Number of People

Chapter 2052: Guizi Juan hides the sky and crosses the sea, captures opportunities

  Chapter 2052 Guizi Juan hides the sky and crosses the sea, captures opportunities

"I'm not sure yet. I only say that there are rebellious troops in Yanchuan and Qingjian, but no one can tell what the current situation of Wubao is." Duan Dehui saw Feng Ziying's expression, and immediately reacted, surprised and said: "Ziying , Could it be that you want to cross the river at Qikou? You are crazy, why not take the West Crossing? Crossing the river is the boundary of Yulin Town, so it is safe and sound, why do you want to cross the Qikou?"

"Uncle, of course I know it's safe to go to Xikoudu, but I'm not Yulin General Soldier, I'm the governor of Shaanxi. In difficult places, civil unrest is the greatest, so you can take a good look at it." Feng Ziying said disapprovingly.

  Duan Dehui got anxious and stood up all of a sudden.

"Since the west of Qikoudu is the sphere of influence of the rebel army, as far as I know, Yulin Town has not been dispatched. At most, it is carrying out the suppression around the area under its jurisdiction. The situation in the north of Jiazhou is slightly better, and the place in the south of Jiazhou , the situation is very chaotic, even my caravan has gone there several times, but I can't tell which place is safe, how can you go there?"

  Feng's family is the only seedling, and seeing their success, they will definitely become the big figures of Feng Duan's two glorious families. If there is a mistake on the way to take office, this is absolutely unacceptable.

   "Uncle, it's not that exaggerated. I have Uncle You and Yaoqing by my side. They have already inquired about the situation there before, and I know it well." Feng Ziying comforted the other party.

"No, absolutely not. Your target is too conspicuous. Even if your people went to inquire about the situation over there, the situation over there changes three times a day. Maybe the rebel army hasn't arrived here today, but it might already be there tomorrow." Come here, as for your little army, it may be useful when you meet ordinary horse bandits and bandits, but if thousands of rebels come, can you resist it? Just kidding, do you really think your uncle doesn't understand military affairs?" Duan Dehui waved his hands repeatedly, resolutely refusing to agree with Feng Ziying's actions.

  In Duan Dehui's opinion, it is safest for you to cross the river at the west entrance honestly. No one in Yulin Township dares to act presumptuously, and then let the Yulin army directly **** you to Xi'an along the road of Qingyang.

   "Then what do you think my brother should do?" Feng Ziying also understood Duan Dehui's kindness and asked back.

Duan Dehui said his thoughts, Feng Ziying shook his head and said: "Uncle, don't you know that the situation in Qingyang is also bad? The chaos is raging on the front line from Ningzhou to Zhenning. The Yulin Army can send troops to escort, but how many are sent? Two or three Is Qian safe? If not, I will become a target to attract the siege of the rebellious army. If the Yulin Army sends 81 million troops to **** all the way to Xi'an, I am afraid that I, the governor, will become a joke in the world."

  Duan Dehui was dumbfounded.

  The governor certainly has the power to mobilize the Yulin Army, but if he mobilizes a large number of Yulin Army escorts because of troubles on the way to take office, it is easy to be labeled as fearful of the enemy by political opponents.

This is also not in line with Feng Ziying's character design of ascending horses to manage the army and dismounting the horses to govern the people. The image carefully created in Yongping Mansion to defeat the Nekhka people is shattered, and this is exactly what Qi Yongtai persuaded Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe key.

"But Ziying, maybe now you have become a target of public criticism. You have been attacked in Chaigoubao. Who did it has not been found out yet. It is said that it is a member of the White Lotus Sect, but the power of the White Lotus Sect in Shanxi is also not shallow. Feng My family is in Datong and Shanxi is not without enemies, and it is hard to say whether those rebels, or even those in Shaanxi official circles who don't want to see you come, will make a move just like this."

  Duan Dehui is really anxious now.

"Uncle, I know all this, so I have to consider taking an unusual path." Feng Ziying smiled, "I plan to leave my family members in Datong for a while, and I also said on the surface that I want to stop for a while. Contacted Shaanxi, but actually took a few people to take a light car, walked through Qikou, crossed Wubao, and followed Suide and Qingjian to Yan'an Mansion." Feng Ziying was confident, "As for the family members, they are not in a hurry, they will take their time. Go to Taiyuan, Pingyang, Tongguan, and then go west to Xi'an."

  Duan Dehui also knows that this is very risky. There are only a few people, and it will be difficult to escape once they are attacked by the enemy, but this is indeed a helpless choice.

   It is estimated that Feng Ziying made up her mind to go to Yan'an Mansion.

Because Yan'an Mansion is now the center of the rampant rebellion, there are rebels in Suide and Qingjian in the west of the center, and Fuzhou, Luochuan, and Yichuan in the south are the most powerful areas of the rebellion, and almost the entire south has been destroyed. Controlled by the rebellious army, if you want to put down the chaos in Shaanxi, this Yan'an mansion is a place you can't get around.

   "But Ziying, this is too dangerous." Duan Dehui couldn't help looking forward and backward, "Is there no other better way?"

