Number of People

Chapter 2041: The Guizi scroll can be punched open with one punch, so as to avoid a hundred punches

  Chapter 2041 Guizijuan is punched with one punch, so as to avoid a hundred punches

  The entire campsite slowly fell silent, and the bonfire was still bright. From time to time, someone wanted to add some firewood to it, and sparks rose up with the mountain wind, swaying and falling with the wind, and disappeared.

  The light and dark posts and guards spread out in an orderly manner, and entered the post according to the established plan, but they couldn't escape the observation of the scarred man who had been lurking not far away holding a binoculars.

"It seems to be very careful. The light and dark whistle, plus the guards are well selected, and the bonfire is arranged. If you want to rush to assassinate them, you can't get around them. It's very difficult." The scarred man handed the binoculars to the rat-bearded man. "Look, there are two guards guarding from the third bonfire to the sixth bonfire, and there is another dark post. In the shadow of the clump that cannot be seen clearly, there is a clump of bushes. Look at the one holding the sword in the east, the distance is less than ten steps, and it takes only a breath to get reinforcements..."

  The rat-whiskered man held up the binoculars to observe, and the arrangement was indeed very tight, with almost no loopholes to be found.

   If you follow the inherent assassination method, there is almost no possibility of success. Once you are alarmed, the guards attacking from the two wings can easily crush yourself and the others.

  Fighting the grass and startling the snake that night made Feng Keng a lot more vigilant, which made him very frustrated.

  There were too many people joining in the fun, and I don't know why Feng Keng had so many feuds. They didn't plan to do it in Jiming Post, but who would have thought that someone would actually do it.

   "It's also fortunate that we are prepared, so we can only go according to the setting." The rat-whiskered man said gloomyly: "Just go over there to attract the brothers who guard, I'm afraid it will be difficult to escape."

A look of ruthlessness flashed across the face of the man with the scar, "There is no way to do this. There are too many people around Feng, and they are basically masters in the northern rivers and lakes. Those martial arts schools have spared no effort to climb up to him. Great sects like Shaolin and Quanzhen don’t want the slightest bit of face, and sent out all the head disciples in a swarm.”

  The rat-bearded man was silent.

   To assassinate local officials, especially those who are vigilant, is a game of life for life.

Some people are willing to sacrifice their lives for him, and they are willing to do so, fearing that they will not be able to climb up. Looking at the backgrounds and abilities of the guards around Feng Ziying, you will know that the further you go, the more difficult it is. It is the old nest of the Feng family, which is more difficult.

   "Then let's do it." The man with the mouse beard finally said, "Keep an eye on Feng Ziying's every move, and don't lose your eye."

"No problem, we've been watching that carriage. Unless he's prepared for it and changed the carriage, it's impossible for him to hide from our eyes and watch from both sides. The woman who accompanied him in the carriage just now should be him. That little concubine from Kongtong, whose surname is Feng, is quite afraid of death." The man with the scar sneered, "He's going to be a ghost and be flirtatious."

  The rat-bearded man was unmoved: "That can't be blamed on us, but her bad life."

   I don't know how long it took, the valley wind in the mountains became stronger and stronger, blowing the bonfire indefinitely, and even a few guards were yawning, and they could only get up and walk around to resist the incoming drowsiness.

  Suddenly, there was a sharp shout from the other end: "Who is it? How bold!"

   Immediately after the series of footsteps and shouts, the guards on both sides were alarmed and began to rush over there. Of course, some people sat still and began to guard the carriage instead.

  Four or five companions had quietly gathered behind the scar-faced man and the rat-bearded man. As various noises began to be heard in the surrounding area, the guards around the entire station became a little busy.

   And the man with the scar and the man with the rat beard didn't hesitate, they jumped up, and the group of people no longer cared whether they were showing their whereabouts or not, and ran towards the carriage.

The distance of dozens of steps almost came in the blink of an eye. At this time, the entire carriage camp was in chaos, and the guards were shouting at everyone not to get out of the carriage. Once these female relatives got out of the carriage, it would only make the situation worse. Chaos makes it easier for the enemy to take advantage of it.

Seeing Yibiao rushing towards this side, the guards immediately realized that something was wrong, and immediately separated a group of people to meet him, but as soon as they met them, they encountered the arrows of the strong archers who were ambushing on the other side snipe.

   Rao is that this group of people are all masters of the rivers and lakes, but they were suddenly attacked by bows and arrows in the dark night. Two people were hit by arrows on the spot and fell to the ground with screams, while several others were also confused by this sneak attack.

Obviously neither the man with the scar face nor the man with the rat whiskers would rush out of the bonfire so easily. Although several of them launched at the same time, you must know that there are dozens of Feng Ziying's guards, and they were arranged so decently before. The meeting is full of loopholes, just a group of people to stop him and his party?

  But at this time, they had no time to think about it, and the carriage was already visible when they walked around the bonfire.

