Number of People

Chapter 2046: Guizi Juan came to Datong, and all parties thought about it

  Chapter 2046 Guizi Juan comes to Datong, everyone thinks

   "That's Baideng Mountain over there." Feng Ziying didn't take a car, but rode slowly along the post road.

  It is not far from Zhuluobao to Datong City, the road is densely populated, and business travelers are constantly coming and going, and the weather of Datong City, the first city in northern Shanxi, can be seen faintly.

   "That is Baideng Mountain? The Baideng Mountain where Emperor Henkel was besieged by the Huns?" Baoqin opened the curtain from the carriage, poked her head out, and looked towards the north curiously.

"Well, the former Baideng siege made Emperor Henkel lose face a lot, but Emperor Henkel was thick-skinned, so it didn't matter. Later, Emperor Wu of the Han conquered the Huns and defeated the enemy in one fell swoop, so he regained his face." Feng Ziying said with a smile : "So it doesn't matter if you can't win the fight, as long as your children and grandchildren get back the scene, but you have to have a good son and grandson."

Baoqin also laughed, "Master, this is the place where my father-in-law, uncle and second uncle once guarded. This is the first time for me to come here. In the past, I have followed my father all over the world, but I have never been to Shanxi." At most, they will go to Baoding and the capital. This Datong is a place of victory, controlling the north and the south, and military strategists have always fought for it. The Feng family and the Duan family have been here for so many years. Look at the Feng and Duan families in the past few days. There is an endless stream of people here, so coming here can be regarded as our root.”

Feng Ziying glanced at Baoqin in surprise, but she didn't expect this girl to have such insight, so she thought for a while and said, "What you said is not bad, although the Feng family's ancestral home is in Linqing, but Linqing is just There are a little more people in the tribe, but in fact the origin is a little far away, and there are not many talents. My family has taken root in Datong since my grandfather, and my father's generation is even more dedicated, guarding the border. It's just that our lineage is too thin, but the rest of the Feng family Zhi also has hundreds of people here, let alone the Duan family."

   "It's no wonder that Xianggong attaches so much importance to this place. It's rare for me to see him meeting guests so frequently and enthusiastically." Baoqin pursed her lips and smiled.

"Well, they can't be regarded as guests, they should be regarded as relatives. The three people who came yesterday are my cousins. Of course, the blood relationship may be different, but blood is thicker than water, but we have to recognize it." Feng Ziying explained: "As for Feng The people on this side of the family are a little thinner, and the two who came after the brothers of the Duan family are gone, even if they are the best of the Feng family here, they are much inferior compared to the children of the Duan family."

  Bao Qin observed her husband's expression, but couldn't see much clues, so she asked curiously: "Ms. Xiang doesn't seem to care much about this?"

"It's not up to me to decide. Maybe I can give them more opportunities, but they have to rely more on their own efforts. The same is true for the Feng family in Linqing. My cousin also recruited them in Haitong Yinzhuang. Quite a few descendants of Feng and Duan's family came in, and now there are quite a few of them who have become talented, but they don't necessarily have to make a career in official career or in the army. But there are Lu Yang who can be tied to the horse, and all roads lead through Chang'an."

  Feng Ziying's last two sentences made Baoqin's eyes brighten. Her husband has always been disliked in poetry, and rarely expresses himself in poetry. Today, such a sentence suddenly appeared, which surprised her very much.

   "But there are green Yangs who can tie horses, and all roads lead to Chang'an? The meaning of Xianggong's poem is that it is not necessary to take one road, but can each road achieve the desired result in life?"

Feng Ziying doesn't know if anyone has said these two sentences now, he only remembers that they are in "Zeng Guang Xian Wen", and he can't remember when "Zeng Guang Xian Wen" appeared, he can only vague He said vaguely: "Who knows who said these two lines of poems, I can't remember where I heard them, it probably means this."

  Accustomed to her husband's refusal to admit it, Bao Qin became more and more joyful, "It's what my husband says, but I have written down this sentence."

  Feng Ziying laughed and avoided the topic, "Well, we will soon arrive at Datong City. We will stay in Datong City for two days, and then we will go south and west to Shaanxi."


   "Feng Keng arrived?" Cui Chengxiu rubbed her chin and asked standing in front of the window.

   "Here we are, the general Ma Chun is there to welcome you in front of the city gate. Didn't you say that the Ma family and the Feng family are not in harmony? This is a bit strange." The staff member asked a little puzzled.

"Hmph, there was disharmony in the past, but the situation is different now. The Feng family has only Feng Keng, who has taken the road of civil servants. Although the Feng family is still a famous family in Datong, their influence in the army will definitely be great. If it fades away slowly, how many more years can Feng Tang continue to work? Ten years has passed, and the court will never allow him to return to Datong." Cui Chengxiu said meaningfully.

"But there is still the Duan family." The staff disagreed: "In other words, the Duan family is the top dog, and the Feng family is just a strong dragon crossing the river. .”

