Number of People

Chapter 2051: Guizi scroll blood is thicker than water, Feng Duan and his family

  Chapter 2051 Guizi Juan Blood is thicker than water, Feng Duan and his family

  The two days in Datong were a rare opportunity for everyone who had tensed their bowstrings for more than ten consecutive days. Both the women and Wu Yaoqing and the others got a chance to rest.

  I originally planned to stay in Datong for two days, but in the end I had to extend it to three days.

   It would be unreasonable to procrastinate any longer. The situation in Shaanxi is in full swing, and the imperial court will not allow Feng Ziying to procrastinate like this.

   But three days is extremely tight for Feng Ziying.

  In addition to Yang Yuan and Cui Chengxiu, there are quite a few officials, generals, and gentry who are going to visit. Among them are the old ministries who had some connections and friendships when Feng Tang was there, and there are also old friends of the Feng and Duan families who have been in contact for many years.

  This does not include Feng and Duan's family who are doing well here and have prominent roles.

It was inevitable for Feng Ziying's three direct uncles to meet, and her mother and aunt also prepared gifts, which also involved a large number of cousins ​​and nephews, which made Feng Ziying dazzled and dizzy, and couldn't even remember their names. Come on, I only know a lot of Duan Xi and Duan Shou.

  The eldest son of the concubine, who looks like a big uncle, is already in his forties, and his sons are all five years older than Feng Ziying, and now they are all generals in Beixi Road, Datong Town.

I have to say that the incense of the Duan family is much stronger than that of the Feng family. The eldest uncle alone has three concubine sons and ten concubine sons, while the second uncle also has two concubine sons, seven concubine sons, the third uncle has two concubine sons, five concubine sons, and the younger uncle has three concubine sons. There are three concubine sons, four concubine sons, Feng Ziying's cousins ​​are thirty-four, it's shocking to think about it.

Of course, not every son is a success. There are only eight or nine who can show their faces in front of Feng Ziying. Among them, there are probably four or five who have made some achievements in the army, and there are three or four. Most of them are engaged in business and industry, but they are also considered to have some ability.

  Among so many first cousins, Feng Ziying looked at it, and there was only one Duan Xitai who could really make a move.

  He is the eldest son of the second uncle, thirty-five or sixteen years old, a guerrilla in Yunshi Castle on Weiyuan Road, the one who came to meet his seventh son in Settlement Castle.

   There is also Duan Xibao, the eldest uncle's son, who is now the garrison of Zhuhu Castle on the West Road, but he is not very old, not yet thirty.

  Feng Ziying didn't care too much about the closeness of blood, they were all descendants of the Duan family, and the most successful Duan Xirong and the other Duan Xisheng were not too far away in terms of blood.

  Their father and their mother are cousins, like Duan Xisheng is his aunt's nephew.

  Duan Xirong did not only rely on the relationship between the Duan family and the Feng family to get to this point, but also relied on his own efforts. Otherwise, there are so many children of the Duan family in the army, why is he the only one who has reached the step of being a general?

  Based on this alone, Feng Ziying will support Duan Xirong.

  Of course like Duan Xitai, Duan Xisheng, Duan Xibao and even that Duan Xichang, Feng Ziying will not hesitate to support.

  Feng Ziying understood the relationship that blood is thicker than water, including Feng Duan, the only remaining cousin of the Feng family in the army.

  This cousin has a slightly distant bloodline, his grandfather and his own grandfather are cousins, so at my level, it is already a bit weak, but it is Feng's lineage after all.

   Now Feng Duan is also the character of Datong Middle Road Town Hebao. If he works harder, he can fight for defense.

  From this point of view, the Feng family's connections in Datong are more reflected in the old friends, while the Duan family is regarded as in-laws because they are local snakes, but the middle and lower levels in the officialdom have a solid foundation.

   Fortunately, the Feng and Duan families are tightly bound because of the marriage between Feng Tang and the younger and younger Duan family, and because of Feng Ziying's current prosperity, the Duan family is even more firmly dependent.

  Especially in the area of ​​the local government, it turned out that the Feng family only infiltrated the army, but now with Cui Chengxiu's intentional support, the Feng family can also develop in the counties below Datong.

  Although the Duan family is indeed lacking in scholars, it is not necessary to have a degree in the imperial examination to become an official, and you can also have the opportunity to donate or lose. Of course, the level is relatively low.

  In addition, like some distant branches, if they are given some opportunities to be officials, that is enough to make them grateful to Dade.

"Ziying, you are leaving tomorrow, and the uncles have nothing to give you. Feng You is very safe, and your father's old ministries are also very helpful. Going to Shaanxi, there is a caravan under me that has just returned, and the situation is very bad. In addition to the rebellious army, horse thieves and bandits everywhere are also infested, and they encountered no fewer than five attacks along the way,..."

   The person talking to Feng Ziying was a lean man in his early forties. From his face, it could be seen that he looked a bit like Feng Ziying's mother. He was Feng Ziying's uncle Duan Dehui.

  Among the several brothers, the younger brother who is closest to Feng Ziying's mother may be this younger brother, because the age difference between the two is the smallest, like the eldest brother is more than ten years older than Da Duan, and this younger brother is only two years younger than Da Duan.

