Number of People

Chapter 2049: Gui character curly edge style, sophistication of the world

  Chapter 2049 The style of the curly side of the decane character, the sophistication of the world

  Feng Ziying was taken aback. She was bought and raised in a mansion to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting since she was a child. Is this a Yangzhou skinny horse?

   But it’s the same, Datong mother-in-law, Yangzhou thin horse, West Lake boat lady, Taishan aunt, aren’t these four rare things?

  In Datong Mansion, Hunyuan Prefecture is even more famous. The Duan family’s hometown in Hunyuan Prefecture also has a saying that when you arrive in Hunyuan Prefecture, you should go home and divorce your wife, which means that the women in Hunyuan Prefecture are attractive.

   This is a waste of money, Feng Ziying frowned, "All these women are like this? How much did the Cui family spend to buy them?"

  Bao Qin shook her head, "How would they know about this kind of thing? Even if you ask the Cui family, they won't tell you."

  Feng Ziying shook her head, "Qingwen, ask Baoxiang to go to Duan's house to inquire. It's not difficult to ask."

  Qingwen responded and hurried out.

"It shouldn't be a small expense. Small opera girls like Lingguan and the others were also sold when they were young. They were just raised to learn to sing. They are similar to this kind of maids. How much money did Jia's family spend to buy them back then?" ?” Baoqin said as if remembering something.

Feng Ziying nodded, "Well, it should be a model, which is specially prepared for rich families. I know that if this Datong encounters a famine, there will be a lot of prostitutes. A seven or eight-year-old girl, probably It's just a few taels of silver, and what's more, in order to feed the children, there are some who give it away directly. I don't know if you have any plans. A few years ago, when refugees came to Beijing, there were also many who sold their own children. A few taels of silver? The price in Shanxi is even cheaper,..."

Xiuyan sighed, "This kind of business looks like a huge profit. In a bad year, you can buy one with a few taels of silver. Even if you raise it for a few years, it doesn't take much money to hire some people to teach this kind of knowledge and skills, but If she is brought up like this, she might be sold for hundreds of taels of silver. As far as I know, this maid in the capital city sells herself to the master's family. , this is too ignorant of conscience."

"Xiuyan, you can't say that. This kind of little girl is bought by someone. Maybe it's a good way for them. Isn't it better to hear that Litian is worse than having a good year, and Lisang is worse than seeing the Minister of State? Their families are in disaster. years, the possibility of starving to death is not small. In the end, you can find a way out to eat, and you can learn some knowledge and skills, and then be sold to a rich family, which is better than starving to death when you were young, or selling to a brothel. Isn’t it better to live a life where thousands ride on thousands of people?”

  Feng Ziying's last sentence was a bit vulgar, which attracted all the girls to spit lightly, and Baoqin rolled her eyes.

Feng Ziying ignored it, "On the surface, this kind of activity is indeed a bit low, but objectively speaking, it has saved many people. , I think this is ultimately a matter of the imperial court, if everyone is provided with relief from the imperial court in a disaster year, so that they can survive the famine with peace of mind, who would be willing to sell their own daughter?"

  Feng Ziying's explanation made Baoqin, Miaoyu, and Xiuyan mutter again. Obviously, the arrival of these four Datong maidservants has touched and influenced the whole group.

"Okay, this matter has already become like this, and it is not appropriate to return it. According to what Xiuyan said, choose an appropriate gift to return, so as to avoid trouble from the imperial historians of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. It will not embarrass the other party .” Feng Ziying made a decision.

  Baoqin saw that Feng Ziying seemed to be in a bad mood, so she deliberately diverted: "I didn't expect that there is such a business here in Datong. It's an eye-opener."

"It's not Datong, it's everywhere, it's just that the women in Datong are more famous." Feng Ziying also let go of some thoughts, and said casually: "Ms. Datong, the city wall of Ji Town, the school ground of Xuanfu, the three wonders of the border area , There are also those who talk about the three unique things in Datong, mother-in-law, fur, and hot pot, which also shows that this business is prosperous in Datong."

  Xiuyan couldn't help asking: "Why is Datong so famous? Theoretically, Taiyuan is the center of Shanxi."

"Datong is located in the core area bordering the Han land and the grassland, and Datong is a strategic strategic point of transportation hub that has gradually formed over thousands of years. This determines that as long as there is a threat to our Han land on the grassland, then Datong's strategic position will last forever. It cannot be replaced, which is why the Nine Frontier Army Town, Datong and Xuanfu have always been ranked first, Xuanfu guards Gyeonggi, and Datong is the backbone of the entire Northland."

This trip has been going on for so long, and they are usually busy on the road, even resting at night, everyone is bumpy all the way, tired enough, don't have much energy to talk, and the environment is uncomfortable, so there is no chance to talk together chat.

It's so easy to finally enter Datong City now, and now I live in the old house of Feng's family. It's like returning home. Everyone can relax and sleep well at night. Talking before going to bed is also the most pleasant some time.

