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Chapter 2048: Guizi Juan with clear water and no fish, harmonious but different

  Chapter 2048 Guizi scroll with clear water and no fish, harmonious but different

  Feng Ziying's eyes lit up, and he recognized Yang Yuan's voice.

  Zheng Chongjian, Sun Chuanting, and Chen Qiyu came to Shanxi to inspect the guards and conduct training, but Feng Ziying didn't know where they were now.

   According to the tone of everyone, if Zheng Chongjian and the others are smart, they should choose to conduct training in the western states and counties of Taiyuan Prefecture, such as Baode Prefecture, Linxian County, and Yongning Prefecture.

In the past, the reorganization of the Shanxi Guards was mainly in the central and northern parts. After all, it was close to the two towns of Shanxi and Datong. Army and civilian troops.

   "Mr. Yang, in Ziying's humble opinion, I'm afraid that the land of Jin should make plans in advance, and can't just see what is in front of it, and can't stick to one place." Feng Ziying was also not polite, and said directly.

Yang Yuan is the commander-in-chief of Datong, but he is the governor of Shaanxi. In theory, he can even intervene in the military affairs of the three sides and the four towns, and the powers and responsibilities of the three sides of the governor overlap somewhat. Because of the position of the governor of the three sides.

   "Master Feng's opinion...?" Yang Yuan frowned. Feng Ziying seemed to believe that the Shaanxi rebels were coming west, both inside and outside the words?

"Because when I left the capital, I had not heard the news of the fall of Hancheng, and the imperial court's situation in Shaanxi was still at a month or even two months ago. With enough detailed news reports, I am worried that the situation is even worse than what Duke Yang and all the princes here know,..."

It is the normal state of the past dynasties to report good news but not worry, especially for the local government. But once a certain critical point is exceeded, they will go against their previous stance and exaggerate their words to shirk their subjective responsibility. Misjudgment and confusion.

"Once Shaanxi can't control the situation, or the troops from Yulin and Guyuan towns intervene, the rebel army will be oppressed by them and may choose to cross the Yellow River east in order to survive. I don't know the disaster situation in the west of Taiyuan Prefecture and Pingyang Prefecture, but I think Shaanxi is so arid that if it is across a river, the situation may not be much better. Maybe there is only one spark missing. Once the rebel army from the west crosses the river, it may destroy Pingyang and Taiyuan. Chaos ignites,…”

Feng Ziying was not alarmist, but bluntly raised this possibility. To let the people present understand the danger of the situation, they should not casually put on a posture that has nothing to do with themselves. When the real flames of war ignited, local governments would also Well, even the border town, don't even think about running away.

Yang Yuan nodded thoughtfully: "Master Feng's words are true, we should be vigilant, if these rebels are really going to cross the Yellow River, the situation will be really troublesome, our Datong Army is currently rebuilding step by step, look It seems that we have to speed up, just in case,..."

  Yang Yuan spoke very to the point, Feng Ziying felt that his reminder didn't seem to have touched Yang Yuan much, which made him a little surprised.

  But on this occasion, he couldn't say much.

  I am the governor of Shaanxi, not the governor of Shanxi, and the additional titles can't be controlled here. It stands to reason that Yang Yuan is also experienced in military affairs, so he should understand the importance.

  The first half of a welcoming banquet was interesting, but the second half lost some interest. Fortunately, everyone was a showman, and it just passed away between the toasts.

  Feng Ziying can also understand.

  Yang Yuancai came not long ago, and the influence of the Feng family and even the Duan family in Datong is unusual. Even if he wants to take the wind for himself, he still needs to consider how to strike a balance.

  Neither can appear indifferent, nor let the posture of overwhelming guests appear, this is not easy to be a general soldier.

  Back in the house, Feng Ziying was still sipping tea to sober up and wanted to sort out her thoughts, but she heard Ruixiang came to report and Cui Chengxiu came to visit.

  Feng Ziying was slightly surprised and did not neglect, and asked Ruixiang to bring Cui Chengxiu to the flower hall to entertain guests.

   I didn’t expect this person to be so urgent. It seems that he is really optimistic about himself. It is very consistent with the rumored ability of this guy to judge the situation. This is somewhat similar to Jia Yucun in the south.

  Feng Ziying received several letters from Jia Yucun before leaving the capital, especially after the fall of Linqing and the reversal of the situation in Shandong, the letters from Jia Yucun became more frequent.

  Of course Feng Ziying will not treat each other coldly.

  Jiangnan will take it back sooner or later. This guy is in such an awkward position as the governor of Jinling, but he can still enjoy himself like a fish in water. He is recognized by all parties. He still has some skills and will be of great use in the future.

Since this guy is writing to himself, he definitely won't just follow his own line, no, it can't even be regarded as his own line, but the line of Qi Yongtai-Qiao Yingjia's representative of the northern scholars, guessing Ye Xiang Gao and Fang Congzhe must also have a way through.

   This Cui Chengxiu seems to be not bad in this area. Feng Ziying doesn't care about the five eunuchs, as long as he can use it for himself.

  He also has some skills, why can't he win over? Not to mention that he was originally a scholar from the North.

