots tiger with bow

  Accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps, Wu Yaoqing's anxious voice sounded: "My lord, are you alright?"

Feng Ziying heard a commotion outside, and knew that it was safe, so she turned over and got up, pulled Ping'er and Yu Chuan'er up, and said angrily through the door: "It's okay, but something happened almost Oh, Yaoqing, it's only been a few days since you came out? This really makes me feel a little guilty, will I have such good luck next time?"

   Hearing Feng Ziying's reply, several people outside breathed a sigh of relief.

  If Feng Ziying was really assassinated here and something happened, then the few of them might not say that they were going to die, but I am afraid that they will never be able to get ahead for the rest of their lives, and even their respective sects will be implicated.

  After getting dressed and coming out, Feng Ziying saw a group of people with anxious and guilty faces. Although she felt angry, she still suppressed her inner dissatisfaction and asked in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

   Under the light of the lantern torch in the house, he quickly found the crossbow bolt that entered through the window lattice, and it was deeply inserted into the wall.

  Feng Ziying looked at the angle and it should have been launched from a roof outside the wall, but he didn't know when the other party was lurking under that eaves.

"My lord, I'm looking for it. That second-floor building was rented by a guerrilla relative of the Jizhen army in the Jiming Station and opened a restaurant. Now our people have surrounded it, but..." Wu Yaoqing paused, "I guess It's hard to find someone who actually does it,..."

  Feng Ziying was a little annoyed. It seemed that the road was not peaceful. Even the Jiming Station was not safe, so where would it be safe?

   There are still many mountain roads along the way. If someone really wants to ambush the killer, can they be avoided?

   "Isn't the gate of the Jiming Station closed? There are also many garrisons, and they can't leave the city. Could it be that they can't find it?" Feng Ziying asked coldly.

This is the first time Wu Yaoqing has seen Feng Ziying angry. It is indeed no wonder that since he left Beijing, he has encountered two "visits" from such uninvited guests in just a few days. Guards, starting preparations more than a month in advance is hard to accept.

"My lord, all our people have been scattered, and the garrison has also notified, but there are probably more than a thousand garrisons, residents, and business officials in Jimingyi City, and the key is that there are many houses here that have hidden secrets. The cave cellar, if you want to hide it, it will be difficult to find it in a short time,..."

  Although he knew that these words would cause greater dissatisfaction, Wu Yaoqing also knew that he could not lie at this time. Feng Ziying is not someone who can deceive, so it is better to be honest.

  Feng Ziying really frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Then you think you just gave up like this?"

   "Now I'm afraid we can only do our best. The key is to follow our original plan." Wu Yaoqing gritted his teeth.

  Feng Ziying cast a sideways glance at the other party, this guy is getting bolder now, does he really want to use himself as a "bait" to hook the other party?

Wu Yaoqing's back was sweating from Feng Ziying's gaze, but he still stood upright. If he didn't follow this method, he would travel thousands of miles and defend against thieves the day before yesterday. Or once and for all.

  He raised his head and thought for a while, before Feng Ziying said slowly: "Yaoqing, are you sure?"

"My lord, now I feel that there are quite a few people staring at us. If we don't get rid of one or two groups, I am worried that something will happen sooner or later. Even if we only get rid of one family, we will be less stressed. In addition, after we arrive in Datong, we will think of other ways." Enrich some people, so that I can be more at ease in my heart."

  Feng Ziying also knows that Wu Yaoqing may be more concerned about his own safety than his own. If something happens to him, Wu Yaoqing will never be able to think about it for the rest of his life, so he must trust the other party now.

  Taking a deep breath, Feng Ziying stopped talking and nodded: "Okay, Yaoqing, you can follow your plan."


  The carriage meandered along the mountain road with some difficulty, and from a distance, the river valley could be seen dividing into two lines in front.

   It has been four days since we came out of Jiming Station. In the past few days, Wu Yaoqing and the others have been tense, just worried that something will happen again, but fortunately, although the road is difficult and dangerous, nothing happened.

  The two sides of the valley between the mountains are full of lush green scenes in midsummer, especially along the shallows of the valley, where the rushing river water is surging along the terrain between pebble beaches and rock crevices, making it more and more turbulent.

Accompanied by the melodious roar, several streams of water drilled out of the gaps in the mountains like jade belts, swayed with the wind, hung down into the valley, and exploded on the huge rocks covered with black moss, forming a beautiful screen of water mist, making the whole The valley adds a bit of coolness.

"My lord, there should be Chaihe Fort in front of the fort. Dongyang River and Xiyang River converge in front of the fort to become the Yang River in front of us. This post road basically follows this river valley, otherwise we have to go over mountains and mountains. , it will be even more difficult to resupply in Datong.”

