Number of People

Chapter 2043: The sound of the Guizi scroll is outstanding, and the return home

  Chapter 2043 The sound of the Kui-character scroll is outstanding and the return home

   Regarding the assassination of Feng Ziying in Xuanfu Town, Duan Laosan felt dark in his heart.

  As a child of the Duan family, he thought a little deeper.

  Feng Duanyi is already an indisputable overlord in Datong, but there are still many people who are dissatisfied, or want to replace it, such as the Ma family and the Ma family.

   Needless to say, the Ma family, the Ma family should not be underestimated either. The Ma family in Weizhou is also from Wu Xun. Ma Fang, Ma Dong, Ma Chun, and Ma Lin are all loyal and brave.

   Now Feng Ziying has jumped up, transformed from a martial artist to a civil servant, and has also become an imperial envoy to governor Shaanxi.

Although he is the governor of Shaanxi, Shanxi and Shanxi have always been closely connected, and the four towns on the three sides and the three towns of Xuanda have frequent interactions because they are facing the threat of the Mongols. Feng Ziying, the imperial censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, naturally also has a certain influence on Shanxi.

  The Feng and Duan families are naturally very happy with Feng Ziying's rising status, but it is inevitable that there are many people who are reluctant to see this situation.

   The attack on Feng Ziying at Sandaoling, between Xuanfu Town and Datong Town, was indeed something Duan Laosan had never thought of.

He thought that this journey should be peaceful, since there are almost continuous castles and towns along the route, even though it is a mountain road, the soldiers and horses in the army are often kings. How many dare to stroke the tiger's beard?

   But he didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, and it was only a short distance away from the jurisdiction of Datong Town, which made him think more.

  Maybe there are still some people who don't open their eyes in this mountain-Shaanxi border, can't see Feng Ziying governor of Shaanxi?

Thoughts were turning around, but Duan Laosan's expression remained unchanged: "The Xuanfu is in a mess, and there is no commander-in-chief so far, so let's not talk about it, but if this kind of thing happens in the boundaries of our Datong Town, it's just I'm afraid Master Yang will be to blame, if it happened on our territory, maybe the commander-in-chief will want it, then you and I will be asked."

  Zhao Er is also Yi Lin.

   This is true, there are no leaders in Xuanfu, and everyone can push it away, but Yang Yuan in Datong can't push it away.

"My Yongjia Fort is such a big place. If Mr. Feng wants to leave, our old Zhao will take a group of brothers and send him out of the boundary. I don't believe that anyone in this boundary would dare to seek death." Zhao Er He said it casually, but he was serious in his bones.

  The imperial envoy and governor, who also holds the titles of Minister of the Ministry of War and Yudu Yushi, can't move except for the generals of the general and deputy generals. Generals such as generals and guerrillas have the right to directly deprive the military power.

It is an official at the level of the chief soldier and deputy chief soldier. He also has the right to impeach him, but he needs to be approved by the Metropolitan Procuratorate. If he is impeached but refuses to evade his post, and if he is found guilty afterwards, he will be charged with a higher crime, which can be said to be powerful.

  Of course this place belongs to Datong Town, and the governor of Shaanxi is not here yet, but no one wants to offend such an awesome person.

"Hehe, it's definitely okay to do this, maybe the commander-in-chief will praise you for doing things safely." Duan Laosan chuckled, "Let's go, I have to pay a visit to Mr. Feng, who is my cousin. I don’t know if people still remember me as a distant relative.”

   A group of people entered the fort.

  Feng Ziying and her team also just woke up to take a shower.

   After finally entering Yongjia Fort, it is natural to have a good rest.

This fort is much smaller than the Jiming Post, and unlike the Jiming Post, there are all kinds of shops in it. It is a purely military fort. Apart from the garrison, there is only a small post that only receives officials, generals, and post envoys. Miscellaneous people are waiting, and some shops and houses are outside the fort.

  After the toss and fright of the first night, the female relatives also need to rest and recuperate. This time is traveling thousands of miles. Unlike modern times, it is easy to get sick. Feng Ziying also pays attention to this aspect.

  In addition, Wu Yaoqing and the others also wanted to interrogate the captured prisoners, so they simply stayed in Yongjia Fort for a day.

   "Who?" Yu Chuan'er was wiping and washing Feng Ziying's face, and Ping'er beside her was dressing Feng Ziying. Hearing Qingwen's report, Feng Ziying was a little surprised: "Surname Duan?"

   "Well, it is said that they are from Datong Mansion, relatives from the wife's side." Qingwen added: "I see, I am accompanied by Zhao Caoshou who came to pay a visit to the master yesterday."

  Yonga Fort is a small fortress, and the guarding officer is an officer, slightly lower than the garrison status, but he is still in charge.