Seeing that the door curtain of the carriage moved, as if someone was about to come out, it was too late and then soon, several people who jumped up in the air pulled out a strong crossbow one after another, surrounded the carriage from different angles, and shot into the ten In the carriage a few steps away.

   Surprised, the rat-whiskered man and the scarred man immediately realized something was wrong. When they landed, they rolled up again, but this time they turned back, "No, it's a trap! Get out!"

   It's just that I want to leave in such a hurry, but how can it be so easy?

With the sound of "Boom", a series of flames sounded behind the surrounding carriages. The rat-bearded man only had time to roll on the spot, and then jumped up and turned over. He felt numbness in his legs followed by severe pain, and his body staggered. Involuntarily fell to the ground.

  The other man with the scar had just had time to land and before he rolled over, several bullets had already hit his back without any cover.

  Amidst the screams, the man with the scar was still struggling to get up, but how could a human body be able to resist such close-range firecrackers?

The higher he charged before, the bigger the exposed surface at this time. The metal bullets easily spun into his body, tearing apart the muscles, nerves and even internal organs on his waist, abdomen, back, and instantly making him lose his strength to struggle. .

Several other accomplices who followed the scarred man and the rat-whiskered man also screamed and fell to the ground. In the encirclement that had already been prepared, this kind of soaring attack was like a live target. The gunners who have been in ambush for a long time are the best chance to breathe out their anger.

Of the seven people who rushed into the bonfire, only two escaped by chance. One of them was wounded in his arm and was able to run, while the other was so lucky that all the bullets were given by another partner beside him. The gun was blocked, so at this time the two rolled continuously to avoid the shooting, hoping to get out of the darkness in the shortest possible time.

It's just that when their figures were about to get out of the range of the bonfire, two figures had jumped up from both ends of the ground. One was flying with a long sword and locked on the opponent's legs, and the other was black with a dark hook. The fishing net spread out and engulfed him immediately.

Before the two of them could react, they rolled to the ground and were captured, but the one who was hit by the sword screamed again and again, while the other was thrown into the dark, and the hidden hook pierced into his body made him feel pain even if he moved. marrow.

   Just when the battle on this side basically came to an end, the direction of the feint attack on the other side was almost coming to an end. Since the traps were set up and the opponents drilled, naturally they had made complete strategies in all aspects.

The enemy's feint attack did not achieve much effect. On the contrary, Wu Yaoqing's side had already placed people on the most suitable path to attack the carriage camp. They are all locked in the light and shadow of the bonfire, so that they can be caught in one go.

  The follow-up battle seemed lacklustre, and no one was stupid. After realizing that they had stepped into the opponent's trap, everyone scattered.

It's a barren place at night, and it's unrealistic to capture these high-flying characters, and if you don't do it, you will be backlashed by the other party, so Wu Yaoqing and Li Guibao also asked everyone to focus on a solid line of defense. Be greedy for greatness.

"There should be two groups of people, but they are too far apart. I originally wanted to take advantage of the fire, but maybe I didn't grasp the rhythm well. They fell too fast here..." Wu Yaoqing was not without regret, and followed Feng Ziying and said: "The two There are not many people in the group, and one of them should be related to the group of people who lived in the Qinghe store."

   "Can you determine the approximate scope?" Feng Ziying asked in deep thought.

  It is difficult to follow in the dark night, but since the other party has shown his feet at Qinghe store, it will be much easier.

"It has been arranged that the people from the capital are fishing. It looks more like they are from Shaanxi, but the specific background needs to be further investigated. Here we are also helping to implement the channel with the Shanshan Chamber of Commerce. It is estimated that it will not be possible. It will take too long before there will be an answer." Wu Yaoqing is still sure of this point, as long as he is a businessman, he will never want to get rid of the shadow of the Shanshan Chamber of Commerce.

   "What about the other call?" Feng Ziying was really annoyed.

It is basically certain that this wave of attacks is inseparable from the White Lotus Sect. It seems that the Wangs and his sons are really relentless. I haven't found a suitable countermeasure yet, but they have come to my door. I am in Shuntian Mansion. The move must have made them uncomfortable.

   "I'm not sure, I can only confirm that it's not on the same side as the White Lotus Sect and Shaanxi. I'm very cautious. If something goes wrong, I will immediately retreat."

  Wu Yaoqing also had some regrets. At that time, he couldn't startle the enemy, so he endured it for a while, but the other party realized that the situation was wrong and slipped away immediately.

   "Will they come again?" Feng Ziying asked leisurely.

"It looks like he will come, my lord is too hated." Wu Yaoqing couldn't help but joked, "But the Bailian Sect and the group have suffered this time, and they will probably settle down. Hard stubble, even in the White Lotus Sect, it is estimated that there are not many, and it will take some effort to free up so many usable ones."

   Keep asking for votes!



  (end of this chapter)

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