"If I also go to Tongguan, it will take too long, and if I don't have an intuitive understanding of the situation in Yan'an Mansion, I won't be able to make a correct decision. In addition, Yan'an Mansion is relatively close to Yulin Town. I also plan to meet Master He, to solve the chaos in Shaanxi, we can't do without the Yulin Army."

  Feng Ziying is willing to do this, but after arriving in Datong, she became more and more aware of the dire situation in Shaanxi.

Now the two people in charge of Shaanxi, Lu Chuan and Sun Yijie, are at odds with each other, and they are fighting fiercely inside, and the other right minister has resigned on the pretext of illness, so there is no one in the middle, which makes the situation in Shaanxi actually fall into a trap. deadlock.

  In theory, there was still a capital in Shaanxi, but the capital system had fallen into a state of existence in name only in the pre-Ming Dynasty. The establishment of border towns actually greatly weakened the role of the capital, and the Great Zhou basically followed this system.

In particular, these border towns in the north have actually replaced the Dusi, and the commander of the Dusi is basically not set up. Generally, a third-rank commander is assigned to supervise and coordinate the fielding and training of the guards in the province's guards. The border town provides reserve soldiers and auxiliary soldiers.

  Feng Ziying can basically not rely on the current group of officials in Shaanxi, especially when Lu Chuan and Sun Yijie are the best, the officials in Shaanxi officialdom basically stand in line, and no one is available.

  He can only wait until he has gone to see how to take measures to break this situation and establish his own system, so that he can straighten out the officialdom in Shaanxi and put it into operation.

  The key to breaking the situation is to calm the chaos or open up the situation in the military first, otherwise I will not be able to win the trust and support of these veterans in Shaanxi official circles.

  I am new here, so why do I let these people who follow Lu Chuan and Sun Yijie vote for me?

   It is not bad to be able to win over some marginalized people, but this situation will gradually change after he shows his actual performance. This will depend on the support of the Yulin Army and the other three towns.

The conversation with Duan Dehui was very fruitful. Duan Dehui's caravans often take this route, so there must be reliable people along the route. For Feng Ziying, he must also take this route. Of course, Duan Dehui must fully support him. Confidentially.


   "I heard that the governor is sick, how many more days do you want to stay in Datong to recuperate?" Cao Zhengxiu, who came from Xi'an Mansion, asked in a low voice to Fan Yundeng who was sitting silently beside him.

   "I heard that's the case, but the day before yesterday when I went to visit Mr. Feng, I was in a good state of mind. I talked for half an hour and asked about the trade situation between our side and Shaanxi,..."

  Fan Yundeng was not sure either.

Although this little Feng Xiuzhuan has a close relationship with Shanxi merchants, his contact with Xiaofeng Xiuzhuan has always been monopolized by those of the Wang family. Several families ate a lot of money, which made other Shanshan businessmen jealous.

  Master Feng is going to enter Shaanxi this time, and he is staying in his hometown in Datong again. The Wang family did not follow, so it naturally became an opportunity for these Shanshan businessmen.

The situation in Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces is actually similar to that of Beizhili. They are both in the heart of the northern region, rich in coal and iron resources. The only difference is that Beizhili is close to the consumption center of the capital, and there are convenient sea and canal transportation, which can directly connect Jiangnan, Guangdong, and Guangxi. , which makes Beizhili have better conditions than Shanshan.

However, Shanxi and Shaanxi are the heartland of the Northland after all. Cities such as Xi’an, Datong, Taiyuan, Linfen, Zezhou, Qingyang, and Yan’an still have quite strong consumption power. The population of Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces exceeds 12 million. The population of Xi'an Prefecture is close to 2 million, which is enough to show that Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces still have considerable production potential and consumption base.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the coal, iron smelting, iron-making, cement and other industries in Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces have seriously lagged behind Beizhili. Slaves can make more money, so they spared no effort to build coal and iron industries in Suncheon and Yongping.

  However, when opportunities may arise in Shanshan and Shaanxi, they are of course not hesitating to set up such enterprises in their hometowns, which can also be regarded as benefiting their hometowns.

   "Sick after a day's separation?" Cao Zhengxiu was puzzled, "You didn't even see the customer?"

   "I didn't say I didn't see any visitors, but Feng's residence blocked the way. The post was sent in, but there was no response." Fan Yundeng smiled wryly.

"Old Fan, are you just waiting like this?" Cao Zhengxiu said dissatisfiedly, "I finally got such an opportunity to get rid of the shackles of the Wang family. This relationship must be climbed no matter what, and it must be opened. If you are timid, Then I won't be polite."

Fan Yundeng glared at the other party, "You and I are one, why mention such words? Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan is now the governor of Shaanxi, and he may not behave like he was the magistrate in Shuntian Mansion and Yongping Mansion. He has to clean up In the situation in Shaanxi, there may not be too much thought on making a living."

   "Old Fan, my point of view is just the opposite." Cao Zhengxiu waved his hand, "He's going to Shaanxi, I'm afraid he needs our support even more, and this happens to be our opportunity."

  (end of this chapter)

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