  Yesterday, Zhao Shanxing and Zhao Caoshou came to visit. Of course, Feng Ziying would not treat him coldly, but he had no friendship, so he could only say a few polite words.

  Feng Ziying thought about it, if her uncle sent her over, she would have to meet her.

It's just that Feng Ziying also knows that the Duan family on her uncle's side is a big family in Datong. The Duan clan is at least hundreds of thousands of people. .

  But even if it is calculated by the grandfather's generation, there are quite a few.

  For example, my mother has three elder brothers and one younger brother, and at least a dozen or twenty cousins, and my own cousins ​​are at least a big basket.

   Duan Xigui is not considered a direct cousin, but only a cousin in the next room, but over the years, this relationship has even far surpassed these direct cousins.

  In comparison, the Feng family is really thin. There are also Feng's children in Datong, but they are all distant relatives from Linqing.

  Relying on the relationship between my father and the former uncle and second uncle who served as the commander-in-chief in Datong, many children of Feng Duan's family also entered the army, but in terms of success, there are really not many.

  Of course, the imperial court does not allow such a family-style children to expand in a military town. If they really want to be capable, they will go out of the town to prove it.

However, ordinary middle and low-level military officers don't have so many particulars and taboos. The principle of fighting tiger brothers and father and son soldiers in battle is common everywhere. Not a lot.

  But above defense, such as guerrillas and generals, there are almost no mid-level generals, or they have to go out of town to serve.

The time when Feng Ziying lived in Datong was already many years ago when he was a child, and his impressions are somewhat blurred. There are few children in the Feng family and many children in the Duan family. Most of the Duan family and my peers are older than me, ranging from ten or twenty years older to a few years older.

There are not many that I can remember now. Feng Ziying shook her head, and she knew it when she met. Everyone should come here.

   Ask Pinger to arrange for the two guests to wait in the flower hall of the outer courtyard, and Feng Ziying has a good time to freshen up before going out.

  The one with a fierce look on his face should be a member of the Duan family, Duan Xichang, he should be of the same generation as himself, his name is familiar, but his face has no impression.

   "I've met the governor." Duan Xichang, Duan's third child, stood up with Zhao Shanxing and saluted at the same time.

The governor is not just a civil servant, but he is also in charge of the military, and he is in charge of the military, and he is in charge of the people. This is also the reason why the status of the governor and the governor is unusual. This is why the imperial court has always been very cautious about the appointment of governors.

   "Excuse me, sit down." Feng Ziying raised her head casually, and then glanced at Duan Xichang, "Master Duan is from Datong. Could it be that he is a relative of my uncle?"

  Duan Xichang nodded with a smile: "The last general met the adults ten years ago, but the adults were still young at that time,..."

   After saying this, they naturally became close, and Zhao Shanxing was sure that this guy was really related to relatives, not pretending.

  After a few brief conversations, Feng Ziying's attitude became much more friendly, and Duan Xichang felt relieved.

  Although the governor, who is considered to be a little cousin, has a warm complexion, he has the bearing of an imperial servant in his gestures and gestures. He speaks in a low tone, but every word is like a nail stabbing wood, which cannot be doubted.

"The princes of the clan heard that your lord is going to pass through Datong, so they specially arranged for the last general to come to the front to welcome you to Datong, but the former general was shocked when he heard Zhao Caoxing said that your lord and his party were attacked in Sandaoling. Is there anything here that needs our help, please do as you please.”

  Duan Xichang was still very cautious in his words, after all, he and Feng Ziying were not too familiar.

In fact, there are quite a few people in the Duan family who are familiar with Feng Tang, but there are not many people who are familiar with Feng Ziying, because Feng Ziying was too young at that time, a ten-year-old child, who would pay attention to him? I just praised a few words, and then focused on Feng Tang and his wife.

  Feng Ziying pondered for a while, then said: "I don't need it for now, my people will take care of it, but after arriving in Datong, I will negotiate with the Datong government to see what to do."

  Datong Prefecture and Datong Town are two different systems.

Datong Prefecture governs Shuozhou, Mayi, Yingzhou, Shanyin, Huairen, Hunyuan Prefecture, Guangling, Lingqiu, Guangchang, and Weizhou counties, while Datong Town governs Wei and Bao in the north of Datong Prefecture. Military units such as Zhai and Zhai, many of these military units are also distributed in various states and counties. They can be regarded as intertwined, but they are self-contained and do their own way, but they are inseparable in daily affairs, and they often deal with each other.

Cui Chengxiu, the magistrate of Datong, and Feng Ziying knew about it, because he was from Jizhou, Shuntian Prefecture. I found Master Qi and Wang Yongguang through various channels.

   But knowing this person is not because of these reasons, but because this guy's name was too famous in the previous life, he was the leader of the five tigers of the **** party in the late Ming Dynasty.

  (end of this chapter)

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