"What is the Duan family? It's just a local tyrant. The Duan family is so big that it hasn't produced a Jinshi in 20 years. What is there to brag about?" Cui Chengxiu dismissively said, "Without the support of the Feng family, it would be easy for the court to destroy the Duan family." Well, the best Duan family in the army is nothing more than a general."

  The staff were dumbfounded.

  Cui Chengxiu's words are correct. Although the Duan family has great influence in Datong, it is not ranked high in the military and government.

  Duan Xirong, who is the best, is only a general, and he has made a lot of military exploits, but he was suppressed and hindered even in seeking a deputy general.

  Duan’s big clan doesn’t even have a Jinshi, and there was only one Juren ten years ago, and now it’s just a general judge in Huguang.

   For a wealthy family who wants to get ahead in the region, this seems a bit unsatisfactory.

  If there is no Feng family in Datong, then the powerful martial arts families such as the Ma family and the Ma family will soon be able to overwhelm the Duan family.

  Looking at the background of the Ma family and the Ma family, one can see that the Duan family is still far behind.

Ma Chengxun succeeded Su Shengdu as the deputy general of Shanxi Town after Su Shengdu was defeated and dismissed from his post. In addition, Ma Chengxun served as a general in Yulin, and Ma Chengzhao served as a general in Jizhen. After Ma Gui retired from illness , The Ma family began to regain their vitality again.

  Now the Ma family has one deputy general and two generals, spanning three border towns, which is quite dazzling. This is not counting the performance of other Ma family members in the defense and conduct of low-level military officers.

   Even the Ma family is not inferior to the Duan family now.

Although Ma Chun is only a general in Datong, his brother Ma Dong has already served as the deputy general of Gansu Town at the end of last year, and is now following Feng Tang in fighting in Shandong. Datong is a guerrilla here, but the other Ma's children are weaker. There are not many mid-level military officers in the field of defense and conduct, and they are not as good as the Feng family.

  The most important thing is that both the Ma family and the Ma family have served as chief soldiers, but the Duan family has not even served as deputy chief soldiers. This is the most important sign.

  The background of the Feng family is that there are four chief soldiers from one family and three generations. Feng Ziying's grandfather, two uncles and father have all served as chief soldiers. This is the background of a wealthy family.

The rich and powerful families who have never had a chief soldier in the clan often can't even get the lowest grade of knighthood bestowed by the court, which means that you are not qualified to be called the House of Martial Arts, the House of Hairpin Sakura, at most it is a It is difficult for local tyrants to receive the attention and attention of the imperial court.

   "Then Dong Weng means that the Feng and Duan families don't need to pay too much attention to it now?" The staff couldn't understand what Dong Weng was thinking.

  Before, Dong Weng seemed to attach great importance to Feng Ziying's way to Datong. He had already decided to host a banquet and visit alone. Why is he not optimistic about Feng Duan and his family now?

   "Who said there is no need to take it seriously?" Cui Chengxiu squinted at her staff, who seemed a little confused.

"Of course the Feng family's influence in the army may gradually fade in the future, but Feng Ziying is different. He took the road of civil servants, was born as a second-class Jinshi and Shujishi, and won the reputation of the Imperial Academy. In his early teens, he became the governor. If there is no accident, the governor will definitely be promoted after returning to Beijing. This is sitting around and looking at the third, hehe, has the third-rank servant who is less than thirty years old ever been in the Zhou Dynasty? Entered the cabinet to pay homage It’s just a matter of seniority.”

  The staff can also hear the envy in Dong Weng's words, but is this comparable?

   It is said that he was born in Hanlin Xiuzhuan, and there are two masters, one elder and one Shangshu, and one benefactor is the right capital censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Who dares to compare?

   Seeing how confused his staff was, Cui Chengxiu also knew that there were some situations that he didn’t need to tell him, and he might not be able to understand it.

  My aides are not considered master planners, but help to deal with government affairs. The real core strategy, Cui Chengxiu trusts herself more.

  The influence of the Feng family in the army may slowly fade. He also heard that after taking Shandong, Feng Tang may step down as the governor of the three sides and only retain the post of governor of Jiliao. Most of the Northwest Army will also be split.

  Feng Tang's age is also there. After a few years, he will step down as the governor of Jiliao. The imperial court will grant him the status of a state prince, and then he will take a idle position in the five-army governor's mansion. It will be considered a good death.

  But Feng Ziying, who took the road of civil servant, has a bright future, so the Feng family will gradually decline in the army, but there is no need to suppress the Duan family too much.

The imperial court always wants to give Feng Tang some dignity, and now it is necessary to suppress the Duan family. It is a combination of grace and power, so that the Duan family understands that everything is bestowed by the imperial court. Don’t get carried away. return.

  The Duan family may become a local nobleman like the Ma family in the future, but it may not be possible to develop to the top martial arts like the Feng family's Ma family.

  So Cui Chengxiu knew how to treat Feng Ziying and even the Duan family of the Feng family.

  I also need to rely on Feng Ziying, but the Feng family and Duan family also need to rely on themselves, but I can't help in the army. If it is in the local area, I might as well help.

  (end of this chapter)

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