Number of People

Chapter 2045: Guizijuan jumps out of the mold and finds the world again

  Chapter 2045 Guizijuan jumps out of the mold and finds the world again

   "Uncle Wu is still busy at this age?" Feng Ziying did not answer the topic of several cousins, but opened another one.

  The fifth uncle is Duan Depeng, he is the cousin of the mother, and the uncle of Duan Xisheng.

   "Uncle Wu is not in good health. He was injured in his waist before, and now he feels very uncomfortable in rainy days." Duan Xirong continued, "Uncle Wu plans to resign from the Ministry of War by the end of the year."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying frowned slightly, "Master Yang is not on good terms with him?"

  Duan Depeng was a general stationed in Datong City. When Yang Yuanchu came to Datong as the commander-in-chief, it was Feng Tang who signaled Duan Depeng to support Yang Yuan.

Duan Xirong shook his head, "That's not the reason. Uncle Wu is indeed getting old. The ailments from his youth have all come out, and his body can't bear it anymore. Besides, Old Nineteen has now served as the general manager in the middle road. Although he is a little immature, Uncle Wu Master Yang must also appreciate the initiative to retreat."

  Duan Xisheng didn't have so many taboos, he said directly: "Master Yang also told Fifth Uncle that if Fifth Uncle doesn't retreat, Fourth Brother will never have a chance, this is the intention of the court."

  Duan Xirong did not speak, obviously acquiescing to this statement.

When Sun Shaozu set off the rebellion at the beginning, it was all due to Duan Xirong's suppression of the situation on the East Road that the entire Xinping Road, Beidong Road, and East Road did not completely collapse. was suppressed.

  Even Feng Ziying, who is not familiar with promotions in the army, knows that there must be a problem, but he did not expect that the imperial court would have such a deep taboo on Feng Duan's family, to be precise, the father's influence.

   "It seems that our Duan family is working hard in Datong, and the court is still afraid of it." Duan Xitai, who has a mustache, said cursingly.

   "Even if Fifth Uncle retires, if I want to be promoted to deputy commander, I probably won't be able to stay in Datong Town." Duan Xirong added, a little sullenly.

"Well, the imperial court has its own regulations. The Duan family is originally from Datong. Although the army does not avoid it, it mainly refers to middle and low-level generals. When you become a guerrilla general, you need to consider the balance." Feng Ziying said lightly: "No Where in the past is also a question worthy of investigation.”

   "Where can I go? I don't care anyway." Duan Xirong spread his hands, "Even if it's Ningxia, Gansu and Guyuan, I'm fine."

  Nine sides still have a chain of contempt.

  Although the Northwest Army is now gaining momentum in Shandong, it has been weak for a long time. If there is a choice, it is definitely not willing to go to the three sides and four towns.

  The first choice must be Xuanfu and Datong, then Jizhen and Liaodong, then Shanxi and Yulin, and finally the three towns of Guyuan, Ningxia and Gansu.

  However, the situation has changed slightly now. A group of new military towns have appeared, Denglai, Jingxiang, and Huaiyang. The emergence of the three Central Plains military towns may not be so attractive to Nine Sides.

   Of course, the situation of these three military towns is also more complicated.

  In Denglai Town, apart from the fact that the navy is controlled by the imperial court, the Denglai Army is actually a rebel army controlled by Wang Ziteng.

  The combat power of Jingxiang Town is still in a stage of accumulation, and it is not obvious yet.

  As for Huaiyang Town, it was established on the basis of the Fifth Military Battalion of the Beijing Camp, and the area under its jurisdiction is rich, but its combat effectiveness was disdainful by the soldiers of the Nine Frontiers.

   "Jingxiang Town is actually a good choice." Feng Ziying said abruptly.

   "Ah?" All three were stunned, and Duan Xirong frowned even more, "Jingxiang Town? Ziying, are you kidding me?"

Feng Ziying shook her head, "Since you can't stay in Datong, I don't even think Shanxi Town will consider you. I don't think it's worthwhile to go to the Three Sides and Four Towns. There is war in Liaodong, but the xenophobia is very strong. Fourth brother has to adapt to it when he goes. For a long time, it is better to go to Jingxiang. Now Xiong Tingbi is there to organize the army. I think there is no problem with Yang Yinglong's Bozhou rebels, but it is hard to say that he will meet with Wang Ziteng's Denglai army. He knows it in his heart, Sun Chengzong The time he stayed in Huguang and Sichuan was too short, and it might be better to give him another year or a half, but it is not enough now, so Xiong Tingbi needs someone who can play."

  The words made Duan Xirong fall into deep thought.

   It is impossible to stay in Datong, and Shanxi town is also difficult, and Chai Guozhu is not a good match.

  After I was promoted, I was a deputy commander in chief. If I want to get ahead, I have to rely on military merit.

   Liaodong is exclusive, where is there any war to fight?

   There are some on the three sides, but how can the disruptive army have any outstanding military exploits against the Denglai army?

   Isn't Wang Ziteng always boasting that he is invincible? If he can win military merits with Wang Ziteng's Denglai Army, he will be stable in the future.

