Number of People

Chapter 2044: Juan Duan's family with deep roots and luxuriant leaves

  Chapter 2044 The Duan Clan of Kuizi Juan, with deep roots and luxuriant leaves

  Feng Ziying, the famous name of the Five Tigers and Five Bride of the Eunuch Party at the end of Ming Dynasty, had already heard of it in her previous life.

Even Nurhachi, Sun Chengzong, Ye Xianggao, Li Chengliang, Ma Gui and other historical celebrities often appear beside you as real existences, and even when people like Yang Sichang and Sun Chuanting are creating history with you, Feng Ziying becomes numb .

  So there are a few more Eunuchs, Qi Dang, Chu Dang, Donglin Dang, so what? Guan Yingzhen is still his teacher, and the leader of the Chu Party in his previous life, and he is still as close to him as his heir now.

   Isn't it just treating them normally, doing whatever they want, just treating them as normal.

Of course Wei Zhongxian is gone, at least now Feng Ziying has not discovered how arrogant and domineering any father-in-law surnamed Wei in the palace is. Dai Quan, Xia Bingzhong, Qiu Shian and Zhou Peisheng hold the power of the palace servants, let alone the Hakka family Well, Emperor Yonglong is not good at that, not to mention his own life and death is uncertain now.

This is a chaotic world. There are some deviations in the timeline and character line, but they are generally the same. The Great Zhou is there, the Great Ming is gone, and the Qing Dynasty is trying to kill it in the cradle, and it is still there. struggle.

  So when Feng Ziying first heard about Cui Chengxiu, the leader of the five eunuchs, she was a little surprised and let it go.

  Since this guy is someone who likes to cling to the rich and powerful, and he is the most promising thick thigh now, can he let go of Cui Chengxiu? Feng Ziying didn't believe it.

   After Duan Xichang and Feng Ziying finished talking, after learning that Feng Ziying was going to rest for a day in Yongjiabao, he said he would go back to Datong to report to the clan and left. Of course, before leaving, he specifically told Zhao Shanxing to make arrangements here.

  Zhao Shanxing doesn't need Duan Xichang's reminder, knowing the power and influence of the Feng family in Datong, of course he will serve him safely.

  Although Yongjia Fort is small, the space left for Feng Ziying and his party is not small. For this reason, Zhao Shanxing specially moved out two houses that were originally the families of other officers for Feng Ziying and his party to live in.

  Although it was only two days, Feng Ziying wanted to accept his kindness.

  Yongjiabao is sparsely populated, forming an angle with Lixintun and Chaihebao on the other side of Xuanfu Town. It is only forty miles away from Tianchengwei to the west, but the road is not easy to walk.

  Because there are few people here, Feng Ziying can still appreciate the great rivers and mountains in this town.

  The main stream of the upper reaches of Yanghe River flows under Yongjia Fort, and the winding mountains undulate around it, making this second-line fortress look extraordinarily leisurely.

"My lord, who wants to come here to guard? Sun Shaozu just slapped his **** and ran away. He sold all of this place. I used to be in the Fortress of Rejection, you know? The north of Mituo Mountain is a real front line. It's okay. Just like racing horses with the Tumet cavalry, occasionally when the relationship is not good, you can also get something. You know, this is the case here. The relationship is good and bad, and they are the same, sneaking in to get money We can't be negligent if we beat the autumn wind, right?"

Of course, Feng Ziying knows that Jumen Fort belongs to North West Road, Datong Town. The Juqiang Fort, Jumen Fort, Zhuma Fort, Bao'an Fort, and Weilu Fort stand on the side wall in an arc, facing the The suffocation outside the side wall falls into the sea.

  Yanya Xiashuihai was called Zhuwenze in the Han Dynasty, and later Xuanhongchi, and Yuanyangbo in the Song Dynasty. It is surrounded by pastures of the Tumed people.

  The Liao and Jin battles were fought here, and Emperor Tianzuo of the Liao Dynasty Yelu Yanxi was defeated here, and fled in embarrassment. After this battle, there was no hope for the situation of the Liao Kingdom.

  So this area has always been an important grazing land for the Tumed people. Every year, a large number of herdsmen graze in this area, and it is also a key defensive area in Datong Town.

  From Rejection Fort to Yongjia Fort, from the front to the rear at once, the change is indeed quite big.

I didn't expect Zhao Shanxing's tongue to be quite sharp, but it can be seen that this is a veteran general who has worked hard in the frontier for a long time, but maybe he is not lucky, he is almost forty, and he is still a moral officer, and he is not far from the defense With a lot.

  This kind of guards guarding small fortresses are basically good-natured, and only those who are older can claim the status of guarding, so luck and opportunity must be considered.

Coming here from Rejection Fort, he must have been promoted, and now he is on his own. It turned out that Zhao Shanxing was a deputy there, but this Yongjia Fort is too small, and it is on the second line, basically he can't get any military exploits. Difficult.

If you are a military general who is over forty-five years old and has no ideas, then that's all, just eat and wait to die, you can pluck the roots of the business travelers in the past, eat some oil and water, supplement your income, and wait until you get older to find a good place to retire Yes, but he is only thirty-seven, so he is a little bit unwilling.

