Number of People

Chapter 2042: It is very unusual for the character Gui to be involved in Datong

  Chapter 2042 Gui character involved in Datong is very unusual

  The battlefield is still being cleaned, but Feng Ziying keeps five to six guards following him at all times, just in case of accidents, and even Li Guibao also follows him with his own hand,

   This battle can't be said to be a complete victory, but it can be regarded as a complete victory.

  The various postures posed still paralyzed the opponent after all, allowing the opponent to make a move.

  Before this, what Wu Yaoqing and Li Guibao were most worried about was that the enemy would see the clue and refuse to take the bait.

  Feng Ziying and Third Sister You entered the carriage, and the carriage was placed in a position that was easier to attack, which was a bit conspicuous.

But if it is placed too inside, it will be difficult for the enemy to kill with one blow. Wu Yaoqing and Li Guibao are worried that the enemy will give up because they think it will be difficult to succeed, so they can only bite the bullet and place it on the outside, and let Feng Ziying hug Third Sister You Getting on the car is to strengthen the confidence of the opponent.

   Fortunately, the enemy finally took the bait, either because he was eager to make a contribution, or because he didn't see the tricks here. In short, the opponent made a move.

that's enough.

After this battle, four people were killed on the spot, three were captured, and two escaped on the spot. Among the seven people who attacked the carriage, none of them slipped through the net. Five people died on the spot, and two were seriously injured. Captured, but it is estimated that one will not live long.

After a simple inspection, even without interrogation, it can be basically confirmed that it should be a member of the White Lotus Sect, but the current internal structure of the White Lotus Sect is also relatively complicated. Just because these few people should not come from the same group, but from several places , do not belong to each other.

Feng Ziying is not interested in how to deal with these people. They plot to assassinate imperial envoys and punish the nine clans. It's the people behind the gang.

Although it is the White Lotus Sect, the White Lotus Sect is also very complicated. From Yongping Mansion to Shuntian Mansion, and what Song Xian obtained from Long Jinwei and the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Fengzhou Bailian did not obey the order of Handi Bailian, but It is sui generis.

  But with the origin of the Bailian lineage in it, the two sides are indeed getting closer, and there is a tendency to merge, but the process will definitely be complicated, and it will definitely involve competition for power and interests.

  Even the white lotus in the Han Dynasty did not always listen to Wang and his son.

Judging from various sources of intelligence, Wang Sen should be hiding in a certain prefecture in Beizhili, one of the three prefectures of Shuntian, Zhending, and Yongping. His sons are now acting in his place and running around, intending to gather and integrate The White Lotus Sect forces throughout Northern Zhili.

And several of his disciples and grandchildren are active in the southern prefectures of Beizhili, Shandong, Henan, and Shanxi, but their relationship with Wang Sen is more like a relationship of listening to the tune and not listening to the announcement. It doesn't necessarily mean that you will obey them completely, so the relationship is more complicated, and it is difficult to use a standard to judge.

  Because of this, such a somewhat complex and chaotic force suddenly joined together to attack her. Feng Ziying still wanted to find out who was in charge here, so that she could have a goal in the future.

"Yaoqing, I don't care how you deal with it. You can figure it out. The schedule is still the same. Don't affect the schedule." After Feng Ziying and Wu Yaoqing explained it, they gave up. This kind of matter should be handled by Wu Yaoqing and the others. The most suitable.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will arrive at Yongjia Fort tomorrow, and then go west to the Fort Town in the east of Datong Town. I am afraid it will be difficult for them to find a suitable opportunity. They may still have a chance after passing through Datong Mansion." Wu Yaoqing said: "We will figure out the origins of these people."

  In the middle of the night, people were still very vigilant. The guards stayed up all night, and the female relatives were all trembling. Many people couldn't close their eyes.

  Feng Ziying didn't have much influence, she felt dawn in the carriage.

  As soon as the sky was bright, the convoy continued westward, and did not stop until Yongga Fort.

   Entering Yongjia Fort is actually equivalent to reaching the boundary of Datong Town.

Along the way, Yongjia Fort, Xinping Fort, Pingyuan Fort, Huamen Fort and other forts are winding and rugged, forming the main defense system on the east line of Datong Town, plus Tianchengwei in the inland area, also known as Ping'an Prefecture up.

  The scale of Yongjia Fort is not large, because it is not at the front line, and there is Xinping Fort in the north of it, which is directly facing the Tumote and Ordos people.

However, the arrival of Yongjia Fort means that the strength of the garrison has greatly increased. Although Datong Town has taken away a considerable part of the elite because of Sun Shaozu's rebellion, Shanxi Town and Datong Town are both border towns that the Ministry of War prioritizes. House town.

  Feng Ziying planned to rest in Yongjia Fort for a day, and then set off for Yanghe City, where Yanghewei and Gaoshanwei were also stationed.