So when Feng Ziying was young, this little uncle often came to the house and brought some gifts to Feng Ziying. There was even a pony specially given to Feng Ziying as Feng Ziying's eighth birthday present, which made Feng Ziying crazy at that time. I still remember it to this day new.

   "Uncle, do you still have business to go to Shaanxi?" Feng Ziying frowned. Of course he knew that the situation in Shaanxi was not good, but the Duan family still had business to go there, so it felt like they wanted money rather than life.

"Hehe, don't you stop doing business just because the world is not stable?" Duan Dehui laughed, his mustache curled up, and his face was full of vigor, "Your uncle's family is dozens of people, you still have two One cousin is not yet married, three younger sisters are not yet married, don’t you want money?”

  Feng Ziying can't help but laugh, is the Duan family still short of this little money?

The Duan family has one of the three major horse farms in Datong——Duan’s Horse Farm, which is the largest in Shanxi. In addition to supplying Datong Township’s army horses, it also supplies Shanxi Town’s army horses, not to mention folk draft horses and pack horses. This is the property of the entire Duan family, but Duan Dehui, as the four legitimate sons, also has 10% of the shares.

  In addition, Duan Dehui owns a garage, which mainly makes horse-drawn carts and ox carts. The quality is excellent and the reputation is outstanding.

  The other thing is the food business.

  Feng Ziying knew that the food business was a joint venture between the third uncle and the younger uncle, or that her father started to expand after he became the general soldier in Yulin Town.

   It turned out that it was just a small business in the local area. After the father became the general soldier in Yulin, the Duan family's grain business began to extend to Yulin.

"Food prices in northern Shaanxi have skyrocketed. There is no reason not to do this business. Yulin Township's army is also short of food, but it's still manageable, but the local area is quite tight. Now that we pass through Shuozhou and cross the Yellow River, the price of food will at least double. It's more than double, and you have to have an old relationship, and there's a lot of urging over there, and we can't just break this relationship, or it will be difficult to do business in the harvest season next year or next year."

  Duan Dehui has nothing to hide in front of his nephew. These business news are top secret to the outside world, but they don't mean much to Feng Ziying.

And thanks to both Feng Tang and Feng Ziying reminding the Duan family to start stockpiling grain as soon as possible from the year before last, the brothers Duan Deguang and Duan Dehui stockpiled grain in advance, and they kept bringing grain in from all over the country, at least nearly a year earlier than other grain merchants in Shanxi. Years, the profit can be imagined.

   "There is also a shortage of food in Yulin Town?" Feng Ziying couldn't help frowning again.

"Hehe, in the current situation, where is there no shortage? Shanxi is also short of food. The price of food has more than doubled from last year, and it has more than tripled from the year before. Every household is hoarding food. If there is no shortage, then there is There is no shortage, there is such a shortage in Shaanxi, look at those big grain gentry households, which granaries and grain depots will be short of grain? It can range from hundreds of shi, to thousands or even tens of thousands of shi,..."

  Duan Dehui's words made Feng Ziying speechless.

   This is normal.

  The lack of food depends on where it is lacking. Ordinary people and the poor will always be in shortage.

  Rich households have no shortage of food gentry at any time, even if there is a shortage, it is only a relatively abundant year.

  Maybe they are hoping for a poor harvest in order to make a fortune.

"Uncle is not the kind of hoarder. It is thanks to you to stock up on food in advance. We made preparations in advance, but we cooperated with some counties in Jiazhou, Mizhi, Suide, Qingjian, and Yanchuan. The grain merchants have already made an agreement, so the grain has to be delivered, otherwise how will we do business in the future?" Duan Dehui felt that his nephew was not satisfied, and explained with a smile: "And the grain merchants that uncle chooses to cooperate are relatively well-behaved. But it’s definitely not possible to prevent them from raising prices to make money, we just earn what we have.”

  Feng Ziying is also hard to say.

Buying low and selling high is the law of doing business. Uncle and the others stockpiled food early, and now the price of food has risen. Shaanxi is the most short of food, and the price of food has risen the highest. And he had an agreement with others before, so naturally he must fulfill the agreement. This is understandable.

   "Since uncle said so, then I won't say more. You just have to be careful, but the civil unrest in Shaanxi is becoming more and more serious. I'm afraid your caravan should be more careful." Feng Ziying could only remind one.

"Well, we all know this, we will hand over at Qikoudu, and don't cross the river and go there." Duan Dehui is still very cautious, "But it is said that there are rebels at Qikoudu now, so I Still a little worried."

  Qikou Ferry is not the main ferry on the Yellow River in Shanxi, but its location is very good. It is located between Linxian County, Shaanxi Province and Wubao County, Shaanxi Province. The main reason to choose this place is to cross the river and get to Wubao County.

"There are also rebels in Wubao?" Feng Ziying was surprised. He originally planned to cross the river at Xikou Ferry, but it was too far to the north. After crossing the river, he would reach Fugu, which belongs to the defense area of ​​Yulin Town. It is safe, but it is difficult. Knowing the specific situation of Yan'an Mansion, he also planned to cross the river from Qikou to Wubao.

  (end of this chapter)

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