   "Ziying, do you think I can go to Jingxiang Town?" Duan Xirong pondered for a while, "If possible, I would rather leave earlier."

"Of course, does the fourth brother have no confidence in himself?" Feng Ziying laughed, "Who is not fighting? To be honest, although the Denglai Army is not weak, it has not experienced too many major battles in Huguang, or it has not fought. What a tough battle, let the fourth brother go, there are still a group of old soldiers in Guyuan Town, take over and tidy up, I think it can be of great use."

   "I remember that the soldiers in Guyuan Town fought very badly there." Duan Xirong is still very concerned about the military affairs of various places, and Feng Ziying knows it when he mentions it.

"A raging soldier, a nest of raging generals, a snake without a head can't do it, and the leader of the army is a guy who only knows how to skimp on military pay and drink the blood of soldiers. Can he be counted on to fight? Guyuan Town was destroyed by these moths!" Feng Ziying sneered, "These soldiers are over there now, grandma doesn't love my uncle, if the fourth brother goes, if he can gain the morale of the army, he will be a good helper..."

  Duan Xirong was transferred to another town like Duan Xirong, even if he was promoted to deputy commander in chief, he would at most let you bring thirty or fifty soldiers to take up the post, basically no more than a hundred people.

A crowd of a hundred people is insignificant in a military town with 70,000 to 80,000 horses at every turn. It is not an easy task to recruit or train a group of people who belong to their own system like their own. Don't even think about it.

Unless you have a high prestige, you have to have enough power and bring enough benefits, so that those soldiers who have a group of people under their own hands will vote head to tail, so that they can grow rapidly, such as Feng Tang After arriving in Yulin, he served as the governor of the three sides.

  When Feng Tang came to Yulin Town, it was because he had accumulated enough prestige when he served as the chief soldier in Datong, and the three brothers of the Feng family all had a good reputation, so Yulin Town could accept him quickly.

Even so, Feng Tang did not dare to say that he would be able to say the same thing in Yulin Town until Ningxia suppressed the rebellion. The generals have won enough benefits to complete this step.

   Among them, Feng Ziying also used her special status to do a lot for her father.

You must know that literati like Chai Ke and Yang He have a natural distrust of military generals like Feng Tang. If Feng Ziying hadn't been able to mediate, the Ningxia counter-insurgency war would not have been so smooth, and Feng Tang would not have been able to help the warriors from the court. win so many benefits.

For example, He Shixian took over as the commander-in-chief of Yulin Town, and You Shilu took over as the commander-in-chief of Ji Town. People like Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong also got enough prospects in Liaodong, which made these warriors convinced Feng Tang, otherwise Where in this world is there any good thing that makes people bow down?

  Seeing that Duan Xirong's face was changing, Duan Xitai and Duan Xisheng remained silent.

  This kind of matter still needs to be decided by the parties themselves, especially if they want to leave Datong and go to Jingxiang Town, an unfamiliar place.

  Jingxiang Town is still a new military town, and the climate in Huguang is also very different from that in the North. Whether you can adapt to it is a problem.

   But once you go there, if you don’t make a name for yourself there, it will be difficult to come back, and you may not have your place after you come back.

  Feng Ziying couldn’t go any further. After all, this is just a suggestion. Duan Xirong doesn’t look bad, but whether he can adapt to the southern style is anyone’s guess.

  He can only give such a suggestion, whether it is an opportunity or a disaster, it is hard to say, he has to fight by himself.

   Originally they were excited to reminisce about the old days and get closer to each other. Now that they gave such a suggestion that could change a person's life, the atmosphere became so solemn that the Duan brothers didn't have much interest in the follow-up topics.

  What topic can compare to your own future?

The reason why the three brothers came ahead of time was that once Feng Ziying arrived in Datong City, important officials such as the General Soldier of Datong and the prefect of Datong would definitely host a banquet for Feng Ziying, and it was impossible for Feng Ziying to stay in Datong for too long. Immortals from all walks of life are coming to visit, I am afraid there will not be much time to reminisce about the old days, so I came early.

   Just receiving such a suggestion disturbed the minds of the three of them.

It was not until Duan Xirong left that Feng Ziying finally said: "If the fourth brother is interested, please write to me as soon as possible. I still have some connections with the Ministry of War. Anyway, I also have the title of the right servant of the Ministry of War. I can barely talk to Mr. Zhang,... Anyway, I think going to Jingxiang is an opportunity to defeat Wang Ziteng's Denglai army, this credit is beyond comparison."

  Duan Xirong nodded thoughtfully: "I'll think about it when I go back. I'll give you an answer when Ziying leaves the university."

  Feng Ziying nodded in satisfaction. He could see that the other party was tempted and had even made a decision.

   This person is quite knowledgeable and courageous. It is really difficult for ordinary people to leave the place where they have lived all their lives to work in a strange place, especially at this age.

   But what is the point of staying in Datong? With so many children of the Duan family, wouldn't it be more meaningful to go out and create a new world and find more opportunities for the children of the Duan family?

   This is also the responsibility and obligation of being the leader among the Duan family's children, just like yourself?

   The third ask for a few monthly tickets!



  (end of this chapter)

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