  When we arrived at Yanghe City, it was actually not far from Datong Fucheng, one hundred and twenty miles away. If you hurry up, you can get there in two days.

  A few riders galloped along the post road, kicking up a cloud of yellow dust behind them.

  The soldiers on Fort Yonga were all looking at the riders coming from the west. From their attire, it could be seen that they were officers, and the people behind them were also dressed as low-level military officers in the army.

   "Zhao Er, you, Mr. Duan, are here, and you won't come out to greet him?" The leading general in the distance raised his voice and roared.

  The military officer standing at the top of the wall heard the voice, his narrowed eyes also grinned, and he laughed and cursed: "Duan Laosan, you rascal, why do you come to drink with me again?"

"Bullshit, is your third master Duan the one who sent you that drink?" The rough and burly man in the lead flew off his horse before the horse stall, threw the reins to the entourage behind him, and punched him carelessly. The general who came down from the door said cheerfully, "I'm here to pick up the guests."

   "Oh?" The general named Zhao Er suddenly realized, "Is it to pick up Mr. Feng?"

"Who else is there? My father asked me to come. After all, this one is still my cousin." Duan Laosan's face was full of reluctance, "I have met a few times before, but at that time he was still a Young brat, who would have thought that he would be a member of the governor's side now, and I heard that Master Yang is planning to host a banquet in the mansion, and officials from Datong Town and Datong Mansion will all attend."

   "I know that the Feng family and your Duan family are relatives, but your Duan family seems to be a very big family, isn't it three thousand miles away?" Zhao Er raised his eyebrows.

"Fuck you! It's not as far away as you said, my cousin followed him, and now in Guangzhou, counting, we are the same great (maternal) grandfather." Duan Lao San was proud, " How else would I have met him when he was a child?"

"That's good. If you don't do well in Datong, you can still go to Yulin. Mr. Feng is still the governor of the three sides, leading the Northwest Army to fight in Shandong. Such a good opportunity for meritorious service, your Duan family What are you doing here in Datong Town, if you don’t hurry to earn military merits and come back to honor your ancestors, after this village, there will be that shop.”

  Zhao Er licked his lips enviously, it’s good to have the skills, but he really likes this opportunity to make military achievements, unlike people like himself, who can’t even look forward to it.

"Hey, how can it be so simple, Mr. Feng led the Northwest Army to fight, he is not the governor of Xuanda, he is the governor of the three sides, will it be the turn of our soldiers from Datong Town?" Duan Laosan is not without regret, "Cao Wenzhao and his nephew went to Liaodong with Mr. Feng, and got a Liaodong town general soldier, which can be regarded as supporting our Datong people. It is unreasonable to bring people from Datong, and the court will not Yes."

"That's what you say, but the more soldiers you need to fight the south, the better, right? Shanxi Town, who didn't see Su Shengdu, also suffered a big defeat on the Shandong side, and was beaten and fled. Su Shengdu was beaten After being imprisoned, the Xuanfu Army brought by Master Niu and Master Sun and the Datong Army in Ping'an Prefecture are not easy to get along with, so we have to go with the Datong Army."

  Zhao Er put down the horsewhip in his hand, and whipped the whip at the horse barrier next to him, still a little unwilling.

   "Okay, it's useless for you to say these things in front of me. If you have the ability, go and say it in front of Mr. Yang." Duan Laosan said bitterly: "I don't want to go, but is it our turn?"

   "Forget it, I'm just complaining." Zhao Er sighed, "You came here early in the morning, where did you rest last night?"

"I came from Wayaokoubao. I drank a lot of wine at Hu Laoba's last night. I was still a little dizzy this morning." Duan Laosan didn't mention other topics: "Master Feng still Didn't get up in the castle?"

"Well, they are going to take a rest. It is said that they were attacked outside Chaigou Fort, and they took a few prisoners with them, and they are probably going to Yanghe City." Zhao Ershen said mysteriously: "The people brought by Mr. Feng But quite a few, this is the first time I have seen such a big scene, there are dozens of guards, and many of them are not from the military, and there are quite a lot of family members."

   "What, was attacked outside Chaigou Fort? Where?" Duan Laosan was taken aback, "Whoever dared to attack the imperial envoy, the Mongols would not dare to be so presumptuous."

"It seems to be Sandaoling, not Mongols, but they don't want to say it. I don't bother to ask if they hide their heads and show their tails. Anyway, it is impossible for these things to happen in my Yongjia Fort." Zhao Er curled his lips. , "There are too many nonsense things going on in Xuanfu, and I can't control them."

   Duan Lao San's face was cloudy and uncertain, he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

He could feel that his father valued this distant cousin very much. Now one of the Feng family's father and son is a general in the army, and the other is a court official. They are small in number, but they are extraordinarily dazzling. In his opinion, it was a bit flattering to bring someone to greet him.

  (end of this chapter)

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