"Besides, it's not that this business only thrives in Datong." Feng Ziying paused, "Yangzhou Shouma, West Lake Boat Lady, Taishan Girl, aren't they all as famous as Datong mother-in-law and aunt? It's just that they are located in different regions. It’s all the more famous on the frontier.”

  Hearing that Feng Ziying called "Aunt Taishan" as famous as the others, Miaoyu was a little unhappy, "This is all nonsense made up by outsiders, and they are using monks to practice..."

"It's not a nonsense, Taishan aunt is not a pure monk, but a group of unscrupulous people who make a living. Under the guise of Taishan aunt's name, these women are deliberately made to wear monks and nuns as a gimmick. In fact, it is a kind of self-promotion. way." Feng Ziying shook her head, "To achieve the ultimate in one's livelihood these days, it is natural to use all kinds of swords to boost oneself and strive to maximize profits, just like these maidservants, maybe when you buy them , is worth a few taels of silver per person, but after raising them for a few years, hiring someone to train them, imparting knowledge and skills, and then selling them for a hundredfold profit, how many businesses in the world can catch up with this business?"

   Seeing Feng Ziying sighing there, Baoqin seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"I didn't expect that Xianggong never paid attention to these things. Obviously, he is so familiar with the situation of such abusive people. The stories of Yangzhou Shouma Xihu Boat Lady are also vivid. I thought that Xianggong has been busy for so long. He must have been busy with official duties, but now it seems a bit different, and I don’t know who has been teaching my husband badly all day long. I will ask Ruixiang Baoxiang when the time comes. Xianggong taught these unrefined things,..."

  Baoqin's words aroused laughter from all the women, and even Miaoyu, who had an unchanging expression, couldn't help laughing.

Feng Ziying was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed, "Baoqin, what you said is to overthrow a boatload of people. I understand these people's feelings and social conditions, but I care about state affairs. If you don't understand these, how do you know that the people in the countryside are suffering? How do you know that the livelihood of the people is difficult now, how do you know the connection between the drought and the refugees,..."

  A series of parallel comparisons made all the goddesses look serious, and it was Xiuyan who asked in a low voice: "My lord, but the situation in Shaanxi is worse than imagined?"

"Well, from today's banquet hosted by President Yang and Mr. Cui's introduction, the situation in Shanxi is also bad. It can only be said that it is trying to keep it from breaking out. However, the drought in Shaanxi is said to be much worse than that in Shanxi. It is conceivable that the people will either immediately Starve to death, or die in rebellion, how do they choose?"

  Feng Ziying breathed out, "They don't have a choice, but the government should still have a choice. It depends on whether the government has the courage and means."

  Hearing Feng Ziying talk about serious business, all the women dared not intervene easily, and Feng Ziying didn't intend to talk about it with them. Talking would only increase troubles.

  The imperial court used itself in Shaanxi, didn't it just want to let themselves go through this muddy water and let themselves solve this hot potato?

   But it's not as simple as muddy water and hot potatoes. If you don't manage to get stuck here, it will really become self-defeating.

  Seeing that the atmosphere suddenly became solemn again, Feng Ziying also felt that she was a little "ignorant of current affairs". After all the hard work, everyone came here just to relax, but she still made the topic so heavy. Isn't she asking for trouble?

"Okay, okay, the height of the devil is one foot and one foot high. If you don't have three, two, three, you dare not go to Liangshan. Since your husband dares to come to Shaanxi, he is sure, so don't worry about it, really." To be sympathetic to your husband-in-law, I just need to serve you in the bed tonight,..."

  When Feng Ziying turned around, the faces of the girls immediately turned red.

  Although in the capital city, the day of serving the bed has been set long ago, and the three rooms are all arranged according to one four seven, two five eight, three six nine, but since they started on the road, they basically did not follow this.

  Most of the time, it is just to rest where it is dark, and when camping in the wild or staying in a small inn, it is naturally impossible to be so particular, so it is always full and hungry.

Moreover, Third Sister You should be the representative of the long room, but she doesn't like this kind of **** so much. She is more of a bodyguard for Feng Ziying, and it is impossible to follow this day, so the order here is messed up. .

  Especially because Xiuyan and Hepinger had never had sex, Feng Ziying was naturally unwilling to have **** with them on the road, and they also discussed with them to live in Xi'an Mansion and then come to have a good sex.

There are too many women, and it is necessary to be fair, balance, and identity, so it is also a troublesome matter. Feng Ziying does not want to cause trouble in her own backyard, so she specifically told Pinger, who is careful, to take care of herself. Take care of these things well, after all, Baoqin, Miaoyu and Xiuyan are not good at asking too much about such private matters, which will damage their status, but Ping'er is the most suitable girl.

   Make up for yesterday's update, ask for a few monthly tickets.



  (end of this chapter)

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