   "Good deed, it seems that you are still a little dissatisfied with life here." Feng Ziying couldn't help but respond to the flattery.

These are all officers from Datong Town, and they have worked under their father's command for many years, but they have no chance and can't climb up to Gao Zhi'er, so they can waste time here. Now that they are flattering themselves like this, it is obvious that they hope to have the opportunity to support them in the future. two.

"Hehe, my lord, the last general can still fight for ten years. What's the point of staying here all day long to watch the passing of business travelers?" Zhao Shanxing sighed, "Being a soldier and not fighting, life is boring. , the Tumote people are honest now, I heard that the Chahar people on the east side of Xuanfu are still a little bit of a moth, but we are too far away from each other."

"For good deeds, there will be wars. In the second half of the year, I reckon that our northern land will not be peaceful, and there will be no peace anywhere. It is best to train your soldiers. When the time comes, you will have to fight enough." Feng Ziying Meaningful and authentic.

   "Oh? Really?" Zhao Shanxing's eyes lit up.

   A big man like Feng Ziying would definitely disdain to deceive himself. He must have a basis for saying this, but what kind of battle can Datong Town fight?

   Unless you go out like the Northwest Army, you can see that the Northwest Army has driven Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu so that they can’t stand firm in Shandong.

  Feng Ziying didn't talk too much, and smiled, "Shanxing, you should train your soldiers honestly, and you must keep what I say."

Feng Ziying is not very optimistic about the Yellow River defense line. If the Shaanxi rebel army really enters Shanxi, then this battle will have to be fought. Chai Guozhu in Shanxi Town lost ground because of Su Shengdu's loss of troops, and his vitality was severely injured. During the recovery period, once the rebel army came, it was hard to say whether it could be stopped.

Looking at the way Zhao Shanxing scratched his head, Feng Ziying knew that this guy was probably born to like fighting, and letting them live a normal life would make them uncomfortable, licking blood with knives, and fighting in battle is what they most yearn for life, even if you die, you must die on the battlefield.

  In the military towns, there are actually quite a few officers and soldiers who live by war and enjoy fighting. They don't like this kind of ordinary life of guarding, but prefer to win fame and wealth on the battlefield to prove their worth.

  After staying in Yongjia Fort for a day, Feng Ziying and his party continued their journey westward, and arrived in Yanghe City three days later, where a group of people from Datong Town picked them up and escorted them after they learned of the attack.

Yang Yuan, the commander-in-chief of Datong Town, was still quite shocked and Feng Ziying was attacked on the road. Although it was not under his jurisdiction, if he didn't respond after knowing about it, or if something happened again, he might be to blame. .

  From Yanghe City to Datongfu City, it was basically a smooth journey, with only settlements staying overnight in the middle.

  The settlement is an important pass between Yanghe City and Datongfu City.

Judging from the combat effectiveness of the garrisons, many of them are composed of guards drawn from various guards, but you must know that this is an important distribution center for supporting Yanghe City and Tiancheng Guards. Look at the performance of these garrisons, and you will know that Datong The situation in the town is not optimistic.

"Sun Shaozu did a terrible job to Datong Town." Among the three people sitting in the hall, the oldest one said in a deep voice: "Although he could only control the main force on Xinping Road and East Road in Datong Town at that time, he secretly recruited Beidong Lu Keji and Xu Guanghan on the road and the middle road have stirred up more than half of the Datong army at once, and fortunately Ding Liangdong and I reacted quickly enough, otherwise the entire eastern and central Five Routes would have been wiped out."

"Fourth brother is too exaggerated. With you here, Sun Shaozu on the East Road can't move. He spent a lot of money on the East Road, but the result is the worst." Another officer with a mustache said cheerfully. "Our Duan family has been in Datong Town for so many years. If Niu Jizong hadn't deliberately supported Sun Shaozu and Sun Shaozong as soon as he took office, he wouldn't even think about the roads to the east."

"Brother Seven, you are too condescending. The Sun brothers still have some skills. In addition, the historians still have some roots in Xuanfu and Datong. The court knew that Niu Jizong was not trustworthy, but he still refused to dismiss him. Doesn’t this give him a chance?” The young man sitting at the bottom didn’t take it seriously: “In my opinion, this is raising tigers to make trouble, and the court is bringing trouble on itself.”

  Feng Ziying looked at the three in front of her who could be regarded as outstanding members of the Duan family in the Datong Army. Duan Xichang who came before was not counted, these three were worthy of weight.

Duan Xirong, who was called the fourth brother, was a general of the East Road before Sun Shaozu's rebellion. He originally wanted to fight for the deputy commander in chief, but he was suppressed by Yang Yuan and the Ministry of War. Obviously, the imperial court was very serious about the influence of Feng Duan and his family in Datong. Still a bit taboo.

  Seventh brother Duan Xitai, guerrilla at Yunshibao on Weiyuan Road.

  Old Jiuduan Xisheng, guarded by Shanyin Station on Jingping Road.

   This is basically the background of the Duan family in Datong Town. There is also a Duan Depeng who can't come because of official business. The Feng family also has one or two outstanding people, but they are far less prosperous than the Duan family.

  (end of this chapter)

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