  Feng Ziying greeted Cui Chengxiu in the flower hall.

   Cui Chengxiu, who was far away, hurried over, bowed his hands, and Feng Ziying hurriedly returned the salute.

   "Master Feng."

   "Master Cui."

  After exchanging pleasantries, they naturally sat down hand in hand.

  Everyone is well aware of each other's situation. Cui Chengxiu came to be friends, and Feng Ziying also intends to win over. Naturally, they have a very happy conversation.

  Cui Chengxiu was also a Jinshi. In his early thirties, he was able to become the magistrate of a big government like Datong. Naturally, he was not an easy person.

This is the first time Feng Ziying has seen the leader of the five eunuchs. Of course, in this time and space, he is also a "quite motivated" scholar from the north, and he is actively using his performance to win the approval of the big bosses in the court. , in order to go to the next level.

  While Feng Ziying was observing each other carefully, Cui Chengxiu was also carefully trying to figure out Feng Ziying.

   He has long been familiar with the legend of Feng Ziying, and the success of such a character is no accident.

  The topic naturally begins with the current situation of Datong.

  Feng Ziying mostly listened, while Cui Chengxiu mostly asked.

  Most of the time, Feng Ziying listens but does not answer, while Cui Chengxiu asks more and does not need to answer, or asks and answers by himself, just to show an attitude.

The situation in Datong is like that, the drought is serious, but it is not the worst in Shanxi, and the social security situation has also deteriorated. It can be reassuring.

  There is Datong Township in town, and Datong Mansion is also relying on the purge of law and order, so there is no problem of fighting.

  The conversation lasted less than half an hour, and Cui Chengxiu left.

This can be regarded as the initial contact between the two, and they both expressed goodwill, and even Cui Chengxiu also expressed his recognition and support for the Feng family and the Duan family. In the county yamen.

   This is actually a disguised exchange. I let your people enter the government as officials, but you have to support the government to do things.

  Feng Ziying must of course thank her for this gesture of goodwill.

It turns out that the influence of Feng and Duan's family is mainly concentrated in the army, that is, in Datong Town, and there must be some penetration in the local area. The number of registered in the middle, the influence is relatively weak.

  Although Feng Ziying became an official through the imperial examination, the problem is that he is far away in the court, so there is no help for such a single seedling.

  Seeing off Cui Chengxiu, Feng Ziying returned to the back house, only to find out that not only Cui Chengxiu had come, but also his wife and concubine had also come to the back house to pay a visit. Baoqin, Miaoyu and Xiuyan also received them.

   I didn’t expect Cui Chengxiu to do things so meticulously. His wife gave Baoqin a good impression, and also sent four newly bought maidservants, saying that considering the lack of manpower in Shaanxi, he could help with some things.

  Feng Ziying couldn't help frowning, put her hands on the armrest of the chair, and said in a deep thought: "Baoqin, Miaoyu, Xiuyan, what do you think?"

   When we met on the first day of the new year, I gave the maid to the maid. It didn't feel good, but I couldn't say anything.

   These days, not to mention sending maids and maidservants is normal, even among colleagues who have a close relationship, there are quite a few people who send concubines to the outside.

  But even if I and Cui Chengxiu have a relationship like Qi Yongtai, but they met for the first time, and there is no friendship, what is it to send four maidservants?

Baoqin also felt that Feng Ziying seemed to be a little unhappy with the maidservant who was sent this time, and was also a little anxious, so she hurriedly asked: "Sir, if it's not right, just return it, my concubine, sister Miaoyu, and Xiuyan My sister also thought that Xianggong mentioned before that Master Cui and Xianggongyi belonged to the northern scholars, and they also have some connections, and they are officials in Xianggong's hometown. If they show favor, if we refuse, it will be a little unreasonable,..."

  Feng Ziying couldn't say anything, Cui Chengxiu's overtures were a bit too blatant, I'm afraid that the matter of giving away the maid will be known soon, maybe this guy was going to use this method to prove something.

  But it's not good to refuse, I'm afraid it will make Cui Chengxiu have different thoughts.

  This kind of person is good at getting things done, but even worse at doing bad things. He is narrow-minded and really hard to deal with.

  Seeing that Feng Ziying remained silent, Xiuyan hesitated for a moment, "Master, why don't you give me some gifts in return. I heard that Master Cui likes fine horses, so I chose one or two good horses to give back, and there are excuses both inside and outside."

  Feng Ziying nodded slightly, and turned her gaze to Ping'er who was standing aside, "Ping'er, go and tell Uncle You that you should go to Duan's Racecourse on the outskirts of the city to choose two fine horses, and have Uncle You deliver them to Cui's mansion in person, but there is no need to say anything."

  Ping'er nodded, and silently wrote down the instructions.

"I don't blame you for this matter, but this Cui Chengxiu has done a bad job. This person is too worrying, but he is a person with some skills, so I am also hesitant." Feng Ziying thought for a while: "The four waiters Is the maid from his house?"

"No, they should be specially bought." Baoqin shook her head: "I've seen them before, and they all seem to be from Hunyuan Prefecture. But he was sold since he was a child, and was raised in a mansion, learning piano, chess, calligraphy and painting,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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