   Wu Yaoqing rode beside Feng Ziying and introduced in a low voice.

"I know that there shouldn't be a shortage of grain in Shanxi's interior and exterior rivers and mountains, but the two towns of Shanxi and Datong have consumed too much. The 200,000 troops are pressing on the northern mountains, and the food and fodder basically have to go this way. It's safe. In addition to serving as a perfect defense for the right back, the left back also has to support Datong Town in the west."

  Feng Ziying knew the geography of this area very well.

  Although he didn't come here many times, and he followed his father when he was a child many years ago, but as a child of the border town of Datong, he has done special investigations on the borders of Datong.

   "Isn't it okay to go from Wanquan Zuowei to the southwest side of Yuzhou?" Wu Yaoqing asked.

"Weizhou is too far behind. If the Mongols reach Yuzhou, then the Wanquandu Division is probably almost finished." Feng Ziying shook her head, "Generally speaking, the Mongols can't penetrate this far, but we But dare not take it lightly, after all, once a large-scale refugee disaster occurs, it will be a bleeding scar on the local area, which will not be relieved for a few years, and the most important thing is to keep the enemy outside the country."

   "But the road is too difficult." Wu Yaoqing also sighed, "It is said that the army is transporting food, even our dozen or so carriages feel extremely bumpy, and the grandma and aunts are a little bit overwhelmed."

Of course Feng Ziying knew that the women couldn't take it anymore. Baoqin, Miaoyu, and Xiuyan had all traveled far, but they had never experienced walking such a steep mountain road, and it took a few days to walk. It was slow, but still bumpy. At the end of the day, all the bones in my body were sore. At night, I just wanted to take a hot bath and go to bed.

   "That's something that can't be helped. Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles can be regarded as some experience." Feng Ziying smiled, "Don't worry about them, follow your plan."

Wu Yaoqing looked around, and then whispered: "Our people hang a group of people, they have passed Chaigoubao, and then disappeared, we suspect that they may be in the section from Chaigoubao to Yongjiabao We have to do something on the road, so we plan to choose to stop at Sandaoling, east of Yongjiabao, and give them a chance..."

   "Sandaoling?" Feng Ziying pondered for a moment, "Are you sure they will choose this place?"

"It's close. If they want to wait until we pass Yongjia Fort, it's not impossible. But it's only 60 miles away from Yanghewei, and there are two forts, Jigeyu and Baiyangkou, in between. I don't think they can do it." Dare." Wu Yaoqing said with certainty, "We just want to force them to attack Sandaoling."

   "Okay, today we will rest at Chaigoubao, and we will go to Yongjiabao early tomorrow morning, at a slightly slower speed, and choose a suitable time to rest at Sandaoling."

  Feng Ziying finally nodded, reluctant to let the child not be able to trap the wolf. Instead of being hung up like this all the time, it is better to prepare a nest to catch the tiger and cast bait to catch the golden ao.

"My lord, don't worry, we have already made preparations over there two days ago. We must absolutely guarantee the safety of your lord and his party, but also arrest these gangsters and see where they come from." Wu Yaoqing gritted his teeth and said: "I asked Li Guibao to specially recruit some of their Shaolin lay disciples from Datong, and we expect to arrive tonight."

  Wu Yaoqing also became ruthless, if he didn't take down these gangsters, he would really be unable to hold his head up in front of adults. He would rather owe Li Guibao a favor than settle this matter.

   "Well, you can arrange how to do it, and I will cooperate with you." Feng Ziying urged the horse to move forward.

   In front of you is Chaigoubao. This is Wanquandusi, and it is also the westernmost stop of Xuanfu Town. After passing Chaigoubao, the only place where you come here is the boundary of Datong Town.

   Arriving at Chaigoubao, Feng Ziying also took a closer look. Wu Yaoqing and the others had fewer people, but if you don't observe carefully, you won't be able to find it.

  Feng You's people were all there, and some of Li Guibao's fellow students from Datong joined in, so it was even more difficult to show it.

Where these people went is self-evident. For these Jianghu people, spending the night in the mountains is nothing more than a piece of cake. If they set off tomorrow, they can only camp in the middle of the mountain at night. opportunity".

  Seeing the tired-looking women getting out of the car one after another, Feng Ziying felt a little pity in her heart.

   It was not easy for them to travel thousands of miles. Fortunately, the temperature in the mountains was not too hot. In addition, they had been traveling in the valley area, and the river wind in the valley was gentle, but it was cool.

   Arriving in Datong Mansion, Feng Ziying had already decided to take a group of people to act alone. They kept Baoqin to attract people's attention.

  (end of this chapter)

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